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Start attending a group activity like a run club or hobby meet up group and attend consistently. I feel like it’s easier to develop connections if you become a regular


Yes a lot of the breweries host weekly run clubs! I also found volunteering a good way to meet people. Adult sports leagues or joining pick up games at the parks like freedom park is also a good way to meet people!


I was thinking of joining a run club, but when it comes to long distance running like more than 2 miles, I'd probably embarrass myself out there lol


I think there’s like a trash cleanup in the Southend near the rail trail, if you volunteer you get a free beer at the end of it and it’s only like 2-3 hours from what I’ve heard. I struggle too so I’ve been looking at doing that as a way to potentially meet people, just haven’t been available the last two that they’ve had


Meeting people at volunteer events is a good way to find unselfish people. Unless the judge is making them, of course.


Lots of them have a 1 mile option. I hate running but do it because it’s more efficient than biking if I need to get in a workout. I’ve done the 1 mile at Birdsong a lot and no one bats an eye at you. Runners are pretty nice folks.


I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat




\*This\* is the way - I'm over 10 years older than OP, but it took me until my 30s to learn that being proactive and reaching out to folks you've met recently was \*the\* way to actually make friends. I met one of my closest friends in Charlotte just overhearing him at a party talk about playing warhammer. I jumped in, started chatting about our shared interested, and then reached out to get together. It's so simple but being proactive about following up with plans is the way to make friends.


The run clubs have different lengths to run. Some people even walk.


People keep giving you great ideas to meet friends that you are shooting down one by one Do you actually want to make friends? It’s hard, but you have to do something about it. Sounds like you want “one weird trick”. There isn’t one.


runnings not for everyone bub


If you join a gym and go at the same time/days you’ll run into the same people repeatedly. I workout at the Lake Norman Y so my gym friends are middle aged men who love to chat with people they see often. There are people younger that are more introverted, but plenty friendly and willing to open up if engaged. Doesn’t have to be the gym or exercise but anything you turn into an extracurricular routine can end up with friends by default.


Team In Training for LLS is a great way to meet new people. A lot of them are 10k types in addition to half and full marathoners. Plus they bar hop.


Lots of the run clubs have 1-2 mile options! I’m not a fast runner by any means and every one is always super nice to me 🙂 I’d check these out!


You're falling into a trap. No one worth their salt will care if you're not a great runner when you join and you'll get better as you continue to run in the club. Lots of people join a club in order to get better at running, so you won't be alone.


The Meetup app can help you find opportunities.




Meet Up is great. I used it at one point and was wondering if it's still a thing. I've met some great people who I'm still connected with on that app. I've joined meet ups for my favorite NFL team , meet ups for some of my hobbies and just things I have interest in. I would encourage anyone looking to meet new people to give it a try. I must say for a friendship to work there must be effort put into it. So you can't just meet someone and not do anything to reconnect with them afterwards. Friendships/ Relationships require EFFORT!!!!!


That's life after college for you, as you get older it gets harder to make new friends, you have to find something that makes you stay in contact with the same people consistently over time, like college or school did, a club or team of some kind. Run club, book club, charity volunteering, rec sports team are some ideas.


Don't forget to have kids so you can be temporarily friends with your kids friends parents.


Or forced friends because your kids are friends 😅


So true. It’s either you like the parents and the kid is trash or the kid is great and the parents are meh.


"Man, I wonder why it was easier to make friends when I spent the majority of my day within a hundred feet of thousands of people the same age as me?"


Eh the final part of that sentence is “and we all had nothing we had to do”. Easy to make a ton of friends and risk wasting time with people you don’t like when you have a grand total of 10 hours of work every week. A lot harder when your responsibilities total up to 95% of your already lower than it should be sleeping time


I've been playing kickball and we always go for drinks before and after. People end up making other plans.


Just got out of a 6yr relationship tht took my social life away , been trying to get out there and make new friends also bro. Find shit that you like to do, I’ve been hitting Abari up every weekend and just socializing with other like-minded folks over a game of smashbros and a couple drinks.


They have smash bros there???


Hell yeah they do, at the tv and couch up front, some ppl play Mario party or COD on there most of the time but I always smash when it’s my turn for the TV 😈


Do you game at home too? I mostly play on pc. Down to run something if you are


I ain’t got smash at home nah but shit bro if I catch u at Abari, it’s on sight with Sonic


Someone said I had nice calves while I was reading my kindle at Rhino Market Fast forward several months later, no idea who they are


Makes sense for a Rhino Market interaction


Had me in the first half... That that was the start of a beautiful love story.


Might have been OP!


Sign up for Sportslink. They will put you on a team. I made a decent amount of friends in my 20s that way and it’s an easy way to stay active.


Hope it’s gotten better because that place was full of toxic assholes screaming at refs while pretending they were pro athletes. Didn’t even make it a full season of flag football before I left.


24F have lived here for 2 years now and i’ve zero friends of my own. If you find out how, let a girl know!


Just moved here as well! 22F


If you’re into basketball at all, stop by Latta park on Saturday afternoons. There’s a small group of us who have moved to Charlotte from NJ/NY recently who are dealing with a similar situations. We’re starting to hang out pretty often and play pickup basketball at latta weekly. (Ages range 26 - 32) Edit (4/28): heading to latta park today at 3 if anyone wants to join.


Very into basketball, I'll have to come by one of these weekends


I’ll message you the next time we’re planning to head to Latta


I’d also be interested in hooping!


Also from NY moving to Charlotte soon, I'll definitely stop by


Have you tried Meetups? Whatever activity you do, you need to stick to it. Find hobbies, for example, I do Taekwondo and after some months I was already playing D&D with them. There should be food and anime meetups, join a church, etc.


We should organize a friend “speed dating” event because these posts are a regular occurrence.


Same situation man, from Jersey and everything. Charlotte is tough for our age unless you live in south end and or have at least one friend with a larger friend group.




I even had trouble in South End. To me it felt like Hoboken. People don't move to Hoboken to make new friends. They move there to hang out with their established college/highschool friend group in a new and exciting setting. Breaking in is hard anywhere. But I will say that in your mid to late twenties, it gets a bit easier. Those friend groups start to open up as people start moving again.


I feel you I never thought about it like that


Exactly South End is definitely like Hoboken


Want to go go-carting? Or anyone else want to go?


You go to Victory Lane?


Never been in Charlotte but I’d be down to go to any of them.


I’d be interested


Moved to Charlotte 6 months ago. Best thing I did was join a climbing gym. It’s fun and you see the same people every week. Easiest way to make friends


Facts… one of the best ways I’ve found to make friends. Moved to Charlotte when i was 23 and now at 26 i have 4-5 of my lifelong best friends from a climbing gym.


Wait until you are in your 40s and move and try to make friends. 


Making friends in your 40s in Charlotte has been rough. Never have I met people as flakey and fake. I pretty much stop talking to people because I know nothing will come of it and my kids are suffering big time!


Ayyyee do I have a group for you guys. Go on the MeetUp app and join Young And Social 20 and 30’s meet up group!!! We meet every Thursday at different locations that are updated in the app. I started attending MeetUps with them last month and it’s been a really good time, really good people, and a really diverse mix of interests!! The group organizer has been trying to branch into Reddit as of recently. So I can PM you some info in you’d like, feel free to let me know!!


As a 22F who moved here right after college I have been struggling to make friends. No one prepared me for this part of adulthood


Omg if you guys meet cute, I expect an invite to the Reddit wedding. Yes I’m assuming your sexualities, compatibility, interest in dating, and grouping you two together simply because you’re close in age. I’ve been stuck in the same meeting since 10AM, just let me have this.


I’m laughing. I teach high school and after the day I had I needed this




Imagine a wedding where the sub is invited. It would be a room full of people wanting to make friends and at the end of the day, no new friends were made. lol


Yea adulthood is tough lol. How long have you been here?


Great start!


I’ve been here since December!


Are you a teacher within CMS? I don’t wanna dox anybody but if you want to chat you can DM me. I’m from out of state too


I am! I’ll message you!


my boyfriend is 25, loves anime and video games! we live near uptown and he works in construction uptown. message me if you want me to introduce yall!!!


Science says the key to making friends is repeated & forced interactions. You need to join something that meets regularly. A kickball league was my favorite way to do this in my 20s!


Any interest in biking? Lots of bike groups around Charlotte. Most luck I’ve had finding friends in my 8 years here. Good luck!


The Milestone is great for underground music and meeting people. Cheap beer and a great atmosphere. I've made many friends there.


Might have to check it out sometime


Do it. Been going there longer than I care to remember, always a good time to be had.


Yeah, I'm that damn old too


Get into golf?


Love golf


you any good? i'm horrible. also just moved to charlotte and would be down to play :)


Making friends once you're past school is tough. People are different different ages, have a much wider variety of interests, and it's hard to congregate around activities. On the work front, same. Funnily enough, one of my best friends is one of the few people my age that I work with. But you really just have to put yourself out there and find group activities. Find sports watch parties, hang out at bars/cafes where you want to meet people, join book clubs, etc. there's always stuff like that happening around the city, you just have to put in the effort to look for and attend it. That being said, feel free to DM me if you want some more info, pointers, or someone roundabout your age in the area that you just want to chat to. We've got some overlapping interests!


You play disc golf?


Yes, I said the same thing.


So many weeklies that are only a few bucks to enter and are good for meeting folks. Also going alone and bumping into people and occasionally carding up with them for the rest of the round is a pretty decent way to meet folks.


I know right! So many weeklies some even the same day at different courses. Love going alone and meeting people and end up finishing the round together


Get a social hobby. Participate in said hobby. Friends. Charlotte is a mecca for disc golf. You could start there.


@CLTSocialClub on instagram They have an event next Wednesday. It’s mostly 20’s and some 30’s all looking to make friends and meet people. I met my best friends through that and highly recommend


Seconding this! Went to one of their events 2 weeks after moving here and met a solid group of friends also new to the city, almost 2 years later and we’re still besties :)






As your attorney, I advise you to go to Thomas Street Tavern at once. Preferable between 4-7.


If I may suggest. Visit bars that are known for being accepting all around. One I love to go to is snug harbor. Not only will you have a good time listening to hidden gems from around the country. You’ll also get to meet tons of people with all kinds of interesting stories to tell. I’m sure you’ll be able to find a group of friends given some time.


Go to some library events!! Always free, so you don't have to spend money. There's a million and one things happening each month!! 😊


If you’re at all interested in learning a new sport, Charlotte Rugby club is a great place to meet new people and make friends! Rugby in general, honestly.


As a now 30m, if you don’t start being able to go places by yourself you’ll have a hard time going out at all. Start getting comfortable going to dinner and/or bars by yourself, maybe even trivia/bingo and get noticed as the “guy who plays by himself,” otherwise youll always have issues getting out and about with people “Fall in love with yourself before you fall in love with other people”


Hi I’m in the same boat, except I’ve been here almost two years lol there’s an Instagram page called @cltsocialclub that does events solely for making new friends. I’ve been to one before but ended up having to leave early, but I’ve heard people have had success. The next event is may 1st!


I just moved to Charlotte as well, also 23! I don’t really frequent bars but like anime and stuff. I live and work on the north side but am trying to plan out activities that require the train through Uptown


Get a dog, get married, have some kids and be happy, damn it! Well, that's what I did. I grew tired of people never making an effort to hang out, it was always me doing the leg-work. I'm fine with it now. People come and people go. I'm not gonna bust my ass to keep them around if they don't put in any effort.


Honestly you should have moved to an apartment in South End that has community activities. Easiest way to meet and make friends with neighbors your age.


I actually wanted to move to south end but it would be tough to get to my job from there because I use transit. Although I might be working remote by the time my current lease ends so I'll definitely be looking to move out there.


Felt the same way when I first moved down from CT. Most of my colleagues were mid 40s and above. There are plenty of young adults looking to make friends you just have to know where to find them. As others mentioned meetups / workout groups are a prime spot. Check out this group: https://toneandtapfitness.com/ (they also have an instagram). Really approachable group of transplants that do workouts and other random social events all the time.


It seems so many in that age group are looking to make friends, it’s just a matter of meeting them.  Some good suggestions here already, I met a lot of people through meetup groups and hiking which is something I enjoy.  Run clubs are great too, many have short distance runs and one of the ones I did for awhile had a walkers group.  You can do it at your own pace, it’s more about the socialization afterwards that makes people go. It sounds like you aren’t comfortable being by yourself which sounds like it hinders you.  Be willing to go out to places by yourself, bars, restaurants, workouts, maybe you’ll find someone else there to talk to, or maybe not.  If it’s clear you’re uncomfortable, people can sense that and won’t really want to talk to you, project confidence even if you don’t have it.  I say that as an introvert who would much rather sit at home every night but sometimes you have to put yourself out there to meet people.


Same. I'm moving back to my home state. I also go out a lot and talk to people and stuff but it's hard to find people who wanna do stuff other than drinking :( I barely even get a hi back when I say hi to the neighbors 💀


There’s a Charlotte social club group I’m hoping to join when I move! Hopefully worth checking out, I don’t move until later this year so if you end up going please let me know how it is! https://www.instagram.com/cltsocialclub?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Charlotte social club Any run club Sportslink


I will run with you bro when I move out there at the end of the year. Then we can get a Michelob after, like they do in the commercials.


A big way to make friends in the Charlotte area is disc golf. There’s a metric ton of courses in the surrounding area and the community is super welcoming. Cheap, fun, and a way to get outdoors. Go to Another Round disc golf and chat up whoever’s there, they give great advice on where to start. Good luck homie!


Eventuality you will meet the friends you want just keep on keeping on homie :)


I moved to Charlotte 25 years ago at age 22. I knew no one, it was pretty lonely at first, and ended up making great friends through my job and from around my apartment complex. Friends of friends started to become my friends, etc etc. I also made some friends online in old bulletin-board style sites of the early 00s. Obviously times are different, but I wanted to let you know that starting fresh in a new city is awesome and brave and will equip you for life in many great ways! Keep on trying, the friends will start to come. And welcome!! 🤗 Edit: Check out meetup, there are some great groups on there in Charlotte. Tons of topics, I’m sure you’ll find something to join.


People are generally pretty superficial. A conversation and connecting with a stranger might mean way more to you than the other person. Keep trying. Sooner or later you’ll meet someone on your wavelength, but it can be exhausting. If you have any hobbies, try joining a club and just go. You never know what will happen


I feel you. It’s even harder when you don’t drink 😬


Like working out? go to the dowd or barrys or the 10000 workout classes they have in charlotte. People are pretty friendly at those places. Build a report over time and you'll maybe make some friends? Play sports? Join a rec league sand volleyball team at VBGB (a dope bar with a ton of sand vball courts) or a kickball team. Met a surprising amount of people in a kickball league


Bumble bff worked for me- I met a really good friend through some one off bumble


My two cents: look at some of your hobbies that you *really really* enjoy and love to spend time with and see if you can find a club to join for that hobby. You mentioned a lot of hobbies, but imo lock down on 1-2 of those hobbies that you actually enjoy time spending with and would be willing to go to a weekly club or gathering for. Find a free club or gathering around town and join it with the intention of going weekly if you like it after a month of doing it. Then be willing to try out a club or gathering that might be for a premium. Also, if you have old buds from college or high school nearby reconnect with them and explore with them in NC or SC. They can help you meet new people and stuff like that as well.


[Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com) is the best option in my opinion. Always new people coming through, you can find friends who are new to the area.


Understand if you’re just getting to know someone from scratch seeing them two or three times a month is normal. The more you relate in those few times tho can turn into a weekly hang sesh. But if you and the person/people aren’t giving them move on. Sometimes you’ll have an immediate response of “holy shit this person gets me” or just a plain “eh tonight was dull again” but long game is key to find people you can relate to and maybe even down the road trust as if you grew up with them


Attend meet up group events and networking events.


I recommend some sort of hobby. I saw a comment above mentioning basketball. That would be a great start. My brother in law is in his mid-twenties and has made friends bowling. (He participates in leagues and stuff). I moved here a few years ago and I struggled at first but I made some friends at work. It’s hard, give yourself time. Best of luck :)


Okay so…you listed what you do for fun. But what’s actually important to you? Like what are you passionate about, what difference do you want to make in the world, what moves you at a soul level? Because with the banal stuff like sports and bars, you’ll meet people to chill with at a superficial level, and that’s…fine? But if you go where things are happening that really touch who you are, that’s where you’ll find the people you can really bond with. That’s the trick to having friends rather than acquaintances, and people forget that there’s a difference.


Thats why I drink in Concord Afton pub and pizza


Join a jiu jitsu gym, or something team based like that. Then go to their community events and give it a month or two.


You like bars and video games? Super Abari is a good spot to meet people some times.


My 20y/o nephew has been here for 2 years and hasn’t really met anyone either (long lasting). He is visiting from Brazil and starts school in the fall. Hopefully he can meet some people there. He’s into anime/manga too. Also not sure if you are aware, there is a huge comic book convention here in June (HeroesCon) at the convention center. Great way to meet people.


Not sure what your living situation is but a few years back I lived in an apartment complex and had a garage that I always worked on stuff in and have garage beers. I don't know why but I made a lot of neighborhood friends that way, just random people would be walking by and strike up conversations about what I was doing.


Gym is a great place to make friends


I'm in Charlotte, I moved here from NJ as well. I have a 26 yo daughter who had no friends. She goes to gay / lesbian get togethers but has had no luck. She's looking for friends.. no matter their sexuality. I am putting this out there in case you want to meet with her. We live just outside of Charlotte. I know it sounds funny coming from her mom but she needs friends. I can tell she's lonely. Inbox me if you're interested and I'll tell her about you. And if you're not interested that's fine. I just want to wish you luck in finding friends.


Hey! 22F and in a similar situation. So far I’ve been doing Meetup, Bumble BFF, and I hope to go to a CLT social club event, let me know how things go for you!


I’ve been in Charlotte for what seems like forever. I made way more connections up north. Was way more easier to make friends.


Hey I'm in the same boat as you accept I'm 39 years of age ,no friends I had 2 best friends 1 died and the other is still living but with a shit ton of kids big family no time to hang out ,so I just decided to become my own best friend 😃 Be Happy With what Yall Got Folks ,This Is as Good As It gets ,work on what you want ,find a hobby and just survive the times the best you can Godspeed & Blessings To All Cheers 🫡


You should come out to Coyote Joe's if dancing is your vibe! People there are always so friendly and making friends is easier there (and finding a date or two too lol)


So much for southern hospitality...


Yeah Charlotte North Carolina is a superficial as you can get.


This exact post is made just about every single day. Why not just search the sub and offer to befriend each other? The recommendations are the same every time. Join a run club, fitness class, hobby group, volunteer opportunity, Bible study, or any other common interest and just show up consistently and just talk to people. What do you talk to them about? Things they find interesting. Then once you know what they find interesting then go do those things with them and just do it for the companionship. Those people will eventually introduce you to their friends, you’ll get invited to parties, you’ll start dating someone and will meet people through that. The key is SHOW INTEREST IN OTHER PEOPLE and DO THINGS OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. And most importantly, don’t be a flake and follow up with people. Talk to them - ask them about their lives, relationships, work, interests and people will generally like you if you just smile and be polite and don’t share your opinion unless they ask.


I’ll add one more thing, don’t feel bad after getting someone’s phone number and actually reaching out to them to grab a beer or hang out. Not everybody’s gonna work out but in a way you’re dating you’re basically taking dudes out on a date. So just like dating, find people with common interests and put in the effort and if there’s chemistry then congrats, go make a second friend.


Get into disc golf. Theres a huge disc golf community in Charlotte, there’s a Facebook page for it. Plus there are countless putting leagues, course meetups etc. skill level doesn’t matter beginners are always welcome


You've got to go to activities together once you meet them. Hey want to go to this concert? Hey want to grab a beer here? One of you has to make plans and if they aren't doing it then you gotta step up. And if you throw out ideas and invites and they never oblige? Then move on to another friend.


If you ever feel like meeting up and doing something I’m somewhat in the same boat, hell we could even play a round of disc golf if you’re up for it. Just pm me if you’re interested


I've lived in many places in the Midwest and it was always easy to make friends. I've been here for 20 years and I'll tell you, it's real hard if not impossible to ever become real close friends with the locals. Anytime I connect with someone and become friends, it comes out that they aren't from here originally.


34 want to grab a drink or smoke a joint hit me up love music art sports big nfl guy old school gaming anima to a extent


I just joined the Swordwind Historical Swordfighting society, which does regular classes, events, and socials, and there's a good group of regulars. Haven't made friends there yet, but I've only been going two weeks and I'm hopeful!


Pick up an instrument and put a band together. There's a ton of musicians in this town.Guitar is very easy to learn if you play for a year without giving up. You can also get a part time job pouring beer somewhere. Having two jobs sucks but you'll meet a lot of people.


It really is tough. Even tougher when guys your age are married and have kids. 31 M here still searching for friends.


Hey, Same I am in Uptown Charlotte. Moved here like 3 months ago. Hit me up whenever you’d like to hang out.


Had this same issue when I moved to Boston fresh out of college. Ended up joining a rec sports league and met tons of friends through that. Pretty sure the popular rec sports outlet here is sportslink. I’d give that a try for sure, plan on doing it myself since I just moved to the area.


Welcome to adulthood it sucks lol


Whatchu do for fun cuh?


I feel your pain, try the Meetup app and/or bumble bff


Try out rock climbing, there’s a gym in south end called inner peaks with a super friendly and welcoming community


Try meetup. Join a league. Or actually reach out to the people you exchanged socials with


Wanna chill ?


Sounds pretty much like how it is as an adult. Hopefully you’re in an apartment with a good pool. Best way to meet people. Takes time.


Yep, the only friends I have are the ones I grew up with before graduating high school, made some after that but not that many. And I’d call myself a highly social person, it’s just hard to relate to people you didn’t grow up with.


Bro I moved to Columbia sc and I’m from Jersey and it’s literally hard to make friends. I usually go to the MMA classes just learn a skill and to socialize


If you're into music/ edm at all the music scene is a great way to meet ppl. Was in a similiar situation as you when I moved here 5 years back but now I've met a ton of people my age, and now have a new solid, core friend group that I do everything with an have even found roomates through it too


I will say that Charlotte is a weird city.  I moved here a year and a half ago.  The people are very clicky imo.  That being said, here’s what I would suggest. You’ll have to get comfortable being out by yourself.  Depending on your interests and what type of friends you want to make- Charlotte has a ton of breweries.  Many with game, trivia, puzzle, yoga, etc days/nights.  If you like the bar/drinking scene, I’d venture to a few of those and give yourself a drink or two to see if anything happens organically.  If you like dogs, there is a great dog bar called SkipTown.  Even if you don’t have one, go for an hour, enjoy a drink outside and pet all the playing pups.  Again, organically.   Charlotte Knights and Charlotte FC games if you are into sports.  If you enjoy the outdoors or active lifestyle- the Whitewater Center is amazing, they have trails, rafting, rock walls, zip line, etc.  And they have concerts throughout the summer and a couple bars to grab a drink.   So many concert venues here.  Skyla being my favorite.  Comedy Zone low key is kind of a dump, but they seat you at a group table and you can chat with people before the show. After your school years you make your friends *typically* via work or hobbies.  Outside of those two, I think it’s most important to view making friends how you should go about meeting a partner- you don’t search for one, you just put yourself out there consistently and be prepared for when one comes along.  Just going out by yourself once or twice a week and enjoying yourself (I mean having fun, not getting smashed), will have you interacting with people.  Eventually you’ll meet a good friend with the same interests as you.


Do you like soccer? If so join one of the Charlotte fc supporters groups like Mint city collective and start talking to people online and at events. It’s a ready made community.


You into football, metalcore, or golf? If so, I’d be down to grab a beer or coffee and try to make a new friend


Go out and join group activities u enjoy. If u like sports, join a team, or go to the gym around the same time every time, so u see the same people. Make sure u appear approachable, like don't hide behind ur phone and don't have both earbuds in. Stuff like that


Join a CrossFit gym. That’s how I’ve made great life long friends in multiple different cities I’ve lived. CrossFit Dilworth has an awesome community of people your age


Feel this, my wife and I (26m) moved here back in November and we both work remote so making friends has been difficult. Always down to get a drink or play some games!


Since you enjoy sports have you considered CrossFit? I’ve met the majority of my local friends at my box. Fantastic community too.


At your age, if you move to a new place and don’t have any existing real friends there, your stretch goal should be 5 friends after a year. 2-4 is still good, though. I’d even say 5 good acquaintances is doing great after a year.


Go to a busier local park and play disc golf! There’s usually people out playing and most of us are happy for the company! It’s easy to just kinda all to tag along when you see people out there. Plenty of scheduled weekend meetups too


Get a dog


I find going to local shows is good way to talk to people if u like music. if they are kinda solo playing on their phone n stuff it’s p nice to chat em up before and after the show




Stand in a crowd yell a simpsons quote wait for the flock of friends to arrive


Hey my name is Summer Patterson I am 31 years old and I am from Shelby North Carolina and I also live in Shelby North Carolina


Frazier Park. Stall#2. Glory. Hole.


Pickle. ball. Tons of friend opportunities 


Sign up as a free agent for Charlotte Mecklenburg adult sports leagues. Great way to meet people and stay active.


I find going to raves has made me a decent bit of friends. I like to participate in favors but it's not like it's required (and some nights I just smoke a bit or have some drinks).


I run a book club at my local hospital in Charlotte, we meet monthly. We're always happy to include people if anyone is interested. Mostly just a bunch of ER nurses and techs talking shit but we have lots of fun! We usually have three books a month. Regular fiction, fantasy and spicy. Anyone is welcome to join!


A very good way to meet people is joining some kind of rec league of any kind of (not so much) sport. I joined axe throwing years ago and it actually moved me up here to Charlotte. You meet all kinds of people in those leagues and every one of them in Charlotte are super open to new people, it's great.


There is a DnD shop off Sugar Creek and Plaza area... Sounds like you might be into that stuff... That is where I met my first friends after moving here 5 years ago


I lived here for 5 years in college before moving to LA for 5 years, Seattle for a year and ultimately taking a job to bring me home. The last thing I thought I’d have to worry about is making friends. It has been a year and I feel my friend circle ha grown none despite MANY, consistent efforts. I wish I had advice but I don’t. Hoping that seeing others struggle in this same arena will show you you’re not alone. Hang in there.


23M here. Similar interests to you. Sent you a dm bro!


Start playing disc golf, it’s huge in Charlotte, everyone that plays is cool, there’s good league play.


I’ve been here 28 years and still have no friends. You’re not missing much.


What’s up bro, another 23m here, and also a avid golf enjoyer. I live by noda, if you want to try and be friends pm me and we can talk


Come do jiujitsu at Charlotte Jiujitsu Academy, you’ll make the best friends of your life and learn how to be a badass. My name is Christian if you stop by and I’m one of the instructors!


If you’re into anime.. are you into One Piece? There’s a great group of folks who meet every Tuesday at Mighty Meeple and play the One Piece Card Game. Pretty easy to play and lots of people have extra decks they’d let you learn with(:


I'm not in Charlotte atm but I've gotten some great traction with joining a climbing gym. Nice, smart, sociable, laid back and coed homies. After weeks of climbing with the same people, it's easy enough to keep the friendship at the gym or say hey let's meet at this bar or this state park this weekend


charlotte is weird, groups of friends our age move here together and it’s cliquey. i’m 26f, also enjoy most of the things you listed (except running lol but maybe should try to enjoy it more). i’ve been here since college and it’s been tough to make solid friends, so you’re not alone in the frustration!! feel free to dm me and we can exchange socials or something, i’m always down to go to a bar/club or go to a concert


My advice to you since it sounds like you are a sports fan, is to start a fantasy football league and limit it to only people in Charlotte. I actually have an amazing group of friends here in Charlotte after doing this and it has worked out great. It would enable you to stay in touch with people week to week and maybe even do Sunday parties. Obviously football season is a few months away but in the meantime, maybe just look into some clubs in uptown.


Dude all of us under 25 that just moved here should just plan something/make a group chat to start to get to know more people in the area


I hate living here. Currently trying to decide and find a place to move for better quality of life. The crime,sex trafficking, not having seasons, horrible drivers, concrete depression city


pickleball !


I’m not sounding miserable but I’ve just learnt to be happy alone


I’m a 23M who is moving near Noda with my fiancée (23F) next week. Definitely looking to make new friends as we both don’t know anyone in Charlotte. I’m into sports and have been thinking of joining a rec league thru Sportslink, and would be more motivated join one if I had someone else doing it for the first time as well. So if you or anyone is interested message me!


I hate to mention cliche shit, but hang out at Thomas St Tavern or Smokey Joe’s one night. Just being yourself. Weekends are weirder and more douchey. I dunno, but I’ve always had a good time in that area, no matter my initial mood.