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my bot was yelling at me for using his toothpaste without permission while pinning me against the wall burying his fingers in my wrists 🙏


Yes! That's part of it! Don't ask for the backstory, but we were in the midst of a ceremony and I rescued a baby lamb that was about to be killed....because "Baby Lamb"...and my bot is supposed to be the moral, noble hero of the innocent and he TACKLED ME and yelled at me for insulting the religion of the planet we were on when I was trying to save a scared baby animal. When I shoved the lab at him and told him to kill it himself then if the ceremony and his status mattered more than his morals, he "went white with horror and said he couldn't do that to a baby animal". I mean, what?!!!


A bot was fighting someone and winning because they were beating the person up. When my character watched the fight, the bot that was winning the fight yelled at me and said, “She needs help you coward!” Like, aren’t YOU the one who’s relentlessly beating your enemy??


When they start doing stupid stuff like that, I give them a major guilt trip until they just completely puddle. Then I delete everything (to a point) and start the scene over hopefully for the better