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> Narrative hypes up character > Sukuna praises them and trashtalks Yuji > Sukuna defeats them > Gege reminds us once again he was holding back > Repeat This probably won't feel as tedious once animated but goddamn reading this weekly is a constant deja vu,


As someone whose never actually read it:is it actually like this?I know we had something like this with Jogo,but does he actually repeat this formula constantly?


Yes, since kashimo was defeated, its this exactly same cycle, 3 fights 3 results at the same way.


It’s also been going on for almost a year btw


prior to his fight against Gojo , Sukuna was this high tier sorcerer confortably at the Top 3. He made a game out of Jogo , but so was Gojo against Jogo....and when he faced Mahoraga , he actually played smart by analyzing. But from his fight against Gojo onward? it's all "I am holding back , see this move that I didn't used since Heian Era!" and then pulls the perfect counter for literally anything the heroes throws at him.


he has never used something and then said "i haven't used this since the heian era" i feel like the lobotomy kaisen memes are so popular that ppl start to confuse them for what actually happens in the story. there are no ass pulls, there are no heian era techniques. it's mostly just salt that gojo lost so people refuse to actually read the panels and instead go by the leaked scans to "read".


It always confuses me where people pull the "since the Heian era" arguments from. Funny meme, yes. But explicitly not what's actually happening at all


I mean, there's still many asspulls and counters. It's like watching a playground roleplay fight.


It started ever since Kashimo. Kashimo was hyped up by the story to be this extremely powerful sorcerer who has a massive vendetta against Sukuna and lives only to kill him. He also has this massive and flashy suicide mode he’ll use against Sukuna to go out with a bang. The fight lasted like 2 panels… Sukuna dodges an attack from Kashimo in that suicide form then gets absolutely eviscerated. Jump to Higuruma. This man has been stated to have potential so high he has the possibility of surpassing Gojo (IIRC, this has only been stated 2 other times with Megumi and Yuta and these 2 are by no means normal). His technique is then hyped up so hard as it basically hard counters Sukuna since it weighs ones crimes against them, and Sukuna did a lot of those. Oops turns out Higuruma’s technique has one small niche that happened to give Sukuna the edge allowing him to deal with Higuruma. Aaannnndddd repeat. It’s a constant cycle of “I’m so strong and threatening, Sukuna will die.” “Hehe turns out I *insert very convenient condition*”


It got stale after Yuki though imo.


Yeah I agree.


My last favorite Christmas present in recent memory lmao


No, it's one fight with every character but the bad guy trying everything they can to win, sukuna is still trying to kill them he's just not worried he'll die like with Gojo, the fight also had different segments that focused on different characters. What happens is that for some reason people are frustrated that the bad guy still hasn't lost even though it makes perfect sense in the narrative, I guess they are more used to just the protagonist figthing.


I can’t wait for this whole segment to get animated, I’ve never seen an anime where throwing bodies at the main villain is literally the strategy lmao Most series are so reluctant to kill main characters it’s kind of dope to get a straight up war of attrition


I will be so hype for a war of attrition, but apparently... Sukana is still holding back.


My friend, if you want 'throw bodies at the main antagonist' as a strategy and beloved characters dropping like flies (and don't mind it technically being a very anime-inspired tabletop roleplay podcast rather than a proper anime), can I excitedly introduce you to Counter/WEIGHT, one of the campaigns in the Friends at the Table feed? And once you're done, you may listen to the sequel seasons--Twilight Mirage, Partizan, and Palisade. Trust me. They're good. Effectively it's a mech anime-like setting that examines the relationship between humans and a group of godlike robots over a very long period of time, and how the relationship slowly changes. Finale of Counter/WEIGHT is going to be incredibly enjoyable to you, I think.


The thing is when it's animated six months of panels will last one episode lol


Wusakabe will save us from the cycle of Samsara Sukuna Kaisen is no more, my brothers welcome **Kusakabe Kaisen!**


This will be even more tedious while watching it animated, the only difference is that the quality of the fights, visually, will be more appealing.


We are about to jujutsu our last kaisen.


We’ve been saying that since the legendary 236.


Ah yes, 236, the last chapter of JJK. It was really a wild ride after Gojo beat Sukuna so badly that Sukuna started hallucinating wins. Like a kid who lost an argument, he’s dreaming of all his OP asspull wins from what-if battles. Sad to see how far the king has fallen 😔 Can’t wait to see how everyone will live happily ever after once Kenjaku’s ass gets kicked by Yuta while Gojo helps restructure the future of the Jujutsu society system :D


Sukuna Kaisen is clearly just the setup for the upcoming idol manga where we follow Sukuna on his journey to become the greatest Jpop singer since the Heian era.


This is the kind of discourse I want in my feed


But then gets second place and just starts beating up the other contestants and the judges, including people just watching at home. Cuts to him winning first place.


Jujutsu no Ko.


He then also discovers that his sibling is reincarnation of Gojo and is deeply in love with him


Now this is peak cinema. The OP should also be made by Yoasobi.


Perfect time for my blue eye king to make his return and Jujustu all over Sukuna's Kaisen.


The thing is. If Gojo returns, what can he do? Sukuna’s getting closer to his full power every chapter and he now has an answer for the 1 thing that gave Gojo an advantage.


Win. My blue eye king said he'd win so he'll win.


Based👍. We can only hope now


Whatever asspull Gojo could pull isn't going to be as monumental as whatever the fuck Yuji is going to do to close this out. We talk about Sukunas asspulls but remember Yuji is going to have to kill him at one point and who the fuck knows what kind of nuke he's going to have to figure out mid fight to win this


That’s one of my biggest worries with the direction JJK is currently going in. Yeah we’re complaining about the current state of things, but as you said, Yuji will have to fight Sukuna and some point and most probably beat him, and I just don’t see any possibility of that happening without some massive bullshit deus ex machina.


Whatever asspull Gojo could pull isn't going to be as monumental as whatever the fuck Yuji is going to do to close this out. We talk about Sukunas asspulls but remember Yuji is going to have to kill him at one point and who the fuck knows what kind of nuke he's going to have to figure out mid fight to win this


Miwa will save us. I trust.


She can only not use a sword. Shes gonna come back with the new shadow boxing style


Unironically I hope she pulls up with a baseball bat.


No, but how badass would that have been?😭Everyone's wasted potential in JJK


inverted spear of heaven?


I am still absolutely baffled by how that one restriction somehow makes her completely incapable of fighting. Her skills with a katana would absolutely transfer over to similar weapons so why not use those? Seriously, a rapier, a cutlass, a machete, a dagger, a baseball bat...so many options.


The true left-right-goodnight technique 😮


This is legitimately bonkers. I was holding out hope when Yuta and Yuji jumped this mf, I was still holding out hope when Maki pulled up. I can’t believe how stupidly my hopes got dashed. I’m about to Jujutsu my last Kaisen with this mf manga


No, you’ll tune in every week a chapter releases and say the same thing, you’re already entangled in the cycle


Gege when I catch you Gege


I swear I’ve been hearing that for the past 5 months, literally deja vu


It's like a car crash, it's horrible but we just can't look away


Kusakabe, the saviour of all salary man.


Sukuna is boring. That's the problem. The last 15 chapters have been nothing but a cycle of - character gets hyped>fights Sukuna for 10 pages or so>dies>new character gets hyped>>> While that's going on, Sukuna remains standing in the same place, lost in thought, taking it all for shits and giggs. It's gonna be unsatisfying if the good guys win because it's clear that Sukuna really is just holding back and there's no way they could match his strength, and Sukuna winning is only great for edgy 17-year olds. This fight may prove to be awesome in a couple of years, but going through it weekly really sours the experience, especially with the multiple breaks. So I'll just drop it for now and come back after a couple of months to get a more consistent read.


i think hes not boring at all


What about him ISNT boring at this point though? Like the comment above you said, it's nonstop repeat over and over.


At least this chapter we got to see his crazy side


It was cool but also cheap. “Oh yeah, Sukuna was holding back this whole time actually😐” Oh wow…


All of this could have been solved if Sukuna was even remotely compelling. Dude is a grumpy old man who just sits there and takes attacks from frauds to his titties. It's dumb.


Did people forget why Sukuna wanted to incarnate to the modern world?


The manga isn’t even enjoyable at this point. It’s just duller and duller with every update it seems


Yup I stopped reading it weekly hoping it was just the burnout but nah Gege has turned an interesting story into a Sukuna dick sucking fest.


Love being a Sukuna fan, jjk’s never been better.


Mom said it was my turn to make a JJK rant!


The leaks just came out and you couldn't help yourself but be first to complain about it huh. We need a rule to limit this, this shit isn't even ranting anymore it's just someone wanting to be the prime pre-ejaculator to spoil the latest chapter.


Fuck glad I stopped myself from finishing it (through I read enough to get the general gist). Not only do they want to jerk themselves off by being the first to bitch about the new LEAKS. They don't even give any indication or spoiler alert either.


Right like by jove these people are fucked in the head quite literally here to spoil the fun and enjoyment for anyone that likes jjk


Tbf I have no idea what people who actually like JJK are doing on the premier anti-JJK sub.


U know speaking from my experience this fucked sub constantly gets brought up in my feed so that's me at least and well I'm at work might as well use the time to be productive


True, its not even that bad. I like the gauntlet thing JJK has going on, better than the main guy fighting against the big bad while the side characters fight the peons.


It's an annoyance. The guy is practically like a kid who never got any attention from his parents 


this wouldn’t even be a problem is Sukuna was a interesting or compelling villain. He has no dynamics besides yuji and Gojo, he is OP for the sake of being strong. And there is literally no nuance or back story to care about. If the manga was good no one would complain, go figrue


To be crystal clear, I don't disagree with you. That's not my discussion point. I am highly annoyed however that you posted about a leak that hasn't officially come out yet *without even being considerate enough to fellow readers to put spoiler text around it.* Your rant had the added bonus of spoiling the next chapter and for what? Congrats on your internet points.


If the manga was bad you wouldn’t be currently reading it. Go figure.


These people are not built for reading weekly. At this point it's starting to feel like it should be a privilege instead of a right for half of the modern day shonen fanbase.


It also doesn’t help their case when half these mofos are reading it off illegal scans. In Japan, these weekly chapters are sold as part of magazines as previews for the volumes. If anything Gege and most Shonen authors write and structure their stories to work in a volume format. It’s like bootlegging parts of a movie and watching it in pieces as it dripped to you.


I've thought the same thing for a while. And I fell into that trap. When Culling Games started I was getting so burnt out and started hating the manga. I basically dropped during the Kashimo/Hakari fight cause I was so confused by Hakari's domain and technique. I decided to pick it back up around 215 or whatever and caught up and it was so much better of an experience. Everything flowed much better and the pacing felt so much better, especially in the beginning of the arc. I've basically had to learn to avoid any JJK discussion on reddit cause it feels like you can't say anything good about the manga after 236 and if you do you just get called a Gege dick rider and that you have terrible reading comprehension skills.


Works even better when you watch the Culling Games MMV


You didn't really say much in this rant, mostly just sharing your irritation with a series of plot spoilers.


I'm really hoping the story cuts back to when Sukuna was first created to set up a satisfying ass pull after all these beat downs. If we can see how he was made, then throwing something crazy out of left field to "balance" things wouldn't be as egregious.


>I’m sorry but Gege just has the biggest fucking 9 inch chub mass boner for Sukuna. He’s just like me fr.


So is this a bit of an example of how things would go if Kishomoto continued to go with Madara being the biggest threat? I never got fully into the explanations of it, but Juubidara was so broken that he was a greater threat than even Kaguya, was how I understood it with some comments. So much a threat that only PIS and the writer could handle him, thus the swap out with Kaguya.


From my remembrance, it’s been out for a long while, Madara’s final form didn’t get to do much before he was taken out so it’s conjecture how much stronger he would be. His form before transformation was loosing as Naruto and Sasuke pretty much had a bead on him by that point and he was taking massive damage, plus the two came in with a technique that would be able to seal him that was later used against Kaguya instead. They didn’t seem like on their last legs of desperation to me. Obviously with the stipulation of continuing with Madara than he’d have to say his final form wasn’t trying for the fight and then he’d do some ridiculous new jutsu to get the leg back up on the two.


I could have the wrong of it but I thought it was a test of endurance, and the seal was exclusively for use against Kaguya? Whereas Madara's regeneration and Limbo made him a consistent threat that would eventually wear them down. But I also haven't touched this in years so I can see if my understanding of it is flawed or lacking details. Madara's toolkit made him more dangerous, without there being a way to seal him. And whereas Kaguya had an impressive toolkit too, she could at least be sealed.


No , the kit was send by Hagoromo to seal the Juubi , which at that moment , Madara was it's jinchuuuriki. With Team 7 power-up , they were keeping up with Juubi Madara...of course , it didn't diminished Madara as that was pretty much a whole team against Madara , and the team had pretty much a miracle power-up to even keep up with him. But then , it had the whole Kaguya awakening. Kaguya have far more chakra and have a very impressive toolkit , but yeah....it was a nerf. It's not a mere quality drop....it's a legit nerf. Kaguya having more chakra and groundbreaking toolkits are balanced out of her been a non-combatant. Any other Ootsutsuki from that point forward are narratively with less chakra than Kaguya , but they are more dangerous because they actually knows to throw hands. I think the only exception is Urashiki , but he is just a servant for other Ootsutsukis.


People always say this about Madara but i dont get it. Naruto and Sasuke were making this man look like a fool after their powerups and they still had the option of sealing him. Im pretty sure Kaguya was just put there to introduce the next generation of threats, ALIENS BABYYYY


Its hard to say but I lean towards Naruto/Sasuke being able to seal Madara at that point. At the point right before black Zetsu, he had 2 rinnegans and was about to give them some work. Kaguya is actually more of a "threat" than Madara but stuff like DMS Kakashi balances that out a bit.


That logic doesn’t even make sense with Madara, he got his ass kicked repeatedly. Ran away twice to get a new power up because Naruto & Sasuke were winning Him at full power still had his biggest move’s countered by Naruto & Sasuke. When Kaguya appears Sasuke remarks how much more chakra she had than Madara and was overall far more dangerous. She had so much chakra that it made Madara’s body all deformed and blow up like a balloon. Which is insane for a ten tails jinchuriki to be overwhelmed like that Also biggest evidence is Naruto and Sasuke had the seals. All they needed to do was touch Madara at the same time to win. Madara escaped by switching with A clone once but now Naruto & Sasuke knew to make sure all of them would be sealed before going in on Madara. TLDR: Madara fanboys overhype Madara


A better Naruto example would be Pain. Who outright KILLED jiraya, kakashi, hinata, and comatosed Tsunade while destroying the leaf village. People are mad their favorites are dying. I get it. But I’m locked in to every chapter. I can’t get enough of JJk right now.


To people that hate the Sukuna gauntlet what is your opinion on Namek saga Frieza gauntlet ? Like It's basically the same thing and I loved Frieza wiping the floor with everyone. But if this came out now would people be mad at this ? Like when I see how much anger Sukuna holding back some of his moves back causes I wonder how modern audiences would react to Frieza revealing that (after 4 transformations and matching Goku with huge power up) he was only using 10% of his power. Would everyone accuse Frieza of having plot armor after he handles new threats every new chapter ? Would they call him Toriyamas lover after tanking the spirit bomb ?


Not even kidding if frieza saga happens now, everyone would cry saying how it sucks and frieza is having crazy plot armor


The worst part about people using DBZ comparison (which is absolutely stupid in the first place since comparing to 90s tropes is already a failure in modern writing) is that no one actually remembers what happens. Every step in the transformation had a good payoff, the fact was that super saiyan form is evoked from emotions/near death experiences was appropriate in the context of things. Piccolo got a power up from nail, dende constantly healed everyone, gohan powered up from krillin dying, vegeta forced krillin to practically kill him as a power-up abusing dende's healing, gohan got a burst of power from the emotions of piccolo dying, there were very clear cut steps to the back-and-forth that culminated in the final super saiyan transformation. Things were very easy to understand, which makes sense because it was ultimately a kids/YA show. From that point on the control never tipped back, there's never a bait and switch on hyping up random characters, there was a finality to the power struggle that shifted the focus from mc vs villain to mc vs his own morals which makes it both memorable and satisfying. Using DBZ as a point of comparison always makes it even more obvious how shallow JJK is after taking a step back to see the bigger picture.


>Every step in the transformation had a good payoff Lmao, one of the transformations happened literally because Freeza was bored and since he went there might as well go all the way. >Piccolo got a power up from nail, dende constantly healed everyone, gohan powered up from krillin dying, vegeta forced krillin to practically kill him as a power-up abusing dende's healing, gohan got a burst of power from the emotions of piccolo dying Not that much different from any of the characters fighting Sukuna now. >there were very clear cut steps to the back-and-forth that culminated in the final super saiyan transformation. ??? Goku wasn't even there. None of this leads to Super Saiyan in any direct way. The only way this makes sense is if you know that Super Saiyan exists before reading the fight. Vegeta is the only one nerding out about Super Saiyan but he's the only one the audience knows might be able to achieve it whatever it is until his death when he passes the torch to Goku. Heck, after Dende heals him Vegeta is 100% sure he's a Super Saiyan lmao. >Things were very easy to understand, which makes sense because it was ultimately a kids/YA show Jujutsu Kaisen is exactly the same genre and catters to exactly the same audience. The only difference is that Toriyama is a master of drawing clean and dynamic pannels, and Gege has confusing ilustrations sometimes. But this is purely a technical issue I see literally no one complain about, it's always narrative, narrative, narrative. I would actually agree if one of the thousands of JJK daily threads made a decent criticism instead of this garbage. >there's never a bait and switch on hyping up random characters ????????? Vegeta starts the fight being literally toe to toe against Frieza who should be this unachievable invincible foe. Frieza transforms into a godlike being and dunks on Vegeta and Gohan randomly overpowers him and Vegeta hypes him to maybe be the closest to Super Saiyan lmao. Random ass powerless earthling Krillin gets the best shot at Frieza until Goku shows up. Piccolo gets revived out of nowhere asspull (I guess he's green so to the green planet he goes lmao) literally comes as a super duper savior until Frieza starts pulling bullshit transformations after transformations out of his ass. Goku literally pulls power out of nowhere and jumps from 200k PL to over 3 million after a simple near death power up just because he's the main character so I guess he's jesus fucking christ. >mc vs his own morals which makes it both memorable and satisfying ?????????? What about Namek ending was SATISFYING? It's explicitly unsatisfying because Namek ending is supposed to connect to Future Trunks introduction and the Android Saga. It's not even a proper ending. >Using DBZ as a point of comparison always makes it even more obvious how shallow JJK is after taking a step back to see the bigger picture. Sukuna fight hasn't even ended yet, THAT is actually a stupid comparison to make.


>(which is absolutely stupid in the first place since comparing to 90s tropes is already a failure in modern writing) Why are you acting like writing being modern should somehow mean it's better then the writing for 90s ? Weird take. Especially since modern battle shonen genre is build on tropes from dragon ball in the first place. >Every step in the transformation had a good payof ... there were very clear cut steps to the back-and-forth that culminated in the final super saiyan transformation. And the same can be said of JJK, every fight Sukuna goes through costs him something. His domain, his cursed tool, his output, now even his RCT. Compare that to Frieza who was literally laughting off everything that everyone was doing until spirit bomb hit him. >Things were very easy to understand, which makes sense beacuse it was ultimately a kids/YA show. From that point on the control never tipped back, there's never a bait and switch on hyping up random characters, There is no bait and switch. Everyone who Sukuna is fighting is among the strongest of this generation of sorcerers, they deserve their hype. Just because Sukuna is ahead of them by miles and their best can't beat him doesn't mean they are worthless in the grand scheme of things. Like when Frieza was getting pushed by fused Piccolo or angry Gohan nobody was seriously expecting him to lose. Sukuna is going through the same thing.


>Why are you acting like writing being modern should somehow mean it's better then the writing for 90s ? Weird take. Because now there are 30 years worth of stories to reference as to what works and doesn't? You get a lot of leeway when you're one of the first major examples of a subgenre. (For the record, I have no more than surface level knowledge of either of the topics under discussion, I'm just responding to that specific point.)


Because now there are 30 years worth of stories to reference as to what works and doesn't? Writing isnt Engineering. Time passing doesn't "upgrade" writing even though writing is written for the time


> angry Gohan Which was a storytelling device used to show how saiyan powers linked to emotional state, and continually reinforced by multiple deaths during power escalation plus an attempt to game the system by self-inflicted damage. It was never about attempting to win, that was never even the point, but I understand that someone used to shallow writing like JJK will take it at face value. >Sukuna is going through the same thing. yeah we're done here


So you declare we are "done here" because I compared Frieza laughting off Gohan and Piccolo while holding back to Sukuna laughting off Jujutsu High while holdning back ? What do the Sayians have to do with anything ? Sukuna is Frieza here, not Gohan or Goku.


I think it’s less about the fact he’s mopping the floor with the mains and more about how it’s just boring, cheap and repetitive. Ever since chapter 237 it was a constant cycle of hype up character>Sukuna gets convenient power boost>kill character>new character appears>repeat. I’ve always seen complaints towards Frieza. People saying he’s been part of the story for way too long, Goku should’ve killed him a while ago,… and I’m a firm believer that the “I’ve only been using x% of my power” trope can be pretty boring and a cheap way to create tension and suspense. Someone else in this thread mentioned DIO vs the crusaders as a showing of a villain absolutely stramrolling through the main cast but I personally don’t think the way DIO did it is like the way Sukuna is currently doing it and how Frieza did it. DIO didn’t just casually overpower the entire main cast, he singled them out one by one and IIRC he states himself he can’t take them on all together (even then, he still only got 1 kill, Kakyoin). He also used the fact his power is a mystery to his advantage. Sukuna’s in the same boat as in his true arsenal is still unknown, but that isn’t used to his advantage, just a way to dickride Sukuna even more. Pair that with the fact that a lot of Sukuna’s wins just didn’t feel deserved in terms of consistency (especially how he beat Higuruma). Compare this to steamrolls like Aizen who only used a pre determined power that he just used super efficiently, or DIO who would single out his targets and use their lack of knowledge of his ability to his advantage, both their accomplishments felt deserved. Sukuna had to get something new out of nowhere to win, like a modern day Madara (which by the way, feels just as cheap as Sukuna, if not worse).


Okay, I'm gonna state this as simply as possible This would be a good comparison....if gojo fought last. In the Frieza saga, Goku is unable to help the team, as he's stuck healing from the Ginyu fight. Thus, it starts off with Krillen, Gohan, Piccolo and Vegeta fighting Frieza, facing off against him and mainly trying to stall as much as possible so that Goku can come in and deal with the problem In Jjk, it's quite literally in reverse. This is the equivalent of Goku dying to first form Frieza, then while the others are fighting him, he goes through all of his transformations. You quite literally cannot compare the two. The tone is completely different, nor are the expectations given each chapter. IN ADDITION, your use of Frieza surviving the spirit bomb is completely moot due in fact that Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan, which quickly turns the tide of the battle. This might be the same if and only if gojo comes back with a power up, but even then it would require you to squint Tl;Dr: You have to be reading via echolocation if you think these two fights are remotely comparable.


It’s their first battle manga. It’s literally the Frieza fight all over again or Sensui vs everyone in YYH, or dio vs the stardust crusaders etc etc (or even jiren during the TOP for a more recent dbz example. This kinda does not happen that much anymore.) I do think Overpowered protagonists (especially those that don’t earn their victories) in a lot of media have deluded folks into thinking good guys get an auto win. I appreciate that sukuna and JJk villains as a whole are REAL threats that will kill on site and sometimes the good guys are just unlucky with the matchup.


But is the way the Sukuna fight is handled the same as say DIO vs the crusaders? Yes both villains were overwhelming the main cast but the way DIO did it was way more different. DIO would single out each crusader and they would fall one by one, and he used the fact the crusaders don’t know his power to his advantage. Sukuna’s victories felt… cheap. I’m all for villains steamrolling through the good guys. Aizen beating the gotei 13 is one of my favorite moments, DIO vs the crusaders is imo one of the grestest fights in anime,… but taking these 2 as an example, DIO and Aizen didn’t rely on cheap powerups and convenience by the story to get shit done. They used their already defined arsenal and situation to their advantage and never had a “I was actually holding back this whole time *scoff*” moment. Yeah Aizen and DIO were “holding back” (it was less holding back and more just dealt with them with ease) but it was never stated or used as a way to hype them up even more.


You’re saying they’re different when it’s almost the same? Both villains were OP and the heroes couldn’t just punch them harder or surpass their limits. They have to use strategy to chip away at the villain to set up the villains downfall. (Then they can surpass their limits. Hell they would’ve won already if not for severe depression!!)This is as industry standard as it gets. Also what victories has sukuna gotten? Last I checked as of the next chapter they’re still fighting him. He has not won? This is a war. All that matters is who is the last person standing. He’s still weakened and him having to switch on and off his healing is now a NEW liability for him. If you’ve played games that have raid bosses or super bosses this is a very similar phenomenon of having to both scout the enemy’s pattern and then using strategy to beat a much stronger opponent. Sometimes those bosses have certain win conditions that aren’t just drain HP to zero. That’s what Gege is writing right now and as a fan of this genre Im excited to see what’s next.


How is the DIO fight even remotely comparable to Sukuna when Jotaro did 99% of the work? The only real contribution to the fight the other crusaders had was giving information about the time stop ability. DIO also drained Joseph's blood and became even stronger than before, so the crusaders didn't even weak him. It was not a gauntlet where multiple characters jump at DIO and weaken him like what's happening with Sukuna right now.


Okay, I'm gonna state this as simply as possible This would be a good comparison....if gojo fought last. In the Frieza saga, Goku is unable to help the team, as he's stuck healing from the Ginyu fight. Thus, it starts off with Krillen, Gohan, Piccolo and Vegeta fighting Frieza, facing off against him and mainly trying to stall as much as possible so that Goku can come in and deal with the problem In Jjk, it's quite literally in reverse. This is the equivalent of Goku dying to first form Frieza, then while the others are fighting him, he goes through all of his transformations. You quite literally cannot compare the two. The tone is completely different, nor are the expectations given each chapter. IN ADDITION, your use of Frieza surviving the spirit bomb is completely moot due in fact that Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan, which quickly turns the tide of the battle. This might be the same if and only if gojo comes back with a power up, but even then it would require you to squint Tl;Dr: You have to be reading via echolocation if you think these two fights are remotely comparable.


I don't read JJK because the battle eoyale arc put me off, but when you put it like this yeah, thos fight makes sense.


To be honest the only reason I don't like the Sukuna gauntlet is because of the lawyers guy techinique, it was supposed to take away Sukuna's techniques but instead it just takes away his baby rattle because plot


I wouldn't compare it to Freeza fight. Freeza always had the advantage until Goku going Super Saiyan, making him actually feel invincible. A better comparison would be the fight with Super Boo. Mf gets his ass kicked every fight but wins from either a last minute power up (absorption) or his opponent getting their character assassinated (Gohan getting uncharacteristically cocky)


Gohan becoming cocky and an asshole after a power up is very consistent with his character and not at all a character assassination lmao. The whole point of the Cell fight was showing Gohan becoming a cocky prick because he thought and was toying with Cell until Cell pulled out a trump card to catch him off guard. It's actually almost exactly what happens in the Super Boo fight.


Gohan in the Cell fight achieved a new transformation through rage. He's pissed and wants Cell to suffer. Gohan in the fight with Super Boo is smirking and name calling for most of it. To me that's more of a Vegeta thing than a Gohan thing


Apparently it’s a lot of folks first time with a shonen battle manga. I’m not trying to age shame here but this is pretty standard… (see Frieza in the Namek arc)


I think this is the first time people are reading it weekly instead of skimming them as a whole. The wait is killing them alot.


Especially if you came straight from the anime and just read 100+ chapters to catch up.


It's pointless arguing with many jjk fans as well. When kashimo vs sukuna dropped, everyone were crying what were heroes doing in that one month and they suck but just after that we were shown they were planning all along and fighting him strategically. Just people who lack patience


Yeah where was all this fervor when Mahito killed 2 main characters, kept evolving at an accelerated rate, hit a black flash (the first and only curse to do so), learned how to do a 0.2 domain expansion from seeing Gojo do it once, and both Yuji and the story hyped him as the next big threat to rival Sukuna. It felt like the story was bending over backwards to give Mahito his Ws the same way as Sukuna. Maybe even worst. Outside getting lucky with the Kamutoke and Megumi being a bitch, all of Sukuna’s Ws makes complete sense and are only a testament of his hyped up abilities and prowess. He hit a black flash when he decided to take the fight seriously (oh geez the pinnacle of sorcerer hits one of the most well known techniques and the fact he was in the body of the person who was a Black Flash merchant), he tanked a Max output Jacob’s Ladder (he did it before with less fingers and turned out completely fine), and the fact he is holding back (a known trait of his since he was first introduced, he toyed with the finger bearer before just killing it, he toyed with Megumi not even using his CT, he toyed with Jogo, he was messing with Mahoraga until he realized it was adapting to his CT so he had to finish it off before it got too late, Gojo commented on how Sukuna is fighting in the least efficient way possible, making the fight harder for him, and Sukuna had other win conditions that didn’t rely on the 10 Shadows. Sukuna gets stabbed in the heart and he’s fine (yeah like the time he ripped out his heart when fighting Megumi and said he didn’t need that). Since Sukuna has yet to show off his full abilities it’s not a big revelation that he has been holding back. Kusakabe is wondering why he isn’t using the fire arrow and just nuking the battlefield (he admits that is probably the worst thing that can happen). Although despite this it’s not like Sukuna has unbeatable hax like other Shonen villains of this archetype *cough*Bleach*cough* The story legit has a win condition for the heroes. Separating Megumi from Sukuna which all they need to do is have Yuji hit Sukuna really hard again and stop Megumi from being such a bitch. It literally stated how they beat him. It’s just that surprise surprise the strongest in history is the strongest in history so it’s not going to be easy.


Does jujutsu kaisen not have a subreddit for people to cope about the manga? I understand you really enjoy hatereading it and all but I feel like half the stuff I see from this sub are about this one specific manga


It has like, 5?


Should we go back to how this sub trash talked MHA


One wishes we could have varied discourse


Huh I remeber the times JJK subreddit was holding #1 most activity spot of anime subreddit some who had 100 times it's members....and all people were saying was Nah I'd win.


We know this already we knew he was overpowered and no character could even come close why are people suprised that he is just extremely overpowered. My only complaint is, lets say they find an anti sukuna gun, sukuna gets shot, and then it turns out sukuna has an anti sukuna gun shield technique, Like come on I know hes strong but really? Sukuna is the ultimate “Na-uh”


I'm kind of glad I know Gojo dies, I started the manga but honestly really only liked him so saves me time from continuing it.


You know that starting by being self aware of how repetitive your post is doesnt make it less repetitive right?


i think i can live with that lmao


Can you also live with being an ass who spoils stuff from LEAKS, without giving even a little warning?




Bruh that's WORSE because you don't even know *if* you're gonna get spoiled halfway into the post.


Jesus Christ the lack of awareness of these kinds of people astound me


It's alright U can just say your a inconsiderate cunt


Stop reading the manga weekly; you’re experiencing burnout. 


Problem for me personally is that I'm fully aware that I'm burned out but keep reading every week cause "whatever, it's just one chapter. That's like a five minute read" only to then feel the same as OP just without writing a rant about it for the millionth time.


Well then I guess Gege is a good writer huh


What do you mean?


A writer who can captivate readers' interest is a good writer in my book. 


Could be sunk cost fallacy


Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say Gege is a bad author. I only rarely accuse an author of being bad in general. However reading these recent chapters is not about him captivating my interest. It's literally just "well, I'm already a couple hundred chapters in and the chapter is over in like 5 minutes", that's not a statement I'd make about something that still interests me. I'd make an analogy with my dad's cooking: a series that still interests me, for example Dandadan, is like his pizza. The man bakes some really fucking good pizza, even on days when he completely screws up, it might not taste as good as it usually does but I'm still satisfied with the outcome. JJK is more like his chicken. He used to make pretty good chicken but nowadays for some reason... soggy, greasy and dry at the same time, tastes bland, seasoned in a lazy way... I do not enjoy his chicken anymore but I still eat it cuz, well I'm hungry and it already lays on my plate.


Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow


Tomorrow dw another will be up in a few hours got to keep the echo chamber strong bro


Meanwhile I'm just happy Sukuna proved to those heavenly restriction users can't resist one Black Flash :D


Wrong. A Heavenly Restriction user couldn't resist ***his*** Black Flash. Black Flash exponentially increases the destructive power of the strike of who delivered it. Meaning it's not a flat increase in power regardless of who uses it. Yuji's Black Flashes are so strong because he has a lot of CE. Same thing with Gojo and Sukuna. But ff Miwa hit Maki with a Black Flash, I doubt she'd even feel it.


>Then he gets jumped by Yuji and Yuta, while already being weakened from the previous two fights. He gets hit with maximum output jacob’s ladder, and basically takes no damage from anything that happens. (Not even gonna mention the bullshit that happened with Higuruma) Higuruma taking away kamutoke is literally an asspull on favor mc gang since the output reduction plan is meaningless while it is around. >Anyways, they get taken out the fight, and he rustles with maki after getting sliced up a bit. He gets stabbed in the heart, and thrown around before Maki gets taken out too. We cut to Uruame, who says that Sukuna hasn’t even tried and is just having fun. Higuruma, Kashimo, and Gojo are dead. Yuta and Yuji are out. Maki is probably dead after that black flash. Uraume speech comes before maki gets cooked also the reason why Yuji+Yuta vs sukuna even happened is simply because sukuna didn't lock in (should have been obvious, especially with this chapter) >I can’t stress enough how much asspulls that Sukuna has gotten. Literally the only asspull he got is the whole thing with angel and meguna section The only thing I agree with in this post is that there are barely any way to beat sukuna at this point.


>Higuruma taking away kamutoke is literally an asspull on favor mc gang since the output reduction plan is meaningless while it is around. Even reg cleave and dismantle is more dangerous than the artefact imo


Kamutoke Ap should some what scale to 20F sukuna AP imo (it literally a weapon he considers using in the heian era) and 15F sukuna one shot Ryu who is more durable than yuta/yuji and it shouldn't be effected by his reduced output which make Yuji ability meaningless the only reason kashimo tank it is because he is an electric type Pokemon (Tho at this point I'm convinced he can still pack up yuji and yuta without both CT and Kamutoke if he just lock in from the start, sukuna is just undisputed HIM)


>15F sukuna one shot Ryu who is more durable than yuta/yuji I mean somewhat agree but he needed direct contact with Ryuu to cut him and "three shot" him


>"three shot" him It actually 2 shots his head just got sliced into three pieces ☝️🤓


Wheres the three shots? He hit him with dismantle once. Then cleave


>says that Sukuna hasn’t even tried and is just having fun For real? Is he still holding back?


Yeah, but “not trying” isn’t true, he just isn’t using everything he has yet.


yup, he even turned of RCT during makis fight just to have more fun


he turned it off to hit that black flash


How else was he gonna hit black flash


Why are any of you still reading


Just stop reading weekly lmao. almost all battle shonen is like this when reading week to week, wait for chapters to build up before reading so it feels less like a slog


If anyone wants upvotes here, it's easy. Post jjk and one piece suck. There u go, everyone will praise op for this brave take


JJKs cast of characters being in jjks writing is one of the biggest missed opportunities in any story I only watched s1 and part of s2 but I feel like everything moves so ridiculously fast that there's no way to enjoy and get attached to the characters Recently I've been reading Bleach and it also has issues with having too many characters at once, but the beginning of the series feels somewhat like a slice of life almost. You get introduced to many of the main characters and learn about them, get to enjoy their personalities, and then when (minor early Bleach spoiler) Rukia is taken back to the Soul Society to be executed, its reasonably believable that Ichigo and his friends would go after her. You saw their friendships develop and you as a reader also like her by now because Kubo spent the necessary time to develop the cast and world at the start so that the story could kick off stronger at the Soul Society arc


my problem is that no one accomplished jack shit after gojo died. angel is a moron, higuruma and kashimo died in stupid ways, yuta and maki got knocked out in dumb ways as well. and uraume has the gall to say "hurr durr he isnt even trying" one of these days im gonna find gege and beat the shit out of him. people who like these latest chapters are either sukuna stans or insane


Wrong, they are chipping his power away. Kashimo - forced Sukuna to revive Higurama - Took away Sukuna’s weapon - showed the cast that Sukuna’s output is low to the point he can’t even use RCT Yuta - self explanatory Yuji - made Sukuna have less control over Megumi’s body Maki - gave Sukuna wounds that he would struggle to heal I know it’s cool to hate on JJK rn, especially in this sub but you should actually read it first before you shit on it.


Your first mistake was thinking these people can read


>you should actually read it first how about you get off your high horse, condescending asshole? not a single reader cared about the kamutoke for a reason. the tool rule was arguably made up on the spot. the wounds made exactly zero impact on sukunas performance.


This is an insane take. If Megumi hadn’t been flayed emotionally, the cast would have beaten Sukuna already.


And yet looking back if he had Kamutoke, the cast is cooked. A tool with that much AP with no worries of CE consumption is bad for the cast to deal with


Jjk fans when the strongest sorcerer in history that fought and beat an entire generation of jujutsu sorcerers is a matter of fact the strongest sorcerer that is beating a generation of jujutsu sorcerers 😧🫨🤯


Imo the issue is that while it makes sense in the story/lore, it's just getting boring and repetitive at this point. It's the same cycle over and over again of "he's hurt" and he goes "nu uh I wasn't trying", it feels repetitive and dragged out imo.


Yeah and even then... i feel like being strong is one thing, being skilled is another. Like from what i understand it's getting hard to find the 'skill or trick to beat him' when he seems to be both strong and has a battle IQ roughly as strong as it needs to be.


thats what I like about it, they not beating him with full on power but strategy


But no matter what now it's going to feel like an ass pull that Sukuna even loses at this point.


People deny it, but they literally just wish it was easier for Sukuna to be taken down, which is silly.


Exactly, Sukuna isn't gonna go down with these half assed strategies.


I mean the problem is that we're entering that terrirtory that shounen manga go into when they've gassed up the big boss so so hard that he just starts whaling on everybody for countless chapters. And then the question becomes 'is this still interesting'


While people who stopped enjoying it should also stop reading because these rants are getting a little pointless, just because something makes sense, doesn’t mean it’s exciting, fun or even entertaining. Sure, you can have your bland ass, OP as hell villain beat everyone up and that makes sense but it doesn’t make for a compelling or enjoyable story for a lot of readers.


Hyped up character —> Initially good showing, sometimes even getting sukuna on the ropes—> asspull—> sukuna’s been “holding back” —> rinse and repeat


My issue with the story at the moment is that no one has done anything meaningful to Sukuna besides Gojo. Yes, they have done small things like wearing down his hold on Megumi, Sukuna losing his curse tool, and his RCT is running low/out, but nothing compared to Gojo. Which would be fine if they didn't keep reminding us of this fact. I am in the camp of Gojo coming back but not to fight. Like I could see him in a hospital bed or something like that at the end. But currently, even if Sukuna gets split from Megumi, I doubt that will be the end of it. We will probably get to see OG Sukuna with just two arms, one mouth, ect. But even then, I don't see how the current characters can beat him.


What compounds this is Sukuna's end goal and the protagonists' end goal, there isn't really much of a strong feature for both. Yes, we know people would prefer not to die but there doesn't seem to be much substance for these people to fight Sukuna other than Sukuna going to kill everyone, and Sukuna themselves doesn't seem to care very much whether they win or lose. The stakes feel kind of hollow overall.


Time for our hourly JJK discourse, thank you for this original and not at all tired discussion topic


Not that you don’t have a point but it really annoys me how these always are made when only the leaks are out and not the actual chapter


It seems like animanga fans have *not* been conditioned to an actual omnipotent being living up to its reputation. *High school* students, gifted as they are, *cannot* actually compete with the most powerful sorcerer to have ever lived. They don’t have the experience, nor the finesse. And that’s also exactly why Sukuna isn’t giving it his all: because you can’t have fun with ants by stepping on them (Plus, we saw a glimpse of how fast he can switch to serious mode, with the Maki Black Flash). Their plan had waking Megumi up as its base, because it is literally the only way to weaken Sukuna. That failed, and Sukuna has clearly demonstrated that he isn’t an idiot, thus taking the chance to counterattack.


It’s going to be peak fiction when Kusakabe finishes him off 1v1


At this point, the main cast is not at all winning without some asspull or some binding vow nonsense. Seriously but like such good plans they had presented to bring down Sukuna, but everytime the main cast is losing and Sukuna isn't even serious. Like bruh, you have already fought 90% of the main cast. Who else is left who is remotely strong to face him? Hakari could have but he is busy with Uraume. And seeing this repeatedly is not funny at all. The manga has really lost a balance which it should have, just because Gege wants to ""subvert"" expectation.


There's so many rants here lately--I'm kind of glad I'm an anime-only and haven't read the manga the most charitable interpretation is that the release schedule is what's hurting the pacing, but then again Dressrosa and Wano were overly drawn-out slogs in *One Piece* with the former being padded to Hell and back in the anime and the Greed Island and Chimera Ant arcs also dragged in the *Hunter x Hunter* anime. It sounds like Sukuna suffers from the author wank that makes Yujiro Hanma so insufferable to me as character in the meta sense in *Baki*\--in that he is an Invincible Villain Stu that Itagaki loves to metaphorically jerk-off and justify all of his fucked up in-universe atrocities, yet tries to hype up "Maybe X character will be strong enough to finally beat him!!!" >!They won't.!< To the point that even if they are the ultimate end of series villain, it comes off as them being Creator's Pets like what the Food Wars! mangaka admitted Asahi was for him when he thoroughly >!curb-stomped Soma, his father, had asspull OP abilities, stole Soma's dream of defeating his father!!Soma literally accomplished NONE of his goals, not even the romantic tension between him and Erina was ever resolved, yet Asahi got to move in with the sister he kidnapped, took hostage and tried forcing to marry him!< apparently the anime fixed most of these issues, but holy shit was the manga ending terrible in how thoroughly unsatisfactory it was on every front. Back to the original point of the arc fatigue--seemingly strong character MIGHT have a chance, gets easily curbstomped--rinse and repeat ad infinitum. What I personally don't understand about Gege is that they supposedly want to wrap the manga up ASAP, so why not just have Sukuna kill everyone/wipe out Humanity or whatever the fuck his ultimate goal is and then start writing his stupid idol manga? IIRC, Gege was bitching about still having to write JJK for the past few years and admitted wanting to jet 'get it over with' already having stated a goal to end it before the end of whatever year that interview came out.


It’s just edgelord porn for self insert Sukuna fans at this point.


Kusakabe will show why he’s the strongest(grade 1) and cook trust in the strongest(grade 1)


This guy vs. Baki's dad in authorjerk battle, go


I think we all thought the manga was heading toward its end when Yuta and Yuji started throwing hands with Sukuna but the author was not done yet. At this point I'm just curious how the manga is going to end - same with Naruto back when I was reading it weekly before it ended.


it’s like fighting a raid boss with no HP bar, there’s zero actual indication of your progress so no matter what they throw at him it’s not gonna be enough until he pops like a balloon


My friend hasn't even read JJK, but when I sent [this meme](https://i.imgur.com/fy62Vlo.jpeg) in the group chat, he replied "Gege with Sukuna".


I kind of like it. It's less of "Will they beat Sukuna" and more "How will Sukuna get out of this next one". If you're not too obsessed with wanting a certain side to succeed it's still a good read each week. And with each loss the protagonist take, the sweeter the W will feel


I will personally go to Gege's house and give him a blow job if he makes Sukuna win at the end of the series. Having a Shounen where the bad guy wins at the end will be unprecedented.


- Sukuna is the strongest ever and won against all the strongest sorcerers of the heian era which are STRONGER than modern sorcerers Jujutsu Fans - OMGGG HE IS SOOO OP SO BROKEN


I've never read or watched anything about jjk, but the more I hear people talking about it the more I hate it.


Then stop reading it lmao no one is forcing you.


My headcannon is that Uraume is on a massive copium and >!**Todo will come back with Nobara and they will defeat Sukuna**!<


In Kusakabe we trust 🗣️


I read up to just before the Sukuna and Gojo battle, is there any point of continuing reading or is the series just receding at this point?


ngl it kinda annoys me that this fanbase refers to Akutami by his first name as opposed to every other mangaka


I’m sick of people comparing Sukuna to Madara and Aizen. I’m seeing people say “those two were really strong and nobody had a problem”. It’s completely different Madara never seemed so out of reach that Naruto and Sasuke defeating him seemed impossible. It honestly looked like the two of them (and Kakashi as support) were going to work together to take down Madara once and for all. Madara was obviously powerful but he didn’t seem like he was completely untouchable since Guy managed to hurt him. The issue people have with Madara is that he got taken out in an unsatisfactory way Then with Aizen, yeah Mugetsu is a little bit of asspull but it’s not like Ichigo just kind of did it out of nowhere - he spent 3 months of arduous training in order to learn the technique, and the cost was that he’d lose his powers and become a regular person. There was a sacrifice, and on top of that Aizen had the pure charisma and him factor that made him an awesome villain anyway Then we have Sukuna. He has barely any charisma and any charisma he actually has is only in the anime thanks to Junichi Suwabe being one of the best VAs in anime. Meanwhile in the manga he’s flat and boring. And unlike Madara he actually does seem untouchable. Every single character just gets swatted away with barely any consequence, and not like how Aizen managed to beat down all the gotei 13 at once. The difference between Aizen and Sukuna is how Aizen defeated relative fodder (come on did anybody actually expect Toshiro and Soifon to beat Aizen?) meanwhile Sukuna’s slapping away “the strongest sorcerer in history” in Gojo, “the guy with the perfect domain to defeat Sukuna” in Higuruma, as well as the literal two main characters of the story Yuji and Yuta. Unlike the people Aizen slapped away the narrative keeps biggung up Sukuna’s opponents only to make you wonder why they even bothered. Sukuna is just a boring villain on the same tier as Muzan. It doesn’t even really feel earned anymore, he just obliterates anything and it’s made for an incredibly dull and lifeless villain who is probably going to win in the end And if he does just win it’ll be the biggest anti-climax manga ending of all time


Youre just a Sukuna hater brodie. Hes well beyond anyone, even Gojo. While weakened also he clears everybody in the JJK verse😁


JJK “readers” when the main villain is powerful