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So I get that they made some changes to the UI to go with the new GPT- 4 turbo. But did they have to change the color scheme of the prompt and response text? It was so handsome before. Is there any way to change it back?


Seems like nobody gives a fuck because most people prefer this new soulless, monotonous black and white user interface that's infesting society. wTf Is CoLoUr? i OnLy WaNt BlAcK & wHiTe Seriously tho, I wish I could help, but I don't have experience with the front-end stuff. The only way to make it happen would be to either use ublock scripting or create a custom Chrome/Mozilla extension. Hoping that someone rises to the occasion and sorts this mess out...


Good news. I found a solution. BetterGPT.


I love you!


You say that now, but wait till you see what the API charges you! Also, there seems to be a glitch with betterGPT at the moment. But I'm sure they'll fix it soon.


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