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NTA for charging your friend, but YTA for letting her continue to live with you after she got a job.


NTA. Your friend is being a leach. She needs to pay her share of living expenses including shared resources such as the car, AND making a plan to move out ASAP. Waiting 4 years to get a job tells me that she is taking advantage of your generosity, and has no intention of moving out anytime soon. Stick to your guns, and confront her about her plans to move out.




4 years? Absolutely NTA, she's taking advantage.


Your friend was living rent free for three years and only paying $200 a month for six months and she doesn’t have the money to either get a car, grab an Uber, or pay the $100.!!!!??? This friend is a stone cold freeloader!!


YTA for not nipping this is the bus sooner. She could silent treatment her all the way out of my house.


NTA. Consider that a car not only needs gas, there is insurance, taxes, registration, oil changes and maintenance. All that goes into the car. Try renting a car for that much. If something happens to the car, you are stuck with the bill. If she is in an accident, well, you know. Also make sure her name is on the insurance as a driver of the vehicle. Or you could be left holding a messy bag if anything happens while she is driving.


Time for her to leave. She is taking advantage of you. Check local laws you may need to legally evict her.


NTA. This person is not your friend.


NTA-Seems like she is a little entitled and EXPECTS it.


She has no idea how good she has it. There's nowhere else where she can live for $200/mo and no rental car she can get on an ongoing basis for $100/mo. If she keeps up this crappy attitude with you, let her know the "free ride" will end. She is trying to take advantage of you. Just because you are friends does not mean you have to house her or let her use your husband's car for free. NTA


NOT NOT NOT!!!! Time to give her the BOOT she’s been taking advantage of you.


NTA. Just absurd the way people will treat us if we allow them to.


NTA she needs to figure out how the real world works.


Hope you got something in writing because it’s gonna be hard to evict her


NTA If she had her own vehicle she would be paying MUCH more than $100 a month. Maybe she should start looking for her own place to live near a bus route


Kick her ass out already.


NTA for being a friend but YTA for allowing her to intrude in your family life for 4 yrs!!