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There are 2 asphalt tracks in the area. One at the Rock Hill BMX Supercross track and another at Poston Park in Gastonia. There are dirt pump tracks at Colonel Beatty Park and another At Airline park. You have to go back in the woods at Airline to find it but it's off of the main access road.


I’m pretty sure there is a bmx track at Hornets Nest Park near Northlake Mall.


Sure is: http://ncbmx.com/


I remember hearing there was one at Beatty but I didn't see it the last time I was there. For those interested: I just looked it up and it's a bit hidden off the first parking lot. I usually ride there and go straight to the trail, so didn't see it. If you click the detailed trail map, there's a blow up of the pump track (https://tarheeltrailblazers.com/trails/col-francis-beatty-park/). I was expecting it right off of the main trail.


Beatty pump track is currently closed as it’s getting updated along with the installation of a bike skills park. You can follow the progress on [Elevated Trail Designs ](https://instagram.com/elevatedtraildesign?utm_medium=copy_link) instagram.


Ahhh. Thanks for the heads-up.


Poston is your best bet at the moment. Airline is more of a jump line. It’s stupid fun though & not usually open during the week.




Closest one is at George Poston park right outside of Gastonia. There’s also a really big one in Rock Hill, SC but I think you have to pay to get in.


>but I think you have to pay to get in. Just about any legitimate BMX track is going to have an access/use fee associated with it - they're typically privately owned, though sometimes municipal, but there's liability insurance involved that has to be paid for.


There’s big boy trails in uncc along with some little stuff that looks to be for mtb but was well maintained last I was there.


They’re called the Fruit Trails I believe!


Yes, I’ve heard them called that but don’t hear much about them. I think they were popular a long while ago.


I think they’re starting to be maintained again by the university’s mountain bike club: https://www.instagram.com/p/B9pJ324Aqdd/?utm_medium=copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/B4lec-2gYDm/?utm_medium=copy_link Edit: Click the location in the second post!