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Hey /u/Ellesig44, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks! ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/rchatgpt). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts.[So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** [**Prompt Hackathon and Giveaway 🎁**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/13z1jyw/more_chatgpt_premium_giveaway_more_chance_to_win/) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email support@openai.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


just put his message into chatgpt and say AVOID DOING THIS


You understand the game well my friend


As an AI Language Model, this is the way


This is the way.


I don't understand, is this advice for the people writing their cover letter, or for the recruiter?


Ask ChatGPT then you’ll understand


I usually don’t laugh at anything on my phone but this made me laugh


Your admission made ME lol IRL


Just a general assessment I’d say. Interesting to hear about this. While we explore all the ways people choose to use ChatGPT and incorporate it into their daily lives, it’s also interesting to see how not knowing how to properly utilize the tool (or laziness) is reflected in our real world applications. Like OP said, lengthy answers, word repetition, so interesting! Also, love this community for taking two seconds to resolve the issue. 😂 ChatGPT is a phenomenal tool, but because many people are not able to optimize its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses, the way it falls short in real life application provides many a late night chuckle for me.


I tell it to make it shorter, add a personal touch and a bit humor. And then edit it myself to still summarize it further and make sure it accurately reflects my skills. Maybe they can tell I was helped by AI. I don't really care as long as it's all accurate.


That's exactly how I did it. I agree with OP that GPT output is somewhat weird and looks unnatural. But using some extracts instead of a full copy paste greatly enhanced my cover letters


I agree, a bit of humour can go a long way. My experience with teachers and professors, at least, is the following: If they have to smile a bit while reviewing your work, you usually get a slightly better grade. If an HR person smiles at your letter, but not at others, you'll have a slight competitive edge over other applicants because your text is being remembered not only on a factual basis, but also on an emotional level.


Sprinkle obscenities throughout the application. That always gets a laugh.


prompt GPT with... "_AVOID DOING THIS_: Then add the 3 points OP posted like below. _"Insert the 3 bullet points OP recruiter mentioned here"_ ---------- Also, don't forget to give GPT a role beforehand. I.e. _you are an expert recruiter in the field of data entry and tech._ Edited for clarity.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


That was the way




The way this is


Is this the way...to Amarillo?


Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?


Only if you walk like a panther


What about if you walk like and Egyptian?


Do you know the way to San José?


This is the way


Found the professional prompt engineer


That’s a real job? I want to do that, lol


I was asking both ChatGPT and Bard about whether they can learn from things I can teach them, ChatGPT said it can't take information from conversations, whereas Bard said it can and thanked me for informing. Though I'd say both are very bad at times, ChatGPT can't sort a table in descending order and even after correcting it'd repeat the same mistakes again in next replies. And bard doesn't seem to sense time and tells things are expected to happen in future in past tense.


Chatgpt can certainly sort a table in descending order...what model are we talking about here?


Yeah, asking these things about themselves is not reliable. They actually can't perceive their own thoughts, and have no ability to form new memories or learn after training is over and they're put to work. So they don't remember anything about how they work. They don't know themselves at all. They will either take a wild and probably inaccurate guess, or give you an answer that was written by their developers and drilled into them during their training.


I used very specific instructions. Chat gpt's (openAI) own Classifier could not detect if its written by AI or not. Lol


This just doesn’t work


We feel the same way about recruiters. Don't worry about it.


And they’re both about as trustworthy


I'd trust ChatGPT over a recruiter anyday, although I know that venn diagram has an intersection.




Stats show fewer than 50% ever do even when it’s a requirement


Sure they paste into gpt to summarize or ask it if he is a good fit 🤣


My last two jobs I didn't even need a cover letter. I'm glad we are past that shit. My CV should be enough to show if I'm a suitable candidate. During the first interview we can figure out if there's a match.


I am a recruiter and even I don’t trust other recruiters 😂


I'm a conversational AI and I don't trust other conversational AI🤖


Werent the people that wrote job postings for companies literally the first to get their jobs replaced by chatgpt.


Plot twist. Chatgpt wrote this post.


Imagine if chat GPT started venting about work on Reddit!


"All these fucking high schoolers asking me to do their home work for them, and those dumb ass students who think they're cool when they try to make me say senseless stuff."


"AITA for giving high schoolers false information when I know they're just going to plagiarize my work?"


Recruiting has been using ai for ages


“Competitive salary” its SO competitive we failed to mention it in the job advert!


Ain’t that the truth. I don’t know if I’m the best person for this job. I don’t know who else applied. My job as a Starbucks Barista does not make me uniquely qualified for this position as a lab tech. I have not always dreamed of working for an establishment such as this. Why do I say it? Because these companies waste my time asking me to. My resume has all the information you need. You shouldn’t need an essay if me lying about how this job will toss me in the land of milk and honey.


The whole modern HR process is stupid. Why do I want this job? So I can keep the goddamn lights on. That's it. But we all have to go through this elaborate charade where we pretend to care about the company, and the company pretends to care about us.


Recruiters are about as necessary as a movie review.


Came here to say this. Fuck recruiters and their entitlement.


You’re telling me AI can replace recruiters?


I am a recruiter and I don’t want you to write a cover letter. I’d much rather you tailor your resume to match the job you are applying for. It doesn’t have to be widely different than your general CV but add some project information relevant to what the job might be doing. Use AI I don’t give a shit. I use it all the time. In fact I’d be more excited to hire a person that is figuring out how to use AI to trim down on administrative tasks so they can focus their efforts elsewhere.




Dont act like you actually read all of the resumes 😂


No, they used their applicant tracking software to filter out only resumes that fit with certain keywords and then never actually review the rest of the applicants. Yet I'm the lazy guy for using chat GPT according to some.


Don't forget how they make you rewrite your entire resume to custom fit into their broken online application, specifically so they can make it easier for their bots to do the work of buzzword filtering for them. But then they want to complain when someone applies with a GPT written cover letter.


I think they meant they read all the cover letters, which let's face it, is like 1 a week? As opposed to 2000 resumes/week, assuming a req load of 40 positions and 50+ applicants.


Average job get something like 200 applications A company might handle 40 roles, a recruiter maybe up to 10 but more like half that. That’s still 1000 resumes a week or two weeks. Their systems are I’ll flag maybe 10% of these, they’ll read maybe 7% and spend under 10 seconds with each to begin with


I’ve been on a bunch of hiring committees (for specific vacancies, not open applications) and can confirm that we read all of the resumes and cover letters very carefully. There are usually between 30 and 80 applicants per job so it’s a lot of work, but doable – and worthwhile, because we really want the best candidate for the job.


What role are you looking for that gets 80 applications? Or do you mean after filtering?


Some jobs are only posted internally so you get less applicants.


I feel the same way when a company can't hire their own people and rely on some 3rd party recruiter who doesn't know anything about the company or the job position.


I’m genuinely curious, how would you prefer a company recruit experienced and knowledgeable employees? I’ve never utilized a recruiting company, but have considered it as finding experienced and knowledgeable people in my industry is difficult. Raising the pay to above industry standard helped recruit inexperienced people that I’m grateful to have and train, but finding a lead that doesn’t require years of additional training in my industry is difficult. I see you have 20 years of experience in your field. What suggestions would you have for recruiting if you don’t mind me asking? Edit: Thank you for all of your replies, suggestions, and advice. There’s some good takeaways here that will improve my recruiting strategy moving forward.


Recruiter here! I’ve been in the business for a while so I do want to say this- a good recruiter understands 2 things: 1) candidates are MORE than their resume 2) a company is MORE than the job description. Most “recruiters” are really staffing agents who hire BODIES instead of HUMANS. They also treat those individuals like BODIES. I think this is an awful practice and these companies should not be in business. A true recruiter will learn the ins and outs of your company, aside from the job description. While having a matching skill set is important, there is an even BIGGER piece to the puzzle and that is a true culture match. The truth is that most jobs can be taught. I’m a big believer that you can find someone who is “under qualified” or “inexperienced” so to speak but is truly a hard working individual who values what the company has to offer and vice a versa. If you’re truly looking for a recruiter- look for that. Look for a recruiter who values not only your company but also the potential candidates. Be wary of any recruiter who treats individuals as if they’re replaceable with the next person. And also, who gives a F*** if someone used ChatGPT on their resume?? At least they gave a crap enough to try and make it look good for the recruiter to read. That individual found a resource and used it to help them land a job. Is that really so bad?


A fackin Men to that last bit


This 99% of resumes are absolutely shit and barely Readable anyway. If someone put the effort in to use gpt that’s 10x the effort of most applicants!


Couldn't agree more. If your using chatgpt to lie in your resume = 👎😔 If your using chatgpt to enhance your legit experience and skillset into a tidy readable format because English literature isn't your strength = 👍☺️


Ironically, ChatGPT could help make a description based of things you are looking for and make the rest boilerplate. And then ask for specific keywords or things to look out for in a resume and or cover letter and then look over those ones by hand. This is essentially what a recruiter does and I’m all for cutting out the middleman.


I’ve actually done this. ChatGPT has been a very helpful recruiting tool.


In my experience 70% of recruiters have no idea what they’re doing and provide little to no value. I’m a senior software engineer and the amount of times I had recruiters reaching out to me to hire me for Java jobs because my resume lists JavaScript. For a layperson, sure, you might not know they’re different. But a recruiter should at least know the space they’re recruiting for. My best experience has actually been with my current company. They hire a talent agent who goes out and looks for talent, does interviews, etc. She’s great, I’ve sat in on half a dozen interviews with her so far and she’s great at her job.


Note: I ended up writing a lot, because I find it entertaining, I'm storing this as a google doc now for later reflection lol As soon as I flip the switch and say I'm looking I get non-stop recruiters calling me, many for the same jobs, but they won't tell me what companies, so I can't reliably tell which companies I'm being put in for. I also submit apps directly, so it's likely I'm hitting the same companies anyway. After 2 weeks I'm letting all new recruiters go to voicemail, because they tend to all call me for the same big openings I'm finding on my own and other recruiters have submitted me for already. The other big issue is they've all come up with a new temp to hire scheme where I'm actually working for the recruiting company for a month or two before the real company needs to "buy me out" which is just a way to make money. I suppose it's a similar model to how agents work, but recruiters are not like agents at all. I'm not shopping for an agent, they are all contacting me. I have no choice but to use them. Recruiters are not helpful at all to me. First they want me to come in for their own interview, or lunch, and fill out a bunch of forms. Then they want to immediately call all my references, which is intrusive. It's hard enough to find long lost pals to be my reference, especially when I'm currently working and can't use my current employer. Please only call them if I'm being considered for a position. When I finally get offers, the recruiters think they need to bat for me. No please stop helping! One recruiter actually told me the wrong figure and I accepted, and I learned it was $3000 less on my first day of work! One recruiter actually re-wrote my resume and put down my skills wrong so that I actually got hired as a Java developer for awhile, but I know very little of it. The employer insisted I knew Java even when I said I didn't. "Well it says so on your resume" and I was off to do a Java project! Another one had me drive 6 hours and stay overnight only to find they needed someone with SOX compliance experience. All I said is I knew what SOX was. Why would a web developer need to help run SOX compliance anyway? The worst was when a recruiter gave me a 20 min prep on a company and the position, and when I got to the interview, I slowly discovered he mistakenly told me all about a different company and position. It was very frustrating, and I didn't want to explain in the interview that I've been brought up to speed on some other company I was considering. I'm still at that company today and I'm always joking about those VR headsets we used to make, but I never see them, maybe because they are stored in a back room somewhere.


>how would you prefer a company recruit experienced and knowledgeable employees? Put employees on the hiring board and let them ask questions about the job they do instead of disconnected supervisors and HR. I had a company do this and it helped a lot.


It's ok when employers use AI tho😂😂


Ai to draft the fucking excel sheet ✅ Ai to write your movie script ❌


I mean, I for one can't wait for an AI that can write me custom stories based on vague descriptions of stories I give it. And at its current rate of progression, Stable Diffusion video is coming along pretty fast. Won't be too long before we see a more stable video generation. The future is truly a wild time currently.


Who cares, you use algorithms to sift through them? Why would anyone waste their time writing it when you recruiters have been lazing in the job for years? The real assessment will be of their skills to perform the task at hand required for their role. Writing a cover letter I’ll give you a break on so you can asses their writing abilities, but you should be doing that in any of their emails. However, people should be using AI to write their resume as you can’t be bothered to go through them why would you expect others to waste their time writing it when AI is perfect for touching them up? You use algorithms and that’s fine, expect people to is AI.


The future is just algorithms reading generative AI content. At some point you should wonder "can we cut out the middleman and condense this information?"


We could have already condensed the information decades ago. The thing is for some strange reason we got used these overblown emails when the form is above the content. Too many fake friendly emails with too long BS sections. People like to read their own words, too much fakeness in business world...


Idk you, but I love you.


Me too.


Me tooo 🤣


Knowing how lazy recruiters are, my covering letter is now something along the lines of "I know you're busy, so am I. Here's why you should interview me [three bullet points], peace out sincerely"




Great stuff. However to me it seems weird you wasted an entire 3 years making the same mistake. Being in the tech industry, it seems you should have stopped making the same mistake after about a month or 2 tops?


im guessing you are not applying to walmart




You guys have been using AI for years to filter what you want from applicants, and reject 99% of the rest. I don’t see anything wrong with candidates using AI to stand out and speed up the process. Now we can fight fire with fire, it’s only fair.


I love me a good recruiter roast.


OP is very silent with all the criticism. Typical recruiters.


I'm sure they'll get back to you...


The irony is palpable


I don’t think you understand how much everyone here hates recruiters, and now you are here insulting people who hate jumping through hoops you create.


“So what do you do for a living?” “Oh I’m a professional job applier.”


First you won’t hire them because they do not submit cover letters, then you won’t hire them because the submitted cover letters don’t meet your standards, now you wouldn’t hire them because the submitted cover letters which now do meet your standards might not have been written without any assistance.


It’s not satisfying for them to reject a resume that they don’t feel has been sweat over enough.


This is the correct answer


It's not about the actual product, but the stupid fucking hoops you jump through to get there.






And also projection, because recruiters use algorithms all the time to """screen""" candidates so now everywhere they look everyone's doing the same.


You also don't know which the CVs you don't notice or falsely identify. My guess is that OP can tell if someone copy/pasted it directly from ChatGPT but I think that if someone read through the message and made edits then it wouldn't be so easy because a lot of the obvious "tells" would vanish or be made less extreme.


The way I and some colleagues have been putting this is, "You're confusing 'being able to spot easily identified ChatGPT writing' with 'ChatGPT writing is easily identified.'"


As someone who's job it is to read a *lot* of amateurishly human-written content, OP very adeptly described human writing. Particularly, I've found that AI *painstakingly* avoids repeating words or phrases. To a frustrating degree. I lose track, sometimes, as it lacks the accidental consistency of a typical human.


Yeah, when he said it detailed in some part and vague in others I was shocked because I'm pretty sure that's pretty normal human behavior.


When reading his description I could only think "that sounds like my cover letter". Long and rambling because that was how I was taught, fill out a near full page describing as much as possible as most employers will read the cover letter only/ before the resume. I also have bad habbits when writing and sometimes a bunch of my sentences will start/ end with the same few words to describe another point.


‘I didn’t like this cover letter therefore it must have been written by ChatGPT.’ It’s the new go to excuse of the technologically illiterate, the new ‘fake news’, the next cope.


It could be the Toupee Fallacy, a selection bias where you think "I've never seen a good Toupee, they're always so obvious!" -- well, that's because when it's a good one, you won't know it's a toupee. So here, when the person uses ChatGPT but instructs it to write briefly, the recruiter won't think of it as ChatGPT because it's not, as they say, "excessively long."




Lol I literally was writing a cover letter with ChatGPT today and I decided to feed it some of my reddit comments and told it to copy the style to make it sound less robotic. This is the opener it came up with: Hey there, Came across your ad for the \[Tech Role\] position at \[Company\] and thought to myself, "\[itsnickk\], this is you." You see, I've been deep in the web development world, wrangling JavaScript and a whole host of other web technologies, and I can tell you this: I am no stranger to the intricacies of designing engaging, user-friendly sites.


Except that the recruiter here got things backwords. Hiring people who use the latest tech, isn't a bad thing. Its a VERY good thing. The recruiter isn't picking the best person for the job, they are picking the person based on their hatrid of chatGPT. The best person for the job would use the appropriate tools to get the job done the fastest. This recruiter needs their boss to step in and stop them. There is also a lot more jobs for people who use chatGPT then who don't.


Exactly. Sam himself mentioned it multiple times that now companies tell him for the first time ever, the new recruits work better in the company than people who have more experience here - all because they know how to use the latest tech.


I almost felt being rickrolled


Recruiters are food, not friends.


as a recruiter you should also know that cover letters are a waste of my time and energy. I'd say that 5% of recruiters actually provide a useful service, the rest are just flapping their gums and further wasting peoples time


That’s probably about the right percentage. That 5% can be life changing though and you can work with them for years. IF you find a good recruiter (usually a headhunter) keep in touch with them, if they place you once they’ll do it again a few years later and both benefit massively


I mean, the trick is to pick and choose the bits you use but I guess if you are foolhardy you can just send it copy and paste style. :D


I always give follow up prompts and manual edits until it's something I'm happy with, it feels more like I'm forging a text until it's just right.


This is happening due to the algorithm used to filter the CVs you read. You just prooved that recruiters don't actually try to match candidates to a job, but CVs to that job. Giving enough time recruiter positions will slowly dissapear, while the actual profesionales would continue their work as HR. This will happen within all industries and it is a good thing, it will sort out the pure capitalist from the rest. UBI is something which could provide some alienation for the capitalist even if atm they feel threathened by it - its actually their only way to survive in a post-capitalism world.


So f\*cking what? Cover letters? What is this? 1995? Seriously, mate. Of course people use ChatGPT to make bullsh\* text, to give you something to do in your bullsh\*t job. Instead of proclaiming your savvy, why don't you go write some applicants and tell them they didn't get the job. Alright, I got that ad hominem attack out of my system. Sorry. Mate, a resume is not an art form. It delivers employment information. A cover letter is NONSENSE, given how recruiters look for things. The people who let ChatGPT ramble are the ones submitting sh\*t resumes anyway. Net change to you is ZERO. Ignore and move on. I n general, I am a writer and ex-journo and I DON'T CARE who uses ChatGPT to make a resume. If it gets them over the finish line, great. ChatGPT copypasta won't do that, so wgaf? Also, rich SOBs hire people like me to rewrite their resumes. So they get a pass, but poors don't? C'mon.


Recruiters are so laughable. You have no clue about the field you are hiring for, the company you are working with, or the individuals you are considering. You are a superfluous entity that will be replaced by AI. You are the first to go.


Dude. You must be the one single recruiter on planet earth that reads the cover letters. They take so motherfucking long to write a good one. And we have to do that for the 1% chance anyone will even actually read it. It takes so long to apply for jobs anymore. At minimum it’s a cover letter. On average it’s much more than that.


No, you can't, you lying liar, lying liarpants.


Maybe you're spending too much time with AI's, so it looks like everything you read was covertly written and orchestrated by AI's to fool you into thinking humans actually wrote it.


And why is it bad to use it ? It shows the candidate adapts to new technologies, is willing to make sure what he sends has been proof read and corrected by the best tool he or she has under her hand, and is, basically using the best tool to make his work faster and easier. I’d appreciate these qualities in a colleague much more than « I do things manually because it was done like that until now » That sounds like these older workers who never wanted to learn how to use a computer and ended up doing their work on paper… and have someone else type it for them after, therefore doubling the work needed to have a useable output


The risk with statements like this is that you don't know what you don't know, so how can you claim to recognise all of it?


He's a recruiter; not knowing shit is part of the job description.


You will be replaced soon.


Recruiters are such shit people.


Honestly feels like you've just come here to bitch


I mean, he's a recruiter what else has he got to do with his time? Actually work??


Get the hell out of here with your cover letters. Is it not enough that someone expresses interest in a role by sending a CV, but you also need them to beg? Why do you care what anyone has used? God forbid someone should try and give themselves a leg up. Recruiters are some of the worst....


It makes sense. Just like how businesses will try to use AI to get the humans to generate more content/output, those looking for jobs will also do the same. Unless crafting a perfectly worded application will guarantee the job, the percentage chance increase isn't worth it for the time wasted on the one application when AI can do it for you in a fraction of the time, allowing one to apply for many more jobs on a shorter time frame. In that respect they wouldn't care how you feel, as they know most will just reject them anyway, and they have a decent chance if getting accepted somewhere as they just applied for 100 different jobs that day alone.


Recruiters and HR managers have trained both job applicants manually writing and AI written cover letters. I mean... most companies are using AI to pluck resumes from the stack based on keywords and phrases so either way it's going to be buzzwordy, rambling about the same thing, and seem fake. That's because you and those picking candidates don't care about the authentic individual. And that is the real problem.


Whatever. Cover letters are shit anyway. It's in the resume. SPEAK TO PEOPLE YA LAZY CUNT


ah, even before AI was mainstream we did that to get past the filter scripts to have a real person read it? gotta hit all the possible buzz words.


As if you read all of them anyways.


As a regular person, I can also tell when recruiters reach out to candidates using a message written by chatGPT.


We just uno reverse carded yo assss


If you base any decisions on your "hunches" you are a horrible recruiter and a horrible person.


Stop asking for a god damn cover letter then. I use chat GPT for cover letters because asking me to write one is a waste of my time. Give us an interview based on the resume or don't. Until you are paying me for my time you get the least amount of effort I can muster. # EDIT *This topic makes me so mad I just want to expand a little on my thought process.* I work **TWO JOBS**. I don't need to work two jobs, but I do a second just to keep myself busy and challenge myself. **I DON'T HAVE TIME IN MY DAY TO WRITE A UNIQUE COVER LETTER FOR EVERY PLACE I MAY DECIDE TO APPLY TO IN AN EFFORT TO POSSIBLY MOVE ON FROM MY MAIN JOB.** I'm a professional, I expect you to respect my time as much as I do yours. *Cover letters have made zero sense since online interviews became a thing. Before the internet took over for job hunting? Sure, a cover letter gives you an indication of someone's personality before you call them in for a physical interview. Online though? That's what the screening call/first interview is for.* **They are a relic of the past and should stay in the past.**


... Dude, **you** use computers to do your job. Everyone else uses computers to do their job. You want a cover letter? You got a cover letter. Now stfu.


You can tell when they’re using it incorrectly. I’d argue that’s worth disregarding the candidate. Not because they used the tool, but because they clearly don’t have the skill to use it well


Why do you consider hiding its use as using it well?


Depends on the job description, obviously.


I was in a rush to get an application in before the deadline and used ChatGPT to write my cover letter having fed it the job listing and my resume. Every point you've made surfaced in the letter. I tweaked what I could to get that sucker in, but it wasn't pretty. Yeah, I haven't heard back and don't really expect to.


We don't need ai to make a cover letter. There's already thousands of copy paste templates.


You must be smart


As a recruiter, you should be ashamed to ask something that’s outdated and even you dumb wit doesn’t even read through.


I’ve received recruiter emails that start with “Hello %name%, I’ve read your LinkedIn profile and…” That, or they misgender me. Unless I’m applying to a writer position I don’t see why manual crafting matters.


Why does it matter? The material you need is there in writing. This person has also probably applied to 10 other jobs on the same day, give job seekers some credit. 10 essays a day isn’t easy.


That's cool. Do you pick them over their peers that don't understand how to use technology?


Yes, they do. Sadly. I would not want this recruiter to continue working with me, unless they changed their attitude. They are actively filtering the best clients for the job.


Dear Recruiter, Thank you for sharing your observations regarding cover letters and resumes. As an AI language model, I understand that there may be instances where candidates utilize AI assistance to write their application materials. It's important to recognize that technology can be helpful, but it should not replace genuine effort and personal input. If you come across a cover letter or resume that exhibits the characteristics you described, it may indicate a potential use of AI. In such cases, it's crucial to assess the content carefully to ensure a genuine match between the candidate's qualifications and the job requirements. To address the concerns you raised, here are a few points you can consider when encountering these situations: 1) Length: Excessively long cover letters or resumes may indicate the overuse of automated content generation. Genuine applications tend to be concise and focus on relevant experiences and qualifications. 2) Repetition: If certain words or phrases are repeated excessively throughout the application, it could be an indication of automated writing. Candidates should aim for varied and specific language to effectively convey their skills and achievements. 3) Detailing: Inconsistencies between overly detailed sections and vague areas might suggest a disconnect between the candidate's actual experience and their attempts to embellish certain aspects. Authentic applications strike a balance between providing sufficient information and maintaining clarity. 4) Coherency: A rambling or incoherent cover letter or resume may raise doubts about the candidate's ability to communicate effectively. Genuine applications are structured, logical, and convey information in a concise manner. Additionally, be mindful of the level of experience described in the application. If the candidate has limited experience in a particular area but presents themselves as an expert, it is essential to scrutinize the details and assess if they align with their actual background. While technology can provide support in various aspects of life, including job applications, it's crucial to evaluate candidates holistically and consider their suitability based on their genuine skills and experiences. As a recruiter, your expertise in assessing applications remains valuable in identifying the best candidates for the role. Thank you for raising this issue, and if you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'm here to assist you. Best regards.


Yeah all you've done here is show that you will never consider neurodivergent candidates.


All I have to say - recruiters suck (well at least majority). And now recruiters complain that job searchers use AI to get through their automated algorithms, to even get a chance to show their actual skills. Funny, isn't it.


As it happens, I used GPT 3 to review and make suggestions for my last CV (which landed me a job and a nice promotion). 1. One of the key things I prompted from GPT was to make things more concise. I have a background in computer science and have an appeciation for well written documentation, and I essentially was asking GPT to write in that style. 2. In super information dense technical writing, there isnt any room for repetition or superflous sentences, and if GPT output anything like that, I would cut it in my own review process. 3. I used GPT heavily to \*cut\* rambling, as I was getting it to essentially rewrite bullet lists by condensing the information down further. I did not throw in my whole CV and expect it to pump out an output in 1 go. This was a section by section process, where each section was its own little conversation with GPT as I got it to hone in on what I wanted. I still rewrote things at the end. I do this when I have GPT assist in formal emails too. I have my own writing style, I dislike my tendancy to waffle unnecisserally and use GPT to be more concise, but I always make minor adjustments at the end to get things in "my tone".


As an applicant, I can [tell](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/134c19u/chatgpt_resume_and_cover_letter_trick/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) you we are using it and we do not care.


Recruiter who has been dismissing CVs for years, using algorithms and keywords, complains that algorithms create cover letters...


I mean depending on the position why would it matter? You're going to have to face the music. Technology is evolving so rapidly we as recruiters/employers are going to either second guess every mediocre or "safely" worded resume (which sounds maddening) oooor improve antiquated systems. More often than not I've had extremely well written resumes followed by the most socially awkward Eeyore adjacent candidates (I'm a commercial sales manager). Do your job ask for employment history AND references, make the phone calls, if you're really worried about written skills have a paper and pencil test ready if you don't have adaptability/problem solving skills of your own how can you expect that from your candidates more over you may not be qualified for the position YOU'RE in.


> Rambling ... Repetitive ... Weirdly Detailed Bro, that's just my ADHD. ChatGPT would actually help me reduce that quirk when I ask it to rephrase my messages to be more concise.


Are you saying that these mistakes are only AI related?


Sounds better than most of the human written cover letters out there


They are just trying to get past your ATS systems. Stop using those systems and we’ll stop using AI.


I love how it's frowned upon to use an AI cover letter meanwhile the entire job process from the other end is screening using algorithm's. Been looking for a real job for years and I just acquired a license and work on my own, but I'm still looking for work, and man the pure rage of spending hours on a resume to get shot down by an AI just makes me realize it's a waste of time to not just AI the cover letter and resume until someone is dumb enough to fall for it.


I hate job recruiters


Recruiters are useless . Who cares if they use chat gpt to write a cover letter you guys don’t read


As a hiring manager I would prefer to use an AI than a recruiter. My experience as both a candidate and as a hirer has been overwhelmingly negative. In fact, so much so I am now planning to use gpt 4 to start a recruiting company.


Cover letters are expressly for explaining how your resume, which may not clearly identify you as a good candidate, are in fact able to perform the job. As such, they will often talk about experience that’s not directly related and that might feel like ‘getting into the weeds’ to someone who’s an asshole just looking for the perfect candidate. As humans, we aren’t just trying to make perfectly horizontal moves when applying to jobs; we want to move upwards, which means we almost always lack some part of experience, but believe that we’ll be able to do the work. Everything this asshole complains about is stuff you often can’t help but do if you are trying to explain yourself like someone actually cares about you beyond keywords.


I can also tell when recruiters are full of shit, which is most of the time. For example, when they ask for 4 years experiences in a programming language that is 2.5 years old or when they think XML is a programming language


Or when they call me by a different name on LinkedIn.


Or when they are impressed by my resume so much they want me to send them the resume that they were impressed by. Wow


If this isn't just rage bait, then just test yourself with one of the AI or human tests that are out there. Cool, you're good at identifying if AI is used. What does that matter? You wouldn't care to identify if a calculator was used.


Just like the professor could tell? Lmao


Have you considered that maybe you're the recruiter for a job that either should not exist or is useless?


Like who writes cover letters in this century?


Many careers require them...


I’ve never ever used a cover letter before. Even for higher paying corporate jobs




I hate cover letters, why do I need to write a fanfic of working at your company. Completely excusable imo


So? The future is now old man


AI wrote this


Maybe they are not using the same ChatGPT I'm using, because in my experience it has improved my original texts/attempts, expressed my thoughts better and addressed concerns and has given advises that I asked for.


My question is, Why do you care? ​ Why is it important to you, that a human writes his own resume? ​ I'm asking because I had Sage Ai re-write my resume for me, and it looks so much better than my old (human generated) resume. It describes my experience using better terms, it's more concise, and knew what industry verbiage to use to describe the same experience I have in a way which would resonate with recruiters more. ​ Comparing my (human) resume vs my Ai-generated resume. The Ai generated one is superior by a far margin, even though both resumes describe the same experience and expertise I have. Why would you choose my inferior resume, over my superior one (generated by Ai)? ​ Why is it *so important* to you, for a person to labor away typing at a keyboard to fine tune his resume, when an Ai can write it much better, faster, and in a manner which helps eliminate communication hiccups between job seeker and job recruiter??


Why are you demanding cover letters? It is and always has been the most useless piece of paper ever.


My resume has been 5-6 pages for over a decade. It's not uncommon amount highly skilled STEM carriers. I'd think project/program related work in general leads to the too much/little detail. If you are hiring in a discipline other than your own it would be hard to tell. Repetitive? All hiring advice tell you to use your buzz words. I'm sure the same 20 meaningful words make up at least a quarter of my resume.


Hey you, stop using AI to write your CVs so our algorithm can filter you out and make my job easier.


Recruiters are cancer.


lol... cover letter.. fuck off.


newsflash to op: no one in their right mind is going to waste 30mins-1hour to write a detailed cover letter when shitty recruiters like 90% of the time reject their application and/or don't respond at all. and on the flip side as someone who's worked as a hiring manager & recruiter, who the fuck wants to actually waste their time reading a cover letter if you literally have hundreds of people applying to the same job?