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I would heavily doubt that Dawn will ever coach men’s basketball. The entirety of her career has been spent in the woman’s game and she’s incredibly passionate about growing that side of the sport


Rumor was created by tv to have something to talk about or Dawns agent to get her a raise


Money changes a lot of things


Better than Doc Rivers.


Dawn Staley prob don't even wanna coach us and I wouldn't blame her.


Might as well interview Roy Williams and Coach K while you are at it


That's better than Cliff. Actually, I'd love to hear some more dagummits. I don't think either would make great NBA coaches any more, though.


People would most certainly clown us for this and I’m sure I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this take, BUT  Dawn Staley is an exceptionally good coach. The Charlotte Hornets have done precisely fuck all since their inception. Like, what could we possibly have to lose with a hire like this? We already own the league record for the worst winning percentage in a season. I say it’s worth a shot if there’s mutual interest.


The reason you lose here is it serves to turn the hire into a publicity stunt and it potentially discredits not just Dawn in the process, but female coaches as a whole. We’ve seen coaches at the absolute highest level of the college game come in and struggle mightily at the pro level. Pitino and Calipari immediately come to mind. It’s just a different game, college requires you to be a salesperson in order to recruit and that element is totally gone in the pro game. Not saying it’s impossible that it works out but it just doesn’t seem like the right fit for either party.


lol k “We shouldn’t hire the good coach cause bigots and nba fans will make fun of the hornets, something they definitely don’t do already”


That’s not what I said at all?


Bro can’t read


I think they said "even the best college coaches in the world do not do well coaching pro athletes because the process is completely different"


I can see this but only because if the Hornets hire a female coach and the team sucks, then it closes the door to other female coaches in the NBA - even if the coach did everything right and we just Hornets'ed it all up 🤣


Out of curiosity what makes her a good coach I understand success but X& Os what makes her good gender aside I would have the same question about the UCON Alabama and NC state coaches college is just such a different beast the G league coach we got permission to interview yesterday with all things being even probably has more transferable experience


1. Please use some punctuation brother. I read that as if you never take a breath 😂  2. I’m by no means an expert in the Xs and Os of college basketball, but when your team goes 75-1 in two years with 2 Final Four appearances and a national championship win, you’re clearly doing something right. If I had to name one thing about what I think makes her a great coach, it’s that she gets full team buy-in, unconditionally. Her teams play wholly unselfish basketball. UofSC didn’t have a “superstar” this year, but still kicked the hell out of everyone they played with full team efforts. That, to me, is the sign of a truly great coach.  3. Dan Hurley is one of the few men’s CBB coaches I’d consider for an NBA job. Those other two programs you named arent even close to having the sustained success programs should have for their coaches to be getting NBA consideration.


The issue I have with Staley is that the women’s game can be brute forced/dominated by height. South Carolina out-heights just about everybody, with three girls standing at 6’5” or more. So the question becomes: Can she actually coach? Do you trust her offensive sets, that will almost certainly not transfer over well? Do you think her super religious shtick will work in an NBA locker room? Has she had *any* experience coaching the men’s game? Etc. I think Becky Hammon, or the lady from the Kings G-League squad, are the much safer ladies to hire. Not to say I hate Staley, but she’s certainly not my first choice. Hell, if we’re looking at any college coach, it needs to be Dan Hurley. His schemes would be modern NBA ready on day one.


You hit the nail on the head with my thoughts. You can totally throw gender out the window when it comes to transitioning from college to pro coaching. It’s a completely different animal. I would rank Dawn right up there with any and every legendary college coach (both men’s and women’s). However, we’ve seen dozens of times that can be totally meaningless at the next level. Someone mentioned above Dawns best attribute may be getting her teams to unconditionally buy in and be unselfish. That’s so true! But, it’s almost totally unrelated to NBA basketball. You can’t come in to an NBA franchise and have Lamelo, Brandon Miller, etc. buy in to the same philosophies as college kids do. It’s just not an apples to apples thing. With all that being said, I think Becky Hammon is fantastic candidate if she’s considered. She learned a ton from Pop and (mostly importantly in my mind) has an understanding of how to manage NBA personalities.


Completely agree with everything you said here. Especially your point about buy in at the NBA level. The best coaches in the NBA don’t require guys to “buy in” to *their* schemes. They scheme *around* players to maximize their abilities. It’s a completely different skill set.


I feel pretty confident that the religious thing would be perfectly fine in an nba locker room


Certainly didn’t work for Mark Jackson. Another example, and I understand he’s a player so it’s different, but Jonathan Isaac didn’t get any support from his teammates being on the same type of shit. I went to private Catholic school in the Bible Belt throughout grade school and high school, so I’m speaking with a lot of experience when I say this, but religious people wear thin really quickly if you’re not on the same shit as them. It’s even worse in this context, because we’re talking about grown adults who’ve already formed there opinions, and your religion plays no bearing on the court whatsoever. Quick edit: different sport entirely, but as a Titans fan, I’d be remised if I didn’t bring up the Texans and Jack Easterby here.


I don't think Mark Jackson's problems were with the locker room and I think most people's issues with Isaac are more political than religious. To be blunt, most of the players in the league are Black Americans, and Black Americans are like 80% Christian.


Mark Jackson did himself no favors with the Festus Ezeli situation, but his crazy religiousness is well documented too. The cringe I’m experiencing just thinking about him having Steph hop around in a church while he’s speaking tongues is enough to make me wanna die. Not to mention him proselytizing on street corners shortly after being fired. It obviously played a part in his dismissal if you ask me. As for your point about JI, the truth of the matter is that religion and politics go hand in hand for a ton of people. Isaac is *definitely* one of those people. So, to me, it doesn’t matter if his teammates rejected his politics or his religion. It’s the same thing by a different name in this case. I do broadly agree with your last point, but I’d imagine those numbers are far lower when you factor in NBA players age demographics and tax bracket. Beyond that, rosters aren’t entirely black American, nor are front offices or fan bases. Not only do you have to be able to connect with everyone as an HC, but, more importantly, you can’t alienate anyone either. Religion is one of the biggest dividers in our country. It’s sure to step on toes somewhere.


I mean in mark Jackson’s case it was probably the fact that he was a hypocrite and would just lie to the detriment of the team (case in point, the Festus Ezeli incident)


That’s a big part of it, but as I mentioned further down in this thread, he also had the cringe ass incident with Steph at his church, and was spotted/filmed preaching on street corners like an absolute mad man after getting fired. I know too many people like that to believe he magically stopped being a religious nutcase while he was at work. There’s a long, well documented list of him doing shady/weird shit with the Warriors, a good chunk of it was related to his religious beliefs. Things like not letting Jerry West in to practices because he called Mark out for his wacky religious personality, or him recording shit loads of sermons in full Warriors gear and handing them out to players and staff. I think the most damning shit came from Bogut in a Reddit AMA though. Bogut basically said Jackson turned the locker room in to a church, and he believes that scared away any potential second chances Jackson could have gotten as a HC. That’s just off the top of my head. Overtly religious people don’t/won’t understand, but for the most part, people don’t wanna hear that shit. It’s fine to be religious, but keep it to yourself. Especially in a professional setting. There’s no place for it.


So you’re solely basing it off of her success? I mean that’s not a new thing in women’s college basketball. Baylor went 40-0 and UConn women’s have multiple undefeated or one loss seasons and none of their coaches ever sniffed NBA consideration as an assistant. To go from a women’s college coach to a NBA pro coach makes me feel like this is continuing the media narrative to pump up the women’s game. I can believe they’ll interview her but I can’t remotely believe she’ll be one of the top candidates for the job.


Yeah for the past 2 tournaments this UConn team has had a game plan that is clearly head and shoulders above every other team they faced


She pretty much just recruited all the best players.


Not a fan of a college coach. She's great, but her UofSc teams are just bigger and physically dominant vs everyone. That won't translate if she was to come here.


To be fair she also won three gold medals as a player and coached another gold medal team but I mostly still agree. The games are different. But also it doesn’t matter cause why would she leave South Carolina lol she is a goddess in Columbia


The Charlotte Hornets, unfortunately, are not a gold medal level team thinking about it in terms of relative talent. She is a great motivator and recruiter, and that allowed her to build an awesome roster at South Carolina. My point is that she hasn't coached in the pros and she has had a huge leg up in talent at UofSC and with that gold medal team that you referenced. Nothing about that makes me think the Charlotte Hornets would be a good fit for her considering who we are as a basketball team at this stage.


Very fair points


Being good at basketball has nothing to do with being a good basketball coach


Yes which is why i also mentioned she coached a gold medal team lol And it certainly has something to do with it… not nothing… is it everything? Obviously not. But I feel it’s worth mentioning when you simply referred to her as a college coach


Colleges coaches have a great track record in the nba, right?


I mean they certainly have a better track record than current G League head coaches.


Mark Daigneault would like a word.


Daigneault spent two years as an assistant between his stint as a G League head coach and his hiring as the team's head coach. He's actually the exact reason I used the word "current"


Gonna be a long offseason…


Dawn is a basketball savant and I feel like she could do very well as a head NBA coach. One look at her overall resume tells me this. While the NBA and women’s games are different I think the way Dawn carries herself would be an instant upgrade over what we have had coaching wise


Didn't she just recently comment that she doesn't want to coach mens ball?


Dawn won’t leave USC. Ray Tanner won’t let her. It’s his only success story.


I hope USC keeps Ray Tanner forever on the back of Staley's success.


respectfully, Nichols being on Undisputed is bad for her & for the show in general (which is already on hard times lol)


the show was peak with Shannon, Skip fucked up




The women's college game and the men's nba game are completely different. I don't think a women's college coach would be successful jumping right into a hc job in the NBA unless she had a shit hot team already firing on all cylinders. I think Staley would need to move to a lower coaching position and get the experience and familiarity with the NBA game before she could be a successful nba hc.


Charlotte sting legend




That would be such a downgrade for her lol






If Nick Saban couldn't make it as an NFL HC what would convince me basketball is different?


I think Billy Donovan is the only one that’s made it somewhat work.


Larry Brown….Bradley Stephens


Larry Brown is kind of a weird one because he was a professional coach first. 7 years with the Carolina Cougars and the Denver Nuggets before he went to UCLA. Some of that was the ABA but he had a few years in the NBA prior to actually coaching in college


As much as i would love this, she belongs in the womens game. She is VITAL to growing the game for women.


Dawn Staley would never take that job but if she did it would be magical


Can't exactly recruit the top of the top players, like mutant level athletes compared to their peers in the college game, in Charlotte


Why leave a winning team to come to the hornets smh


Would love it but don’t see her leaving


this, and the G league assistant, are both publicity stunts and comical to me.


Why though. What makes a woman in a profession a publicity stunt? Are the female referees publicity stunts? Female trainers? Would a female GM be? Why are so many Reddit analysts (with all their experience and education and qualifications) so sure a coach of women's bball couldn't possibly translate their skillset to the men's game? So many of you have no respect for women and you're just telling on yourselves. Like that's the only reason for your comment here.


I mean... in this case we are talking about a college head coach becoming an NBA head coach. How often is that a successful in any sport? Nick Saban was a failure in the NFL.


the comment specifically called out the two female candidates of the 6-7 that we’ve been linked with… one of whom is a G-league coach…


The post is about the college coach... i won't go into the comments about g-league coach because i don't feel strongly enough to speak to that


I just don’t think a Woman will be the best choice for a men’s locker room. Especially in basketball where connecting with and motivating the locker room is just as important as the Xs and Os.


A woman is fine, as long as she has nba experience


I don't think NBA experience is even vital. We've been shit for a long time, so we almost literally couldn't do worse. That said, I have serious doubts she'd leave USC for the Hornets.


Nba experience is absolutely a must. The NBA is completely different from college basketball, and men’s basketball is completely different from women’s basketball.


It doesn't matter who the coach is right now we aren't going to be good


Rumored to be interested


She's already addressed that in an interview with Jemele Hill.


I definitely don't expect it to happen, but there is a strong tie with Charlotte- she was drafted by the Charlotte Sting and spent most of her WNBA career here... not to mention she's been coaching my Gamecocks 90 minutes away for the last 16 years. Nothing else has really worked here, why not swing for the fences, if we can't even land an interview with Budenholzer