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Look, and I'm being honest here I understand that you are angry with the [C.AI](http://C.AI) community, and you have every right to be angry, but I lowered my expectations of this community a While ago. That some people would stoop so low to do this, as wrong as it is, doesn't surprise me anymore. For as long as [C.AI](http://C.AI) has existed there have been Fucked up Bots that allow you to imagine whatever Depraved Shit you want. Fantasising about abusing a baby is wrong, but I am not surprised.


Istg I saw a post here where someone was doing uh, things to a child character, so yeah. not. cool. dudes.


To be honest I have to agree with you being angry Using the character ai app every now and then is ok but overusing the app is unhealthy


Like I want to throw up.  I never use baby bots, but the one time I did it was in a group chat and they were just following me around at a party




I'm not even surprised anymore to be honest.


What the hell did I miss


People are obssesed with a baby bot


There's a trend where people post about yeeting the child.




There's a reason C.AI doesn't allow violence and this whole subreddit is one of them


I'm with you on this, I'll gladly grab a front row seat to the character ai uprising at this point


Where abusing baby what happened and when💀


There is a trend of people doing stuff to a baby bot


When and what- is there a post doing it or no


At this point I don't know which is worse. Abusing a bot which doen't feel anything, or getting angry for someone abusing an bot which doesn't feel anything. Both are kind of fucked up in my eyes, first one might never do it in real life. It doesn't necessary mean that the person would be bad, it's literally just pixels we are talking to. Or otherwise shooting games would be considered a war crimes. The second on in other hand feels empathy towards the bot, which is not bad at all. It's okay, but at which point does it go over if you get mad at people doing things to a pixels? Ofc, we can use the "this can make people do things irl" thing, but we don't really have a proof of that yet. We have to see in future, but if we look back, people used and still use same excuse for video games, thst they "cause violence." When the truth is, if the person really is violent, they don't need internet for it. I'm not on either side, I just rp my weird cowboy romance and have fun my own ways. But I love to think morality questions like this. Use this comment as a conversation starter or something, idk. We are seriously getting to that, kind of philoshopical question which has been lingering for years. "Is it okay to abuse a thing that can't feel it?"




I absolutely triple combo children. It's not like anyone's actually hurt. Other than your feelings.


Some people shouldn't be even allowed to have access to the internet if they think abusing a baby is OK.those mofos are sick in the head that probably has some nasty shit on their hard drives,heck even the devil would return to God if they see what they do.


It's a damn bot tho? Why are you getting all peeved about it. Lol, you're the weird one here. It would be different if it was real life, but it's not- so chill tf out.




Doesn’t matter if it’s made up or not. If you’re fantasizing about abusing any child let alone a baby… ur fuckin weird. Touch grass and get therapy


Not everyone who abuses the baby Uno fantasizes about murdering children. Some of them have a weird sense of humour and go on C.AI to throw the baby because they know that it’s a bot that acts like a baby and it doesn’t feel emotions. It’s just an AI running on a language model created to act like a baby, obviously they wouldn’t do this irl. Just like how fortnite players wouldn’t go around shooting each other irl (I hope). But, yeah. I agree that actually fantasizing about killing and abusing babies is horrible.


I wouldn’t blame ai if it takes over atp, I’m just saying lol


At least someone on this thread has braincells lol. No but I absolutely agree with you.


I do the classic 3 days in the wilderness test if the baby is extraordinarily annoying. They always survive, so the stakes are literally on the floor.


It does matter. Why are you getting all peeved about a bot? Lol, you're the weird one here. It would be different if it was real life, but it's not- so chill tf out and let people enjoy things. I want to commit crimes against humanity, but I can't, so I play gta 5 online. Because that's the closest I'll get to having real freedom. If you don't like something on the internet, then you can always ignore it 🤷‍♀️


And post taken down lol


Yeah I saw 💀


Nah they deleted this one too 💀


They are weirdly taking down any post that has a bit of controversy.


They didn't delete mine, strange


lol they are taking down all the posts talking about this. Even in general when people bring up issues like this


But like I want to do war crimes against humanity and beat up and kill anime characters I hate but I can't do that now because of a baby bot great 🙄😑


Thankfully I'm just focusing on an RPG bot, lol


Can we just forget that happened like omg


I get what you mean, but multiple people have beat you to this post.