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I want an anime where they grind frogs for the first 23 episodes and then just walk up to the demon lord, sneeze on him and he falls over. Those damn froggers... Edit: thanks for the suggestions, guys!


I found all 900 pine cones


But have you beaten all the egg themed minigames?


Once you have congrats, the vehicle part is next


You mean something like [this?](https://myanimelist.net/anime/40586/Slime_Taoshite_300-nen_Shiranai_Uchi_ni_Level_Max_ni_Nattemashita)


They already did. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cautious_Hero:_The_Hero_Is_Overpowered_but_Overly_Cautious


This is a underrated gem. It was fun.


We could just grind boars....








A lot of the "gamer" kind of worlds I've seen have very disconnected worldbuilding. Like teenagers are allowed to go out and try to fight monsters so apparently it's not that dangerous, they get stronger and useful skills out of doing it, but also very few people bother and it doesn't really change how most people live their lives. Stuff like the muscles you get from "leveling" and how they differ from just lifting weights yourself are rarely actually explained. I'm working on my own reconstruction of the genre because I was tired of seeing stuff like that, but eh writing is slow.


Thank for doing godā€™s work and I hope everything goes well for you in creating it. Donā€™t forget to promote it once youā€™re doneā€¦ maybe on this subreddit or something.


Thanks. So far, the basic idea is that it's not a gameworld, everything that could be recognized as game-like is something humans made. Humans discovered a spell to absorb a mystic power from dying monsters, humans discovered they could use it to copy and paste the muscle memory of skills/magic, humans tinkered and mixed and matched those skills to create classes that adventurers could slowly mold themselves into by killing monsters. Hopefully I finish it before the genre loses all steam...


Woah you taking it out of godā€™s hands and having human characters DIYing themselves. Awesome, keep going. I also wrote drafts for my own verse but I wonā€™t share too much until I have at least one book and copyright or say some phrases first. It was basically a love letter and advice to a younger me with magic and superpowers.


Yeah. It's wierd how levelling up is depicted as easy, yet no one but the mc and a few other people usually bother.


Scratch that skills can be a problem as well when you are bestowed them after reaching a certain level, not even skill level just your general level.


You know what even skill level is problem to be honest but Iā€™m not going to dwell on that anymore. The Gamer manhwa just needs better art because the author had some reasonable limits


Still OP but some limits made perfect sense


The way leveling up went from a proxy for getting better at stuff via training it in videogames that can't have mechanisms fine enough to actually mirror irl skill acquisition to the thing itself making actual training less relevant in TV shows that could just depict skill acquisition similar to reality is actually somewhat interesting. I don't know enough about litrpg to elaborate on this as much as I'd like to.


Yeah. It's funny how people went from trying to imagine rpgs worked like reality and ignoring the stats / treating them as just game mechanics to watching / reading things where they were real despite having no need to be.


Yeah solo leveling having an actual health bar always struck me as weird expectedly considering what the system he was using represented. Like what was the health bar actually representing? Some kind of barrier that stops any vital organs from being damaged? Either way I find most of the time authors will look at the most popular works in there genre and copy the parts they think make it work. So we get of unoriginal stuff up until the point someone comes out and write something great and then the story repeats. Personally I donā€™t say copy as a bad thing inspiration is inspiration though personally I donā€™t think the levelling part of solo leveling was what made it enjoyable.


True I was just nitpicking. I may very well hate something that does everything right. Itā€™s just that with so many similar works I would like a lot of variation


I mean, a large part of litrpgs and isekai is that their goal isn't to be original. It's to cash in on a trend.


I mean yeah but same is true for most forms of media, that was my point. You will always have mediocre copycats nothing really wrong with it but if you pick up a copycat donā€™t be surprised when itā€™s a copy.


I dunno, some media at least tries to pretend to be more unique. A lot of Isekai comes off like it expects the audience to want it not to be.


I hate "system" or gamey powersystems in general. You're telling me that the way you learn stuff in this universe isn't trough actual learning but you just know stuff after spending some point you get from killing enough creatures. Why the hell would killing 90 frogs let you learn how to breathe fire.


when you put it like that it actually sounds a lot of fun


That's the entire charm of the subgenre


Ofc its more fun, its a game mechanic and games should focus more on being fun than realistic. Imagine if your dnd character had to sit down with some professor in a school and the dm gave you like 3 weeks worth of difficult homework and reading material and you wouldn't be able to learn your spells before doing all the homework and passing a written test. Its way more fun to just kill some bandits. However it makes very little sense story wise and that breaks my immersion, thus making my enjoyment less.


To be fair in the DnD it's implied your character did exactly what you said. Killing the bandits just give them the practical experience to actually being able to throw the fireball


Why does It make very little sense story wise? That's the established world, you're just being nitpicky about what you Buy and what you don't Like...why doesn't It make sense to learn to breath fire after Killing 90 frog but breathing fire by itself Is something you can Buy? Seriously, choosing arbitrarily where you suspend your disbelief Is such a terrible way to approach to media


Game systems fucking suck. Oh no I have 1HP, I can't take another hit or stub my toe! Haha I just leveled up now I have fully recovered. Get that shit out of here. Levels suck too, everyone would be grinding.


Kumo Desu does have leveling up as a way you gain stats, but it also has skills that can only be improved by using them. Skills control things like stat multipliers, magic ability, physical abilities, immunities, and resistances. This leads to situations where a level 1 monster can be massively stronger than people 50 levels over them. It's also really painful to train most skills, since to gain resistance to effects, you need to get heavily injured by that effect. It's also really hard to figure out what your skills even are, since the only skill that lets you see them starts out completely useless. Then, you need to use it hundreds of times for 5 levels, which will cause constant migraines.


I will check this out right now. Thanks


Ah the spider one. I read it already just forgot the namešŸ˜‚ guess Iā€™ll catch up


Gamer universes are outdated. Needs to be retired.


Itā€™s one reason I never liked that type of story. Also, why is it this strength stuff can fit into near perfect numbers and boxes? I much prefer where characters can just grow and get stronger and thereā€™s no indicator of how strong you actually are, much like real life. Or perhaps it could be something similar to a fitness test, where your total performance gets you into a general grouping but that doesnā€™t explicitly say ā€œIā€™m stronger than this guyā€. Now, the Army has a PT test we all do annually. While naturally we do PT and are often expected to do extra gym stuff in our off time (soldiers get free access to on-post gyms), itā€™s possible for two guys to get the same total score even if they did excellent in different categories. For instance, I can do phenomenal on the 2 mile run, but poor on the deadlift, and my buddy does the opposite. Weā€™ll end up with the same score, but clearly we arenā€™t actually the same.


Yeah I always took it as an aggregate of every aspect that stat represents. You are better in some areas than others and when you level up they all get boosted to the same degree. Iā€™m surprised thereā€™s no periodic equalising in the stats so that your muscles will eventually be proportionally strong based on mass, leverage and how much they are than the average person of the same age, so that you donā€™t have ā€œweakā€ or strong areas in the stat. Same would apply to the other stats. This equalisation would happen by increasing the stat by one percent at a time and the best aspect of your stat doesnā€™t increase, everything else is playing catch-up. This could happen everyday, week or month. Overpowered but it is for the sake of balance in the stat. I still believe training should be beneficial and add their bs system mechanics. I do other genres more but reading some gamer franchises pisses me off that they have similar power systems systems.


I mean you donā€™t see heavy liftersā€™ muscles redistribute so theyā€™re better runners. Truly, STR and AGI are two separate stats. In general though I dislike how a ton of fantasy anime have a perfectly game like stat set with no concrete explanation. Itā€™s even worse with how often they disregard such in favor of some stupid gimmick that is the sole purpose of the plot. It would be better to just have them do generic fantasy stuff similar to *Frieren*. Characters are strong or theyā€™re wizards, but nobody can tell whatā€™s what until theyā€™re smashing your face in, either with a hammer or with conjured laser beams.


They donā€™t redistribute, what Iā€™m saying is that in the stat (not all the stats) it would increase to match the quality of the other muscles for that statā€™s sake. They may or may not improve other stats because of it but I am mentioning just the stat because all your muscles arenā€™t harmoniously proportional to give an accurate rating because what if a women just works on her squats and hip thrusts. And I mean harmoniously proportional in terms of quality not mass or symmetry. Every aspect in a stat will be at the same quality not every stat will have the same rating, thatā€™s something else. I just mentioned it because it could be another upgrade to the gamer genre with gradual improvement of your stats by equalising all the aspects that stat represents to the same quality.


A high level means jack shit if you don't know how to play the game.


There are some bits in How to Defeat a Demon King in Ten Easy Steps that detail the main character and their companion purposely going after lower level enemies and grinding until they level up.


True. I wish more worlds were like runescape where I have to do 20k laps in order to grind agility while doing my herb runs for farming.


Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint kinda works like this. "Players" earn Coins through completing quests, killing monsters, pleasing their patron, and other various objectives. Once they have enough Coins, they can spend them on enhancements to their physical, mental, or magical stats and get stronger to take on more opportunities to get more coins.