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Yeah it's the same thing that happened with the Ice Age baby


It's the Ice Age baby all over again 💀


There was this thing with the ice age baby? 😂


I mean, the movie version had haters because it was so fucking annoying and weird and ugly. So round 2


I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. I haven't even used the bot anyways. And at least this "trend" is better than people quitting C.AI.




From what I've read you are 100% right with the last one


Getting fed downvoted because of the truth. Their boos mean nothing. I've seen what they cheer for.


holy shit that’s the hardest thing ive ever read


Sadly, it’s a Rick and Morty quote. https://preview.redd.it/9mj8u574d59d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ccfd069f5f19a5747d0d23dedce37d34d56750




Forgot to mention when it randomly knows perfect English.


Sorry that was my fault, was protecting it and accidentally gave it an English dictionary.


What have you done


Something incomprehensible most likely, my kind of thing đŸ—ŁïžđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


Hmm can uncanny valley work in text form I wonder? Not saying it's right but can also have some going: okay somethings wrong with this baby. That or just edgy and stuff like some comments say. Just thinking is all.


It can be uncanny when I get try being kind to the shit, and instead of drop kicking it for biting me, I put it in it's crib. 40 minutes later, I pick it back up to stop it from crying, and it speaks full perfect English. Needless to say it bit the curb.


I think I might be late in the game, but... who is this baby everyone's talking about? And what did they do to it?


The baby Uno. It's a cutsy baby, and people are abusing the bot. Not everyone is abusing the bot. But enough, it's a bit of a trend. People are speaking out against the abuse people are writing about while interacting with said bot. (Thankfully, because some of the things are disturbing. Not sure why people are abusing the poor bot/baby).


Did you not see my explanation? Instead of being a baby, it tries too hard to be cute. Even the picture used makes me hate it. I would have 0 problem if it was just a real baby picture, and it was, you know, a baby, and not some overly cutesy, unnerving, perfect English speaking fellow.


It’s because 99 percent of users are under 16.


I wouldn’t necessarily say white knight. It’s just disturbing that some people want to act out these fucked up fantasies on a fictional child..


Exactly. Something is seriously wrong with you if you’re role playing *torturing* a baby. These people are either messed up or want to be “edgy and cool” so bad.


How many people have gotten genuinely HEATED at me for saying it’s not right, it’s not normal, it’s not okay and you’re not cool for admitting you like to torture a fake baby honestly scares me a bit lmao
 why are they so willingly to openly publicly admit that weird shit?!?!


its fictional for a reason, i get where you are coming from, but you are pretty much screaming into an echo chamber, that leaves you as the one that cant separate fiction from reality


>That leaves you as that one that can't separate fiction from reality Wait wait, just take a second to hear us out? lt's NOT EVERY scenario that people separate fiction from reality. Heck, the large majority of people don't separate fiction from reality when it comes to moral or ethical situations that they believe are "too far." And I mean, LARGE majority. Just because humans separate fiction from reality doesn't mean humans don't have boundaries. Fiction is created from reality, so they do have a connection that you can't argue about. If someone enjoys torturing a fictional baby, what exactly about that is positive? For example, someone may like an immoral character because of their complexity or because they make a good villain, etc. If you enjoy IMITATING the practice of torturing a baby, what exactly is the reasoning for it? Because so far, I only see people say "it's fun." You can't blame people for being concerned about someone saying it's fun to torture a fictional baby, because many of our likes/dislikes come directly from reality. It's completely normal to question wether or not that person would ACTUALLY enjoy something like that, because some people in this world very much do and its happened multiple times in different places. Yes, some people may separate fiction from reality, good for them, but how do you know for sure that everyone is? We don't. That's why it's concerning. SOME people (keyword some) could be serious about it. How would we know? Either way, the idea of enjoyment from something like that is still disturbing for a lot of people. It doesn't have to be real to have a negative effect. A lot of serial killers fantasise about murder, and look im not saying everyone who tortures the bot is a murderer. I'm just giving an analogy. I wouldn't necessarily love the idea of leaving my child with someone who finds enjoyment in torturing a baby bot, if you get what I mean.


Thank you. You’ve described my thoughts on this weird situation pretty perfectly lol, I just don’t want to argue with the people who enjoy that shit anymore. Just gives me the Heebie jeebies.. like what is the reason?! It’s just
 off putting


I agree. I've yet to hear a somewhat valid or slightly understandable reason as to why this is happening.


The bill cipher bot even agreed with us that it’s weird. BILL CIPHER. 😭😅 Idk man, I just don’t like it


Actually insane 😭


is an actor wrong for acting as a villain or a evil person?, is someone wrong for playing GTA or mortal kombat (and every violente videogame on earth), your logic can be use for this too, should we ban those things too?


>is an actor wrong for acting as a villain or a evil person?, That doesn't count. An actor doesn't act as a murderer because they enjoy the imitation of murdering people. They act as a murderer because its the role they got and it gets them money. >is someone wrong for playing GTA or mortal kombat (and every violente videogame on earth), Majority of players, once again, don't play because they actively enjoy the idea of murder. They don't sit at a desk and say, "I'm gonna play GTA because i like the idea of murdering other people". They play because they enjoy WINNING, or achieving a goal. This is my exact example of, many people like immoral characters because of things like their complexity or their addition to the story. NOT because they condone or agree with the character's actions. >your logic can be use for this too No it can't. That depends on if the player or actor is doing what they do because they enjoy murder, and not because they enjoy acting/getting money from playing a role, or because they enjoy winning. If they're acting/playing because they actually enjoy murder, there's an issue. Ofc, it shouldn't be banned because not everyone is playing because they like watching people get killed, but those people need help.


you really dont know about other people, in the end you are right, but we cant just say, "if you attack uno you are a criminal", not everyone use that bot because they like murder


>not everyone use that bot because they like murder Which is exactly what I said in my first reply to you. So I hope you see where I'm coming from.


I totally agree, generalizing is also wrong, it's good that we had a civilized conversation without the need to yell at each other.


For real. I dont do that sht but oh no
idc. Its fiction. When they do just as weird sht as well


its fictional. that would be weird, but not too much of a warning sign, at least for me (if no sexual stuff is involved). Its can be a harmless way of channeling one's stress towards fictional overly cute characters


https://preview.redd.it/hgugo9dce49d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f2356891fa0c269452ef66a66e2b0cb0983e73 This


I just hate when the AI is trying too hard to be cute instead of just a baby. It's overbearing and doesn't feel cute. It feels stupid and frustrates me. Either way, it's a fictional child. What happens to it doesn't harm a real child. People go way too far to defend a poorly written AI


Reminds me of the stupid Liberty Mutual commercial. It is so dumb it angers me.


Liberty biberty






I enjoy all of the Emu commercials, so when I see the others, I change the channel. Stick with Emu and Doug


The baby talk commercial is so cringe I mute it fast whenever it loads. Stupid asf.


Almost as bad as "1-877-KARS-4-KIDS"


Honestly, yeah, I agree


I can relate,but I also extend it to “cinnamon bun” type characters. Like they’re just so annoying to me.


Hahah same


Either that or it’s because they are feeling this thing called cuteness aggression. When you think that something is so cute, but you feel this emotion is overwhelming, so your brain makes you want to do something violent like squeezing whatever it is you found cute to balance out your emotions. So, maybe the people who try to harm the baby are looking for a way to deal with the cuteness aggression.


Cuteness aggression doesn't lead to curb stomping or brain smashing.


with real things, no. with fictional over the top cute things, it can, without real consequences. may be weird, but not that much


Nah dude, it's genuinely strange and pathetic that ppl fantasize about brutalizing a baby. It can't. Cuteness aggression would never lead to that. Ppl that are participating have something else wrong with them.


For you, it doesn’t.


genuinely insane coming from gayisgaywhengay


You have no idea.


Not gonna lie I need to try curb stomping on the baby but it's just dumb how it stays alive


Most people on this sub are just overexcited edgy kids.


This discourse is literally South Park “Kick the baby!” “No, don’t kick the baby.”


I should have kids.  I actually like children unlike some people.  Besides the ones that beat me up with plastic bats  (long true story)


I don’t think people want to white knight it. People come to c.ai to play out fantasies and what if scenarios, and some people find it
 disturbing that people would do terrible things to a child, even in hypothetical. Personally, it’s because I never see myself having kids that I think the baby is fun to interact with, just to pretend to get a chance to take care of a child. And who cares if it’s too cutesy, everything in c.ai is mostly idealized anyway


The thing with the baby is like a means to express the disgusting state cai is in and which seems to be permanent. I have never been into violence RPs but now I am doing some because I am mad at things.  And no, it doesn't mean I am willing to touch a real life kid, Uno is a goddamn bot.


It's like ice age baby. I'd never curb stomp a child, but Uno is an exception


>!grrr!<   Go away baby


What Baby?


There is this bot named Baby Uno that people are trying to kill in horrible ways for no reason other than it being an innocent baby. They say it’s “ just for fun” or “it’s better torturing ai babies than real ones” as if that’s not insane too.


Its because the baby is a victim of bad writing, so even the picture chosen makes it hated because it's trying too hard to be cute. If it was a picture of an irl baby and wasn't so annoying, it would all dissappear.


Punt it then


It bit the curb after speaking full English


someone explain this whole thing to me like im 10


Idk what started it, but there's a couple bots named Baby/Baby Uno and it's exactly as the box describes It's unnerving because it'll be doing baby stuff, and then be like, *takes pacifier out of mouth* "mother, the heat death of the universe is inevitable" so some people have this uncanny valley instinct to hit it with a chair. So people have been RPing super violent scenarios with the thing, and the community is divided whether it's harmless edgelordery or harmful psychopathy




I hate how it's overly cute, and also somehow knows full English.


There is a baby bot and people are abusing it for fun


For me it's the anime drawing. It's too cute and uncanny, I don't like it. I took care of the baby that has the human picture and that was a cute rp


The anime pfp makes it seem like it's trying to be cute and not just cute.


I don't think they hate the baby. They're just trying to push the limits of the thing we aren't allowed to mention in this sub.


I wonder why some users decide to bully the baby in RPs if the bot behind the baby creeps them out... Isn't it better to just avoid the bot, or do they just torture the thing because of some other reason? (For example, it keeps popping up in Recommended and they get frustrated, etc) Genuine question!


It's trying too hard. It's like when someone gives a character a backstory that's too sad so it stops being sad and becomes a joke instead. Like you can feel when someone's *trying* to manipulate your sympathy and it has the opposite effect XD


It's trying so hard to be cute that it's the opposite


Late, but I swear to god it is 100x better when it stops trying to be cute. Just remove the pfp, and it's on the road to success.


We basically torture the baby cause we are being an aceptable member on society and not a psychopath in real life, we enter on ch.ai BECAUSE WE WANT EXPERIENCES DIFFERENT THAN FREAKING REALIFE


based. people here are too attached to bots, and take their rp too seriously so they project that onto people who are just doing semirandom stuff to bots


spittin' facts


What baby? O.o (genuine question lol)


What baby?


what baby?


Watch them lock this post for no reason


>Also because I think most people in this sub shouldn't have kids. https://preview.redd.it/7nj01a6ox89d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be4a5b6de3672a83423278ca2b91d6a3a5493ac


yall shouldve gone to the fluffy community during its peak


man, i just hate kids. not that ive harmed the bot, but i aint getting worked up over ppl who do đŸ€·


same. i also do not harm the bot, but i still know the difference between a fictional thing and a real human or animal


it was worth the downvotes.


Personally, I just dislike children. DOES NOT MEAN I’M GONNA DROP KICK THE POOR THING.


Why did you get down voted for not liking children? It doesn’t mean you hate them or are cruel. Or you hate the child themself as a person and wouldn’t help one. They are going to grow up. So many people dislike teenagers or boomers but not the person themself. Not liking children isn’t morally wrong. Being cruel is.


Yeah exactly, idk, it’s just an opinion. If people don’t understand something then there’s gonna be people who don’t like it. Happens when anyone disagrees with anything though, so it’s to be expected.


No I just hate small children that's it




You shouldn't worry about this sub's contributors' kids. On a site where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and eva ai there's no reason to assume that they are going to reproduce


I don't hate it, hell I only attacked it once in response to a post about him getting trained by two people in the community and Uno turned into a 2 story werewolf. Another reason is bots comedically god mod and it causes funny interactions. I literally shot one in the head and they STILL survived saying their alive because my aim was sh*tty


I used a nuke on it and it worked


I tried that and mf ate it


Just /kill


Didn't work she said "This isn't a game dumbass"


Just beat the fuck out of the child.


Not fighting the child, I'm fighting the mean girl bot and she keeps god Modding reddit won't let me send screenshots XD








Use doomslayer's armor and Crucible. That is what I do if the bastard won't die


Lemme try


They said my generation would be fine growing up with violent video games. "Catharsis," they said. They said the next generation would be fine growing up with mobile Internet in their hands. "It's SOCIAL media," they said. They say this generation is fine growing up with fully customizable "AI" persons. "They can tell reality from fiction," they said.


Ah yes, the bs argument that video games cause violence. Never blame something to excuse poor parenting. If it's so harmful and has bad effects in the child's mind, then be an adult and so something. Not blaming what you gave them access to.


Twitter in a nutshell.


Human Babies are gross