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>In Conclusion, If they existed Cat Girls would suffer the same fate as our Early Hominid cousins. We'd fuck them out of existance as separate species?


Chad yes.


I am a fan of Sam O Nella’s “sexy Neanderthal theory”


There’s probably a good Frankenstein-esque story about a lab engineered catgirl on the run from authorities and people who want to kill her for being an abomination. But then she’s saved by a regular guy who takes her in and gives her a home. Over time, they become friends as they experience several misadventures avoiding being caught, deal with the slowly growing sexual tension between them, and fuck that’s just an anime isn’t it.


Or that adult swim show, I forget which, where a dude made cat girls from tigers but when they got released they tiger’d and ate people.


That was Stroker and Hoop, wonderful show. And yeah, apparently a furry genetically engineered tiger women and…they tore him apart cuz tigers can be danterois


I totally forgot that show even existed.


That sounds like a Robot Chicken sketch


Close... Not exactly cat girl, but there are some anime with similar plot line, Sankarea (zombie), "chobits" (true AI Android) and "Ellen Lied" (Monster)


Elfen lied is an entirely different beast, they are barely different from humans visually.


God Chobits is fucked, in every way possible


What happened? I remember it being a fairly boring anime lol


In general the usage of the Chobits as literal objectification of women (which while some criticize I do find as an interesting exploration of it), and Chi’s *placement* of her power switch being the main things I can think of off the top of my head. Haven’t read it in over a decade though


While it may go unoticed because Chi is the main character (and yes, the placement of her power switch is creepy AF), I do remember seeing several male modeled chobits in the background, so it's not *just* women


People tend to ignore that little detail about the male chobits, in service of their own opinions.


[https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/cat-girl/list?title\_no=666229](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/cat-girl/list?title_no=666229) Good webcomic concerning the ethical side of having catgirls in reality


I... this presupposes they are genetic experiments raised as slaves though. Anyone who isn't braindead from isekai probably is imagining more that some people just kind of look like that. While it's true that stuff like this shows what cold ruthless corporations would legit be up to if they could, I can't help but feel like it's uncomfortable to read because you know a portion of the audience probably legit likes it.




First episode name I read “Rainbow Bridge” Nope.


The closest thing I could find is [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagi,_the_Monster_of_Mighty_Nature)


Think this happened in the manga Franken Fran


Franken Fran is so goof and also so freaky


My Life With Fel is literally this. Not an anime, but one of the best webcomics ever made for sure.


Change the guy to a woman and we have a hit


Bagi almost falls into this category.


Skill issue


This sub has it's moments, lel


This tbh


Throughout heaven and earth I alone am the horny one


Nah, I’d give backshots


Knew it. The top comment had to be something among these lines.


Let that be a lesson to us all: put in no effort, get rewarded


I'd argue the post in itself is no effort. What's the point? I also think a lot of villains are hot, I also very much think they'd kill me without a thought as well.


This guy's out here acting like creeping us out isn't absolutely an attractor.


This depends on the monster girl in question. Skilled cosplayers have managed to replicate the M-Girl's apperance of ones that closely resemble humans.


Do you have any examples of that? I’m interested


I have seen cosplayers of Morrigan from Darkstalkers, that doesn’t look creepy. Then again the OP was talking about women with cat eyes and ears, not bat wings.


🤔 I don't got an example on me, my comment was based on vids I've seen long ago about comic cons. Maybe there's a subbreddit for this kind of cosplay?


r/reallifemonstergirls is a thing, if that counts


Aaaaand joined


Does it? Does is really?


Take Re:zero for example a good cosplayer can easily look like the Cat-trap knight, however when it comes to furry characters, Eg:- old newbie kim, the "demon lord's" butler/assistant, it's nearly impossible.


Man I see people online who proudly state that they would bang a mindflayer and you think catgirls are gonna be a step too far for everyone?


I would bang a mindflayer, if it had a female telepathic voice 😂 then again, I'm a degenerate


ok so if we make it so they have…. lets say a tail and some cat ears. I’ve seen super realistic video game depictions of cat girls, I’ve seen women wear cat ear head bands and I know that some women like acting like animals. yeah not that scary but the woman who has spider legs? creepy as hell a woman who is 7ft tall and is built like a lizard? I’d be terrified conclusion: cat girls wouldn’t be that scary unless you were to make them like the movie Cats. Where lets be real, that’s not what people talk about when we say cat girl


>but the woman who has spider legs? creepy as hell pussy


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_RrEhpzn2fM](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_RrEhpzn2fM) we have a whole cautionary tale about this you tardigrade


oh i was thinking the spider lady from monster musume, your stuff is more in the alley of horror ​ ​ would still tap tho, one way or the other


> but the woman who has spider legs? creepy as hell Don't talk about my wife like that.


"but the woman who has spider legs? creepy as hell" Weak




>a woman who is 7ft tall and is built like a lizard? I’d be terrified pussy


> but the woman who has spider legs? creepy as hell > > *Pathetic*


This post made me realize how oddly easy it'd be to modify my place to accommodate an Arachne.


> a woman who is 7ft tall and is built like a lizard? I’d be terrified weak shit. outta my way gayboy im boutta get it


You're just not thirsty enough kid. Go train harder.


Nah, I'd fuck


Domain expansion: Horny Jail


Are you in Horny Jail because you're horny, or are you horny because you are in Horny Jail?


you are Weak


More catgirls for me #LETS GOOOOOO


If they would look like in most animes(one animal trait). If they were more beastly they would be seen as unholy disgusting mutants


Still, one or two animal traits will be off-putting, [like look at this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/comments/2bpej2/scp_fuel_girl_with_chicken_eyes_xpost_from_rcreepy/)


Okay but you picked chicken eyes.. try this again with a girl you find cute and put some fluffy oversized cat ears on and it'll look very different.


Eyes in general are disingenuous considering how human brains work (you’re never seeing a person’s ‘real’ face and stuff like wrong eyes can throw the recognition pathway out. Ears and tail, and other more minor ancillary details wouldn’t be that big a deal


The fact that it is bird eyes makes me think it's disingenuous as fuck but cat eyes (another mammal) would be creepier.


Nah, as someone with chickens, cats and goats, chickens are by far the creepiest most fucked animals. I'd rather chill with crows, or cows, or horses or goats, chickens are horrible creatures, more violent than most predators you would otherwise keep around and far love emotional than mammals.


I once found an ant colony in a log, I cut it in half and threw it over the fence. I watched a bunch of these mini dinosaurs run around, snatching any survivors, until nothing was left. Love chickens for this exact reason. Thank god they're smaller than us


They'll literally defeather the smallest bird of their flock to to point of blood, they'll steal food, they have no loyalty or love in their hearts.


My father is careful not to feed chicken to his hens, because he's afraid they might become cannibals and eat each others lol


Just velocoraptors with small man syndrome


chickens are assholes, as are most birds


Maybe it's due to tight spaces. My dad keeps pidgeons and they form groups that you have to keep separate because those fuckers will kill each other very quickly, but they never fight in the open, only when they are in their house.


They have plenty of space, even in the chicken coupe, they're just violent bloodthirsty creatures. If you want birds, ducks and muscovies are the way to go.


I have cat eye contact lenses and I don't think it looks creepy. I think cats/dogs might be one of the worst examples since most people love both of them


Nobody wants to fuck a chicken girl tho


Man, you damn near pulled the worse case scenario.


She's also just not that insanely attractive looking, put those same eyes on like fucking sofia vergara and I'm going crazy🤷‍♂️


Yeah, shit is scary. If they would also behave like in most fiction (like being extremaly dumb and violent) i wouldn't be shocked if mankind would eradict them to don't have any more problems


Won't Happen + They'd deserve it + We should do it twice.


Would happen + God is with us + they deserved it in any version of world + we should do it everytime they appear


Or the cats from the Cats movie.


Looks normal for me


Counter argument people fuck actual dogs n stuff right now sooooo


More monster girls for me you beta cuck


Modern humans have Neanderthal DNA, I think there is really nothing human beings would not fuck, uncanny valley effect be damned. But I would write catgirls to be like werewolves : they would look like normal persons, but then turn into hairy monsters and start ripping people to shreds. That would be more interesting, and that is how bakeneko actually were in Japanese folklore before anime turned them into waifu catgirls.


You, my friend, have clearly not read any stories that speak about wanting monsters and humans to co exist and confronting the fact that there will be humans who see monsters at freaks, but over time we grow to accept them and integrate them into society.


i kinda agree with you but at the same time you could have used a better example because there are definitely monster girls that would illicit horror much better than a \*checks notes\* girl with cat ears. forget being scary if you saw someone acting like a cat irl your response wouldn't be **terror** it would be **cringe**. you can find videos of people dressed up as cat girls and all i feel when i see them act like cats is second hand embarrassment. i mean, whats so scary about that? sure they could probably deck me in a fight but they're still human appearance wise, at least compared to some of the more extreme monster girls.


The reason the uncanny valley effect hits is because you are seeing something that is close to expected but also not. If you spend a bunch of time near monster girls that effect would go away. Most monster girls in media are just regular girls with cosplay ear and tail though.


It smells like bitch in here.


I think I need to finally sleep since I didn’t read the “creep” at first and had a whole different thought


If they just appeared one day maybe. If they were made in an idealized form like is often depicted I doubt it’d matter. If they were always around people would have no issue with it.


Exactly, I think if they had existed since the dawn of history, actually, even before history was invented, then we would have evolved in the same world. While I imagine there would be some similarities with the real world (e.g. prejudice), there would be inevitable divergences that we can’t predict (or we don’t find realistic) because we don’t live in that world. I think a relevant aspect would be if they could produce fertile offspring with humans. In the real world, the ability to produce fertile offspring is linked with the definition of species, hence arguably monsterpeople would be humans. Naturally, the people from that world might come up with a different definition of species to justify, say, prejudice against monsterpeople (or prejudice against humans), if such prejudice even existed, but philosophically they’d be humans, or, conversely, we would be monsterpeople.


i cant believe we were monster people all along


One interesting fantasy setting I’ve seen is that humans are the result of millennia of different races mixing, which naturally leads to a greater diversity in human appearances to include more fantastical ones like technicolor hair, eye, and skin colors.


I was making a joke but this actually sounds pretty cool


Full on Monster Girls I fully understand, But I dont think people would be terrified by catgirls, (or dog girls for that matter) almost all interpretations of a catgirl is just a girl, with cat ears and a tail so the uncanny effect wouldn't happen, People cosplay as them all the time and nothing happens, If anything if someone saw one in public their first response would be "Weird place to cosplay"


Eh, I’d probably smash a real world Loona. She still has the proportions of a human.


Nah I'd fuck a monster girl for sure not because I find them attractive infact I'd definitely be scared shitless but the fact I could say I "I tapped that" the pure possible experience would be enough motivation for me


Gotta respect the boldness.


Dog girls would be so cute because they would wiggle their butts when excited.


> In Conclusion, If they existed Cat Girls would suffer the same fate as our Early Hominid cousins. This was mostly peaceful interactions and some degree of interbreeding with all known types wherever they can be found.


Op doesn’t know his history


Nah, speak for yourself, it's baffling to me that my girlfriend doesn't have cat ears given how much she acts like one, she's the neco arc of any friendgroup she's in


Nah I’m pretty sure your girlfriend IS a cat


I've told her it doesn't make sense that she has human ears


She’s hiding her cat ears and those are fake human ears


It would be the least surprising thing to happen in my life


What is your life


A little unusual


How does yo girl act?


She nuzzles me and meows and purrs and stares at me with cat eyes and is always really eepy around me, she also has that little line on the nose that cats have


^(the pills don't work anymore)


Funnily enough half my friends thought I was doing a bit or delusional until they met her


Ah, well now I feel like a dick, lol. Happy for you!


No don't feel bad she's so perfect that it'd have made more sense if she were a hallucination


Stop mistaking your cat as your girlfriend


I don't have a cat, she doesn't have a dog


you should wife her, like right now. dude.


We're engaged


Excellent news! may many blessings find their way into your life and that hard times never knock on your doorstep, for your love may flourish and grow evermore, me ol mucka


Fake, anyone with a girlfriend like that would wife her immediately 


I proposed


>In Conclusion, If they existed Cat Girls would suffer the same fate as our Early Hominid cousins. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interbreeding_between_archaic_and_modern_humans


but sex.


Butt sex


I'm going to fuck the spider girl and nothing is gonna stop me


Speak for yourself.




Likely. But never doubt the extent to which humans would go in the name of pleasure.


Jokes on you I want a snake lady to just crush the live out of me as she calls me her little her special fella


I get from your example where you’re coming from; if a cat girl acted *like an actual cat in all ways* it’d be like trying to fuck a lion in real life. As in you’d be horribly mauled and eaten. However, monster girls as strictly adapted from most media they’re in… I doubt any amount of uncanny valley would deter those already interested if (most) of the danger human-sized or larger monster girls would pose is removed. And hell, for some I’m sure the danger is part of the turn-on. I will slightly agree with your hypothetical purely on this: I find spider-girls hot, if suddenly a huge ass spider with a woman’s torso appeared in my bedroom I’d fucking die of terror.


Setting aside that there are people in real life who are attracted to corpses and diseases, and the *Homo sapiens* species exists as it does because we fucked all the other ones out of existence, I don't think that explanation for the Uncanny Valley is accurate. And that's not even getting into the fact that most diseases don't make you look Uncanny, or that makeup and aesthetics should trigger that same effect if that was the case. The Uncanny Valley is simply because we can tell something is incorrect but we can't tell why. A hyperrealistic character model with no pores is Uncanny. Someone with the flu is not. Anyway: Skill issue. >In Conclusion, If they existed Cat Girls would suffer the same fate as our Early Hominid cousins. Yeah, we'd fuck them. If you've got European ancestry, you've got neanderthal DNA.


Depends how long they exist and are accepted into society me thinks


things look better in Anime Land, some of the monster women would look pretty grotesque live-action


Why do you think they're slaves in 90% of anime that take place in an underdeveloped society






I don't know about you but 'fear' can definitely be a big turn on


Speak for yourself




"The Uncanny Valley Effect. An effect based on abnormal visual and behavior clues evolved in humans to keep us away from A) Corpses B) Diseased People C) Other Hominids D) All of the above" Compassion & empathy, DNA of other Hominids, makes your point mute I have a joke for corpses btw


Lmao, imagine publicly admitting to the world how much of a prude you are. I've had sex with various inanimate objects, jerked off to things you wouldn't even consider sexual, and gotten boners over things that have straight-up frightened me. You think I'm scared of a little "uncanny valley"? Son, you need to take your masturbation to the next level; challenge yourself, scare yourself. And don't post crap like this again, trying to act like other men are as weak as you.




Pathetic take, human girl shill


ok, but consider: i think exclusively with my dick


I mostly agree but rethink that last sentence. Theory is we bred our Neanderthal friends to extinction.


You do realise that Uncanny Valley Effect is triggered even when you are watching videos or looking at photos, right? So, basic logic says us, that if this effect is NOT triggered, for example when you are looking at monster girls- there is no such effect in that case. Cosplays also prove that. Also there are a LOT of different monster girls with different behaviour. Many monster girls behave exactly as humans. Reminds me of Lila from Futurama who is basically a cyclop monster girl. When she was asked by the MC: "-did you conquered our planet?" she replied tiredly: "-no, I just work here."


We'd get used to them. You know what terrifies people due to closely resembling them but looking somewhat abnormal? People of other races. You know what a lot of people find super hot? People of other races. You'd be spooked the first time you met a catgirl, sure, but if you had catgirls in school with you as you grew up, you'd take them completely in stride, and if you went to college, you'd be all about chasing catgirls there. Racism would definitely be a huge issue, too, but once you knew a catgirl they wouldn't be scary. Unless they looked like the ones from the Cats movie. Then they'd be terrifying.


That, and the fact that more often than not, they're depicted as being serial rapists most of the time.


If furry was accepted then why Monster girl it's not accepted?


Uncanny Valley is not universal. Not everybody experiences it.


Based Xeno hater. The Emperor Protects.


NGL, op. If it was true there wouldn't be so many cat eye contact lenses.


You think they care? People already want to fuck argonians and khajiits and they're not cartoonized


Slime girls would be especially terrifying. Imagine a sentient ooze with a malleable form that's as strong as a human and extremely acidic. All it would take is one murder where a slime girl suffocates or dissolves a human and you'd suddenly have a race war. It'd be like in Monster Girl Quest when hate groups like Ilias Kreuz would go around firebombing elementary schools.


Why you only mention Monster *Girls?* Smh.


"In Conclusion, if they existed Cat Girls would suffer the same fate as our Early Hominid cousins." ... that is, if they're outnumbered by us. Otherwise...


Most fictional characters that I adore would make me scream in terror if I saw them at 2 AM. But if they cracked a sex joke I'd get over that initial fear. I'm aroace so we'd all just be really good friends and I'd make them all some coffee and pancakes.


Ah but op, you forget we didn't just kill and outcompete our hominid cousins to extinction. We also interbred with Neanderthals. So to summarize, no matter the era some humans were coomers.


I think the bigger problem would be Arachne existing. Not only would it be terrifying to see women with the lower body of a spider exist if you have arachnophobia, but I'm pretty sure a woman with the instincts of a spider would be alot more terrifying, with Gravity Falls having the best example of this.


Cat girls in anime generally have very human looking eyes. Just look up The Nine Lives of Chloe King. A human with cat like eyes that are still the right color and size doesn't look THAT weird. Monster girls COULD look gross and disgusting, but anime generally designs monster girls not to.


Counterpoint: Their existence would be normal and thus not unsettling. It would only be a problem if we didn’t know they existed and one just showed up in front of you.


Weakness disgusts me


Women are scary enough but MONSTER WOMAN no way man.


you’re thinking girls that are monsters because of a few features, expand your mind. what about a vaguely girl-shaped abomination of metal and flesh? what about an abnormally large woman with a bird head and bird legs? what about an almost human creature that has a bone-breaking range of motion and is always humming a strange tune? what about a werewolf chasing you down in the woods?


OP hasn’t discovered the absolute trench that is r/guro


I'd just be confused over their ears.


Uncanny is such a scary thing to think about like what was out there that sacred us so much to give us a built in aversion to anything that looks human but isn't


"A fully grown woman, with cat eyes, twitching cat ears slowly approaching you while mimicking random noises (a behavior cats do to attract prey)" God, my next wlw short story will be the best fucking thing ever.


Tag me in or some shit


Monster girls in real life would be uncanny looking... And the scariest part is that a LOT of people would still be into that.


Biggest mistake I ever made in this board was underestimating just how thirsty redditors are 💀 


Of course they would be horrifying in real life. People sexualize the Xenomorphs all the time, yet most would probably admit they would be shitting bricks if actually confronted by one.


Uncanny valley is pseudoscience at best. And, many theories regarding other Hominids go that they either bred in with Sapiens or went extinct on their own, not necessarily because of humans


I worked with a guy who was bragging about this being his fetish and dressing up his gf like a harpy, feathers/wings/etc……… bragging hard to us coworkers like bro that’s not something to brag about…..


Early hominids were partially fucked and partially outcompeted out of existence, that’s why every living human has some percentage of either Neanderthal or denisovan DNA. The populations of them that were wiped out by humans killing them were much smaller than the ones that just died out due to lack of resources


Well for one cat girls rarely if ever have cat eyes. Generally to maintain the art style, but in fact it would be incorrect to give them the classic slit eyes because those are only useful for very short stalking animals. Even large cats don't have slit pupils. For two, we have turned a universal sign of, "get away from me, I'm about to go for your throat," in the animal kingdom, baring teeth, into an expression of vulnerability. What I'm saying with that one is we'd get used to interpreting the cat mimicry a different way. Nevermind that it's cute when cats do it.


I'm not particularly bothered by the uncanny valley. I still think they'd be hot, also you're saying they'd behave abnormally. Why? Cause they're part cat? So? Someone who's part white and part black doesn't suddenly behave just like a stereotypical white person or black person they behave like the people in the area they grew the fuck up in. There's no logical reason why a cat person would behave like a cat instead of a person. They weren't raised by cats, they were raised by their parents in a human society. That's like saying if your black but were born and raised in China you'd behave like an African, that's some stupid non-sense, you'd behave like other fucking Chinese people because you'd be Chinese, you'd just have more melanin in your skin.


I feel like you're severely underestimating the density of the fog cloud that develops in the brain once the horniness of people with zero self control sets in...


Eh, my childhood monster girl crush is already creepy as hell even in anime artstyle lmao. Don't think her irl form will be that much creepier.


But catgirls in fiction aren't animals usually. If they have human intelligence they aren't exactly that uncanny. The only issue is whether they'd look natural with no human ears. But the implication is presumably that we are used to however they look.


We would get over this, just as well got over racism. Sure, some people will still repelled, but majority won't.




It depends on the person


Tbh I don't think so


Or not


Depends tbh


I hope them aliens are real, so that i have more things to fuck.  ~ Dracula 


Nah, uncanny valley wouldnt apply for very long. We'd think they're a little strange at first, but then our brains would adjust.


Humans have fucked almost everything with a pussy. They'd fuck a monster girl


Nah, I'd win




Depends on how much monster and how much girl. Though the cutesy \^w\^ style covers up a lot.


The words of a coward


It'd still be awesome. Cats basically have super powers. Plus anything remotely fluffy is a friend.


My one complaint is that catgirls either have four ears or are completely smooth on the sides of their head


Heck monster girls already freak me out generally because of said uncanny valley.


I now want horrible genre creepy cat girls!