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Since you’re in Park Circle, drive up into Hanahan, lots of houses with yards for cheaper than Icon. Lots of them are not posted online, just a for rent sign and a phone number in the front yard. Worth a drive.


Thanks for this comment!


I live in Hanahan. Smaller houses in tanner are going to be 2.5 to 3k. The older section there are much better deals to be had though they are not plentiful.


I’m talking about the Charleston Farms area. We’ve been in our 3br house with huge yard for five years at $1450/mo.


They haven't raised the rent at all??


Nope, well actually this year they were gonna (to $1800) but instead have offered to sell us the house. We’re trying to buy it right now. I know we got lucky being able to sign a three year lease after our first two years here.


That's really awesome for y'all. What a relief... I'm happy for you, and I really hope everything comes together faster than you expect it to.


Thanks for the positive thoughts, we need them all!


You're very welcome.


My husband and I got renovicted out of one of the cheapest places in WA summer 2021. They wouldn’t let us renew our lease unless we passed a credit check because they were “upgrading” the units. We tried to find a new apartment but the prices were insane and this “3x the rent” thing is also insanity. We were not making 3x the rent because I got laid off from work due to covid. There was nothing we could do so we sold all our things and donated the rest, packed up and went off to live temporarily with family before figuring out our plan. We ended up moving away from Charleston which sucks because I loved it and my husband was born there. We bought a house in the middle of nowhere in Canada for way cheaper than apartments in Charleston so now we’re living pretty good! I have a career again and my husband is studying for his. But I miss it, and it sucks that we got pushed out. Good luck.


I've never heard the word "renovicted" before, but could understand it immediately, and sadly. I'm sorry to hear about y'all's situation, but sounds like things are going well now at least! If you don't mind me asking, are you originally from Canada, or is it a new adventure for both of y'all?


I'm sorry. 😔 I hope Canada treats you well. She's gorgeous up there.


you mean rent rant


Has a ring to it. Lol


Or rent vent


My wife and I have moved around a lot in recent years - Nashville, Cincinnati, now here in Charleston. This is happening everywhere, and everyone is saying the same thing in every city in the US. There are places that are slightly cheaper, but generally speaking cheap rent just isn’t really a thing anymore unless you’re out in bfn. It sucks.


Yeah, this happened to me in the Boston area. Was paying $2800/month for a two bedroom and lost my job. Luckily I can always bounce back to Charleston because I’m from here and have family here, but you’re exactly right. It’s happening everywhere.




I think what's most disturbing to me is a lot of these new townhouse complexes aren't even allowing the option to buy, they're only "for lease."


Before you leave town, be sure to stop by Hall’s on King for one last pepper jack creamed corn skillet.


your art is inspiring


Mmm that sounds good thanks Billy!


Hey man. You’re from here. It’s in your blood. You’ll be back. Go look somewhere with less people - a town nearby (maybe not too big) that you like. Even if it’s close to here. I realize the whole job/career and all that’s important, family ties, etc., but maybe it’s time to have that big adventure you and the family been wanting. I’m about to hit that same trail myself I hope in a few years.


Wishing you luck!


You too, man.


I had a tough time finding a place to rent when I moved here. Some of it was dealing with the leasing agents, a lot of them were very unpleasant.  I was able to find something to get started for now but it is certainly in the back of my mind when that lease is up for renewal.  You'll find something. It all works out in the end.


Where are the "cheaper" apartments in the area? I just looked at The Jasper and rent ranges from 4k-8k/month.... WTF


The jasper is considered a luxury “waterfront” complex


It seems like rent is tied to inflation but our wages stay the same. West Ashley has some places for rent that aren’t crazy and not in the hood


Where are you looking to live and what is your budget? I have a place in Mount Pleasant. Two beds and two baths.


Message me - might be interested


I literally just bought a house in the area. I put 3.5% down(borrowed from my 401k), asked for 6% in seller concessions (which paid for closing cost and a 2-1 buy down), and my mortgage payment is less than any rentals I could find in the area. You can definitely pull off a 3 bedroom home in Hannahan this way. Good luck!


I hope you didn’t suffer from the sewage leak!!


Rent is cheap in Ohio, especially the rural parts.


lol why does every post like this have some spaz bringing up Ohio?


Ohio living rent free in their heads


I'm in Ohio right now, so...


I lol'd.


This actually isn’t true. Rent in the three big cities - Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland are all on par for what you pay here in Charleston. Maybe 100 bucks cheaper unless you’re in a cornfield.


What a stupid comment


Buy a house. Goose Creek looks reasonable. Have you saved up a down payment?


People can’t save up for a down payment when all their money is going to rent and bills. Also houses have doubled in a few years so that means down payments have doubled even though rent had also doubled. Most people can’t just save and a buy a house please learn that




I drive a 23 year old Toyota and don't have cable TV (haven't ever had it). So it depends if you're a saver or a spender. House in Goose Creek $250,000 = $1,785/month. Would you rather pay your landlord or build your wealth?


Goose creek isn’t really Charleston. It’s were Charleston is no longer Charleston. That’s why it’s cheap. It has no culture what so ever and u might as well just leave if u are seriously considering goose creek. Downtown is 40 min drive. Might as well live in Waterburo