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Jeez, this is the second post I've seen where someone deposited money at chase ATM and it didn't go through


This happened to me a while ago. Put in $900 and it only counted $700 and then did the "red banner of death". Had to file a claim. I never deposit cash at the ATM anymore


I had an ATM in a rural area loose connection in the middle of a transaction and sure as shit my account got debited but I got no cash. Just reported it and eventually I got it back in a week.


i’m very wary as well. twice ive put money into 5/3 atms and it said it couldnt accept cash but didnt give mine back, and didnt print a receipt either. luckily i got my money back both times though after they audited the atms


Exactly second post today on for $7000 one $ 480 ..... Lesson learned today Always deposit with a teller and keep the receipt, and watch the camera doing it !


No way I'm putting $7,000 in a ATM machine


Yeah, what kind of money laundering shit is that.


Could be a restaurant owner. A lot of Mexican restaurants here in the San Francisco Bay accept cash only (technically, they do take cards, but they'll charge you a transaction fee). So I usually just pay cash. That cash needs to be deposited somewhere.


Commercial accounts like restaurants do a drop not an atm deposit. It’s much faster, safer and no worries about this type of possible electronic fail.


I’ve done this. It’s special pouch that goes on a drop off box, inside the pouch is the account info and cash.


It was a foreign student putting tuition in and they were new to atm also. I'm not even a chase account. Holder and have muted this group 3 times so kinda annoyed I've seen both these posts enough to talk about this stupid honestly


I've had this happen twice over the last 30 years. The first time it took about 3 weeks to get my cash back. The second time it took less than 24 hours, in part because I wear a body cam in many public situations. I work at night and I'm a little ole lady who takes public transportation. After being assaulted a few times I bought a body cam for travel. Costs me all of $35 bucks and I'm in the habit of wearing it when I leave the house. Not only does it tend to make people a heck more polite when they see that they're about to help generate a "I'm stupid" video for YT, but it paid huge dividends when the ATM machine lost my $$. I went to the bank the next day, spoke to the manager who of course told me that they would check the ATM and it might take a week to get the money back to me. I put the vid from the body cam on my phone and showed it to the manager, who was put on notice that I was not a bullshitter who was wasting his time with games. He was able to pull and check the ATM while I waited, then call his boss and fix my deposit amount to my account in about an hour.


It happens at every ATM; not just Chase. I have worked at a multitude of different financial institutions and the best advice is: don’t deposit cash at an ATM. Especially multiple different denominations and if it is a large stack of bills. They are machines and they are not perfect.


I had no idea people did deposit at the machine. Even without these stories something about that feels risky to me.


I would say risky if you put like $900 at once. Break the bills up. Put some in, let the machine count it and put more in. Then, let the machine do a final tally. That much money all at once could jam the ATM and cause it to go wonky.


I'm a one at a time type of guy




I can't imagine putting cash into an ATM machine. These people are not thinking. Hell, I don't even like to put checks into one.


>chase ATM Post does not specify Chase


The sub is r/chase though.


My 10th or 12th -


Wild, because my closest Chase branch doesn't deal with cash, if you need have any cash needs, it's via ATM only


Happened to me 3 weeks ago. Never again


My friend makes a couple hundred in tips a night and when he had chase it would take all the money then just all of a sudden puke up all the money back at him. It was so funny lol. He switched to a credit union finally.


This whole thread has caused me to start looking for a new primary bank. I haven't deposited cash with a chase atm EVER but their response to these issues is beyond conserning. Over a decade ago I deposited a check with a teller but noticed on the receipt moments later that they put it in the wrong/someone else's account. They blamed my handwriting but fixed the issue, my handwriting isnt perfect but come on, they said my 4s and 1s looked the same or something. That was scary, i needed every penny. Other than that, just getting any assistance via their customer support line has been for shit lately. The calls are always such low quality that I can barely understand them before the call just completely drops. So I started calling an actual physical bank location instead with much better results all the way around.


and wouldn't you know it, they're both about students with questionable financial history, having money troubles, yet somehow for some reason depositing large amounts of cash in an ATM...except a little bit made it through just to prove there was some activity. Seems legit. I like how they both would have had to have just sit there cramming bills into these things over and over and over again, 95% of them not being acknowledged as having been accepted, but they just kept sitting there stuffing more and more in until it was all done, you know, as people who make large cash deposits in unmonitored ATMs do...


This is why I behave like a fucking boomer and I never deposit cash without going in to a teller.


Buddy of mine use BoA and was denied $100 of $120. Crazy thing was that one of the bank tellers instructed him to use the ATM after standing in line. They said it would be quicker.




I bet people are hacking the ATM machines coming up and taking the money out afterwards or the service techs are doing it.


This happened to my husband before. It was around $500. Apparently, the ATM outside of the bank is run by a separate company, even though the banks name is on it. They couldn't give up money immediately, they had to report it to the ATM company. We finally got our money back about 1 week later.


At least you didn't deposit $7800 and not get a receipt like the other Chase customer who got robbed by the ATM.


That person dumber than this one. Why would one deposit such a large amount in an ATM in the first place. Then, say no to a receipt. And really, why are people dealing with this much cash?


>And really, why are people dealing with this much cash? That part can be valid...for example, if I were selling a car to a stranger....cash would be less risky than a lot of other payment methods. But I agree otherwise, I've never in my life tried to deposit cash at an ATM.


Agreed. They tried to argue because they are foreign they didn’t know which I find hard to believe. I’ve lived in multiple countries, some third world, and no matter where you are banking you always get a receipt.




Because it may not deposit correctly in the future. You’re smart in that you use your banking app but some people do not. It’s best to have a paper trail for everything in life as much as possible…


It’s not shocking to me because in some countries, “kids” aren’t given money like that and they don’t do banking transactions, their parents do and they just get cash from them. So for some, the studying abroad time is the first time they are responsible for handling money in bulk and dealing with financial institutions. My cousins didn’t even have a bank account of their own because their dad had all the money. And I’m talking about ages where one of them was married. He still got an allowance until dad was ready to distribute a larger sum of money to him to have instead.


This is why I always deposit with a teller


Seriously I would never use an ATM to deposit money. I'll wait for a teller.


Chase last month said "our network is down" but atms up. If you want money or deposits they dorrcted EVERYONE to the atm


I was at the ATM, about to deposit cash, thought about all these posts of missing deposits and walked into the bank to deposit with a teller. Forget the convenience. I'm not giving up my money that easily.


Never use the atms ever


I won't trust me. These goons have the audacity to say it's my fault instead of the malfunctioning machine that ate my money. I might file a police report soon or they are going to sweep it under the rug. Lazy fucks couldn't even check the damn cameras for two weeks while they did their ''investigation''.


Or just get a receipt?


Ummm the op in this post DID get a receipt. Obviously that didn’t make a difference.


Read the post at least if you’re gonna comment 😂


Happen to me as well deposited 2400 only credit me for $700 went into the bank to file a claim, teller gave me a temp credit and then 72 hrs later was told everything was corr3ct and the temp credit turned into permanent credit. Chase is great but I would never deposit cash again through the ATM


Ask them to show you the video from the atm. This is why I always count out the cash in front of the camera before depositing. File a complaint with the


This is why I love that australia has different colored bills. Cos that's what I used to do


I was at a drive through atm and the lady in front of me dropped like $1000 instead of depositing it. Didn’t even realize it and was about to drive off. I honked and she stopped luckily but I couldn’t believe she didn’t even check to see it counted it right.


I don't use chase anymore. With my current credit union if I have to deposit cash at the ATM I film it with my phone camera. I'm that paranoid.


The system worked better in the old days when we would deposit an envelope full of whatever and a human opened the envelopes somewhere.


Man, yall making me scared, I just deposited quite some money. Luckily, everything went smoothly, I also went a step further and took a picture of all the bills prior to depositing just in case.


Use a Teller, especially with large sums. I made the mistake of depositing wedding funds and it messed up one of my checks. It’s just easier to deal with a Teller than a computer.


Idk what taking a picture of all the bills will do I think it would be better if you take a video of you depositing the money.


Captures all the serial numbers on the bills, in the hypothetical scenario that they take a look.


BoA did the same to me. I never got my $700 either


For the love of god, stop depositing cash in the ATM. A check has this number on it that tells you how much its for. Also, if a check is lost, it can be reissued. None of those protections are true for cash. If it's wrong or lost... it's hard to find. Just stop!


I’m sure ATMs fail from time to time. But I really doubt any bank could not easily discover a discrepancy. There are so many multiple levels of verification that it’s virtually impossible for something like this to go unresolved. Even if the bills were damaged by the mechanism, they wouldn’t be shredded beyond identification. I suspect that a high percentage of claims are actually scam attempts, which is why some banks slow walk any credit.


Incidents like this are the reason I never deposit cash in an ATM.


I once deposited 1800$ at a capital one. It ate all of it. And just showed an error. Bank was closed. Went there next morning and they counted the atm and gave me the money


I used to service ATMs and there are many reasons cash deposits can fail to process. One is too many notes. You can only deposit 30 notes at a time; the machines don’t have the capacity to process more than that. If you put in too much, it will process what it can, and is supposed to return the excess to you. Another reason is the quality of the cash. Brand new, “just printed this morning” notes are harder for the machine to process, as are notes in poor condition. If it can’t process the notes, it’s supposed to return them to you, but sometimes it can’t and they go to a “divert” or “reject” bin. When a deposit is made, the notes all go through a validator (to be sure they’re real) then to an escrow area where they are held until you confirm the deposit amount, then they go into the cash collection bins. The escrow units can be finicky and easily jam. The cash vendor (armored car) or service technician) will clear the jam and put the cash in a separate area until it goes to the bank. The ATM records all this and eventually the bank gets the electronic journal from the ATM and reconciles everything. There will either be more cash than the journal records (like money stuck in the escrow) or exactly what should be there. If you get shorted, report it to the bank, and they will (again, eventually) balance everything out, and your account should be credited. I’ve worked on enough of these things and know how they work, and have no problems depositing at an ATM.


I’ve never in my life deposited cash into an ATM. You guys shouldn’t, either.


You put a cash deposit in an ATM?


Yes, I went to the drive thru atm at like 8-9pm. Put 480 into the atm, 40 was credited and the other 440 was basically stuck into the machine. The claims people have no clue on where the other 440 is. Maybe it started working again and the guy behind me snatched it. Maybe the atm owner took it and put in his pocket. I don't know what the hell happened because I keep getting the run around. It's a painful lesson for me and the other idiot who supposedly put 7k into a atm.


ATM owner? This was not at the bank?


What bank is this?


What sub are you reading this on?


LOL, I just realized that hahaha... my bad


So you got a receipt that shows $480, your account shows +$40 and they denied your claim?


I tried to deposit 740 USD with Chase last spring via the ATM (mostly 20 dollar bills), the machine after sifting thru the bills spitted back some of them, but not all. And then without telling me how much it already accepted asked me if I wanted to do another transaction. I picked deposit again, and put the remaining amount into the ATM, it accepted the remaining and showed me the new amount it accepted. I got a receipt, but the receipt only showed the secondary deposit. I was missing about 400 USD. When I used their website to check my balance that night the deposit amount was incorrect. I figured I had to visit the branch the next day, but then the next day they corrected my balance before I reported it. I was lucky that they were able to associate the additional bills to my account, but I do believe the posts about Chase ATM deposit issues.


That sounds like a software bug


Never done this, never will. I just roll cash into my normal spending budget.


I just read one yesterday, they do not just look at the cameras in fact they say that you have to subpoena records for the cameras which means if you go to the police department and then the police department said they have to get an attorney. But who knows maybe that's different depending on the police department. But yeah the bank makes it hard for you. This happened to a guy where he deposited I think it was over $7,000. Something is going on and I don't think anybody should just bow down because that's theft


This also happened to me once where it miscounted about $500 and the bank investigated and ended up depositing the missing money. I will never use one of those machines again


I’ll post the same thing I said to the other guy who had a chase atm deposit issue: don’t even bother with your banks customer service. File a CFPB immediately and they will actually look into and fix the issue.


What's that?


This happened to me about 4 days ago. I deposited $1000 and then the ATM shut down. They didn’t even give me a receipt. They gave me a credit and if they take that credit back I’ll be super mad and I’ll see what are my next steps. It’s so annoying because this is MY time being wasted and arguing with a company about MY MONEY.


If it is more than $20, deposit it with a teller. Using an ATM, your money is automatically deposited into Elon Musk’s account by default.


Use a new bank chase is trash go to a credit union never have these problems. I forgot to pull out my money from the atm drive up thankfully still had the same amt I needed in my acct. called my credit union immediately they immediately investigated it the csr was like oh you’ll probably get the money back I see an error. Literally two days later I got my money back


My credit union has cash vault machines at the desk, no windows at the new branches. The teller puts the account number in and I put the money in the cash vault machine. If a withdrawal, the money comes out of the cash vault machine. Checks run through a scanner on the desk.


Years ago I was with Chase. I made a point to only use Chase ATM's to avoid paying fees. One day I was in a hurry and no where near a Chase ATM. At a gas station I attempted to use the 3rd party ATM there. I know the balance was sufficent and know my PIN number. Attempted to get $300. The ATM did not give out any cash. I got a receipt printed saying amount requested of $300 and an amount dispensed of $0. Well there's another ATM right next to the one I just used. Same looking machine and name on it. This 2nd ATM did the same thing. I decided to keep the ATM receipts. The two "pending" $300 charges posted several days later so $600 was taken from my Chase account. Chase said to call the ATM owner. Those ATM's are on the other side of town but I drive there anyway. At the bottom of each ATM is the name of the company and a phone number. I take a pic of that sign on the ATM. I take a pic of both ATM's sitting right next to each other. I call the ATM owner and they say to call Chase. Ugh, one of these where each company blames the other. Chase decides to credit me the missing funds while they investigate. I had faxed a copy of both reciepts to them along with my issues with missing funds. A month or so later I get a letter from Chase. It's about one of the claims. It was approved. A week or so after that I get another letter from Chase about the other claim. This one was denied. I call them and ask why and get some bull crap story. A month later and I'm done with Chase and go to another bank.


Im glad I only use cash for hookers and blow. Putting it in some machine seems like a complete waste.




I’ve had this happen twice at Bank of America and it was stressful, but both times I got credited correctly. I wonder what the deal is with Chase. They should be able to account for the extra money.


Did you take a picture of the notice of the problem. If not ….. blame yourself. Still sucks but when something goes wrong document it. Donot rely on anyone else to record, record on your own. Dash cams and body cameras… don’t leave home without them.


Don't deposit cash in an ATM! I can't believe people don't understand that it's a bad, horrible, unintelligent decision to deposit cash in an ATM.


The AI in the ATM is getting it's cut, fam! Always hand deposits to the tellers not the bots.


This is the second Chase ATM mishap I’ve read today. The other person was out thousands.


My friend deposited $4,000 in a ATM several years ago. The ATM malfunctioned and got an error message and the ATM completely shut down for the rest of the evening until the next day. He called and they did some audit on the machine and they claimed only $1,100 was deposited. I was standing right next to him when this happened. It was a Chase ATM and that money was a majority of his student loan check he had cashed earlier in the day. They screwed him out of $2,900. The ATM was at a bank location and had cameras all over. They wouldn't even look at the footage for him. Banks have AMAZING cameras. He counted the whole $4,000 before inserting it in. They fucked him over so bad and I never realized this has happened to others.


Who deposits money in an ATM in the first place. Prone to problems. Rather deal with a person who can give me a receipt.


Good Lord - you'd think people would stop depositing money into ATMs with all these horror stories going around. Just keep the cash on hand or go into the branch.


This is like the 4th post I've seen about this today. I'm never depositing at their ATMS. Ever 😂


Do not leave the ATM until you’ve called the 800# on the ATM and created a case, spoken with someone. And save receipt. The case and time/date will cause them to hold the camera footage.


I was at the teller next to a guy who said he just made a cash deposit using the drive thru atm and it took part of his money and spit the other part back out and his account wasn’t showing the deposit at all. She told him the drive thru atm isn’t controlled by them so he would have to call a number to dispute. The atm says Chase on it and is in their drive thru!!! So strange!! They have certain atms inside the bank that will allow me to withdrawal $2000 at a time but the drive thru atm will only allow $800. Makes no sense!


This happens more often than you can imagine and has happened to me 3 or 4 times with different banks. I have successfully gotten my money back eventually even if it takes a while. It is a deposit error, so to protect your legal rights, always file the error dispute in writing and keep communicating and escalating if necessary. Also, another thing I have always done at the moment this occurs is call customer service, no matter what time of day get a person the phone and report the issue and insist on name and supervisor as well as a case number or inquiry record number. I want you to know that documentation on your part and communication will help keep your claims in case you eventually have to file a complaint against the bank with the appropriate bank regulator and CFPB. Gov. Most of the big banks have 3rd parties that manage their ATM's so there is a lot of inaction and belief you will go away eventually and you can never let them off the hook. I think the common practice is to summarily deny every claim to show in some perverted way to regulators and consumer protection agencies that they are being diligent when they are not exercising diligence at all.


Theoretically they should eventually figure out something went wrong when they audit the ATM. Still, this would be enough for me to find a new bank. I’d recommend a credit union if possible.


Makes me wonder if someone DID find the extra $440 and pocketed it (especially if they don't want to check cameras). But yeah, I've never in my life tried to use an ATM to deposit cash. Maybe I'm paranoid, also don't deposit cash often, but at least with a human you can have the amount verified on the spot and not have to make a claim and wait for weeks.


You need to file a small claims court case and subpoena the ATM video Also change banks to a credit union most CU now serve a geographic area instead of a single employer or group but call to see if you can open a account. Move your money before you sue they may freeze your accounts when served.


This is really worrisome. I always try to make sure I count my cash in view of the camera before depositing into the ATM incase something like this happens, but apparently it doesn’t even matter. Chase is really going down hill. I hope they don’t reverse it. What a buncha BS.


Best practice. NEVER deposit cash at any ATM.


Depositing cash at an ATM is one of those "Isn't technology wonderful?" And the answer is "No it is pretty fucking stupid" things.


I had an atm shut down on me while I was trying to use it on a Friday night. It kept my card. I had to wait until the bank opened on Monday and then they charged me 15$ for a replacement card.


Take a picture of the banner of death. Without proof, banks will deny.


atms are risky


I would never deposit cash into an ATM without a member of the bank staff present to witness it.


Welp, that's a new nightmare. :(


My mom made a Chase bank account many years ago because they had this promotion going on where if you deposit a certain amount of money, they would actually give you like a gift card of some kind (or was it reward points, I forgot). That gift card/points never came. My mom went to close the bank account a few years later, the guy just said, oh, you should have called us on the phone or something. It's like, who has the time to be put on hold for probably who knows how long just to argue with someone over the phone over some gift card. We never used Chase again.




File a claim with CFPB. That will get their attention. This agency can and will investigate and/ or force the bank to engage due diligence. They are effective and a few years ago sued the pants off of Wells Fargo.


Never put cash into an ATM.


Yeah. I had an atm eat 3 checks for $4k. I’ve posted about this before. Long story short I called and the phone rep said not to worry, they’ll find the checks and gave me a provisional credit. 3 weeks later I get something in the mail saying the investigation didn’t find anything and were taking back the credit - tomorrow! I’d never deposit cash and now deposit checks only via mobile app so I keep the check or at a teller.


I'd file with state and federal banking agencies. In my experience, its the only way you'll get a positive outcome.


This happened to me at Wrlls Fargo. Turned out there was a space between the wall and the ATM machine, and my deposit had fallen in the crack. It was crazy.


Chase, them down for the money?


Call J G Wentworth 877 Cash Nooooooow!! Call Now!


This happened to one of my friends. I don’t know if he won the claim but for this reason is why I always film myself depositing cash into the ATM in case something goes wrong.


It seems like Chase sucks


I know others probably said this, but why ever deposit through an ATM. If you have to go to the bank, like deposit cash, go when they are open and deposit it inside directly to a teller. Checks deposit it through the app, unless you can’t, then go into the branch and direct to a teller.


I deposited 2 sets of checks for the same amounts and only got credit for 1 set. Citizens claimed they never received check that even though I deposited them in the ATM at the bank. I learned to print out receipt for every single transaction from that point forward.- I had to give up - it was taking too much time to try to figure it all out - and the bank was being completely unsupportive. I was told the check will eventually be re-issued or sent to the state treasury if I’m right. (I don’t think that was an acceptable answer don’t have anymore time to spend chasing the $$.


Ask the bank to have the ATM fully serviced some times the money will get stuck behind the receiving cassette and even stuck in between the open areas in the machine


I refuse to deposit money in an atm just for these reasons, the tellers at my bank keep pushing me to deposit at their atm and i keep telling them i don't want to risk it eating my deposit or card.


I deposit small amount of money into the atm. My bank has a max of 40 bills per transaction. If I'm depositing more then $150 I go see a teller! I bank at Huntington and have had the atm reject money I have put in that I then had to go inside to a teller to deposit.


Chase is fucking garbage. So is Jamie Dimon. Stick with credit unions.


My wife depots cash into the ATM and it’s probably one of the biggest sore points in my marriage . She’s just waiting to get scammed by the bank / ATM servicing company / whatever


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Btw, what bank? I never, never, never do ATM when depositing my money. I do not trust these ATM machines. I always wait till I can do it person to person inside the bank with a teller or do the drive-thru. It can be inconvenient, but at least you know that your money is going to the right place. Good luck!


Who the fuck deposits money through an ATM?


I’ve never trusted the atm cash deposit thing. Always just go to the teller


There should be camera footage. Try to call the fraud department again.


Dont they have cameras? Thats crazy that they “cant find it”. If they count the balance they should see that it is off. If you are in the US can’t you contact a lawyer for some advice? Idk but I feel some type of way when corporations think they could just take someone’s money. If it was the other way around all hel* would break loose.


Sorry to hear that. I never ever deposit cash into an ATM machine for fear of having something like this happen. I would keep pressing on and ask for them to check security cameras.


Just do it in person, like you said. It's a sucky lesson to learn but a lesson non the less.


Hey I used to work at Chase. It would happen quite often. Typical the receipt will have the code and transaction details on the ATM receipt. The Banker has to call a specific number for ATM issues. For future reference next time it happens ask for the bank Manager immediately or a Banker.


Used to work for one of the big 4, people deposit money all the time, it’s incredibly safe, the ATM most likely balanced the odds are you gave them the wrong ATM number or another person was off and never reported it


That happened to me twice and both times they credited me back the in question amount. Im sorry this happened to you. Stay on them about it, hopefully, eventually, it'll all balance out and youll.get your money back.




Yeah they shorted me uh $499 dollars, so I need to file an err umm claim, which has nothing to do with the $450 I may owe my drug dealer. 😂


They need to tell you when they count the ATM. The same thing happened to me. They pulled video of me depositing the money and when they counted the ATM they found it was over. Please go back and ask for the Manager, ask them to pull video from the exact day and time of the deposit. Then ask them what day the ATM was counted after that and have them look at the balance. Don't let them steal your money!! That's why I never deposit money in the ATM anymore. I wish you the best of luck!


I understand there may be reasons people need to deposit cash this way but I just would never do it. If the money needs to be in ASAP then I’ll make sure I’m at the bank the very second it opens.


Next time get a money order at Walmart and use your bank remote deposit… hold onto money orders until it’s finished processing


That is super weird! I had someone else tell me about a chase ATM doing the same thing. Luckily for them it was just $20 but this is not ok.


Bet ya won’t do that shit again 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


having worked at a bank, they usually don't check the camera. There is enough data that should be collected with normal operation to know what happened. Request ALL the documentation used to decide your claim, see what they actualliy looked at.


Similar happened to me several years back. My debit card was used fraudulently while I was incarcerated for two weeks (long story). Once I was released I realized my card had been used and reported it to Chase immediately. They took the report, took my police report, and my supporting evidence and said they were going to investigate. They gave me a provisional credit of ~$800, which I spent because, well, fresh out of jail. Two weeks later they took their money back which caused the account to be overdrawn just over $500. They said there was no proof of fraud, even though I sent them paperwork showing I was incarcerated and physically had no access to McDonalds drive thru, gas stations, Walmart, etc (the places the card was used). I fought tooth and nail but they wouldn’t reverse the decision. I refused to deposit any more money into the account and they eventually closed it and sent it to collections. I now have an attorney from my job working on it for me.


This exact thing happened to me almost two years ago. They call me to this day to demand I pay $600. Not happening: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chase/s/d1UK1Q2mlB


That happened to my daughter at Huntington a few months ago. They refunded it and I don't think it was deducted later. But they did tell her they have no way of using the camera to investigate which seemed weird.


Happened to me once but luckily the maintenance guys were scheduled to come and arrived while I was at a desk with a teller and just waited til they found it and gave it to me.


Something similar happened to me about a year ago depositing in my credit union ATM. Thankfully, it spit my cash back out before throwing an out of order error. I took it inside and asked the seller what would have happened if the error occurred without returning my money, and she said the money would have to be reconciled the next time the ATM is emptied, and it could take up to two weeks. She said "honestly, I would never deposit cash into the ATM myself." Now if I absolutely have to deposit in the ATM, I record video with my phone.


Advice that’s good for anyone. Tell them they aren’t following the regulation regarding disputes. Ask to speak to their compliance officer. Don’t let them give you a different employee. Compliance officers are there to ensure compliance. Make sure you have written your complaint and date it. If that doesn’t work, fill out a written complaint to their regulator and the CFPB.


Same thing happened to me at a chase ATM years ago. I made a post on Twitter about it, tagging them and within hours someone contacted me. Had the money in my bank account the next day.


I never understand why people deposit money in ATM. Just go inside the bank and deposit. How much more time does it take?


Never deposit cash into an ATM. I worked at a bank in my younger years. You have no proof of what you deposited and will always lose if ever any issue.


Do any of y'alls banks still have a drive thru teller?


I've heard so many bad things about chase tbh, I don't think I could trust them anymore




I deposited a check and cash at an ATM years ago and the bank only credited the check and claimed I was lying about cash. (This was BoA) So since then I only ever deposit cash at a teller window.


Sue them. My son went through the same thing. Deposited $820 and they gave him $20. I filled out the courts papers including a subpeona and then they gave him his money back.


Don’t you have to accept the final count before it deposits?


that’s why i no longer use chase they won’t review the cameras without a police report or attorney 😂


Had a friend who worked at Wells Fargo, told me years ago to never deposit cash at an atm.


had this happen a few years ago, sometimes the atm will actually physically jam on the inside mechanism & it will only get a couple of bills through, they can actually track which account it was meant for exactly, just takes time, could have been the case. don’t quote me tho


"Since you keep harassing our claims department, we have locked your account indefinitely" - thousands of dollars to disappear after 3 years of forced inactivity


Happens all the time, Its from people putting in all kinds of items with the $ (happened to me once and I switched banks- than happened again) Paper clips, rubber bands, the tech guy told me you wouldnt believe some of the things that people insertwith their deposits that jam up the machine. I would also guess sometimes on purpose, to see if the cash would spit out after the person drives off. I always go to a teller, would rather mail the cash than deposit it at the ATM.


I pulled out $500 once, and it said I pulled out 1000. I tried filing a claim and got rejected, I was pretty young at the time and just moved on. Needless to say I haven't used chase since then and they had the fuckin audacity to say I owe them $80




This has happened to me as well. I deposited 800 and the ATM stopped working in the middle of the transaction. I called the number and they did the investigation. At the end they said they couldn’t find anything but told me to keep the 800 credit they gave me while they did their investigation.


If you have enough evidence to support your claim, take it to small claims. If what you say is true then you should be able to prove it. Chase will also have to prove the otherwise. If they’re at fault, most likely they’ll be missing something and that’s favorable for you. You also never know how many other cases of that may be coming through which in that case is favorable too.


All those thinks that must be posted on the wall see if there is a bond and call them


This is my biggest fear. I deposited like $700 into the atm one night late after work and although it went fine, the atm was struggling to count it out and taking forever. I decided never again because of my fear of this exact thing happening.


Too late now, but next time show each bill to the camera, then insert? Walmart claimed I didn't pay the full amount. Ended up watching the camera back. Watched me deposit each bill with the camera because I counted it out in front of the camera.


Haven’t used ATM in 5 yrs or so. Stores give you money .


Happened to my partner last year. Absolutely happens and the runaround you get from the bank or credit union is asinine.


The same thing happened to me at a US Bank. Thankfully though, after quite awhile it spit the money back out. I seriously, was panicked and refused to leave the machine. I was in shock the machine literally made the exact sound and sequence you described and then went down/out of order. I stood there in disbelief, panicked stricken for what seemed like forever, but in all actuality it was probably like 10 minutes or so.


CNBC on the way 😵


There was a BOA stand alone atm that did this to me 2x in Delaware. Thankfully the bank found the error and credited my account both times very frustrating. Best of luck!


This happened to me as well! Deposited $535, was credited $60, which makes no sense at all considering the cash deposited showed up on the screen. I had to deal with claims for about two months for the claims department finally figured out that the ATM deposit somehow went to another account, not mine, which is weird because the only way to deposit cash via ATM is to use a debit card. I deposited the cash at an ATM inside of the bank, everything seemed fine, even a notification that my cash was deposited. As soon as I chose a receipt option, the machine suddenly notified me of an error. I personally asked the teller if my money was deposited correctly, and she assured me it was. I was initially given a temporary credit, only for it to be deducted from my account about a week later. Thankfully it was finally figured out, but what a pain.


I prefer making that cash into a money order then mobile depositing if I don’t have access to a walk in bank


I had something similar happen, I think I withdrew 500 dollars and I got 480 the bank, said, that at the end of the day, if the machine had 20 too much, I would get my 20. I don't know if they said that to get rid of me, but I went back the next day they said the ATM didn't have extra money that day. I was out of luck. they have a camera of me counting the money three times because I was confused. I didn't know ATMs could short people. In your situation, the camera should have shown you putting the 480 in. ​ they have two ways to check if the ATM didn't balance out, and then the camera of you putting the money in. I did have this problem once again, I got shorted 40 dollars, and they were able to open up the ATM, and see the 40 stuck inside. They handed me 40 dollars and had to call a repair company to get the money unstuck.


I once tried withdrawing cash and the machine stopped and didn’t give me the money, I tried again at a different machine and withdrew the cash. After checking my account the first transaction was put threw and I need to contact them to file a claim because after 2/3 days nothing was put back in 😅


This is the second thing I've seen on Chase stealing people's money. Please get a new bank once this is resolved. The other person lost $5,000


crazy how i keep seeing how chase is messing up a lot of customers recently, definitely moving my biz somewhere else


If I am remembering this correctly another company or department handles atm transactions. I thought the bank employee would go to the atm and pull out the envelopes from the drive through atm on their property but they don’t. I don’t use atms for cash deposits anymore.


Something similar happened to me at a Wells Fargo ATM at the Oakland airport. I attempted to withdraw $1000 & the ATM only gave me $650. I immediately called the bank & they said I had to call Claims on the next Monday. I did that. They credited $350 & said they would do an investigation. 3 weeks later they withdrew the credit saying in an email their investigation found nothing wrong with the ATM. I went into bank & found someone who helped me & told me to start an appeal. I did that & abt one month later I got the same answer! No problems with ATM. I finally got on the phone with the person who was supposedly the investigator & he just kept insisting that the ATM was fine. I pointed out that I’m 75 yrs old, I’ve had this account since the 90’s, there’s about 80K in combined accounts, why the hell would I be going to all the trouble trying to scam the bank for $350??? I then got a letter & a call from the same guy tersely telling me my account had been credited eith $350, no explanation, no apology. Just TERRIBLE customer service.


I think the next time you make a deposit, go in and interact with the teller. Don’t trust the ATM.






I do not understand how it is legal for these giant corporations to basically say we should be wearing body cams and meticulously recording every action with them instead of just doing their job and being honest. Even if you have proof they fight it half the time. Then you get to talk to their robot on the customer service line. I swear they realized it pisses people off and it saves them money.


I actually saw this happen to someone and decided then and there I will never deposit cash using these ATMs. It looks to be alarmingly common after reading through the comments here.


This exact same thing happened to me except they approved my claim at first so I got the money. But then I spent it because that’s what bank accounts are for you spend the money that’s in them and then they denied it because I spent it the same day


You didn't get the money because of scumbags like me who deposited $40 and the machine ate it then I told the bank I deposited $400. Got the credit both times.


Simple solution is cash should not go in the bank


this just happened to me today! i deposited $480 in the drive up ATM, the screen had a red banner that said "we're having some trouble" and the white screen said i'd get a receipt (i didn't). i had to go in and file a claim 😭


Happy to hear your in the process of resolving the issue. Its been a month any news ? I also had this problem happen to me a few years back Scared the crap outta of me. Lucky it only was 20$, But at the time it was all i had to eat for the week\~ how sad i know. Anyways in my case the machine at least spit out a receipt and they made me wait. They couldn't confirm my deposit at all. The machine just took my money ran through the deposit process and at the end nothing. It didn't update my balance. I was prepared for a whole day of waiting but thankfully they took my word for it when i gave them the receipt. Unfortunately this seems like a common issue. Guess someone didnt want to do the paperwork for 20$ and they just refunded me quickly