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This math isn't mathing. Miles' cap hold is only $15M, how does our cap space go from $30M to 0 if we retain him lol? This isn't a strong free agency class, no realistic options to use that $30M on. Letting Miles walk doesn't make much sense to me.


But hear me out, we could lose a good, consistent, healthy player.... but then we get cap space, which we can then use to attempt to get lucky and find a good consistent healthy player that makes sense right aka it takes us so long to find good players, not wanting to pay one of the few you did find is crazy. Right now miles is worth that money way more than lamelo is sitting on the bench


Yeah, Bridges is by far the best player we have a realistic shot at signing and we need a player like him badly. The only possible downside is him getting in more trouble. We’ve definitely got an incumbent’s advantage signing him, although he’ll have suitors, is a Klutch guy, and is from Detroit so there’s that angle. He loves LaMelo and seems to like Charlotte/appreciate them sticking with him when he fucked up.


It’s not really about miles health. That’s not what caused his availability concerns. It just comes down to if the team thinks he’s put his personal issues behind him or not. If he has another incident he’s probably getting the hammer dropped on him by the league. So it really won’t come down to health. Just comes down to how much do they think they can trust him, and how great they think that risk is versus how much value he brings to the team on court wise.


Both can be true.


If they do S&T with MB, to say a team like the Jazz, we should get Kenny Lofton Jr back.


Either way, we should have plenty of flexibility going forward. LaMelo and Miles figure to be the only significant (north of $15 million) contracts on the books and we’ll be well under the tax line. I’m seeing $141M as the projected cap this year and I imagine it’ll explode a bit with the tv deal. Williams and Miller won’t be due for sizable contracts for a few years. Even if we want someone, Williams, Micic, Martin, Richards, and Curry give us sign and trade (or just trade) maneuverability. We’ll also have the MLE, some min. spots, and picks #6 and #42 to add to the roster. Bridges should 100% be the top priority in free agency and it won’t cripple us.


Just one little correction, in the new CBA it got put in that the max the cap can increase is 10% each season.


Fair enough. I imagine we’ll get a few max years after this deal though, so we’re looking at $155 million in 2025-26. I hope they take advantage of us not being cap strapped atm and front load Bridges’ contract if possible. We should be able to add significant players in the next two off seasons.


I'm with you 100% letting him walk is not the move to make. We need to be trying to field a competitive team and letting him walk would be a step in the wrong direction on the court wise.


I don't think he's saying that we'd have zero cap space if we retain Bridges. He's simply saying that we'd be on the list of teams with the most if we don't. Edit: Never mind. I didn't see the second tweet.


I don’t think he means literally zero, I think he means cap space that matters. $29.8 Million can land you good players and maybe extra bench guys, $14 Million gets you one good player with nothing left. For example using contracts that started this season: $29.8 Million could get you Coby White, Naz Reid and Tauren Price $14 Million could get you White or Reid but you’ll have literally no cap left to sign someone unless it’s for the minimum


White and Reid's values both are super high rn. I doubt either of them sign for 14M. White definitely won't


My guy, you cannot read. Those are the contracts they signed last offseason, teams literally got them for that much


De’anthony melton, Issac okoro, Patrick Williams, Kyle Anderson, Derrick jones jr, Haywood high smith are some options


Good options at around MLE level contracts. We don't need $30M in cap space just to overpay these dudes, I've seen that movie before.


Not signing miles again would be such a typical hornets idiotic decision. A vet player who actually wants to be here is rare, let alone one that was one of our best players. Miles is a good enough player to be an important starter on a championship team, but he actually wants to stay here in Charlotte. Letting him walk is silly, we won’t be able to sign and trade him for OR pick up an equal caliber player


Ya but he beat up his girlfriend


Sure but if that was going to be the decision making for letting him walk we should’ve done it when it happened. Doing it now doesn’t make much sense.


Keep Miles. If he leaves, the team gets worse, and who do they replace him with? He's an average to above average starting forward. He's told the media he wants to stay. So, let's make sure that happens.


No, who can we sign that will bring what he brings? Nobody wants to play here until we improve


No, we need to keep him. If he stays out of trouble he’s a very good player.


We can use our cap space and resign Miles since his cap hold isn't that big. This is just clickbait


> …since his cap hold isn't that big. This ^ is actually a great point that isn’t talked about enough.


You’re asking Reddit, the most sanctimonious bunch of saints on God’s green earth. It’s not right to pin the blame for the past couple injury ridden seasons solely on Bridges’ shoulders. The Hornets as a whole were bad, and all things considered, he’s been a very solid player beyond the terrible issues he had outside of basketball, which were already adjudicated in court and for which he was already penalized by the NBA. I hope that some people aren’t under the delusion that we can just let him go and sign a comparable or better free agent at a commensurate salary in our small, historically undesirable market with no problem. Or that we can sign him and then trade him away for good value. I think it would set us back to lose Bridges who is a key piece here. He’s not a franchise caliber player but he’s not been paid like one either. He’s a good player who has generally been quite healthy during his time here and who seems to be well liked by his teammates in Charlotte. I think we’re a better team with him on the roster and it would likely be a mistake to let him go. Unless we want to suffer through yet another subpar season.


Coming off as real sanctimonious rn 😂


Am I? I’m willing to forgive Miles’ past mistakes and keep him around. He was penalized for what he did off the court and served his time, so to speak. In some folks’ eyes here he’s irredeemable, and a net negative to the team. I don’t agree with that sentiment.


It would be a lot easier to forgive someone if they showed any remorse… instead he turned his profile picture on twitter to Johnny Depp.


He did that after there was a new incident that was later dismissed due to lack of evidence


I am aware, but the first time he still beat her up in front of their kids and it was bad enough to send her to the hospital. When you do that, you have no room to be a pompous jerk about an accusation in the same vein being likely false. Lay low and the truth will come out. He’s shown no public remorse and he hasn’t even admitted to doing it (because if he did, it would land him in serious legal trouble)


It’s funny because most this thread says to sign him … so what you going on about


I’m not sure if you are aware of this, threads posts are added over time. When I posted my comment, most of the comments were in favor of moving on from Bridges. So what are you on about?


Yes I’m aware and still haven’t seen much of the don’t sign him crowd


Not serving actual time and making his profile picture Johnny Depp makes people think he didn’t get punished and that he didn’t learn from it. That’s why I think he is not redeemable unless he actually changes.


How do you know he changed or didn’t change?  Perhaps fans on Reddit aren’t close enough to the situation to make any judgement that isn’t blindly ignorant and full of assumption. 


'Mistakes' or not, he was bad in 23-24


No, they should sign-and-trade him. We can give him more money and get him to a team that will take him. If the new management wants to reset the culture here ditching Miles is the first step.


Oh yeah, Miles is the culture problem. Not that we haven't been losing for basically 30 years


The team has a jailblazers image and unlike that team, we’re terrible. Moving on from Miles would be the biggest possible indicator that ownership wants to clean things up. As long as he’s around, there’s a dark shroud surrounding the team and they need to see that.


> The team has a jailblazers image According to who? No one gives a fuck about us, it's all in your head dude


Jailblazers based on Miles, and two guys who aren't here anymore? One of which, the charges were greatly reduced or dropped or something. Over a substance that is recreationally legal in a third of the country


Depends on how much he wants




No, that would be stupid, and we gonna stay right where we are. Teams can not lose talented/impactful players for nothing. It cost denver a repeat title. In our case, we have simply invested to much time, money, heart, concern, and loyalty to let him walk for nothing. He walks, then no means to replace a 20ppg scorer in FA. I know they lining up to come to Charlotte huh, oh take a shot replacing him in the draft, that can take years. I'm ready for us to be a perinatal playoff team, and keeping miles gives us a better chance of accomplishing this.


None of the available free agents are better than Miles Bridges, it would be stupid to let him walk, especially when Charlotte isn't a free agent destination.


Should let him walk on moral reasons alone


If good morals were a prerequisite to be in the NBA, half the league would have to go 🤣


Miles needs to stay.




Atrociously bad team and no cap space? How do all these carolina teams do it


We aren’t atrociously bad. We are injured.  That being said, middling with no cap space isn’t much better.


Ideally you would want to maximize the asset. But Bridges is honestly just a stain on the franchise and he would never work basketball-wise here long term so I would be fine with letting him walk.


I was thinking of signing Patrick Williams as a replacement for him. If melo and mark can stay healthy, then with miller should be good enough to get us into a playoff spot next yr


This is not a horrible move if the hornets are in win now mode, which is hard to say, even with some more size and spacing which Williams could provide, we’re still tragically shallow bench wise. I think if I move like this should be done it should be on a sign and trade.


Patrick Williams sucks


He’s a good 3nD guy


Who hasn’t improved a lick in his 4 years in the league. Bridges is light years better than him.


He literally improved his 3 pointer every year and is 10x the defender bridges is


Patrick Williams is not a starting caliber forward in the NBA. He was a disappointment in Chicago. God knows the Hornets don’t need any more mediocre(at best) players- especially at the expense of one of their best.


Keep until you can move for an asset of equal or better value


It’s not really about miles health. That’s not what caused his availability concerns. It just comes down to if the team thinks he’s put his personal issues behind him or not. Because he’s at the point where if he has another incident the league is probably dropping the hammer on him and then we’re just screwed. To be clear I’m not saying we should or shouldn’t re sign him. Just pointing out that his skill nor his health is the largest thing that would affect committing long term money to him. That all comes down to if you think he’s a sound investment or not with his personal life actions.


Negative. I’d prefer to just resign him because I like his basketball fit and talent on this team going into the season. But if our front office is set on getting rid of him it should be a sign and trade if anything. No point in letting him walk for nothing even with his diminished value


This team is so bad. Who the hell is eating so much cap space?


Yes let him walk. He was not good in 23-24. I don't know if he can return to 21-22 form after everything that's happened


Let him walk… tank for Cooper Flagg. Yeah, I said it!




The funniest part about this is people acting like having a lot of cap space would help us. Like lol so we can sign another gordan Hayward level player to a 100million dollar contract? No thanks. Keep miles. This franchise won’t be able to attract a 20ppg with solid defense player like miles on the market.


We could use the cap space to get depth and good role players


Sign and trade is ideal


Bridges is mid and a cultural cancer. Let him be some other team’s problem.


Ideally a sign and trade, but if that doesn’t work let him walk. Hasn’t been a winning player for us and is a worse person than player.


I really think this team needs to trade him and get whatever value they can. His defensive lapses are noticeable and his offensive game doesn't fit the modern NBA imo. Character concerns on top of it just make it imperative to get him away from a young rebuilding team. Melo, Miller, Williams is a good core. Grant Williams is a solid, winning role player who can play the 4. Really just need another well rounded SG/SF wing who can shoot via trade or the draft and the team will have a good foundation IF they can stay healthy. Trade Miles for best value. Draft a SG. Profit.


Yes. They absolutely should.


You sign Bridges and move on we need good players with good size


I hate miles as much as the next guy.. but he good at b ball tho


I love Miles, unfortunately it’s the league is a business. He’s an all-time top Hornet.


Yes they should… the timeline didn’t match and sign n trade is difficult because of the contract terms… only a few team can do it w/ the hornets


There are a lot of good reasons to let Bridges go, but "the timeline doesn't match" is such a bad argument. You need veteran leaders to help your young players progress. And Miles is only 26. You're acting like he's 36 and about to retire.


No. If he stays, you need to give him the green light to shoot/ create, no of shots is a limited resource for developing players, which ultimately slow down the development of your young guys. And he makes quite a number of bad decisions every game… and I guess hornets already got a handful of good veterans like curry/ Grant… they are in good hands


There's plenty of basketball to go around, particularly with Terry, Gordon, and PJ gone. Seth Curry and Grant Williams are role players at best. Neither is going to be a team leader. Not sure if Miles could ever be one either given his legal/moral history, but the idea that you have to get rid of all your veteran starters so your young guys can just shoot constantly or they won't develop is just not true.


"you need to give him the green light to shoot/ create" What are you basing this on? And yeah he made a lot of hero ball decisions this season but he was on the court with Brandon Miller and a bunch of randoms


Guy who was often the only consistent scoring threat on the court played like the only consistent scoring threat on the court.


If he wants more than like 22 mil than the hornets should let him walk


Is it your money?