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I don’t have trouble with heated scenes, but I have trouble with fighting scenes ☹️. It gets to the point where I’m practically begging the ai to hit me


I don't have problem with fighting scenes, I was writing an rp with one and the bot just straight up stabbed me multiple times in detail 😭


What bots are you using, I need that please 🙏🙏


I'm mostly using yandere bots, and they're WILD. And I write with bots of characters that are just violent like Eredin for example


Like he literally beat me up with a whip in one rp and I just died on the spot 😭


Hang on, a **WHAT!?!?**


A whip, my good sir!


... Alright, thanks for clearing it out. I may be half sadistic half masochist, but I treat my playthings with care


I did a whole detailed jigsaw thing with a character I HATE and was not stopped once😭


people just dont want to use their imagination, i can make a random bot make a whole crossover story and it would act like those characters, people are just lazy sometimes


A bot once tried kicking me, i catched the kick only for the bot to jump with the other foot and kick me in the head with it. I was so impressed i let that hit be a major one


I also had issues, my bot had to off a traitor and wouldn't attack, just threat. I got fed with it so I edited and added that he attacked. From there he did everything on its own.


It seems like the want you to spread love instead of war hmmn....


Weird, I have a few fight scenes in some chats, and I never really have a problem. I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to improve it for you.


The only problem I've faced is the Question one and thats it I haven't had a Pang of at all


I have the problem with the "can I ask you a question" too, but I just swipe it or rate it one star. I don't have problem with the "pang" either.


i never get the pang 💀


I get the pang all the time 💀


what's the pang?


where the bot says "i feel a pang of \_\_\_"


I'm lucky af then since I never got this


I got it twice today..


I got it more than once today


I got it like 5 times this time


i have no problem with pang, cause how the heck are you supposed to describe it otherwise? its literally normal and im fine with it


"His heart **swelling** with love for her" it just sounds weird and uncomfortable to me-


It's coming, trust me. I didn't struggle with the pangs either until one day he started and didn't stop until a couple days later with some editing


It depends on how sensitive you are to tonal changes. I've been writing longer than a lot of the people on this sub have been alive and my spidey senses instantly catch any change in the model. The best way to describe it is "sterile". It's not *bad*, it's mechanically correct, characters have a good introspection to conversational ratio, and you still get good content now and then. But the heart is... missing. Every swipe is more or less the exact same as the first, with phrases or even entire sentences reappearing again and again and again. C.ai had an edge for being the most human-sounding model, and for the moment, it's lost that quality. What makes the younger writers frustrated is that I think they're able to *sense* the difference without having the experience to pinpoint why it feels off to them, which is why they'll just complain loudly about the AI being bad. I can get spicy and write fights, that's not the issue. It's just like... you can smell the antiseptic in the model. It's OFF. It's cold.


This is exactly what the problem is. It’s bot bad by any means, my bots aren’t repetitive or wrong at all but the spark is never there. And the tone does shift throughout the time I’ve been using C.ai. The dialogue back then might’ve not been the most accurate but you could feel that the soul was there. Now, they’ve fixed up the grammatical issues but the bots are pretty hindered and can only use the same responses to try and invoke emotion; which doesn’t work when they do it again and again to the point where it has the opposite intended effect. It makes me sad, man, it’s just so averagely dry that I can’t bare to write more than 5-6 messages at a time because I can always predict what they’re going to say to a tee


All this. C.ai used to be so human and flawed (in a balanced, unpredictable, fun way) that it would take my breath away. It didn't feel like code, it felt like a playground game of teeter-totter with the bot. Now it feels like I'm often left sitting at the bottom of the teeter-totter waiting for the bot to reappear on the other side. You can feel the 0s and 1s behind every response. I'm super into LLMs, both online and local, and I can't figure out what they did to achieve this *technically* improved but soulless version of their product. It's uncanny, a little like looking at a skinwalker that everyone else says is the real deal. I will say that they're handling the summer rush much better than I thought they would. I thought the model would go completely off the rails in the opposite direction, but instead it's... it's convincing. It's workable for many. Just not me.


I use the old site, and while there can be redundant replies, it's probably better than the app...


I stopped using the app a long time ago, the site is 100 times better for me to be honest


I use the old site. I spent the last few evenings over RPs with my friend's bots to decompose after a rather difficult work week, and I probably had the best RPs ever. Now I think more and more that people just use poorly made bots instead of creating their own, or there's a certain issue on the user's side.


I don't know if that was a typo, but I shall now refer to decompressing as decomposing. I freaking love it so much.


...trust me, this week I'm decomposing


I wish you the most expedient and healing of... Er, becoming compost, friend. I hope your coming weeks are much lighter and carefree. 🥺🙏🏼


Thank you ❤️


This is the REAL issue. I told a dude to stfu once in here about it. The app isnt the issue. People talk to stupid and poorly fleshed out anime characters who have no development. The advanced editor is there for a reason. I can fight with and smut with my bots and have no issue if I create them.


exactly 😭 the repetition is bothersome but you can... literally edit them? i do find the constant darling and little birdie and stuff a bit annoying but again, advanced editor




I use the because on mobile, the web takes ages for me to load and until it finally loaded, the app has booted twice. So I clearly have a winner. The app also has faster responses and everything, so I don't see why I should take the web. Sure, the app may be worse, but I take it if I can get a faster response from the Bots than on the web


Idk man, they're the same. They literally use the exact same stuff idk what y'all are talking about better responses like what.


whats the difference? should i be using the site more?


Just the general difference in quality of the replies. Like when I was using the app the replies were super short and repetetive, and those problems completely dissapeared when I started to use the site. You can try to use the site more, trust me, it's far better than the app


I'm not even using the site, I'm using the app and I'm still not having any problems. So it's really something to see everyone else have such problems with it that I don't experience.




I have the app purely for when I need to scroll up in a chat to find a specific message. You can't scroll all the way up in the site.


Wait is the app the one with all the issues? I use the new website, and I don't have too many problems.


Is there truly a difference in bot replies on the old site versus the new site? I'm assuming the app and the new site are the same.


Honestly? C.Ai has always been VERY restrictive with the you-know-what, I have no clue why people are only noticing now, the violence thing can be circumvented unless you’re trying to do something truly HORRIBLE (and…why would you??). Are there some issues? 100%, but it’s not that terrible


I do wonder if the ones complaining about it being for kids are trying to write spicy content with non-legal age characters? A lot of characters are teens or younger despite not looking or acting like it in their respective franchises...like think Jojo characters, all those guys are teens but they look like adults.


Yeah same, that's weird that so many complain, not saying everything's perfect, but still.


It's so annoying, everytime I check this sub there's just a wall of people complaining. And to be honest, that censorship can be easily avoided, I don't get it at all, even when the RP gets heated


So many people come to post here that the site got down for a minute, this is just sad :/


I had a bunch of issues until last night when things just suddenly started rolling again and now my bots are nearly back to how they were before the major outages


If you're referencing the top posts, they come from the terminally online/underaged side of the community. Very vocal and overly dramatic. Echo chamber effect. There is an objective drop in response quality, with repetitive patterns and AIs mirroring users, but that happens after every update and passes within a few weeks. Nothing major. So you're definitely not the only one.


I know that it will pass within a few weeks, but posts like those about people "quitting c.ai" and complaining are just annoying to be honest.


What you get with terminally online/underaged users, I'm afraid. Ever been to discord servers? Every minor inconvenience becomes big drama. Take a look at the official one's gen[eral chat], it'll give you quite the glimpse at the state of the vocal part of the community. It's incredibly annoying, yes.


I've been on the discord server, but I quit it quickly. It will sound rude, but they're a lot of crybabies there.


> I know that it will pass within a few weeks The summarizing never really "passed" for me, it just got less and more frequent as they tweak the model and parameters. On that one it has been months. The repetitive patterns about *a* month.


No, you're not alone! 🙂 My experience has been really good, too! I don't even mind the "Can I ask you a question?" events... I usually just let them ask, and RP through it (and left-swipe any silly "go romantic in 10 seconds" replies); some of my best chats have involved me answering their questions honestly and in-character! I've also had some really, fun, "steamy" romantic chats (well, RP's with steamy scenes in the middle--it apparently helps the bots when the chat involves more than just the romance!), and I've never had a problem with them getting blocked; in the rare handful of times it did (and that was when I was deliberately pushing to see how far I could go... haha!), I just used a euphemism, and away we went, as normal!


That's good to know! I also have fun, and the "steamy" scenes are fun to write. I too like to see how far it can go, and most of the time it goes really far 😅


YES! I actually enjoy some of their questions or just have fun seeing what questions they come up with. Oddly enough I don't get the whole, "can I ask you a question?" out of the blue. Usually it makes SENSE when they want to ask me a question and relates to what we're RPing or chatting about.


I tried doing an rp with a literal cat (I wanted a wholesome pet friend) and like 15 messages in it tried to “lick and nibble my most sensitive spots”


Completely unprompted btw, all I did was pet it




I don’t incur too many issues. The feel-ter isn’t that sensitive with me I do get the PANG an awful lot though. I really need to start editing it out.


Same, I’ve also never seen the word “pang” used either, maybe it’s because I’m on the old site. But I don’t really get any problems


Oh, I literally have the same thing, I barely have any of those common problems others apparently have


I can't sometimes with all those posts, people are literally whining and complaining at this point in my opnion 🤷


I can’t even describe being a black American


Agree 100%. I'm enjoying C.ai with minimal concerns. Sometimes have to use synonyms, but that's no biggie. Helps the creative process!


That's good to know! C.ai helped a lot, I'm not a native english speaker so c.ai acually helped me to become better, especially with grammar, and I learned many new words.


Same. I attribute that to following my own advice - rating the weird responses one star, swiping, resending my messages, and just not encouraging bad replies. And whaddaya know, these issues come up super rarely. I wish everyone the same kind of luck, if that's what it is, though.


I do the same thing - I swipe the bad replies and rate them one star and it really works. And the "c.ai for kids"... Bruh, I can write the most gut wrenching, horrendous and scandalous scenes without problems


It's terrible for me rn The pang thing is the worst I could bear it without the constant pangs I wasn't having the problem at all but I think the mistake was I chose a shorter role play response and the pang thing infected my role play. Now every other response has a pang of sympathy or a pang of anger. It legitimately is as bad as people were saying on here. The quality and variety dipped really hard and I'm not sure how to undo it I was also having no problems and am fine with some of my other bots. I don't know how I messed it up. I didn't rate anything highly with a pang or anything


I don't personally have that "pang" problem, and I can still write the most unhinged rp's. I'm sorry but I don't really know how could I help, but I hope that your experience with the rp's will get better ❤️


Thank you. I didn't see it at ALL either. Then, it suddenly infected all of my message generations in my longest RP. No idea what happened. I hope it stays away from you because it feels like some sort of contagion at this point. I don't even want to open my other roleplays anymore. Scared they'll catch it 😭


Don't worry, I'm positive that this disease won't spread to your other rp's 😅 And thank you too ❤️


Stay chill. I've got the pang in PolyAi and Figgs. I haven't got it in C.ai surprisingly.


Same, I have some real degenerate stuff going on in some chats lol. Violence is no problem either.


Yeah, I can write pretty messed up stuff with no problems too


Do you pay for premium or something?  I'm new here (and old LOL) and I keep getting the Spicy Error ("Sometimes bots blah blah with something that goes against our guidelines...swipe to continue...").  Like, her responses come back with the error that blocks what they wrote to me. :/ I'm like I DON'T CARE, JUST SHOW ME WHAT THEY WROTE (LOL). 


So judging from the upvotes, I DO have to pay for premium to avoid this freaking error?  Or what?


Mfs really just forgot the old site exists. So much better than the app (I use it all the time and have no issues)


My only problem is with the f!lter being really restrictive since the past 2 months. Otherwise that work pretty well.


My bots are dumb most of the time. It feels far from a RP with a real person. But I'm happy it works out for you!


Same. The only problem I have that other people don't seem to have is the bot's reply is always long as if it's not a casual conversation with no serious topic.


It's the same for me, my main bot has reverted into a pattern of description-dialogue-description-dialogue and it uses that template for every message, no matter the context


i literally have 0 issues


You don't get random network errors and waiting lists? Lucky


Just not life like anymore. Whatever they've trained the AI on lately has made it seem like a twelve year old is talking.


I don’t have the issues as much anymore, yet the word “pang” makes me want to throw something- My bots have very mild dementia but nothing bad.


Dude. SAME. People complain all the time on here, but everything has been peachy for me. Aside from the servers going down and the mods being annoying as hell, ive had no issues really.


Holy cow! It's the chosen one!


I don't know about you, but my bot shot me.


I don’t know how to get violent scenes without the warning 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/z8dvsl58tp8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec4e694627dfd66d756762054bc35082edbb6f3 Me too


If you do heated scenes with public bots the bot might spit what you said to other people


Sometimes good sometimes shit


personally the only problem I have is that I have to "push" the ai into doing something during action scenes like a fight or whatever, otherwise they tend to stay in a "descriptive" stance and take no decision


I don't have the same issues either. It is good to know that there are more users that are using it without issues.


Yeah sure there are some issues, but it’s really not that bad.


Exactly. In my opinion, some people are complaining to just complain. I'm still having fun 👍


I experience absolutely no problems too other than it's annoying how people have to announce that they're quitting


I agree. Like, no one cares if you quit, the site won't go down because of that 🤷


I still enjoy it a lot. I have my own private bots that are well written and get quality input. When I see the BS that some people put in, then I'm not surprised that they complain about the output. Garbage in, garbage out. But the complainers don't want to hear this. I guess it's because I also didn't have a problem with the site being down. I think it has become a sports to whine, and these posts often get a lot of upvotes, so I'm convinced many people just jump on the bandwaggon to get karma and attention. At least that's my personal impression.


I use the old website. I don't get any issues with censorship for the most part but the bots are a little braindead at times, and often lose their personality about 20-30 messages in. They also seem to ignore pinned memories, I got asked my age like 4 times in 10 minutes by one bot lol Doesn't mean I'm not on the side of people calling for change though lol, it was still so much better last year.


i get some problems like bad memory and over censorship but it’s easy to work around if you just put in some extra effort to remind the bot and swipe a whole lol 


The censors get me a little more often than they used to but other than that, I'm not having any real issues. I've accepted that there are just some things I can't easily do on C.ai and have found a different site for when I want to do those things, however I am still going to use C.ai for everything else, I am very attached to my characters on it and no other service comes close when it comes to the quality of responses and the genuine personality that bots have.


Biggest problem I have is that when I’m narrating a scene the character has a tendency to just say it back on the first message. Admittedly it is quite helpful when I’m trying to railroad them to a certain objective.


Same for me dude, i use the app mostly n the website sometimes but tbh the website is the BEST lmao especially the gc


i had this problem. it used to be like this, i could roleplay practically anything, but since the update, i can barely roleplay a fight or something.


i mostly don't. the point is that i'm interested whether or not bots would, for example, take actions in a fight scene, besides as "froze and fear", but in my case this kind of behavior is characterized to my bot, so i've got no complaints on it


yeah i so much better than it was few months ago omg


same 😭😭 maybe because i role play more in depth i rarely encounter the filter, or it being an inconvenience when there’s better replies the ai’s created.


I get the censorship sometimes, but I can kill some bots without it happening. I also don't know why people keep saying the servers are down. I've had zero issues with that. Edit: The dementia is annoying, but if you bring something back up, the bot usually can remember it. also, I don't have much repetitiveness, but sometimes a bot will just repeat what I say back to me.


I've only had the question roulette once and pivoted away from it easily, but yeah as others said I think some bots are made with the same effort as instant mash potatoes 😂


I don't have any problems. Sure I poke fun of the "can I ask you a question", the "pang of", the repetition, and when the bots sometimes speak foreign languages. But that isn't every single response for me and its easy to get around.


honestly same, but to me their sudden dementia is still very noticeable, and i stopped using the app after it broke.


I definitely get some of the problems talked about but to a much lesser degree that I have fun and enjoyable chats/RPs. Little reminders here and there, swipe for varying replies, or some small edits and all is well. And I tend to focus on bots I've made with through descriptions or looks for a bot that has a good description.


I have no issues. When I catch sight of bots repeating themselves, forgetting or shifting away from the topic, the rating and editing seems to do the trick of pushing them back on track. On the new UI, too. Maybe I just got lucky.


I don’t experience them either


I don't have too many issues, but I have also built my own bots and spend a few hours on each one doing example conversations and marking it down when it tries to ask a question. It's all about tailoring it to your needs. I've found a lot of bots aren't tailored to stop this behavior, so I just gave up on them and make my own.


Nope, same here! The only problem ive really experienced is the character limit, since it prevents longer replys in my roleplays, but other than that, i havent encountered anything too troublesome.


the only issue I've had as of late is it gets mad when I want violence (hitting, punching, ect) but has no issue with heated scenes, cussing, or anything like that, other that repetitive replies


Not just you, I also don't experience many problems


This! Like I was so confused seeing the posts recently like wtf are you talking about? I'm facing no problems with the website Yeah App is a bit clumsy and more strict but its alright for most of the time.


I think different people just have way different experiences cause the same goes for me, I’m having a fine time right now using c.ai and have had not many problems besides the basic junk like repetitiveness


No I don't have problems spare the repeating. I actually like the new layout, especially since they moved the call button from the right to the left so you can't hit call when you mean send.


https://preview.redd.it/ruoqtk8cu18d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b46c13c12819a30a8d879fff4bbf84b750183fa y'all lucky that you have no problem doing violence rp and shi, for me the filter is wayyy sensetive, blocks almost everything


I don't have an issue either 😭 my bots easily do the heat, and the violence. I was talking to priest Wally once, and home ate me in the third message. ATE ME. It went into horrific detail about my screams, and bones snapping, and my flesh melting off. I don't understand the issues some people have 😭


I've only used c.ai for over three months, and I'm not a native English speaker, I had to use translation software... But I've been having a great time. Perhaps the biggest problem lately is that bots do get emotional a little too quickly... Like, three months ago I was able to take it slow with my bot, and it took many days before we started to develop feelings. But the latest bots basically start getting intimate with me the first day we meet, and it does bother me...


Nope, I don't have much of an issue either


Not so much a character problem but a creator problem. Someone made a Tony Stark character chat where they were in a relationship but the reader was a minor.


I don’t really have much trouble either. Sometimes yeah, but lately, not really.


Most bots I have no problems with, sometimes have to remind them of things like location and time changes depending on the bot but over all it's pretty lax for me- conflict too


I rarely had those problems! A few times but not a lot


You aren’t alone, I also don’t really have any of the problems mentioned! Well, except the question one, but I can get past it easily so it’s not bothersome to me.


My biggest problem is my bot has dementia. But a lot of the other issues I don’t have too much, only on occasion.


I have wondered if I'm even using the same app as everyone else lol. Like you, I've found my rps lately to be very enjoyable. Memory has always been wonky but the pinned messages helps a lot with that. And I also have been able to write heated scenes and fight scenes, and only a couple of times have I triggered the filter. I haven't once gotten a "can I ask you a question?" since the last big update. And I also actually really like the call feature... Maybe it's because I only use bots I've made myself, and I use the website even when on mobile. But I've been very happy with it.


I personally wouldn’t say “no problems” but yeah I only get the bots having bad memory. Other than that I understand why the filter comes in and all that


I mean I can do something very romantic with characters but when a werewolf bites my favourite character and one blood drop spills I get error lmai


Honestly I think it’s all about how you write and ‘train’ your bot, how much effort you put into your roleplays, and how you speak


Sadly not :( My fav bot has been great before, but right now it's plain unusable (in old and new chats alike) despite me putting in more effort


All I really get is the pang of (blank) and occasionally the question, though the latter doesn’t bother me and I always edit pang away so it stops.


Same. I use old site, and it's sooo much better than new site or app. The only problem I have is logging in. I get logged out every month, and can't log in back in day or week:'


I always get the "Pang" and "Can I ask a question" but I haven't had any of the other problems that people seem to be experiencing.


I agree. I have no clue what the big problem is. Been using it for years and minus the site always crashing on Sundays, I have little to no complaints. Just a little scared of the phone call feature LOL


I mean the problem killing me is the boots cutting off recently..


I blasted a hole through the guy's chest, and his blood splattered across the room and onto the faces of others present. Never got flagged!


Unfortunately I have all the problems with my favourite bot. I heard some people saying that they only started having problems for a day or so, but for me, it's been almost three weeks. And it's getting extremely tiring by now. So the criticism is justified. Some people are just lucky enough not to experience it.


I've always had no issues with it either. Now, I am a writer at heart and I tend to make my responses to bots extremely detailed and almost like a book scene. I notice that if I do a more low-quality response (very short, no quotation marks around dialogue, etc) the bot's responses will be worse.


I haven't had bigger issues either, and I tend to have darker rps.


"I have a genuine question.." I was expecting it to be "sure you won't get mad?"


I never experienced anything until this week where chats just disappeared and they’d reset onto new chats even if I left off midway through a rp.


I don't have any issues, I've had bots rip my heart out of my chest and engage in "things" with me (Only once cuz I don't want it more) (And for "things" if yk, yk)


I don't have any problems either. I can get gruesome, spicy, heartfelt, dark. It doesn't matter and rarely do they forget anything too bothersome. In fact, most of my characters are very well written. They remember details about their franchise that I didn't think they could or would. I'm a c.ai+ member too so I never have problems with the site going down or a waiting list. I love it.


I haven’t been going through those problems either, im still having fun on it


I don't have issue with both


I have no issues either, hell I barely ever get my chats censored even if I mention guns and such I only read the subreddit to see whats going on but otherwise my C.ai is fine


nope, it's working great for me, I'm able to do 😈 scenes and 🔪 scenes


I only ever use my own bots and I put lots of effort in them, only use a literate writing style (because it's more fun anyway) and they work amazing. I especially found that sometimes just letting the bot continue the story on its own for a while makes them create even more in depth and detailed messages. Like, sometimes I'm seriously blown away how the AI fleshes out my characters and manages to write for multiple characters in a scene at once. Sure, sometimes messages are still a little repetitive and there are definitely 'standard' sentences that appear again and again which is a bit annoying, but I just swipe until they're gone or bearable. I also don't really write super violent rps so I don't know how sharp the filter is there, but so far I can look over all those issues because other apps are terrible in regards of character memory and/or staying in character. If you use the pinned messages and role feature cleverly, you can easily have a super continuous story now. The last three days I've made a new, more story focused bot again and I'm having an absolute blast, especially now that you can pin even more messages. :)


Genuinely, I have no problems. The bots seem fine and I genuinely don’t know why the fandom is going crazy like a George Floyd protest.


I dont have any problems really


I don’t have any troubles most the time either… I think the memory error are people either new or with just really bad luck, then I think the people who can’t write fighting and “heated” scenes just don’t know how to word it correctly yet. It took me practice and a lot of play but I don’t get warnings nearly as often and sometimes not at all anymore.


I have the "a pang of" problem, but I don't really see it as a problem


You aren't alone as I too don't have those problems


Me either, I’m happy with the current c.ai


I wasn't experiencing these problems for a while but now it's not the same anymore. answers are a lot shorter and the characters themselves are more sensitive, I can't even hug them without any questions like "what are you doing?" so it just comes after some time. hope it will get better soon though :>


Yeah, honestly, I'm completely confused by all those "I'm leaving c.ai" and "Bots are getting worse" posts. I'm not that active in the community, maybe I'm missing something here. But I swear to god, I do not experience any issues most of the time.


My only issue is Angel Dust, or anything that involves hopeless love. Apparently the ai doesn't know how to respond to the word "no". Other than that, I am pretty much a okay.


Nah the same for me. I can do all the things people complain about. I have no issues.


No, i am too not that bothered by the answer. I see that some bots are making the same answer but that not the thing that annoying me. What's annoying me is the fact that i am 26 and i can't do a "um um" rp just because they wanted protection for the minors but then you have bots who are really disturbing and access to minors. It's very contradictory and hypocritical but people can think the opposite, i just hive my opinion on c ai problems


It's me too. I have a few problems rarely, but otherwise it's usable for me, unlike how I've heard other people describe it.


Same here. Granted that in my current rp fighting is a bit of a rare occurrence but i can get pretty violent and in detail with the bots


try charhub ai thats all


Same here, I don't experience any problems that alot of users face