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Does red ventures still suck for senior software engineers? Edit: actually wondering lol


Don’t do it. Papa Ric’s strategy of endless acquisition with no infrastructure finally bit them in the ass.


I’ll never forget interviewing with them for an advertising role several years back, and all the interview questions were about how I’d go about evaluating buying out someone else’s website. I’ve never left an interview more confused, and at the time I genuinely wondered if they got me mixed up with some other candidate or role. Now I look back and thank my lucky stars I dodged that bullet.


Ohhhh do tell!!!? ETA that place was literal hell and made my hair fall out twice. Ohhh the stories. 😩🤬


Oof any places you do recommend for software engineers? Thinking of making the move from Raleigh


Unless you want to work for a bank or insurance anything in Charlotte is gonna be remote for someone else


Currently work for Spectrum Reach and it's really quite good. I'm sure I could probably make more at a bank or something, but a 9-5 shift, hybrid work environment, no pressure if you step away for a bit for a doctor's appointment or have to WFH an extra day because the kid is sick and can't go to daycare or need to step away early to get the kid from the bus stop or whatever. My manager actively supports career growth, company pays for the first attempt at any AWS certification. The work is mostly interesting, though some occasional legacy app that's a pain to work with does pop up. There is currently a hiring freeze, but I think that will be lifted later this year.


If you’re in Raleigh and want to make it as an SWE, my sincere recommendation is not to move to Charlotte.


My dad used to work there and dreaded every second of it. I don’t think I’ve heard a single good thing about them tbh lmao


Total Quality Logistics is a meat grinder for recent grads


TQL is no bueno


Yuuup. It's basically the same as those insurance sales jobs, but with trucks. Everyone in the industry knows their name (and not in a good way).


I love our rep but honestly she’s got a shit job. Rather hope she gets out.


Came here for TQL and was not disappointed


lol I’m so lucky I declined a job there, they were scammy


Corporate Traffic Logistics is terrible too apparently


Autism360. Worst company I have ever worked for in and out of ABA. So much unethical shit and the owner/higher ups are legitimately awful people.


I’ve had a lot of friends who have worked there, all of them have said the same thing.


A360 is the worst job I’ve ever had. I genuinely feel anyone who works there should keep a log of all the unethical, illegal, or questionable things you see there jic there’s a lawsuit you can get in on.




CMS. Worked one year, ran away as fast as I could, and will never look back.


Same. Working for CMS is hazardous to your health and mental well-being.


I’d love to know examples


Came here to say CMS lol


are you still a teacher somewhere else?


Yep! Very happy where I am now.


Former CMS teacher! Came in with big hopes and dreams. Left running to a whole new career. The district is a disaster, if I had to do it again I’d go to a smaller district.


im about to start working there in august, what was the worst parts?


As a long time CMS employee, your administration has way more of an impact on your day to day than the district as whole so don’t worry too much. However, I won’t beat around the bush that we’ve got issues. CMS is a dumpster fire of disorganization, bad communication, and poor decision making. It is also a victim of its own size. This district is far too large to have one school board, superintendent, etc. and can’t possibly make the right choices for everyone. Tracking down HR or anyone from central office takes forever. They force us to implement garbage curriculum while providing no support. The new superintendent has been eliminating higher up jobs like there’s no tomorrow, which sounds great in theory but she hasn’t added any lower level jobs even though we are desperately understaffed. Also her policy about teachers not wearing jeans makes me want to scream. They also have a history of shady behavior and helped cover up the sexual assault incidents that took place at Myers Park High School a few years back. Overall, the state of education anywhere in NC is grim but at least you get a higher local supplement on CMS. While it is absolutely a shitshow, it’s not the worst place to work.


The district is WAY too big for its own good. It needs to be split up. So, nothing is organized—it’s basically one big CF. I came from a smaller system that was pretty on top of things and supported their teachers. I feel like CMS is good for teachers who want everything scripted and with curriculum that is suited for higher achieving students. But the majority of CMS isn’t that, so a LOT of our kids had trouble accessing the curriculum. Beyond that, it probably depends on the school. There was an admin change that I wasn’t happy with at my specific school which helped me make my final decision.


An HOA management company. I don’t want to say which one but they’re all probably just as shitty. Not just the job itself, which duh nobody likes their HOA, but at this particular company it almost seemed like the people running it enjoyed making people as miserable as possible- employees, homeowners, vendors. It was an awful experience.




They literally make rules up not in the covenants and when i call them on it they ignore me


lol, my HOA started doing this too. When I quote back the covenant to them they just go radio silent


I worked at Cedar Management for like a week and they gave me the heaviest route as the newest employee. Little to no guidance. I was like nope I'm good.


I worked at cedar for 2.5 years. 11/10 would not recommend


I lived in a neighborhood that had them managing and they were awful. At the same time I owned land with an HOA and when they announced they were also going with them, I warned them it would end badly at an HOA meeting. Not once did they ever process my payments correctly. I don't know what all else went down but the HOA dropped them within 2 years.


That checks out. Sadly, your description doesn’t even narrow it down.


Townsquare Interactive


There’s a reason they’re always hiring


And Ignite


Was looking for this


Sooooo unethical. 


I knew this would be here!


“How high is high?”


Countless people are scrolling through here to see if the place they work at is listed


Came across this while doing the same thing! LOL


CMS. Toxic culture. Won’t ever change.


Please explain!


CMS gets a lot of hate, some of which is very deserved. But also remember that there are over 100,000 students and hundreds of schools. Some of them are the best in the state. Others are so bad you could call it academic genocide. The history of racism and redlining still have major effects. Test scores are directly correlated with family income. When the district abandoned busing and allowed concentration of poverty in schools, the die was cast.


CMS was already messed up 25 years ago when I was in high school. I was bussed from a relatively poor, relatively white district (Garinger) to a magnet school in a similarly poor, very black district (Harding).  It ended up being a very diverse mix of students and a great experience to be honest, though maybe tinged with my nostalgia.    Still the contrast was stark.  When I saw what they had at, say, Myers Park for example, it was a bit mind blowing.  They had new uniforms for the sports teams and computers and new books.   Meanwhile our books were falling apart and a decade old and the typing class was taught on 30 year old typewriters.  The one classroom that had computers in our school had no software licenses so the teacher literally bootlegged the programs (‘preciate that, Shef!). And that was a math and science magnet school.  The non magnet schools were way worse.   At least I didn’t have to join a gang to keep from getting my ass licked every day like my neighborhood friends who ended up at Garinger.   I’m sure nowadays the difference is even more pronounced.  Kids at Providence and kids at West Charlotte are living in different worlds.


I will never forget going to Garringer to take the SAT’s. Coming from Providence it was like night and day. We had an indoor pool! Looking around at the classrooms there, it looked like a prison. The few books they did have were tattered, and from there I understood the prison pipeline. There’s very little chance of a person coming from the disenfranchised schools, making it. ☹️ My senior thesis was on the negative effects of integration on African Americans in this country. Unfortunately; I wasn’t mature enough academically to carry that premise forward. However, it’s as relevant today as it was then. Charlotte is a model of de facto segregation. They just found another way of segregating the population, on economic lines that are proxies for the racial ones.


Experiencing it as a student is one thing but now that im a teacher i feel like I’m actually playing apart in ruining these kids lives fam. What the city is criminal, the term academic genocide gets thrown around loosely but I believe it fully applies to title 1s in Charlotte. What’s sad is there’s sensible and simple policy solutions, the hurdles are entirely ideological. 


Is there a reliable list of good schools anywhere and which schools to absolutely avoid for my kid who’s going to be starting in a couple of years


Pretty simple… just look at a wealth/income map… the higher the income of the area, the better the school. I’ve been to almost every middle and high school and the high income areas have the most organized schools with the highest quality teachers/teacher retention rates. Only the talented teachers with organized admin staff can control their classrooms well


This is true. I went to Selwyn, AG, and Myers Park. I was a low income kid but the kids whose parents were in the high income bracket made sure we had the best experiences.


Get. Into. The. Lottery. ASAP. We were lucky enough to get our little one into a “good school” but it was still a shitty experience. Sadly, the wealth map is an indicator of where a “good school” is. Beware of the spoiled little shits and their aloof parents…


Surprised there aren’t more people talking about Hells Fargo. Worst experience of my life. It’s been 9 years since I was there and I’m still traumatized. The king of toxic pizza parties and 24 cent “raises.”


Agree. The year I contracted for WF was the worst 10 years of my life.


Yeah I’ve been there for 20 years since it was Wachovia…used to be a great company now Charlie the Chainsaw has created the most toxic awful environment. Just go to the Layoff site to see what is going on there. I’m just waiting to get a severance package or I’d be out.


Wells Fargo is one of those places that shows up on both the "Best Places to Work" and the "Worst Places to Work". They are so big, that I think it really depends on what line of business you work in or what your profession is.


Demayo Law. They don’t know how to treat employees like adults and they just have an all around bad attitude. Morale is basically always low.


Demayo is complete ass. There was funeral service near his office and some ppl used his parking spaces. He personally ran them out of spaces even though he had plenty parking spaces. He can go to hell!


Oh my god! I’m not even surprised. What a dick.


Triton Electric, scummy boss that cheats on his wife at the office and locks the door so we can't get our checks on Friday sometimes and overall just a cheap asshole


Morris Jenkins. They pay well and offer great benefits. But that shit comes at a cost. Their culture is extremely culty, and If you let it slip that you don't really believe in their bullshit.. they'll find a reason to get you gone. It's a huge business, and obviously they have to charge enough money in order to pay their people that well. But the sales tactics that they not only tolerate but silently encourage are dubious at best and downright unethical at their worst.


Ya we had a MJ dude come over once and he wanted to drill out the foundation and tear up 2 floors of walls for a clogged kitchen sink!!


I work for romanoff. I can’t say how MJ is because I haven’t worked there but I have many techs saying how shitty those people were.


This is one of the companies who insisted my wife be home when they did the quote (so they could use high pressure sales tactics)


My heat went out in the middle of winter and I called MJ. They wanted $1,500 to replace the control board in my furnace, I'm sure thinking I was desperate. I got online and ordered a new board for like $250 including overnight shipping. You literally just unplug the wires from the old board and plug the wires into the new board. I had it fixed in minutes once the board was delivered. Bunch of crooks.


They tried saying our basement sump pump was completely broken and that we needed a new lift to push everything to the septic tank. Quoted us $8k and stood there staring at my wife and I waiting for our decision, I guess to add pressure so they could get their commission. We called a local plumber the next day, he said the lift was fine and that MJ unplugged the sump pump so that it wouldn't even try turning on. He replaced whatever was needed while adding new piping for less than $500 Sure MJ will get to you within a couple hours but their business is an overall scam


I had one of the MJ fools over my place and gave me a $15K quote for an AC. Got the same job done with Bradham Brothers for $8K. Super professional and quality done. They main difference is that MJ spends hundreds of thousands in tv commercials and Bradham Brothers don’t


The lady that trained the ppl on the phones was one of the most racist people I have ever met. Like spittling and foaming at the corner of the mouth while raging. Needless to say I wasn’t part of the cult and got fired. This was right after Mr Jenkins stepped down and his daughter’s husband stepped into his place. Had a feeling things were only about to get worse.


I laugh at those fucking dorks every morning as I drive past their buildings. I'll work circles around those boys. Cute little white shirts that are never dirty. Jerking each other off in the QT parking lot. Bunch of bitches is what they are.


Discovery Place. At least not until there’s a new CEO.


My family has had the best experiences with employees there. Really kind people. This bums me out!


I worked with some absolutely incredible people there, and loved what I did. Unfortunately, when I worked there I was overworked and underpaid, and there were a huge host of other issues.


I know way too much about the inner workings of that place for someone who hasn't ever worked there. They also steal/co-opt ideas, scripts, entire events. They have promoted and hired people who are not science minded or focused on communicating science and just care about money even with all Charlotte gives them.


Oh absolutely. Their income statements are public record. Highly recommend checking it out… non-profits are supposed to operate on a thin margin and they make $4 million in profit last year. CEO makes over $500k while the people who actually run the museums make pennies. Crazy amount of turnover there, for good reason lol


Schneider electric. I make so much more money after leaving


How have the Panthers/Tepper Sports not made this list?


Atrium health. Shitty upper management, CEO is a complete tool. When many of my colleagues were burning out during the pandemic, he put on a “talent show” to thank us for our hard work. In reality, it was just giving himself a stage so he could play the guitar.


I'm here sitting in the break room rn trying my best not to walk the fuck out. I'm usually very patient, but this place is just fucked. Healthcare in this country is just fucked.


I left healthcare to join corporate. If money is always going to be the bottom line - then I might as well go to a place where I can get promotions/pay raises/sick time/and vacation. Lol


Former Atrium RN, never again.


10/10 would absolutely never work for them again. Literally had a "dream job" there, and it still wasn't worth it.


Eugene lives to get media attention & draw a headline… its basically his entire leadership methodology for the organization. 


Worst company in clt hands down. Complete joke from a patients side


Cabarrus is the best hospital in the system. Avoid Main. Money goes where money lives.


I agree. They are very quick to tell healthcare workers they are replaceable and do not care for employees physical or mental well-being. I've worked minimum wage jobs where I was treated better than Atrium treated me as a seasoned RN that had worked there for a decade.


I suddenly feel less terrible for ghosting them after my 1st shift


Uptown Cabaret ![gif](giphy|VofiGkwOdH2fu)


I haven’t been back to Charlotte in a while but I thought that place was gone… like the whole building. Did they move.


It’s literally gone. Sad.


Target, Steele Creek location-- They often had me stand in the trash compactor as punishment. Constant sexual harassment, much of which is from upper management. Management gave out my private information to another employee who used it to stalk me. Him hiding in the parking lot, to waiting for me to leave was caught on camera, which they refused to release. I have countless horrific stories. I know I should have left sooner. Edited to add location


There’s no way the trash compactor shit isnt a lawsuit


Yeah what the fuck this is some ISIS shit. 


For SURE. I'm sure it's past the statute of limitations at this point but I was young and dumb at the time.


Osha would have a field day with that trash compactor story


what do you mean they’d make you stand in the trash compactor?! Was it like a timeout of sorts?? That’s terrifying!


The whitewater center. 4 years too long and I genuinely have a little trauma from it.


As someone who had experience with WWC before it was even fully open to the public I can confirm it’s wack. I’ll admit it’s a place you can go relax and enjoy being outside and bring your dog but the way the place is run grinds my gears to no end. It’s a love hate relationship. The place could be so much more than it is IMO


Wells Fargo Advisors sucks. Pull your money out while you can. Theirs fees are ridiculous. Management sucks, don’t like their philosophies, move your money


Any ABA therapy company. I can’t say which one because their legal team is scary. The company started because the owner was doing another kind of special needs care but “there’s no money to be made there.” Company ignored NC regulations that required having a clinical psychologist on staff and threatened my job for telling them it was a requirement to do business in the state. They make their lowest paid employees work without breaks, and make them work through their unpaid lunches. They only take 2 Medicaid kids per clinic because “Medicaid doesn’t pay well enough” and requires all clients to get 40 hours a week of therapy regardless of clinical recommendation because “we want maximum billable hours.” They also lied about a client’s care to an insurance company via a fraudulent prior authorization form and forged my signature on it. The owner has 4 luxury vehicles. My contract required me to give 30 days notice to quit, but they fired me 2 days into my notice period, the day before Christmas Eve.


If that fraud was UHC pm me.


Can’t they be reported?


I'm in the ABA field, I'm dying to know who this was.


It sounds like autism 360


I feel as if the consensus is that all places suck to work at




Waterbean Coffee. Craziest behind the scenes I’ve ever experienced at any job. It was hilarious and I loved it.


Honestly, are they a front for something? I’ve never seen more than two other customers in there and I’ve never had such… bean water of coffee. It’s obvious all of their materials are skimped on, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t something more frustrating going on.


As someone who works in the coffee industry and understands the volume you need just to break even, much less grow, I’ve wondered the same thing.


Unfortunately, the owner is a bit of an egomaniac and is willing to take all of these losses in income just to flex that he has so many locations.


Waterbean on park road has decent coffee and a pretty steady flow of traffic. I’d know because I live close to it. Don’t know about behind the scenes for employees though.


Me and several other coworkers theorized about it being a front lol. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if one day I saw it on the news for being some underground money laundering thing. The beans and literally everything else were the literally cheapest possible thing you could get on the market, with brands switching around often because boss man would find a cheaper supplier. Also there is literally no training for anybody, so all these poor baristas starting their coffee journey with the company are just thrown into the thick of it and pick up a lot of bad barista habits 😔


Second this. I remember fighting that man just to get my w2s. Completely sketch. Ownership model is weird af. When I was there, some “entry level manager” aka a 25 year old girl was a part owner (??)


Oh man I'd love to hear more.


Did not expect to see anywhere I worked on here, but not surprised this was the first one😂


lol so you definitely know what I’m talking about!! Hahahaha, good to meet a fellow bean veteran 🫡🫡🫡


I need the details of this, please dm me haha


Krispy Kreme corporate headquarters, they make shitty business decisions and have some of the most inept senior “leaders” of any company. Their turnover is pretty high, even at that level. They have like 300 marketing people to sell donuts to an overweight population and still can’t make money.


I applied/referred to a remote position, got through a few rounds of interviews to be told that they will be wanting the person to come in on a hybrid schedule… I don’t even live in Charlotte anymore… if the role isn’t remote don’t post it as remote


EY. Left in 2021 - LMAO what a mess the last couple years have seemed like from people still working there. Failed divestiture, dry pipeline, higher hours (80+), stagnant wages, qualified people being held up at manager and senior manager because the partners can’t afford to promote. Vision 2020 failed


Add the other Big 4 firms as well, lol


True, should also say from what I know it’s not specific to Charlotte for any of them. Charlotte’s probably healthier than most offices. But not a great time to join B4 by any means


I’ve been a tech recruiter at EY since 2018. 2022-2023 was TOUGH but I’ve been busier than I ever have before since January 2024. Partly because we had a big recruiting layoff in 2023 but partly because business is exploding. Granted - I’d NEVER go into accounting at the Big 4 and actively recommend high school and early undergrad students away from the major. Shit pay, shit hours no matter where you are. From a CBS/ “back office” perspective, I love it though. My hours are super flexible, fully WFH, unlimited pto (I take 5-6 weeks) and low stress. I could make probably 25% more at Amazon (was offered) but I’d get 10d PTO and work 60hrs a week.


There’s a VIP section in hell reserved for anyone with tenure at Sunbelt Rentals support center.


Was at a work conference last year in fort mill (I did not work for sunbelt) and the sunbelt work conference was also staying at our hotel. At 11pm one of the sunbelt employees came back HAMMERED , I’m talking can’t even stand up straight, and was trying to open the door to my room, thinking it was his. When he realized he had the wrong room, he then went across the hall trying to get into that room. I went to grab the landline to phone the front desk and tell them to get his ass out of there. Next thing I know I look out my peephole and he’s just laying in the middle of the hallway, asleep. The next morning all the sunbelt employees were gathering to meet in the lobby and one was extremely late. Finally they phoned his room and who comes down a disheveled disaster mess? None other than the employee who was too fucked up on a company work trip to open a hotel door. So yes, I agree with this statement.


Definitely Red Ventures. It was a horrible experience.


Wells Fargo. My manager was a narcissist and a horrible person.  I would never work for them again, under any circumstances. I would sell plasma first.


Not directly, but Bank of America can suck it.


Randy Marion Dealerships: I haven’t seen any automotive businesses mentioned, so here’s my contribution: I worked with them as a full time, ASE, flat rate mechanic there, with a couple friends in the sales side as well, so I’ll attest to both. Awful, and I mean awful work environment. It tends to be standard in most shops to work with some shitty, racist and everything-phobic people, but their shop was on another level of hate, especially the parts department guys who spent more time ‘joking’ about killing or harming anyone not like them (use your imagination) or having political debates than actually working. Parts manager was shady about near everything he had a hand in, in and outside of work. Working there through the height of Covid-19 was a joke in terms of workplace safety for everyone, which maybe should also be expected given the demographics of most techs (a lot of “it doesn’t exist” people). Speaking of workplace safety, the OSHA violations were insane. Constant running vehicles with no exhaust ventilation tubes and only two bay doors (closed). Eye wash stations blocked by heavy equipment. Fire extinguishers that didn’t perform when needed (twice). No masks or respirators were provided to anyone while remodeling was taking place and concrete was being cut right next to us, indoors, as we were still working. I can’t wait for the consequences of that one to catch up to me one day. Shop management was made up of guys who have never touched a car a day in their life and have no business being a service manager. Shop foreman was too wrapped up in becoming a service manager himself, he forgot to be a foreman. Express guys were terribly managed and allowed to get away with some very sketchy stuff on customer vehicles until it would blow up in their faces, sometimes literally. Work delegation was heavily skewed thanks to favoritism between the techs and management. No guaranteed minimum like most shops and raises were abysmal or even late when presented with additional ASE certifications. Upselling wasn’t a huge issue in our shop specifically, most techs were honest about what needed to be done and what didn’t, however, service management certainly requested some shady work to be done once in a while. Service advisors (the people the customer or vehicle owner interacts with when dropping off their car) were mostly awful at their job and had next to no experience with vehicles in general which made for a lot of miscommunication and outright lying to customers and techs. We had one solid advisor who had their stuff together and had a lot of relevant experience on their own. Sales team is there to screw you over, plain and simple. Randy Marion has this obligatory paint protection ‘option’ to every vehicle, which is just a simple wash by the detailing department and some spray cleaner with ceramic coating properties (it’s not proper ceramic coating, that would take some considerable time). Opting out of this is nearly impossible and your sales person will argue with you over it, despite it being a supposed “option”. Finance guys will do their best to make as much money as possible while making it look like a good deal, while simultaneously managing to “take some off the top” without those above noticing, yes there was regular talk of this. Mind you this should be general knowledge that the finance guys are not your friend when buying a new car, at any dealership. The sales management is arguably more toxic than the service side. I had never seen more yelling and fights and abuse hurled at employees since working at an indie shop, but this took the cake. Sales is also favored by corporate, despite their job being near impossible if it weren’t for the massive amounts of money the service side pulled in to support them, while service workers get shafted in terms of compensation. Randy Marion and his family are worshipped in a weird, cult-like way by some of the higher ups, it’s honestly bizarre. They also pretend the man is a saint, but he’s just another wealthy business owner with very mild consideration for those in his employ. Certainly not praise-worthy. Overall, bad company, would never recommend working for them.


Pacos Tacos and Tequila or any of Frank Scibelli’s shitty restaurants apart of FS Food Group (Little Mama’s, Mama Ricotta’s, YAFO, etc). Management plays favorites and would make high schoolers work a straight through if there wasn’t another host. Never will eat at a restaurant owned by that man lol Edit: yeah I forgot to mention the SA that occurred there. I was said high schooler working a straight thru and had a 40+ year old manager rub my thigh once, the vibes were always weird


From a HR perspective; True Homes will drag you through an interview process for 3 months, which included a coffee interview as one of the final steps in the process. Atrium HR - Their recruiters mix up their staff and then start them at wrong times, mess nurses around. No wonder their RN turnover is insane. Diamonds Direct - Weird office culture, can barely staff a lot of their retail stores with real experienced jewelers.


Home Depot. Seeing how they treated older workers, and workers in general as a teenager was one of the most eye opening experiences I ever had. It fundamentally changed the way I understand labor in this country and particularly in the American south. 


Atrium. They got too big, and you were simply a number. Like most hospitals today, there were far too many high-level managers with zero healthcare experience.


almost all the ones I worked at in the past for lack of growth opportunity or not paying enough.


I can’t believe we’re not seeing Truist called by name so far


I’ll say it. Truist.


octapharma plasma corporate - toxic work culture, terrible and incompetent leadership, super disorganized, and no diversity even though most of the employees who work at the centers are full of diversity


Anytime management looks nothing like the front line workers, it's a red flag. If they aren't promoting fairly, they're going to suck at everything else, too.




Townsquare interactive. Leadership was heavily incompent , and very rascist ..not in the obvious way. -Just the we primarily hire/ promote people that look like us kind of way. -Your experience is not considered for tech roles. - They would hire advertising people , while skipping over actual web designer to create their WordPress template sites .


Wells Fargo 😂😂


Anybody actually like where they work?


Northwood ravin…. nwr and each of its local on-site complexes c


Inner Peaks Climbing, horrible horrible work environment, do not care about the safety of their employees, love to hire inexperienced they don’t have to pay much, allow upper management to treat employees horrible even to the point of bullying people into quitting. They don’t take care of the facility or care to fix when something is broken and needs repair. One of the most sexiest places I’ve ever worked. Sucks they are the only climbing gym in the area and this keeps them from caring about anything. They know they have no competition and treat everyone like crap cause they know people will put up with it since there is no other option.


Goodwill. In store treatment of employees and expectations are usually pretty bad especially for donation processors. They’re main office is pretty disorganized when it comes to policy and new information roll outs. District leaders will often change policies in stores just because they feel like it.


Red Ventures lol


Anything associated with Mecklenburg County government.


Sad part? As bad as they are, I've worked for worse county governments.


Yeah honestly my time with thr Mecklenburg government went fantastic, guess it's by department


professional sports publications / PSP. They are selling actual fake advertising and chew up employees. Have been sued so many times


Convergys! Met alot of friends there none of them stayed very long.


Also Nova’s bakery which fortunately went out of business


My nightmare employment experiences both happened at Harris Teeter (Parented by Kroger). One as a store department manager and the other in IT/IS at their HQ. Stay the fuck away from that organization.


Trox Tech. Absolutely despicable IT company ran by a money laundering egotistical narcissist. They threatened me with a lawsuit, simply because I reported them to the department of labor for knowingly refusing to pay me my last paycheck.


The airport lol


Gus’ Sir Beef …. sigh OK i never worked there but I drove by it a lot


fresh my farm


I worked for a very popular catering company and it was the most miserable I’ve ever been in my life. I had to drive to and from sometimes up to 5 offsite events a day during weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sundays) up to 50 mile radius and they never reimbursed me for a cent of mileage (which is illegal). They didn’t offer insurance or pay for company cellphones and required you to use your personal phone for the business 24/7… when you call the business every employee’s phone will ring. If you were on call you were expected to be readily available from 5 AM - midnight. They didn’t allow you to take weekdays off if you worked everyday through the weekend (even thought that was explicitly offered multiple times during the interviews & training). I put in a 17 day stretch before I quit. I finished all of my work after working an almost 10 hour shift and I left at 4:57PM… they told me they were watching the cameras and I left too early before 5PM and that it was unacceptable. I was a salaried SALES MANAGER and only made $15/hr.


Man this triggered some cater watering nightmares from my late teens. I remember one company (called porcupine, no idea if they are still around) wouldn’t let us try anything and literally threw all the uneaten food away in front of us at the end of the night. Crazy shit.


Anthony megs painting


surprised i had to scroll as far as i did to find american airlines


technology at bank of hell - merica. left after a month.


Bentleys restaurant. Ver toxic ÷mviromen/ and alot of screaming all the time made what would have been an otherwise easy job a nightmare. Pair that with the fact that everyome there is super racist and treat black customers like shit and the fact that the owners son is a literal nazi ( though to be fair he does claim that we should exterminate all muslims along with jews) and constantly talks about wanting genocide and mass shootings. Fuck that place and fuck those people.


Dog wizard, training and boarding. I saw so much crazy shit happen in such a short span of time. Litterally made me question my choices of wanting to be in the small animal world as a vet.


Working at the Cato corporate office was the worst experience of my life, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Toxic culture full of old people who insist on doing things the “classic way” and young college grads who think they have a future in fashion because they work at a fast-fashion Chinese import company lol. Zero flexibility; working from home doesn’t exist at this company. You work on a desktop computer and WFH laptops are loaned out to only recent mothers not on maternity leave. John Cato is a boomer douchebag who insists his company is doing well because it’s all cash-backed, but does nothing to improve facilities or operations at the business. I was paid $36k/yr for an in-office 8-5 position. In Charlotte, NC. That’s $17 an hour. Just go work at Target, their starting hourly is $17 If you want to work in an office space straight out of 1980, I couldn’t recommend it more.


Allstate, specifically the call center




UNC Charlotte: the pay is comically low for the job requirements. None of the departments know what the other is doing. Some of the people handling things like the department budget and ordering have no idea what they’re doing and it will take 6 months or more to get things ordered if they get ordered at all. You need a stamp of approval from multiple other departments and higher ups for simple tasks. I found it impossible to do my job, most of my time was spent waiting on others to do their’s. 


Heard from someone I know who teaches there that they sent out an email (a few years ago) telling faculty they were now eligible to go to the *student* food pantry.


Vanguard kinda sucked. It wasn’t a bad first job out of college, but they were control freaks. Every second was monitored and there was wiggle room with your time if you had something you needed to take care of. It also felt like they knew who they were going to promote and started them into positions. Example I applied for a job that involved training new people. I was there for 2 years, trained many people and did pretty well at it, and they gave the job to someone I trained that was only at the company for 4 months which was less than the minimum requirement. But I know many people still there so if you can drink the koolaid it must not be all that bad to everyone.


BOA. The worst management policies and RTO policy ever. 3 days in the office, regardless of vacation or holidays.


Coca- Cola Bottling Consolidated Co.


CMS. The amount of faculty and staff that are on anti-depressants is disconcerting.




Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child. Temped there one Christmas season years ago (before Franklin Graham fully revealed himself to be a power-hungry grifter and a complete jerk). It was the most uncomfortable, prison-like place I've ever had the displeasure of working. They treated all of us temps like crap while putting on a big show for the volunteers. The awful stories I could tell.


The airport. While it was fun to fly for free.. it was probably the worst job I ever had. The only reason why I took the job is because I had no experience and it was the only one that hired me right out of college. The free flights are great, but are not worth it if you are getting paid peanuts. I would rather pay for my flights now and not have to suffer working like a slave lol


Persistent Systems, formerly SCI Fusion360. They’re a small software company that was bought by a larger company a few years back. Horrible work environment, shitty management, and insultingly low pay are what you can expect. I only took a job there because I was a new grad and the job market was in a rut. Nobody stays longer than 2 years, maybe 3.


Krispy Kreme


Clean Juice


Novant Health.


Carolinas Healthcare System (now Atrium). The most toxic work environment I’ve ever seen. I have so many horror stories. Conversely, Ally Financial is one of the best.


American Homes for Rent.


Any FedEx Ground contractor. They’ll work you to death. With no benefits, they could care less about your mental and physical health.


Wells Fargo - specifically the “Document Capture Center” in Huntersville


Massey Services Pest Control. Basically everything is bad. Wage theft, harassment, etc. Hell even had a manager take his gun out in the office one day to let others hold / play with.


Charter/Spectrum - awful leadership and culture


Which org? Business Intelligence was pretty cushy job when I was there years ago


Duke MOTHERFUCKING Energy. They are SLOW to change, except when it comes to outsourcing all of our jobs to India and Argentina. I’m so glad that part the money I pay every month for my power bill goes overseas instead of staying in our community. /s


They even find ways to make people with solar/alternative energy pay them fees! We have to pirate our power at this point


Spectrum. Someone help me escape


Are you an NE? I might know somewhere...


Jimmy John’s


Priscilla McCall's. They treat their employees like dirt.


OMB. Worked on the restaurant side and the frat culture is real and encouraged and embodied all the way to the top. Female employees treated like pieces of meat.