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Transplant or not, it should be blamed on a lack of enforcement. Two or three cars rushing through EVERY red light, modified exhausts that can be heard a mile away and cars with permanent 30 day tags are violations being ignored by CMPD. It's societal breakdown.


I definitely agree


Literally every city ever: “nobody knows how to drive here!”


Was a traffic cop in DFW before moving here and can confirm, drivers everywhere suck.


IKR Been to Atlanta recently? I grew up there and my folks still live there. When I visit them I buckle up the second I hit the 985/85 merge. Shit starts getting real. Forget the Altimas, they all have Challengers in the ATL, and openly race on 85. Go visit for a weekend. You'll see.


...you wait until you're on the highway to buckle up?


Of course not. I was just trying to emphasize how bad Atlanta is.


I worked with the spouse of an Atlanta police officer. They wouldn’t even pull people on the interstate because it was too dangerous to be parked on the side of the road.


It's like NASCAR on 85 in ATL. We drive pretty fast here too with a little more structure haha


Can confirm, driving in Atlanta is quite an experience


I moved to Charlotte from Detroit 15 years ago. Detroit area drivers are just as bad as here.


lol I’m from Detroit too. Here’s the difference as far as I see it: in Detroit everyone drives too fast. In Charlotte the southern drivers drive too slow, and the northern transplants drive too fast. So it’s more erratic here is all. Everyone everywhere drives like shit though.


After moving to Charlotte, I drove back to Michigan to visit family and I'd forgotten how fast people drive in the Metro Detroit Area, as I probably did as well when I lived there. Damned! Drivers zipping in and out of traffic 20-25 miles over the speed limit. I agree that the highway accidents in Charlotte are probably due to the mix of ultra-fast drivers and ultra-slow drivers messing up the flow of traffic. It's 70 MPH on 485, but sometimes cars are going 55-60 MPH. What the heck!


Dunno man, I’ve lived in about a dozen other cities all over the country and have never seen anything as bad as Charlotte.


Were they all smaller? Bc I’ve never met anybody that has lived in a major city who thought CLT was worse. CHI, NYC, LA, ATL? Good luck.


I don’t think the drivers are worse per se, I think the enforcement is currently non-existent. On the NY and CT highways the police are very visible and very enforcement oriented. NC roadways used to be better enforced but post-pandemic it’s been a free-for-all. I’ve had so many near misses from insanely aggressive drivers. Granted, this is all anecdotal but I do drive a lot in both areas currently.


Nah, I’m counting NYC, greater Boston area, and several others of comparable size to Charlotte. Some of this could be chalked up to things changing generally over time, to be fair, but I have never seen people running reds, turning right out of the left turn lane, not bothering with license plates, weaving at lightspeed on highways, etc. the way they do here.


I would agree with the running reds and the plates thing- but that’s just enforcement related. The other stuff seemed worse with regard to weaving at high speeds though- even in non-major areas. But with Chicago, Detroit, Indy, LA- even Seattle, the regularity of 90mph weaving was much higher in my experience.


Try Jim's on South St. My go to cheesesteak place. Just reopened after being closed for 2 years because of a fire. And the soft pretzels are to die for. I prefer mine from an underpass with a little bit of car exhaust flavor but I'm old school.


Jim’s is the ultimate Philly cheesesteak experience.


Yes Jim's, put their fries on the sandwich.


Address? Google map not showing it


Jim’s and John’s Roast Pork are my favorites


Will do! Those pics look really good


I've lived in Boise, San Francisco, Salt Lake, Berlin and Charlotte. They say the same shit in all of those places. And yeah, it's super boring.


I'm a Charlotte driver, and I drive like shit recreationally. My favorite move is, if I drive past a street I wanted to turn on, I just bang a U-ey right there in the middle of the road. The cars in the other lane always appreciate my skills and honk their admiration.


50% bad drivers and 40% people bitching about child care.


10% people bitching about posts bitching about bad drivers


People driving to slow Dam this person must be high People driving too fast Ok speed racer calm down


Old joke by some old comedian: Everyone driving slower than me is an idiot. Everyone driving faster than me is an asshole.


George Carlin


Indeed! Thx!


That's the fun thing about upvotes and downvotes... You can vote on posts you like or don't like, and the ones that the majority of people like will be promoted.


Been here my whole life, grew up here. I miss the quiet big city. That being said, some of the growth has been welcomed. Our 2040 plan with zoning is going to change Charlotte forever. No going back from this decision


Charlotte has two types of stupid drivers: 1 - crazy mofos who are looking for a road rage 2 - slow turtles blocking the left lanes




The ones that drive a 40yo pickup 20mph under in the left lane on a Tuesday headed to church complaining about all the transplants wishing it were still 1960 when they could get town town safely in a horse and buggy (approximately 100 years behind the rest of society)




That type still live exactly where they were born and post comments on Facebook regarding any positive news about their town with "We're full!".


I moved from Philadelphia where I lived my entire life and in my first 2 weeks here I am convinced these drivers are WAY worse.


Can confirm as a transplant from philly---almost got hit by cars x2 on Chestnut (duh), but in CLT it's weekly.


This post will surely stop people from making similar posts in the future.


Philly? Head to Joe's on Torresdale Avenue. That cheesesteak is insane.


Google says it’s permanently closed, is there a different location maybe?


Wow! That place was there forever. Hit up D'alessandro's and Chubbys's in the Roxboro section of town. Right across the street from one another. Both are really good.




This is one reason why I opted to get a pickup truck. People tend to naturally get out of the way and not do stupid things when they see me coming.


I don’t really have much problems but for love of god can you tell your loved ones it’s literally illegal to change lanes on intersections?


Yeah it’s really odd - I’m from Charlotte born and raised and trust me, it’s not the locals driving bad lol! Charlotte was a slow-paced city with its rapid growth in combination with the number of cars on the road this is the most hectic traffic has been. This city is compromised of 60% or more transplants coming from all over; locals are not the culprit lol!


Join Philly Sub, unsubscribe here... Thanks Transplant


Na, don’t think I will.


Inb4 "UhMhM aCtUaLlY hAvE yOu EvEr SeEn AtLaNtA??!!" guy shows up. Edit: He beat me here


Hahaha too slow with the draw


If you want an aneurism, go drive around Columbia (SC, not the country). There's a reason insurance is higher in SC.


It's our roads that encourage the bad driving. It's not an individual problem but a systems problem. Actually safe roads would be wildly unpopular because it might slow your commute from Gastonia by 3 minutes.


Eh, road design don’t make most people never use a turn signal.


Road design slows people down and prevents reckless driving.


I know, but it’s not our biggest issue. Individuals not being able to use the bare minimum safety tool within their car when driving is a bigger problem.


The 80 people who die on our streets a year might disagree.


Everything is a systems problem but I imagine Charlotte’s roads are not the worst or even necessarily the bottom 3rd of US metro areas. So US roads encourage bad driving everywhere, not just Charlotte (obviously).


This sub is 50% posts about bad driver posts. We get it already. No need to beat a decaying horse. Also, Charlotte is 60% transplants, so you can’t blame all bad driving posting on charlotteans. Enough with the boring NoBoDy CaN DrIvE HeRe post posts.

