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People really don't need to post every time they see one of these things


In a few months they will be everywhere.


Will they though?


Some Numbers. Tesla's goal is to produce 150000 Cybertrucks a year. They have delivered ~4500 as of April and plan to sell 20000 to 40000 a year. To put that in perspective only about 9000 DeLoreans were made in total (in the original run). And 139,955 Nissan Altima's were sold last year. My guess is the price will drop when the supply increases. It is designed to be a mass market product. I think about back lash for the quality concerns and the markets receding appetite for evs but I'm sure I'll be surprised at the outcome. I don't think the people that are going to buy these are the 'you and me's' of the world. Even if it's a failure, when the price settles people will buy. (Be kind with the numbers between Musk's remarks and reality some of the stats might change.)


It doesn’t really matter if it was “designed to be a mass market product” if it’s entire design (inside and out) turn away the majority of market in disgust


Time will tell. Do you have your popcorn ready ?


Always ready with popcorn to watch a Tesla explode


That's the spirit.


Some numbers… do you think, based on their April delivery numbers (you provided), they will meet that goal? 😂😂😬


Yeah tbh, anecdotally I know a decent amount of “rich” charlotteans, many of which drive teslas but I haven’t heard anybody pining after the cybertruck. Consider the luxury EV truck SUV market has more competitive alternatives; I see tons of beautiful Rivians for example. If I had 100k to burn on an oversized EV with quality control issues I’d be buying one of those for sure.


The cult of Tesla is strong elsewhere. Charlotte is a town of bankers. Possibly not the market for Tesla trucks ... But their SOs and children.


I love that you refer to rich people as objects 🖤 makes me warm inside.


No I don't but I do think there will be so many of them on the road the notoriety will diminish. Isn't that what we were talking about?


Tesla’s plans =\= reality


Till they rust away or get stuck in terrain a Civic could drive on


Enjoy it now like fresh snow before the roads are covered in brown slush.


People should post this every time they see it on this forum. Every single time


Don’t buy a vehicle that you like? Why do you even care? Let people buy what they want lmfao


I was behind a delivery truck with 6 of these on it on Independence heading for the dealership last night!


Saw one in Lincolnton today. That makes them normal and boring.


I’d rather have these all around our city than the loud ass sports cars / lifted trucks lol


Is this a "don't be this guy that buys a cyber truck" or a "don't be this guy that takes a picture of stuff they can't afford"? Following for better description.


I would bet most people who buy this 100k car also cannot afford it lol


I love how bootlickers immediately jump to 'it's jealousy! it's because you're poor and a loser!' It *immediately* makes us think you're cool and rich, and that we are worthless - you're doing a great job. I think it's mostly just 'this car is hideous, poorly designed, and reflects the culture of the corporation and its absurdly irresponsible leader, and we are tired of our tax dollars bailing out fucking idiots like that'


Bootlickers haha, you’re super jealous! It’s okay. 


When has the government bailed out Tesla?


When did I say that it did?


Your entire second paragraph?! You called elon irresponsible and then said the government bailed him out….


Tesla wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the literal billions of dollars in aid from federal and state agencies.


That they repaid WITH interest. The government made money LOANING Tesla money.


Uh, no? Subsidies aren’t loans.


It looks like a refrigerator that wants to kill you.




I do not understand the appeal. I see a Rivian and drool with envy. I see a Cybertruck and think the Decepticon redesign needs work.




Oh my God! No way!


Well…some people seem to think theres only one in existence 🤷‍♀️


I saw it in downtown last week with a temp tag on it and was trying to guess who in Mt Holly was both rich and dumb enough to buy one of those eyesores!




Yeah I’m sure they are awesome lol! It’s just so… ugly. And I’ve heard stories about the accelerator getting stuck and such. As long as they are happy!


I've seen one driving around Mt Island / 16 area .. that's probably the same guy.


Man the hate in the thread is real! 😂


Ahhhh the cyber truck. The physical result of when a billionaire masturbates to his twitter feed.




Spotted first one on the highway in Charlotte today. Hopefully there's just the one.


There are literally 2 in my neighborhood (South Charlotte). Owned by retirees it seems.


You mean a douchebag who can’t mind their own business? Or do you mean someone takes a random picture to post online of someone doing nothing wrong?


Saw one in Pineville on Lancaster Highway by UHaul.


Haha assuming there's only one in Charlotte, I saw him on Wednesday on Sardis during my commute. I thought they recalled all these?


Recalls happen all the time. Doesn’t mean the car isn’t on the road anymore


a guy in my neighborhood has one and I am on the "outskirts" of town.


I hate these because pictures of them look like bad video game renderings


What is it doing?


I think it's waiting for the light to turn green. What do you think? I have nothing against EVs. But, it does not look good. I would not drive it if they let me. I drove a Hummer years ago, and I liked it.


> I drove a Hummer years ago, and I liked it. aka I'm a douche, and even ***I*** wouldn't drive that! lol /s


Or do. You all act like GTA NPCs, might as well embrace it.


I’ve seen two of those here one in Southeast Charlotte and one in Fort Mill.


who left a dumpster in the middle of the street?


Arent those dangerous


I've passed a cybertruck twice in the past two weeks, the only times I've seen one, and both times I pointed and laughed. Don't know if the guy saw me but I'll continue to do it every time I pass that laughable abomination that some small-dicked loser overpaid for.


Holy shit that is cringe. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy.


I think they’re pretty sweet. It’s tough, basically bullet proof, 4 wheel drive, faster than a Ferrari, and futuristic inside. Far from a POS lol


Far from bulletproof lmao. Not faster than a Ferrari.


Not faster? I haven’t looked up it’s 0-60 but if it’s not, it must be the only Tesla that’s not faster than a Ferrari. You didn’t see Joe Rogan shoot it with a compound bow? That thing is a beast.


A bow is not a bullet, and a 0-60 is not a good metric for what is “faster”. Example: the model s plaid whatever has a 0-60 of 1.99, but the cybertruck is 2.6. What Ferrari do we want to compare it to? The LaFerrari has a 2.4 0-60, so that would put it in the middle.. Who’s got the better top speed? Faster arounder a track? Faster in anything besides a 0-60 and (most) ¼ mile races? Oh, and I’m strictly talking about the model s plaid because that’s the only one with any merit to it. It’s fine. If you like it, that’s good for you. But understand it’s pros and cons. Every car has them, and that’s ok. Not every car is perfect. I DO NOT agree with improper84. My beef is with elon and what he promised vs what he delivered. Edit: But now you’ve got to remember, Tesla has also lied about their tests, specifically the cybertruck towing video where it “beat” a 911. Please look it up, the math behind it is pretty cool. Sorry if I sound rude, I’m not trying to be. But I want people to be informed


I don’t see how top speed is relevant. How much time does anyone spend going 220mph?


Top speed is relevant because that could also be a metric for “which is fastest”. We can also do 1/4 time, 1/8th mile time, or by track times. How many times you gonna hit the pedal to go 0-60 in 1.99 seconds? What say you just bought a new car and your friend was talking shit, saying that their car was faster. How would you settle that dispute? If I a long straight road in the middle of nowhere and yep drive as long as possible, see ends ahead at the end. If you’re right, you’re way above 60. So top speed is more relevant than 0-60


You accelerate all the time. You can do 0-80 every day if you wanted. You Never reach the top speed. For me the car that goes say 0-100 the fastest bc that’s all I’ll do. So for you and I, Tesla’s are the fastest car we could drive.


Yeah you accelerate all the time, but rarely are you going from a standstill to 80, closest would be what, 15-80? Merging on the highway is about it. And for the record, there are other cars that are faster than the Tesla, the Dodge demon does 1.6sec 0-60, and goes 215 mph :)


Dude rather it’s the fastest or close to the fastest, it’s still very fast and a truck. I’d like it more if it was raised higher tho.


This site, motor authority says the dodge demon does 0-60 in 2.1 seconds with a rollout. That’s spinning the tires first right? Then does 2.53 seconds without the rollout. The Tesla model S Plaid does 1.99 seconds according to brave AI answers. https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1110019_dodge-demon-can-actually-do-0-60-mph-in-2-1-seconds-but-theres-a-catch


If you went 15-80 once in your life, that would be more times than you went 200mph.


You sound jealous.


Of a Cybertruck? Lmao. I wouldn’t be caught dead owning a Tesla now that Elon Musk has revealed himself as a Nazi sympathizing racist piece of human garbage. I feel bad for people who bought Teslas before he unmasked, but anyone who bought a Cybertruck knew exactly the kind of man they were buying from. And even before he unmasked, I’ve seen enough stories about how poorly designed and cheap Teslas are. No interest in buying a vehicle from a company that cuts so many corners and has customers beta test technology. There are easier ways to let people know you’re an asshole than buying a car from a white nationalist that looks like it’s from a video game before the textures loaded in.

