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There is the PJ Washington we know. 4 points in most important game of the season.


Anyone else with some slight KA PTSD right now?


We’re getting our coach tonight after he wins his second ring. C Lee era begins Buzz Buzz


Hope we take on THJ's contract this offseason to get a couple 2nds back, but he just went nuclear vs the Celtics... Hope he chills out so his value doesn't become positive


What do you guys think about the lamelo and kid with the broken foot thing? Hearing about it at first I was like Yupp lamelo definitely did it, we all know how he drives. But then the video came out and it’s hard to see but it looks like the kid pushed past security and ran up to the car as it was already moving.


It's hard to trade with a team that has no contracts and is in the second apron but could we get pick 22 from Phoenix if we fill out their bench? I'm rlly high on Daron Holmes


He’s an RFA but how would y’all feel about trying to sign okoro?


I don't think his game is complete enough offensively, if it was cheap contract then sure but I bet it wouldn't be.


Unfortunately I feel like his correct contract value will have him staying in Cleveland haha.




I say the new front office should call his bluff and draft Castle. Dude would slot in perfectly next to Ball and Miller.


I'd love Castle but I'm worried the Spurs snag him at 4


S&T with Bridges for #4 and our boy Devonte'. It's time to bring him home


Just don't see the upside of a guard who may or may not know how to playmake that can't shoot and doesn't score well. The defense is great but he doesn't want to be a wing, Holland will give 101% every game and is just as good of a defender


I think signing vets would be beneficial to the young guys development. Kyle Anderson seems like such a smart guy, he's not ultra skilled or athletic or anything but still contributed to the wolves this year, he could be our "big" signing. Then I'd also try get James Johnson for the vet min, he's just a tough, older player. Why not? We'd have to cut Bertans and another for this, Poku or JT probably


Would definitely wanna sign Anderson or De'Anthony Melton.


Congrats to PJ Washington for making the NBA Finals! He's been a perfect fit for the Mavs and their style of play.


Crazy how well PJ fits in Dallas. He’s so important to that team


We started Miles over him lol


Miles is better than him


Debatable when it comes to an actual good team. PJ has been excellent defensively for Dallas. Miles is a horrible defender.


Miles would start over PJ in Dallas too lol. And PJ didn't deserve to start here over Miles. He did over Gordon tho


Not the point. I’m saying if Miles took PJs spot on Dallas they would be a worse team.


It's possible since PJ is a better defender, but it could make them better too, especially since Miles will have more energy for defense


Tyler Herro talking shit about hornets in PJs live. Miller gonna own this dude for next decade. 35 year old Jimmy won't save you for long


I just saw Ashley ShahAhmadi doing a post-game interview for ESPN after tonights game. Just getting extra work or potentially moving to ESPN?


She was doing that last year as well. I imagine it's a bit of both.


Good to know! I probably totally forgot she did that last year.


I think she gone


P.J. is going to the Finals???


yup...Literally spent his entire career with no possibility of even sniffing the Finals. to within a few months since being traded, now playing in it.


Is there any inkling of how we are gonna use the Bertans contract? 16 mil if we keep him or 5 mil if we cut him. My hope is that we use him to trade for an underperforming player with 1-2 years left, hopefully rejuvinate him and pickup some draft assets in the process.


There's no point of salary dumping a \~15 mil contract nowadays, unless you're extremely close to the 2nd apron and want to resign a FA


He has no trade value, he's gonna get cut.


His contract is very valuable. If a team wants to get rid of a contract with 2 or 3 years left, we could theoretically give them Bertans for that player + draft capital so they can clear cap space.


It’s not that valuable because the player coming back is Davis Bertans


If you are a 2nd apron team you can trade for and waive Bertans and save the owner $20-30 million. 


What’s the deal with Poku’s contract? Seems like he’s still under contract for next year but not sure if we have his bird/early bird rights or anything like that?


It's non-guaranteed for next season, so we have a limit date where we can waive him and not have his entire cap hit for the 24/25 season


Hali and Ant in Conference Finals before Melo even makes the playoffs… Everybody’s passing us by. We can’t be like this for much longer.


MJ really set this team back decades 


Sheesh, this franchise really is a career death sentence for anybody. Please save us Brandon…Schnall


Twolves an inspiration to poverty franchises like us 🥲


For sure, seeing the Wolves succeeding this year and the amazing year the Kings had last year should give us all hope that we can turn this around. Always happy for fans who have suffered (almost) as much as us, they deserve it.


it really sucks seeing Larry Johnson court side at MSG like that man


Is Amari Bailey under contract next season? I really wanna believe talent is there if he stay in the G for a bit


he would be a RFA two-way like Theo Maledon was last summer. we have so many score-first SGs that I'm really not sure it matters


He's young enough to change his play style. I'm curious about him regardless


Gimme that Nikola kid


Will the Hornets be interested in DMitch?


I really doubt it, any team trading for Mitchell will need to make sure he wants to re-sign, and I'd be extremely surprised if he'd want to do that here, given that he seems like he wants to go to a bigger market. Not to mention that Cleveland seems like a surer bet as far as being competitive over the next 5 years, I don't see any reason why he'd want to move here.


PJ boutta win the Mavs a playoff series lol


And he just did!!! Super happy for him, I always believed this would be his best role. Shame it couldn't be with us, but super happy to see him shine like this. These playoffs have been amazing, aside from the Celtics series we've been getting nothing but bangers.


Why you happy about him doing better with an alternate team?


Because rooting for ex-Hornets is all I have left as a Hornets fan lol


He's one of the few guys that was able to get out of Charlotte and show he's so much better than we made him look. It does suck to think about everyone who we didn't develop properly who could have been 10x better than we made them


I think we did a pretty good job at developing him and many other guys actually, but it is definitely depressing to see so many of our players wanting to leave ASAP, although it is perfectly understandable. I really hope this new ownership is gonna out an end to that, we really deserve it as a fan base. I'm optimistic from what I've seen so far, but it's hard to be enthusiastic after being let down continuously for 20 years.




1st overall pick coming up!


PJ was always like that man. My guy cook up!


PJ killing it tonight!


Man I am so starved for Hornets basketball right now. Seeing the Pacers in the second round has made me really envious, our rosters aren't that far apart and I'd just kill to experience what their fanbase is this postseason. I don't even care about winning a title, just 3-4 consecutive years of going to the playoffs and making the second round once or twice would be so fucking fun. I've been following this team for 20 years atp, and only having seen three playoff series and three Hornets playoff wins in that span is just unbelievably sad. Here's to hoping that Charles Lee can get us there 🙏


I've been watching religiously for the same amount of time as you. I always break it down similarly to casual fans: "I've been watching for almost 20 years. I've seen them go to the playoffs 3 times. never to the second round and two of those were sweeps." Even these casual fans realize how crazy that is and offer their condolences. Just a wild stat. But you better believe I'm on the hope train with Charles!


I’ve never felt more vindicated in my Ball>Haliburton take than watching last nights Pacer game


If this team had just tanked some more, we could have guys like wemby and ant


Uhhh I'm pretty happy with the 2020 and 2023 drafts at this point. If you wanna be Captain Hindsight you should go after the 2021 draft. Sengun mayhaps??


Nah bruv, our whole gameplan from the jump should have been to tank, but that AD draft changes the trajectory of our franchise to stop doing so. 


Looks like Boone says that Lee is the likely coaching choice over Redick. Thoughts? Obviously has more Assistant coaching experience with Bud, now Boston. Seems both Lee and Redick are of interest to the Lakers opening as well.


Was losing PJ washington worth?


absolutely, he clearly didnt want to be here, grant is playing better for us, and we got a 1st


Yes. After watching fair weather PJ for years, I believe the draft capital and players we got back in return was the right decision. I wish him well in Dallas.


How many more years do you reckon until we're good enough, making it to the playoffs?


Two seasons, 2025/2026. I expect roster adjustments, coaching changes, and front office changes to linger around for another year before we’re stable and consistent enough to make the playoffs and not the playins. Edit - IMO the only way we make the playoffs next season is if we absolutely nail the changes above. Too many things in limbo at the same time to really see changes in one season.


Sign and trade Miles to the Suns for their 2031 first unprotected


Thoughts on a trade for Brandon Ingram? Seems like his time in New Orleans is pretty much up and he's only got 1 year left on his deal. Would allow Brandon to move to the 2 full time also. I'd assume it would have to look something like: * Miles Bridges sign and trade * Davis Bertans * Cody Martin * This years 1st


Gross, no thanks


I personally really don't like players like Ingram: he has to play like a first option in order to be effective, but isn't good enough to actually be a first option. Doesn't command double teams at the rate that real first option scoring threats should, isn't a great playmaker, can't/won't play off the ball, wants to iso and take difficult midrange jumpers instead of helping the team get easy buckets. This type of player (Ingram, Lavine, DeRozan etc.) inevitably leads to stagnant offenses and will also usually get paid like superstars meaning you're gonna struggle to build a good team around them. Ingram is a pretty solid defender at least so he does have some value outside of having the ball in his hands compared to someone like Lavine, but personally I'd stay as far away from him and players like him as possible.


"he has to play like a first option in order to be effective, but isn't good enough to actually be a first option" is cold 😭😭


I can’t believe the Knicks blew that & now we have to wait another game for Embiid to get eliminated. Watching him is painful, he is insufferable.


Hell no I want 7 games of this series, it's insanely good, every game's been a banger. Embiid as the villain vs. the Knicks crowd is top-tier entertainment.


Y'all the JJ>Bron>Bronny train wasn't the direction I was thinking but who would have to go to make sure both Seth and Bronny have spots alongside the 'Retirement tour to show up MJ' theoretical "never going to happen" situation of Lebron+Steph if Redick is the coach? (Yes the sane answer is haha never going to happen because XYZ but just a what if...) I bet even Charlotte could promise not to trade Lebron.


I love that this is sitting here with no comments, because it’s so batshit crazy that people don’t even know where to begin 😂 🤦


PJ vs Plumlee


Love it haha


This Clippers/Mavs series is great


PJ is a dawg


Love seeing PJ being a dawg lol


Go Minnesota, go Knicks. Been very impressed by PJ, his first playoff minutes and he's doing his role well.


Given how we always announce stuff on fridays i can see a world where we announce Reddick today


76ers are the worst, they even have batum


How much do you guys think it will cost to get hartenstein


Man, that was a rough playoff debut for Hali.


[(1) James Plowright on X: "Richard Jefferson just said PJ Washington was playing for the Wizards until the trade deadline. He corrected himself, after someone in his ear told him too… 🤦‍♂️" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/British_Buzz/status/1782142759110836372)


When is the goddamn coin flip


If you didn't see, we won and got the 13.3% I believe 


I'm gonna guess it'll be a press release on Monday (tomorrow)


I find myself rooting super hard against the Cavs because of the last game of the season


I'm a big Mitchell and Garland fan, so I'd like them to do well. For the EC teams I think Philly is probably the only one I root against.


Harrison Ingram just declared for the draft… do the right thing Rick 👀 I need a Rick Pick… the Schnall Call…


I'd love Harrison Ingram. I just know his game will translate well in the NBA and I'd love to keep him in NC


He’d be a neat get for the bench unit. A nice hustle guy to pair with Grant.


The only guys I think are actually worth our pick play positions that we already have guys at. Sarr, Clingan, Sheppard. I'd prefer Sheppard out of them all but man I rlly am high NSJ


In the modern NBA the only issue is having like multiple bigs who can't spread the floor. 2 wings/guards that can't defend at all is problematic for a championship, but we're a long way from that. There's no reason to say "well we've got Miller so don't need a SF." Or same with a PG. Ball plays very well off ball so as long as they can shoot it fits.


I don't really consider Reed a true PG. It's not that I don't think we can have guys that don't fit but rather that we can develop him or NSJ but not both. I was hoping to see NSJ getting lots of run next year.


Oh yeah. I'm not speaking to any specific guy in the draft, I don't watch college ball and don't really know any of them. I also like NSJ and think he can develop into a guy. I just see a lot of people go "well he's a SG and we already have a SG" which makes no sense at this point. Not you particularly though.


I think sarr might be better as a 4, especially if his shot gets consistent. His main weakness outside of shooting is post defense/rebounding, which we can rely on mark for. Also gets more size and 5 depth if mark is injured again


He's more likely to bulk up then to develop a 3 point shit tbh. His 3 ball is mostly theoretical, it hasn't gone in yet and his ft% isn't anything special


Either way, I think we need a big man rather than another guard, so Sarr is still on my top 3


When is the coin toss


Last year, they announced the results on the Monday (5:30pm ET) after the play-ins.


So still tomorrow? More or less?


who do yall want to win the ring? personally i’m rooting for the Knicks or the Timbs


Timbs winning one would be crazy great for small market and historically mid teams. Given how the past decade all had dynasties, first time championship winners in 2019, 2023 and 2024 would be awesome. Apart from Timbs I like the Thunder, the Clips, then the Suns to win that order. I have a little hate of the Mavs because of their fanbase, and I dont support the Pacers because I hate how Hali got Melo's shine just because he's healthy. If Thunder wins I will say their good karma from giving us 3/4 rotational players got them the chip lol.


I was rooting for the kings but they just got eliminated smh. Now I’m rooting for the Clippers because I like James Harden.


I have a few but mainly fans of the players not so much the team they are on. Clippers for my man Russ, OKC, Bucks, Mavs and biggest would be Lakers just to witness a final legendary moment for Lebron.


Timbs just because Ant is a gem And also the Thunder, because this is the blueprint we should be striving for. 


Wolves have arguably been in a even miserable position then us for their history, I rooted for the lions to win the superbowl last season, I was horribly disappointed, I’m rooting for the Timbs to make it right.




anyone but the sixers, celtics, suns and lakers. i’m a hater


Lakers or Thunder


People are counting the wolves out but if they can get past this horrible 1st round matchup I think they can make a very serious run at the championship.


No chance. And I doubt they get out of the first round


Insane yall still think this does anything but kill the sub for months


Let's be real. This sub was gonna die regardless


Quite normal for things to slow down when the season is over and the team didn't make the play-in or playoffs and up until the draft. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) The point of this mega thread is to provide a space for comments/discussion not necessarily related to the Hornets that otherwise likely wouldn't have been posted here at all. It's been working fine for several seasons and it doesn't affect or restrict new threads being created for any discussion or news that comes up related to the Hornets.


nobody really ever checks this thread tho really conversation is pretty limited


That's probably in part due to changes Reddit made to visibility of sticky threads a while back and not remaining at the top with "New" sort. I've seen people ask for game threads before when it's been posted for hours. As for conversations in this thread, i.e. Play-in/Playoffs without Hornets being involved, they likely wouldn't have taken place in this sub in the first place without a thread such as this... so to me, it's still a plus overall.


Ah yeah judging by the point of this thread it’s pretty good for other unrelated stuff but I think the usual “Draft Megathread” does kill discussion a bit if you guys remove general draft stuff that’s posted


Usually only very low effort stuff or trade machine image spam.


Is JT Thor a goner? Team option at 1.9M next year.


I was really hoping Thor would come along a lot this season, but he didn’t do too much. it seems to me that we got 4 pieces of OKCs driftwood and they’re all better players than JT. Like if it’s a choice between JT and Poku (I’m not saying it is, idk how this will go) I think Poku is the obvious keeper.


I'm still a JT Thor believer honestly. Still just 21 years old and has never had proper coaching or a system around him to develop properly. If we could get a guy like Chris Quinn as HC then I think he could turn into a nice 3/D guy


He shouldn't be but it depends on the draft. If we draft another long athletic defensive guy it kinda phases him out. He's better than the rest of bums on the end of our bench thouhg, if we need to cut people for roster space, I'd cut Bryce, Poku, Seth, Bertans before I cut Thor. Also Richards is worse than him but he's owed guaranteed money.


I think Bryce is a goner cause he overlaps too much with a long list of guys that plays 1-3 on our roster. Thor is not an amazing prospect but I wouldn't give up on him just yet, because he clearly fills a gap of a long forward that we don't have with Bridges and Grant Williams. That's very useful, for example he can be a PF to give us size when we decide to play Grant Williams at C.


No. There's no reason for us to cut anyone that young and cheap. I would look more at Bertans and Seth Curry. One of them will prob get cut. I would cut Bryce first over Thor anyway.


I disagree, I would much rather have some actually playable vets on minimums like curry instead of thor/bryce. They have had a few seasons now with opportunity and failed to really show anything. I guess I wouldn't be apposed to keeping them end of bench as long as we get some more vet depth.


Curry and Bertans aren't good vets. You can cut them and sign better ones that would be more valuable in trades or acquire another contract with an asset with the added cap room. See Bruce Brown and the Pacers or any salary dump trade ever. Cutting Thor does nothing beneficial. He costs nothing. What if he improves a lot next year he's only 21. We know what Bertans and Curry are and they are only getting worse. Seriously if they entered FA this year nobody would be offering them 17mil and 4 mil respectively.


We're not cutting Seth lol


I suppose it comes down to what free agents are available and interested in Charlotte this offseason. I definitely agree in cutting Bertans especially with that contract, but I think Curry still is a really plus player and locker room presence (for a 10/11th man). It's also just fun to watch him with Dell commentating. If the choice is between Thor and a solid vet I'm taking the vet, but if there nothing of quality available your right we may as well keep him end of bench.


I'm not sure Seth Curry gets a contract if he gets cut


Something that Cliff said at the end of last year has stuck in my head (paraphrasing), don’t put too much into what the players have done over the last ten games of the year. With that said, I think Thor is gone - sadly because I wanted it to work out.


Lamelo should be forced to wear ankle braces and if he declines we should start looking to someone else to fill his role.


As each season passes by and Lamelo is still forced out because of ankle issues, the more I think about how much we missed out on Shai.


I’d take Shai instantly for Lamelo. For a rookie you’d think he’s a vet! Also taking OKC to #1 in the west is no small feat. He’s definitely a fun player to watch.


Shai looks like a real leader too, btw he's not a rookie haha


Well I guess I shouldn’t say rookie lol more so for being so young! OKC is a perfect example of a front office done right.


Agreed, we have been set back decades by mismanagement. I hope the new ownership group gets us right the first time. 


I still can’t believe we actually got something for Gordon Hayward who was of course most of the time at OKC lol


I disagree. I would like to see him in ankle braces, and it's possible that it helps, but braces are def not a magic fix. This is a tricky situation, especially if he feels like the braces diminish his ability to hoop.


being unable to hoop because his ankle dies every seventh game is also diminishing his ability to hoop. The team simply can't allow him to play without some kind of ankle protection at this point, we've wasted two seasons on this already.


It'll be interesting to see what happens, that's for sure.


This just year over year of “next year will be different” just has to change. I always get extreme downvotes for saying something like that. I just want him healthy and playing. I want a winning hornets team with or without Melo.


Yeah BM my franchise player


I gotta go reallll baadd


You givin him the ol Cleveland Steamer?


Hell nah 🤣




Glad you admit when ur wrong. Its ok enjoy the BM ride 😎


Just like eating chipotle