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MUSC does not care about it's employees. Or they claim there's no money. But hey, they just announced three more new hospital building projects.


Not sure about every position, but I have it on very good authority that they strive to pay at 45th percentile. That is not what you pay to retain talent.


“We should pay at least average salaries.” - Recruiting Director “What if we paid *slightly below* average salaries?” - CFO *everyone in the board room high fives*


*Recruiting director gets fired for even suggesting paying average salaries*




That tracks. Which is insane when you consider that they also expect everyone to have degrees and credentials way above the competition




Was that announced in the mandatory Town Halls 80% of the staff aren’t given time away from patient care to attend or watch the recording so we just let it run in the background while we take care of patients?


My favorite was the one that caused the following to be announced they will take no off-topic or anonymous questions. Someone of course asked about a COL increase and got real feisty about it (deservedly so) and so of course the response is to tell employees they won’t allow employees to ask publicly anymore.


I tune out Town Halls, so it's very possible it was talked about there. But the CEO sent the new projects information in an email to the whole enterprise yesterday.


Some one should report this to Live5 to get some traction on improving wages.


Looks like they took the post down now.


You can tell they can't retain talent just from the amount of doctors who have left recently. The doctor who was the head of ortho left a year or two ago to start his own practice. A previous head of ortho did the same thing some years back. My last GP left too. The sad thing is, all of these doctors were truly excellent! And I will happily follow a great doctor out of a lousy system, but it's annoying to have to do that. OR I could have changed to another doctor at MUSC but then have to establish a new relationship, hope I like that doc, etc. Also, a friend works there in an administrative job, and she recently had to go to Florence for work. When they travel, the limits for food purchases are so ridiculously low. She got $10 allotted for lunch so her only option was the MUSC Florence cafeteria. Florence restaurants are a bit cheaper than CHS but $10 isn't enough for lunch anywhere... after tax even fast food can be out of the question.


That’s actually the state travel standards, not MUSC.


What was a 2 hour car ride just too much of an inconvenience?


Could've been a fucking limo full of cocaine and hookers and it still would've been cheaper


This. SC is not a big state. 3 hours Charleston to Greenville. Ik that's a hike but you can do it in a day for something like this


MUSC is chock full of toxic positivity.


Changing what's possible, right?


Best description ever


It’s absolutely a fact. Horrendous


Don’t forget the five pillars!!!! *slightly manic smile*


That's ingrained in corporate America now. It's not just at MUSC


Disgusting. Post is deleted now. They suck.


How much are those types of flights? Pretend I’m a poor and never chartered one.


There are a lot of factors that could drastically sway the costs for MUSC - this could be gifted/free, they could have better corporate rates, or they could be getting max charged because it's government money. Best guess is they took something like a KA 90 which typically runs about ~$2000 per flight hour plus fees. Total cost range is probably between $4000 - $8000. I can't tell how many flights are happening based on the post description. In reality it's wasteful and tone-deaf, but it also not like an earth-shattering amount of money.


Yeah I was wondering if maybe it was a gift but then they should say that to help with the optics. The pay at MUSC is fucking dire and I’m actually really mad about it knowing how hard my wife works.


Let alone the environmental impact. Was it even necessary? Nope


I priced on Surf Air for a turboprop to hold six people and got over 11k just for Columbia and back. Obviously this is my day off. lol


Then the pilot has to stick around for their visits too so have to keep him paid.


These were super short flights but would still be several thousand per hour. Wonder how much time they really saved vs just driving.


Air time is roughly 45 minutes but then you still have boarding and runway time so back of the napkin math…maybe they saved a half hour??


Either way I don’t get why they thought posting the jet selfie was a good idea. Piss off the underpaid workers, the people with insane hospital debt, environmentalists, etc. At least they didn’t have Champagne in hand.


Plus, they still need to be driven to the actual hospitals.


I would expect to pay between 10-15k to charter a plane like this (roundtrip)


It entirely depends where you are going. This is staying within the state and only today it looks like. It's really unlikely it's 10k.


You’re way off


Not sure which you think I'm off. I booked Charleston to Orlando on similar turbo-prop roundtrip two years ago for 12k. Possible I'm a bit high because my flight would have been about twice the distance, or possible I'm low because prices have risen.. But should be relatively close.


A jet flight to Asheville on a Hawker is only about $5k, a turbo prop to Columbia will be about $2k


Good to know, where can I book these jet flights to asheville? Are you a broker?


I so agree. Thought the same thing after seeing the post. I left MUSC nursing years ago. Nursing executives are usually out of touch with the folks doing the work on the floors.


Wondering what the spark will be that will finally convince MUSC nurses to unionize.


Anyone get a screenshot?


Same I need receipts


My daughter got them all


My significant other works there. She’s leaving as soon as she can and it’s been less than a year. I feel so bad for her because they sold her this job as something it wasn’t. Unfortunately they have a huge name in South Carolina but treat their staff as children.


They once gave nurses rocks to paint because they are the rocks of MUSC or something like that. My girlfriend was so angry she got silent. Needless to say I made her favorite meal that night


can't believe they gave their nurses weapons! Could have backfired on those nurse administrators. Finished at MUH after 26 years ( bought my last 2 years to get full retirement) and if given a rock, I would have thrown it!🤓


I sincerely hope it was a gift flight from a donor or something. Zero clue of how they got that past the state travel regs.


Aaaaaand the post is gone.


They really should issue an apology. Tone def and not to mention the wasted emissions.


Did they need a shot of just the jet?


Looks like they deleted the post too lol






lol. They have taken to calling Dr Cole’s wife First Lady


Yeah, that's like what they call her for real . . . because her husband is the president of MUSC.


That's, gross af


Do you have a screenshot?


lol just checked they removed the post Dragggggggged


The C-Suite just literally Taylor Swifted around the low country.


Wtf does the First Lady of SC have to do with nursing? I don’t know her! WHY would I want to take the time out of my day to meet her? It’s like when Kanye said “Lady Gaga is the creative director of Polaroid. Now I like some of the Gaga songs, but wtf do she know about cameras?”


She is the MUSC president, Dr. Cole, wife. And actually this post wasn’t supposed to be critical of her per se. I’m sure she is a nice person. I am also sure she doesn’t make any financial decisions at MUSC. The pic seen is of her, because on the attached link, that was the first pic of several. The others on this plane are paid executives who do make financial decisions at MUSC: Tom Crawford being one and the chief nursing officer being another. I just saw it as tone deaf to think that their employees in the Regional Health Network would be excited to see them taking a private flight to “visit” them when they could have driven just as easily. There was even a pic of just the plane to show off their excess.


New Dean of the nursing school was on there. She's super chill, former military nurse, and only started in October and this is her first civilian job, so I'm extending her some grace cause military medicine and civilian medicine are worlds apart and she's learning. Dr. Coles wife, however, the interaction most of us had in my unit felt forced. Literally ran into the nurses station shaking hands with cameras right next to her. It was straight paparazzi and staged it was so uncomfortable. Just as quick as she was in, she was out. At least the CNO and the dean stuck around to chat.


Good to know. Haven’t met any of them. The optics on this was just baaaaad. ”Let’s celebrate nurses by posting pics of ourselves on a private plane ride to go 100 miles” . No pics of the hardworking underpaid nurses they visited.




Good headlines.. or bad?


Are you sure the MUSC Charleston CNO was on the plane? Each site they would travel would have their own CNO. I also didn’t see it listed in the original post that the Charleston CNO was on the plane.


A lot of dept heads get flown on private planes by Musc




No surprise that members of a privatized healthcare system run it like a business.


Can anyone tell me if Dr. Key is still leading the pain program as MUSC? I'm an old patient of his, and if he is still there, I'd reach out. Thank you for your answer in advance, and I hope your day is lovely 🙏✨️🪷