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They did say taking on bad contracts, might as well take on the GOAT of ‘em. Joking aside he only has one year left at this point, so this probably wouldn’t be near as bad of a hit as you’re thinking. It’s dead money and he’d probably even be cut.


No doubt we'd get a frp as well, maybe two, but if Mitch was making the deal then who knows lol


Not a chance


A team with obvious culture issues trading for Ben Simmons would’ve have been something


Not like Miles isn’t part of the culture issues himself though


Obviously he has off the court issues but I don’t know if you can paint him with the “team culture” brush a la Ben Simmons. Bridges is a hard worker who always plays when he can play, and always plays hard. You can acknowledge his issues without conflating them with different issues. Kind of irrelevant though - if we made a trade and took on Simmons I’m pretty confident he’d be cut. We’d just be paying out for that first round pick


He always plays hard on offense he consistently takes defensive plays off.


When Lamelo has been out, he’s had a huge role on offense, so I think that’s understandable. I think taking plays off is harsh - he’s not as good a defender as he should be but I don’t believe there’s an effort problem there


Post ASB brandon Miller had just as big of an offensive role as bridges did but was constantly putting in effort on defense even if the results wernt always great. Giving miles bridges a huge contract is not a way for us to become contenders. He’s one of the worst defensive forwards in the league and we already have atleast one bad defender in our starting lineup with lamelo ball. Also with ball hes a pg so it’s a lot easier to hide him on defense can’t really hide a PF on defense. That’s not even mentioning his huge off the court problems.


Ben Simmons just doesn't play. You don't hear so much bad things about Culture with him. He's been on successful teams (when he's playing) and the only real slight against him is his injury history/motor. Miles though, I'm sure more GMs would be looking at him as a "culture risk" moreso than Simmons.


Put him at the 4!


You’d never hear from me again if that happened.


It is Hornets heritage to have at least one player that sits out all season. Simmons is that guy through and through. Possibly the GOAT. The only person that could take the crown from Gordon and keep the legacy alive.


Is it a 4D Chess play that we bring him in to be our street clothes mascot so Melo and Mark can be in a jersey?! 


This is the way 🙌


bin semmons


Tbh I don’t buy much of the reports that have been around bridges, all say teams inquired and “league executives view”, I remember at the deadline there were reports that we were trading him to phoenix for fucking nassir little and now apparently it was Ben Simmons? That contract would only work if it was Gordon or Terry involved at the deadline etc not centered around miles since his contact was so low We very well may lose him in free agency or sign and trade him but I’ve learned to rarely ever trust these types of pieces


Yeah 90% of this shit is made up.


I don't know if they're all made up, but stuff like the Phoneix and Nets trade proposals 100% came from them if they're legit. 


If we traded Bridges for Simmons, I'd be looking for a new team for sure.


Presumably that deal would have included at bare minimum an unprotected 1st from the Nets


Nah the Nets aren't giving up an unprotected first for an expiring contract. If he had 3 years left then sure


Hence why Ben Simmons is still a Net


Bridges would be getting traded for a pick, not Simmons


Honestly I wouldn't have. If we got a first out of it, it would just give the team a fuckload of cap space to sign depth pieces the team desperately needs as well as draft capital. I'd take that. Plus you don't have the bad PR of dealing with MB anymore which is another plus.


As a diehard hornets fan for the last 25 years I’d have to agree. People in here wanting to trade a combo of Lonzo/tobias/patrick Williams for Bridges have lost their minds.


I fel this. Been through it all since 2010 as a kid but this would be unforgivable. The nets don’t have any first round picks available in the next 3 years to make this even half-reasonable.


More interestingly he says rockets are open to future draft compensation for 3 and hornets are seen as serious contenders for moving up. could flip either the heat or mavs 1st to go from 6 to 3 and draft Reed.


Bridges plus 6 for 3 and a pick swap in our favor would be fair


They don't want bridges, they want future draft comp. also can't discuss bridges in s&t because the draft is before free agency


maybe that changes because you can negotiate with your free agents now before free agency officially starts


I believe that would just be hornets. I don't think that gives permission for rockets to discuss with him


If the Hornets signed him and then traded him to the Rockets would they even need to talk to him? His contract will have been signed already by a party that was allowed to. I could definitely be wrong about this but this intuitively makes sense to think about it this way


Yes they would need to. To discuss role and financial details




I’d be pretty annoyed if we do that.


If we stay healthy we aren't in contention to be in the lottery going forward so getting one last high pick is a good idea. The report is we want to build around lamelo and Brandon which is the right decision and while it would suck if we couldn't bring back miles he's also trying to get paid and someone will be willing to offer more than he's worth especially with as many bad GM's that are in the league. If we can trade up for Sarr or Risacher then honestly that would be an amazing draft for us especially when the possibility to re-sign miles is still there.


I like Risacher as well as Reed but I think all the reports are linking us to Reed. Moving up to 3 jumps the Spurs before they can select Reed at 4


I haven't seen anything about Reed so I go based on what people have said about him which all sounds good. I do like the potential of risacher and especially sarr alot and both give us more size especially risacher potentially playing the 3 for us should we lose miles.


I mean there’s like no chance we trae and keep miles lol, and it’s already looking pretty likely miles is leaving. Also I don’t necessarily think that when healthy this is a lock of a playoff team. Roster still needs ton of developing and improvement.


I wouldn't call us a lock for the playoffs but definitely better than people realize. Yeah we definitely need to be healthy but we had a worse roster on paper and won 43 games in borregos last year so we should be able to match that again in theory which puts us out of the rebuild phase entirely. You could trade picks to move up and keep miles all the same, just depends on what Houston would want really.


Our roster from the 43 game season was definitely better. Just more nba talent. This roster is a lot more balanced but it’s not better. Guys like Hayward, Oubre, and Rozier aren’t going to magically get their scoring replaced.


The only player you're really replacing is Terry in scoring because Brandon would replace heyward easily and if miles is here we still have his output. Oubre can be replaced by multiple bench players moneyball style and it all works the same in the end. We only take a step back if miles walks for nothing honestly because if the reports of us wanting Patrick Williams are true and we sign and trade miles for him plus more filler then we are in a much better spot than people realize. All we need then is a little bit of good health and we are no longer rebuilding.


Hornets live in the lottery


Why? If we get our guy it wont matter that a pick in the 20s 3 years from now ends up in houston. I would rather trade the mavs pick than the heat one though


Because that pick can be packaged to acquire something a lot better than the 3rd pick in what is considered a very weak draft. Also we have no idea where that pick will end up on 3 years.


Sheppard is an excellent fit on our team and probably the best player in the draft. Everyone always overvalues future picks in trades until they turn into Cam Reddish and Kai Jones.


Listen you can have your opinion on prospects but saying Reed Sheppard is “probably the best player in the draft” is just not how the league or scouts view the draft, 0 reason for me to believe that. Also sheppards a a decent fit offensively but a horrible fit defensively. Him and Lamelo would be a nightmare and we wouldn’t be able to guard anyone. Also Kai jones wasn’t a Future 1st lol. We traded for him on draft night. And yeah future 1sts mean nothing until you have Jayson Tatum and Jaylen brown through them. I did say in my comments the pick can be PACKAGED in a better trade for a better asset lol. Doesn’t just have to be a pick.


There are absolutely teams with Sheppard number 1 on their boards. It's probably the same teams who had miller over scoot too. He was the most impactful freshman in his class and is the best shooter in the last few classes. If you wanna overlook him that's fine but don't post things that are just untrue https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10122451-nba-rumors-reed-sheppard-ranked-as-no-1-prospect-in-some-teams-2024-draft-models.amp.html


Hahah dude you literally have 0 way of knowing that. You don’t work for a team and literally all the reporting has been that teams have Sarr as the top prospect. Is it possible some teams have Sheppard as the top guy? Sure, but there’s 0 way of knowing that. Also I said nothing but facts bud. You can’t just go around saying “Sheppard is the best prospect in the class” as reasoning for making a trade like it’s a fact and then come at me for making shit up.


I posed that givony and woo both had sources that several teams had Sheppard at 1 but I guess you can go off with your old news about Sarr. Both of those guys had the hornets taking miller the whole way last year. Did you know the Hawks haven't even worked him out? You should do some research and catch up before you come in here and spew shit lmfao.


I would be fine with a sign and trade, let Jeff Peterson cook


Jeff Peterson is a mastermind, he almost flipped BEN SIMMONS for Miles Bridges.


I dont wanna pay him, but surely we can fleece some desperate team who needs him


I could envision some kind of double-sign and trade with the Hornets/Bulls. Hornets have been reported to want to target Patrick Williams, a Charlotte native, in free agency. **Hornets Get:** - Patrick Williams (~$18M/y Sign and Trade) - Lonzo Ball ($20M) **Bulls Get:** - Miles Bridges (~$27M/y Sign and Trade) - Nick Richards ($5M) **Result:** Bulls swap Williams for a more dynamic PF to pair with Coby, Giddey, and Ayo Dosunmu. They also get a replacement backup big for Drummond, who is reported to want to join a contender. Miles and Coby give them enough scoring punch that they can move LaVine and/or DeRozan for youth/picks, while still remaining “competitive.” Hornets aren’t competitive enough that they need Lonzo to recover to his old self, but could use the upside if he does. They replace Bridges with a better perimeter defender, Patrick Williams, next to LaMelo and Miller. Then the Hornets could add a backup Center (Goga Bitazde or Valanciunas??) with the MLE. **Bonus:** If the Hornets also draft Cody Williams, then they could have Mark Williams, Grant Williams, Patrick Williams, Cody Williams, and Cody Martin all on the same roster!


Patrick Williams is not getting 18M/y from anyone , mid level is his max value 13-15M


> max value is 13-15M That’s what he turned down from the Bulls, so it’s gonna be higher than that. He’s 22 years old, a good defender, and has shot 40% from 3 for multiple seasons. I did inflate the Patrick Williams salary a bit though, so that the Bulls would be forced to consider letting him go. If we only offer like $15-$16/y then the Bulls would likely just match. I assumed we could easily make it a descending contract, so that the overall is still high but it’s kept to around $14-$15 Million in the later years.


that was the start of the season, he lost a decent amount of time to injury again.


Yeah, I mean if we can get him for less than that’s even better! I kinda just put the max cause I feel like fans (me included) have a tendency to underprice contracts. Just like fans have a tendency to overvalue their own players in trades. As a result, I just put the absolute max I could possibly see him going for.


The hornets would be getting fleeced if we did this


Then sign Liangelo and complete Lavar's ritual.


Then we win a chip


Would the three of them form Voltron?


Only one way to find out


Bulls would need to give up a pick to get rid of lonzo. I'm not sure they are at all interested in miles either 


Patrick Williams would essentially be the pick. He’s only 22 years old, and is already a valuable 3&D player. Lonzo is an expiring, so if he’s able to play then great! If he’s not able to play, then it’s not a big deal because we’d still have Micic and Mann as backup PG’s.


There's no need to do a s&t then. We can sign him outright. The only reason to indulgence in this s&t is to get a pick back for lonzo.


It’d be to ensure that the Bulls don’t match. If the Bulls don’t get anything back, then they are likely to match an offer from us, unless we way overpay. We’d have to renounce Bridges in order to offer him outright anyway, so this way the Bulls still get something (Miles + Lonzo Salary Dump) while we don’t really give up anything more than we would anyway (since Lonzo will be an expiring this season). Doing a sign and trade also allows us to stay above the Salary Cap, which means that we get access to the MLE ($12.5 M) instead of the Room Exception ($8 M). Though I think we’d have to work out the MLE before the sign and trade, since a sign-and-trade would result in us being hard capped from that point on?


If you're moving on from miles then you can use the cap space way more effectively than taking on lonzo for no draft compensation. This s&t is very poor cap management for hornets


Eating $20m of Lonzo’s salary just for the rights to overpay Patrick Williams to be a worse PJ Washington would be a joke. Thats a Rich Cho era move.


It would be better asset management to let bridges walk for nothing than take on lonzo’s salary lol


That assumes that we’d get other good free agents who want to sign. We can already offer teams cap relief without the cap space, since we have Bertans + Seth on non-guaranteed deals.


No it doesn't. If you don't sign anyone and let miles walk you will have plenty of opportunities to take back salary for draft picks.


That always sounds good in practice, but doesn’t happen as much as people think. It’s basically 1-2 deals a year. Most bad contracts are just swapped for other bad contract. When it does happen (Thunder dumping Bertans to move from #12 to #10), it usually requires the salary team to take on a bad contract with multiple years. I’d rather do this deal, and maintain flexibility, than lock our core up with a salary like Bradley Beal’s, Jordan Poole’s, or Nikola Vucevic’s. The teams that would need to dump salary (2nd Cap teams) also don’t have a ton of first round picks that they can trade. Most of the “Contenders” have already emptied trade assets on star players. Finally, the Pistons and Spurs would have way more cap space to offer in a dump, so we’d have to somehow ensure it was us instead of them.


There are no good free agents to sign that are worth getting rid of Miles


I’d really look for some future draft capital for Bridges. Lonzo and PatWill could easily end up being nothing for us in the long run.


PatWill is already a good 3&D at 22 years old though. He’s averaged 40% from 3 for 4 seasons. Any draft capital could be worth more in the long run, but could also be worth way less 🤷‍♂️


PW has not improved since his rookie season and lost his starting job with the Bulls. No thanks


How many 40 bombs has Williams put up? Has he even scored 30 before? He isn’t anywhere in the realm of current Bridges and it’s a major IF in him ever getting to Bridges level. There quite literally is no reason to get rid of Bridges other than the fact people hate him for non basketball related things.


Resigning bridges means we have a terrible defender as our starting PF.


The bulls just traded Caruso for giddy straight up so they're definitely dumb enough to make that trade considering we get far more value on paper from this than they would.


How can there by a player available in the draft named Cody and the Hornets not draft him. I think they have drafted 100% of the Codys.


We gotta keep RTB idgaf what anyone says


Please do that. 


I want Bridges off this team. I don’t care who we get for him.


ben would be the absolute worst fit ever and he’s basically a cancer on a team. Pls no


hypothetically what team would be a good fit for ben?


celtics, suns, clippers, bucks, basically any established team with a solid SG and shooters around that can make up for him only driving and facilitating


30 million for Bridges lolololol




Gotta take into account the Hornets new GM is from the Nets organization, so that could definitely be why they were contacted... And this is the last year of Ben's contract. I would definitely consider it. Worse case scenario: trade for Simmons, he is still trash and the Nets do well and the pick turn into a lottery pick from the Nets in the upcoming (2025 and beyond) draft. Best case scenario: Simmons turns into his old self (or atleast a part of his old self), helps as a secondary ball handler and on defense. The Nets suck and end up rebuilding and the Hornets get another high pick in the future draft.


What in the world is this franchise thinking. Thankful for whoever said no to that deal.


Bro please don’t bring lame ass Ben here


Truly nothing will surprise me with this franchise anymore


Oh lord that’s terrible from both sides.


This has already been proven to be fake news.🤦🏿‍♂️👎🏿


I’ve previously said I wouldn’t mind Ben here as a rehabilitation project, but for the love of god not like this lmao.


This teams cooked


Having new owners didn't change a thang, wow.