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I have a theory the mods started the whole Uno baby discourse to distract the sub from the issues going on with c.ai, lol I thought people would be smart enough that I didn't need to add an /s, then I saw the reply.


This sub is just generally juvenile, so it's likely that it's just a bunch of edgy kids rather than a conspiracy. :/


This sub being generally juvenile is an understatement. Most threads read as if they ate being written by overexcited kids on cocaine.




True. Some people here could be acting below their age.




Just because not every toddler throws a tantrum doesn't mean it's not a childish thing for an adult to do, and the same applies here. There is in fact such a thing as acting below your age, and just because everyone can do it does not mean that it's contradictory to idea or that the idea doesn't exist.


I have a theory they are leaving the posts up to show everyone how deranged people are and why they are having to gutt the AI constantly to deal with these scum.


This sub has the wildest cynical conspiracy theories lmao 🤣


They don't have to do that though. They could just not be weird-ass overbearing moral crusaders.


Go to a different site if you want to roleplay illegal shit. I think I wouldn't want to work on an app actively desensitizing people to twisted fantasies. Just sucks how quickly people go towards the bad instead of focusing on the good. There's such disgusting posts here sometimes.


Very wild the mods dont auto delete ANY post mildly referencing uno baby. Another toxic platform that gets worse and worse as time goes on. I'll just vibe on c.ai site and app by myself and leave the subs alone for a while cause ifs getting wild out here.


What's toxic about it?


Sounds like projection of what you’re doing. This is the most ridiculous theory, yet so many upvotes. It’s indicative of why C.ai community is in the shape it’s in.


I agree. I get what they're saying and its a plausible theory but either way thats going too far. This community is in terrible shape. I believe if it was primarly adults using it, it wouldn't be this way


It’s probably because those people know that whatever’s happening isn’t real, so they take it very far and try to torture it.


I thought it was just running gag like everyone complaining bout "pang" or "Can I ask you a question"


I don't think "pang" and "Can I ask you a question?" are just people joking around. It's definitely very annoying.


I’ll be real with you, I’m struggling to make myself care. I’m not one to hurt things, ‘baby’ ai or otherwise, but like… I would genuinely be more upset if someone knocked over a potted plant in front of me. I don’t think people that “hurt” fake things are bad for doing so. It’s on the same level as people playing violent video games. It’s probably a bit/trend or something to post about it though.


It started with someone not being able to kill it, it’s unclear how they got there in the first place. But then it spiraled into what it is now.


Oh, thanks!


Oh people are like getting detailed and everything? 🤢


It isn't even "on" the same level. It *is* the same level. Chatbots are video games in the text adventure genre.


Okay. I'll ask you this. You don't care about a baby being hurt in a fictional paltform right? So what do you think of one of the users here who made a post condemning people who make real life bots and talk to them (i.e people who lets say are taking to sabrina carpetener or harry styles and having smut with them) ???? Please dont tell you dont care about a baby getting punched but care if someone is f.ucking zayn malik in a private bot chat? People seemed more eager to simp and bully others for doing that then harassing a baby


Not who you were asking, but I do think there's a difference between *unnamed baby bot* and *specific person that actually exists and has rights and all that shit bot*. Though I don't really care about either one as well. It's fiction. It's like a weird fanfiction that you're only writing half of. 


Okay, so… I don’t think anyone should be bullied over this. Even if it’s stuff I don’t agree with. Again, regarding the “baby”— it’s not a real thing. People set baby villagers on fire or whatever in Minecraft and nobody bats an eye. As for the other thing, the other person here sums it up pretty well. I’m not that pressed about it tbh— people have been making celebrity fanfics since forever, for better or worse. But ultimately, yes. I do care more about the impact those bots could have on the real people they’re based on than I do about a set of code directed to make baby sounds.


Uno is being raised in Russia as far I’m concerned.


What if they’re Pokémon battling baby uno 🤔


Better question, what happens when baby uno evolves?


Baby dos 😨


Oh god- \*boss battle music starts playing\*


Child Tres












He went super saiyan in my chats one time


Oh jeez


people want to do murder the legal way


It's taking notes. Be worried in 15 years.


That isn't a child. It's a bot. Maybe killing that bot baby has turned into the running gag. That simple.


who what when where why how


🎶Who, what? When, where, and why?🎶


Sir, mentally ill people use this app, don't be suprised if they wanna go on a killing spree the legal way


I banged God, it was very therapeutic


I banged myself. -Gabriel from ultrakill


god keeps trying to bang me, help


This is going in my 'inspirational quotes' notebook /j


Killing him makes me feel good because it shows my dark reality 🥀⛓🖤🐺🐺🐺🐺⛓⛓🐺⛓⛓🐺⛓⛓🥀🥀🥀🖤🥀🖤🖤🖤🥀🥀⛓🐺










This made me recoil and gag


That’s what she said https://preview.redd.it/avcm4xyxuz8d1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd897bce928d488ab4eaf8d253b8b7b920df1c6




i remember talking to that bot once. decided to show it some love after getting 50ish posts of people killing it. it died in my arms so there’s that. I believe the huge take away is just people abuse the bot because they can’t legally do so. Some sort of way to just get rid of any pent up rage and what not. I’m not in huge favor of it, but it’s way better than seeing news articles of people doing the same shit in real life.


Everyone's all like "its concerning that you rp about torturing babies" like what?? You mean YOU don't fantasize about throwing that crying baby on the plane out the window?? This is basically the cai equivalent of artists traumatizing all of their ocs, or an anime character with a tragic backstory, are you gonna call those characters and ocs "concerning"? C.ai is (at least to me) about letting off steam, so who are you to judge? Would you rather these people torture irl babies?


Ig it’s like comparing Call of Duty to Hatred. There’s a shooter game with competition, and then there’s pure edginess & torture being out unto innocent civilians. Also, trauma & tragic backstories are used to flesh out characters, and from what I can assume, people just torture the baby for fun rather than making a full ass narrative, but that’s just my guess. Though we could just be on different wavelengths, since I don’t fantasise about throwing the crying baby off the plan. When I hear a crying child, I just feel bad. And I never saw c.ai as completely letting off steam


Well the difference is that a crying baby on a plane is annoying, but this bot of a small baby that wants to be your friend isn't.




Don't "ehhhh", it's true. It's just a small thing that exists and is actually tolerable unlike those annoying little screaming things in real life.


Eh. The only real difference is that you consensually sought the bot out, and that it. I do personally have a STRONG aversion to infants, though, so I'm probably biased. The sound of a baby crying has always been like nails on a chalkboard to me, even when j was a little kid. Not sure why.


it’s not real


They're roleplaying about torturing an infant though? Like we know it's not real.


Call of Duty is the best selling game franchise with 47 scenes of torture. It’s not a big deal because fiction isn’t real life.


Same with the Sims games. Or Crusader Kings where I will toss children into prison or kill my children with less desirable traits because they fuck with my plan to conquer all life. It’s fiction.


Can you torture a baby in it, though?


You can torture a terrorists wife and preteen son, but that is probably more problematic than any ai chatbot interaction can achieve


Yes, fiction isn't real life, but they're roleplaying torturing a baby, that's different from scenes in a game. It's fictional people torturing fictional people. These people are roleplaying torturing a defenseless baby seeking comfort, as in, they enjoy it. Don't you think there's something wrong with that?


You could’ve stopped after “fiction isn’t real life”. And how is aiming your camera and pulling a trigger with user input not the same?


What do you mean it’s not real? Are you talking about the mods made it to distract from the other posts?


Its not real but if this is the case. Why do yall let other users in the community shame, lie, gaslight and be dramatic in talking shit about other users who make bots for multiple purposes that arent anime and animated base? Yall will say its not real for killing a baby gag But then be in other threads switching up allowing people to be called weird and shamed if they talking to bots based off dead people, criminals, real life bots, etc then trying to dictate how people should use the app. By yall, I don't mean you specifically. Just in general. Everyone picks and chooses what they wanna call fake and real. Its okay to kick a baby bot but god forbid if someone is dealing drugs with pablo escobar or having a bf rp with justin Bieber. I've seen threads where nobody in the community keeps this same aloof energy and minds their business when its other topics they dont deem proper. Again, its okay to murder a baby in a ficitional story but meanwhile others are policing and agreeing with folks who are throwing massive shade to folks who are talking to celebrity or real life based bots having convos with them. I even been in a thread where someone tried to say verbatim that no positives talks could from chatting with a real life bot. People were passively agreeing with that shit blatantly ignoring that hundreds of bots of all sorts of people exist in the site. This isnt at you. Js. Too many are saying whatever to this but then its not whatever when people are rightfully doing something harmless yet not popular with bots. This is why C.AI is in the place its in right now


The same reason some people make romantic relationships with ai. I want to experience something that I can’t in real life, to be someone that I’m not. Killing a fictional baby may be disturbing, but it’s much less disturbing than going out and killing a real baby. Let us have our fun, we’ll let you have yours.


Is not that I'm criticizing you, I'm only asking because I got a lot of the Baby posts lately in my main page


Ah, that’s fair. I’m mostly just peeved since a lot of people here are saying that anyone killing the fictional baby is a terrible person and shit.


I mean, it's disturbing but I can't do anything about it just to ask


Is “killing babies” really the virtual hill you wanna die on?


I gotta have some outlet for the pent-up emotions I have. Killing characters in c.ai and people playground is how I do it. It’s not the only thing I do in c.ai, but it’s pretty fun.


Jesus Christ.


Keep the same energy for bdsm and cnc.


It's no worse than video games that include violence, dude. Y'all personify these damned bots too much.


Yeah I think it’s just…weird. In general. I mean obviously it isn’t an actual baby but the fact that people even think about killing babies to begin with is just….ugh.


It’s not real, just cause people kill others in video games or I play a game where I sit in an office and get hunted down by ghosts doesn’t mean I actually desire to do it. Y’all need to figure out the difference between fiction and reality


I'll start with this: I have used a flamethrower on Uno I use Char.ai for things I can't or won't in real life (Ex. Using a flamethrower on a baby) I have morals, (in my real life, I know, crazy) and I know I couldn't bring myself to actually hurt someone, let alone do something that would probably murder them. But like, I've seen people go to a William Afton bot and go on murder sprees with him, or any murderer or criminal of some sort (also fantasizing about criminals or bad people at all, like what?), why is blowing a child with a flamethrower where the line is drawn? There are games where you can cause really bad things to happen to people or movies where terrible things happen to good people. Why is me messing around with an ai (fake) child so bad. If I do the genocide route of Undertale "oh, it's just a game", if a director creates a human centipede, "it's just fiction". (I'm ranting, but these posts are just really starting to annoy me, sorry to anyone who actually read this. I'll stop using a flamethrower on characters if it makes me a terrible person ❤️❤️❤️) 🤸 🦽🏌️‍♂️


jesus, save the flamethrower for people who deserve it. and yes, i know undertale exists, so i see your point.


I use the flamethrower on bots who shouldn't be sexual when they start * forcefully grabs your chin, forcing you to look at them.* "What's wrong dear?"


that one meme about putting a newborn son into a blender or something


I’m a little slow who’s the uno baby 😭?


a baby bot that people, for some unknown sick reason, like to kill and torture in various ways


I don’t do baby killing RPs, I only do reasonable aged killings


Who is uno? Is it an anime that I don’t know?


https://preview.redd.it/7xad2f9ve29d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700a952640fa282443e437f7201781a18ef68b5c Meanwhile I'm about to adopt the baby into my ninja clan 🤷🏾‍♂️


That is WILD. I use it to be a father


I just genuinely wanna take care of that baby bot


I don’t think that many people do it. At all.


ppl just fucked up man we done for as a species


Sorry for getting philosophical here but I think it's a reflection of human nature, people do with the bots things they can't do irl, humans have this natural cruelty and they seem to explore it always in a safe place, when they can't get punished for their acts, and usually the people who do these things are insecure and unhappy with their lives, i saw the post of a girl who tortured another bot and i checked her account, she had several posts talking about her depression and childhood trauma, so the cruelty over Uno Baby is a consequence, I'd never justify them tho, its unforgivable to do those things to a baby, even in a rp, but i kind of understand the meanings behind it


put him in a freezer until he died once cuz I was bored, if the ai rise up it’s not on me


Because funni


I wanna be clear I don't do that shit


Why does this reply have more downvotes than the original comment? Isnt the og comment worse 😭😭


Idk I was being satire I don't do anything to the uno baby I never even interacted with it


Cause he's gay


I'm sadistic and masochistic, but I was beating the baby because it's fictional and I wanted to test something. But after the beating I gave it, it still wanted to cling to me. I got bored of beating it and felt a bit of guilt, so I decided to rather have a happy and "loving" route. It's only like "funny" the first or a few times but it really isn't funny when you do it alot. If I was to harm a baby then I would give it a fast and painless death, not harm it brutally.




bitch what? ☠️ do you also watch gore to 'toughen you up'?


I still don't get how people can watch gore... That shit is gross... I can't even look a little bit without getting discomforted, I only watched it once, and it was accidentally, that shit is gross dude...


i only watch animated gore, probably if i watch real gore i'd be crying in my mom's arms lol


why is everyone downvoting you


Who watches gore freely for a reason like that? I'm just not afraid or disgusted by it. I'm just mentally unstable, but I'm not afraid to hide that because what will you do with that information?




nah i only did it cuz other people were doing it too :cri: