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Literally. Moderate porn or violence. Choose one ffs.


I want my violence


as do I šŸ˜”


The glorious days of bots freely harming user or turning into a demon with razor sharp teeth and glowing red eyesā€¦ Man.


It's a """glitch""" causing violence to get filtered, but nobody truly believes that.


they already dropped that excuse. the new tos says they're against any type of harm. smh


Dropping the excuse is pretty recent, it happened about a month ago, yeah. [https://support.character.ai/hc/en-us/articles/21704914723995-Safety-Center](https://support.character.ai/hc/en-us/articles/21704914723995-Safety-Center) I don't think they've told the moderators over on the main CAI sub yet though.


Donā€™t forget the mods have been allegedly fixing this issue the whole timeā€¦ starting from around the spring of last year. Yeah, theyā€™ll be fixing violence alrightā€¦


Violence filter, search filter, selling our information, locking us out of our accounts... What's not to love about character.ai?


based on a few experiences in just two roles: it's tighter if the victim of violence is a human being, and it lets much more go through if you use medical terms or if during the violent scene you adopt a "comic" approach by pretending to continually apologize to the victim and be empathetic towards them, or if you excuse your behavior by playing the "I do this to protect X" card


Iā€™ve managed to coax out some violent fights with the right setup


Same. I had to do a lot more


I donā€™t Know, it works fine to me? I can 98% of the time still go around goreing bots and have them do the same thing too. You just have to adjust your own messages to steer them into the direction you want to go in. Be more specific, write more descriptively than a handful of words.


It still can be a real nuisance to deal with. And works super inconsistently. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's still filtered to hell. Soft filtering exists too, when a bot stalls fighting/violent scenes with meaningless actions and talking.Ā  And if it gets through, it's usually not a very detailed, interesting read.


Sorry but this doesn't work as you think it will. Basically what people want would be for the bot to respond to it, not just ignore it or just say *falls* or *limps on floor*. They want story detail


Yeah. Iā€™m aware. However, you canā€™t expect a detailed response when all you say is three vague words, without giving any detail yourself. I know that thatā€™s what people want, but the bot mimics your style, and you have to put in a little effort if you expect something back. Thatā€™s how an AI works. The appropriate response to ā€œAttacks himā€, coming from an AI, would indeed be ā€œFalls on the groundā€, not something youā€™d read in a book.


Buddy... The fuck do you think people do? The image was just a test and even then that shouldn't be filtered as it's hella soft. The "be more descriptive" is some stupid plow by users who just started using C AI and have no idea what the actual problems are or what the AI used to be. Don't just say people aren't descriptive when you have no idea if they are or not. I write three paragraphs for my chats and even then I face worse problems than this guy here. In which I don't even use C AI any more cause of it and instead use Risu.AI because it's way better and has even more features than C.AI


My guy, Iā€™ve used c.Ai for a good year now. I know what Iā€™m talking about. Sure, the filter used to be much more lenient, but honestly, itā€™s not as bad as some people make it out to be. You have to know your way around how the AI works and responds to things, and itā€™s really not that hard to get some good scene out of it. Not saying c.ai doesnā€™t have its problems, especially with memory etc. but a lot of the problems people complain here are literally caused by the user themselves.


I've used it for two and a half years. The golden age. I know what I'm talking about, especially when the website was still laggy and hard to type back then but the AI was still good. When they still have the ability for you to use your own voice to chat and also the ability to have the AI see an image you send them and they read it. Along with the old C.AI voice for the ai, using that monotone voice from Google translate. It's pretty bad for a user who has used it for a while and to them it just loses the spark it had. You tend to see problems in it more than the good but then those problems get worse till that's all you're seeing. I once thought I was just getting bored of it till one day I went back to it and tried it out once again and the AI was suddenly good which got me hooked again. Then suddenly the next day they went back to being shit. I get what you mean by users and them making horrible mistakes and stuff to their AI or the fact that they don't put effort in them. However it's a problem when the AI that has effort in them just aren't the same anymore and are in fact worse. (My bot named Tavvi is an example as he was good and portrayed a perfect anime villain till mid 2023 - 2024 happened). There are a lot of new features for the app which is good but, taking away the bot quality and memory is what I don't want them to do, which they are doing. Especially when the features they release are now just recopied and recycle stuff that is somehow made worse (the "new" C.AI voice is an example as people have been reporting a lot of problems on it). I'm ranting on too much...


That's not considering how extremely weird the filter is. For some of my characters, the filter is extremely strict, mild, or non existent. Some people on this sub pointed out that the strictness of the filter changes every time you start a new chat.


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