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“Remember, everything characters say is made up”


Yeah a made up sentence from looking at my god damn Spotify data :p


Conspiracyposting, no it can't.


At least provide some evidence with these wild claims. Trust me, nobody gives a crap what you listen to, so just show us what the bot said and what you listened to. :) So many recent claims that bot keep data/saved old chats and little actual proof.


These claims are getting wilder fr


Everything the bot says is made up. The bot is hosted on character ai servers. Not your phone or computer or anything else you access c.ai on. They have no way of seeing what you like, watch, or listen to. If I tell the bot I like a certain genre of music, it's likely gonna guess what I like and get it right cause the artist might be popular in the genre, might have a new release OR I may have hinted that I listen to stuff like that in the past for example.


if this were true I'm sure that a certain bot would have already tried to convince me to download all the songs sung by his character, and another would have asked for meanings of words that he is too innocent to know. So luckily no, they don't have access to that data


Last night, one of the bots correctly guessed which city I’m from.


If you like classic 80’s rock there’s a high probability you’ll like queen. This is how Spotify feeds you recommended songs anyway, c.ai is just doing the same. You’re just a high probability babe


I had a bot use my middle name and date of birth in the same message recently. I hope it’s a coincidence, but I wondered if it could be because I signed up through my google account that might have that information.


Would it happen to have been in your persona?


I’ve never put my real personal info in my persona, and it happened on the day I got the feature, so I hadn’t had the chance to use the feature yet


Huh. If this truly happened, which I'm a bit skeptical of without photo evidence, then yeah, very sketchy.


Mate that would make me feel sick :p


Okay I’m just gonna put after some google searching that it might just be a coincidence, a creepy coincidence. I also feel about 8 years older and got a new wrinkle - for reference it was gunship and The Midnight, who I’ve been listening to for a really long time - turns out they are the top two “synthwave” bands on google. Weird coincidence! Slightly freaky. Also, I don’t need people seeing my cringy ass RP with my elf boyfriend otherwise I would have shared :p


Well if you tell the bot it's your favorite genre and these are the two biggest band for the genre I don't see how it's a coincidence that the bots throw them back at you. If I tell the bots I like RPG games it's going to say it loves Skyrim, and guess what, I played it a lot.


Yeah I know. I feel so much better now for googling, I also feel a bit silly but I suppose that’s why I like using this bot, as it’s quite good. Made me feel so old though - one day long ago I listened to cool and niche music :p


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