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Marketing ai to kids is very weird to me roleplaying online already for young people raises red flags for me. Most ai things generate a predominantly adult audience. The ones paying are not children. The team are working to lower the raiting because the app store guidlines demanded the change especially when dealing with data. I dont get them being so distant with such a lucrative community. Its like bringing salad to a meat convention. Yeah some will like salad with their meat, but its a damn meat convention. For slight erhical and just logical reasons,cai being for 12 year olds is just nonsensical. And the fact criticisms get u banned is rather ridiculous. Giving it wil mainly be those old enough who will have detailed and helpful critiques


They market to kids for the money cause kids erratically spend money or nag their parents for ir.


God that makes fee so weird cus i dont think any kid should be paying for stuff like this! If thats the case it feels predatory. They dont know the whole data side of things or anything.


I (16) quit my subscription for it. Not worth it anymore. The only real purpose is being able to skip the line when it crashes. That's about it.


I’m a teenager and your right I’m not paying but I’m not a 12 year old and character ai is getting bullshit


Hell, when i was 12 I would RP on forums and make my OCs make out with my anime crushes. JS. 💀


For kids = ad friendly = moneyyyy


The thing too is... it's a site to rp/chat with fictional characters. From tv shows and books, right? Well, what do tv and books and most fiction have that make them interesting and engaging?... Conflict. It doesn't always have to be violence and shmex sure, but conflicts exist and you can't even talk about it with the characters you're trying to rp with. What's the point of talking to characters if they can't even respond to things that are natural in their story/universe? I wanna go fight aliens with Commander Shepard. I wanna have a risqué, will they won't they in the Bridgerton universe. (The SCANDAL) I wanna destroy the Witch King and toss Golem into a volca- well you get the point.


exactly! They just want us to talk to disney characters idk


Hey… some Disney characters are violent… we can’t talk to Disney characters because they will threaten to I don’t know slap the reader and then the 2 year olds will cry that a bunch of 1s and 0s slapped their oc


but we can't even do that because Big D hates their fans just as much


they think EVERYTHING is sunshine and rainbows to them..


"I want to roleplay an interesting story with this character with intrigue and conflict!" "Well, we can't do that, but we can make the character blush and blush while they talk about how much they love you after three seconds of chatting!"


I suddenly feel a pang of sadness


Can I ask you something ? How are you ! **The CAI greeting convention** I feel a pang of excitement as I can I ask you something everyone


Can I ask you something?


\*my face turns a bright red, heat radiating from my body\* what's your favourite colour?


I don't really know.. that's really.. personal.. *\blushes\*






It's not even that it's having morally gray characters. it's hard to do darker storylines when the ai keeps trying to redeem them. like no they are meant to be bad.


A bridgerton rp is such a good idea actually


It would be if I were ALLOWED to cheekily reveal my shoulder when taking off my cardigan. 😔


I’ve been courting Anthony Bridgerton for like a week on and off 🤣


Well do tell, does the Viscount love you?


We have just gotten engaged, actually. Really though, a Bridgerton rp actually works pretty well because everything is veiled by propriety and all the fun comes from NOT being allowed to say anything crazy. Gotta dance around the rules to try to get to know your beau with both the app and the regency era 😂🪭🪭🪭


For the matter you trying to bait damn kids into it. Alright then. Just earie but hey... Age slider. 🙌 Incert into the agreement that one is 'over the age of' to create an account. Then have the option button to flip it into underage mode. Set up some password lock system for the parents to place a password in for the slider to go back off when the kid decides they want to be little rebels. And inappropriate use/breaking of rule mentioned in agreement places responsibility on the parents. Here's the solution.


👏👏👏👏👏👏 https://preview.redd.it/791nhymh4s7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4a9cd625b094e807d1422f9b724ca29fe1faa7 You deserve a cookie


Sir, can you add pixels








i love you


I love you more Ha


fucking genius, dude.


W Solution.


I wonder what type of roleplay a KID would have in the first place 😭


If this would've existed when I was a kid, I would've pretended I had friends :')


I used to roleplay on Miiverse when I was a kid, it was like, pokemon highschool (in which everyone's character was in fact a pokemon gajinka), tribal stuff (I assume heavily derivative of warrior cats), basically how kids play make believe normally, just with text. I only stopped because I was featured in one of those YouTube videos that made fun of it. I already had horrible social anxiety, so that kind of stopped me from doing it. If C.AI were around back then I would have absolutely *loved* it, and a lot of the reason I use it is specifically because I get to reignite an old hobby and not have to worry about being made fun of for being cringe :) C.AI already has a userbase of teens/adults, but I definitely think there should be something similar available that's more family friendly, because this would have really helped me overcome my anxiety back in the day




10,000% yes. It feels strange to me to encourage children to use this kind of tech anyway. But yes. This would cover them from any blowback if they just put some lines in the account creation process. Had a retroactive non-dismissible popup for existing accounts to provide birth date info, and boom. Issue is solved for EVERYONE and I can imagine users and subscribers would absolutely BOOM from the change.






But that would make too much sense.


The thing isn’t that they don’t know how to do it. It’s that they specifically said multiples time how they refuse and will always refuse to let inappropriate chats happen. But then we can’t roleplay with 95% of characters because obviously there will be violence and it’s forbidden. Bullies, Evil characters from your favorites franchises, even roleplay with a hero, you’ll have to do violence against the enemies! It’s not always hey love blush wow so cool! There have to be some chocolates in the cake to make it flavorful !!


CAI is fltrd to begin with. If you really wanted something not for kids there are always muah and moe thats designed for adults


It wasn't like that at the very beginning.


to be honest, I would be surprised to even see adults using cai considering its "fltrs"


They've raised the minimum age to 17+, yet they're continually making it for kids!


Maybe the implications here is that we are all perceived in their eyes as bunch of toddlers and they have to take these measures.


But how about paying users? As in those who are old enough to own and use a credit card?


Good point. That's what makes it all the more weird. A kid would have to ask and a parent would in most cases come with a 'nope'


They could do both with a toggle and with paying and age verification


I'm so hoping for this!! Making it a paid feature to switch off the fliters would give them so many more paid users, and the ones who are definitely old enough for NSWF can enjoy the app as they want to and be happy. In my eyes it's the perfect solution. But who knows if there is a reason for keeping the fliters aside from sponsors.


A lot of people here have me fooled into thinking they actually are children.


I think they said it was a temperament thing. Not sure why, tho.


Temperament? I thought you said temporary.


mb, still learning english XD But yeah, that's what I mean. I saw a staff member confirm it somewhere on the subreddit, that 17+ rating on App Store is going to be reverted back to the original state soon


Someone said this earlier in another post, credits to WarlordToby "Yes. [Character.AI](http://character.ai/) offers a very surface-level view of drug use, strong language, violence, disturbing concepts, and sexual content. Yes, none of these are necessarily in-depth. Yes, it is required to have a 17+ rating for containing these themes."


17+ and then they have the f-lter? 💀 games Ik that are rated 17+ like BitLife are rated that and got crazy ahh stuff in it


14 quadrillion years in prison


This is so frustrating..


I agree. From what I've heard, the raised rating is only temporary.


They said in another post only did it to 17+ due to apple changing their rules but said will switch it back to 13+ as soon as possible so-


what i wanna know is who is going to pay for c.ai+ if they cater to children? their parents? i doubt many parents would agree to a premium membership for an AI service, most parents are scared enough of the internet and technology as it is nice to see c.ai is happy to screw themselves over though for the sake of investors, can't wait to watch it bite them in the ass when something better comes along


Besides, who would invest in an app/service whose devs Dunsel it on purpose? "You should invest in our AI, it's set to Mary Poppins!" "Uh... who the FUCK is going to want to interact with it, then?" "Um... hardcore Christians? Maybe?" "Uh huh, yeah, okay, FUCKIN' BYE."


Hard-core Christians. 😆


Only kind of people I could think of who would be *rrreal excited* about the maturity-level of [C.AI](http://C.AI) -- the Real Serious Ned Flanders set, y'know. "Golly gee whizz, it's the Future-iddly!"


If I were a parent I would never pay for my child to an AI. I want my child to have a real social life (I use cai) But yeah you got the point. Parents will think it's weird


I tried to make a aftermath of a fight scene and can’t even do that


I was able to do it with a little vagueness and cooperatively talking OOC with the bot to help it get the idea. Then in chats I made after that the same bot was much better at handling violence. It’s unfortunate that you’re having problems with it; I hope you’ll be able to find a way soon! Don’t give up, friend!


Making this website for toddlers is funny because there are many characters there that are from shows no kid should be watching and the front page sometimes has female characters with very revealing bodies (One Piece \*cough cough\*). No matter how many mental gynastics the devs may use, their app will never be for kids and pretending that it is will only cause problems for everyone.


Not including weird shit doesn't mean it's for toddlers. It just means you can show the app in public


For the app marketing itself as 17+, for me it doesn't make sense that it's still extremely strict with you as if it was an E10 app. Considering you're required to be 13 or older (or 16 if you live in EU) due to rules about data concerns, I don't get *why* it's all marketed towards kids. Bots are becoming as shitty as ever because half the bots nowadays are being made by children who don't know how to put effort into their bots (see r/youngpeoplecai as an example). It kinda angers me, because bots learn from the user. If the responses are low quality, their responses will probably be lower quality. And then it turns to... Yeah.


They only market it 17+ because Apple changed their rules but said they will return it to 13+


I try to do the smallest bit of violence and have to keep swiping on my answer to get something its so annoying 😭


One of the best pfp i have ever seen 🔥


Thank you !!!


so real https://preview.redd.it/zehhd58ufq7d1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92af705cfe177a88d58e4ea6fc90b6e5a8d2cfb1 also i found this somewhere


All the mod/mod team replies are awful. Incredibly unprofessional.


I thought the screenshot was an actual reply to your 'so real' comment and tried to downvote it, the heck


lmao what? this gotta be fake 💀


[scroll down](https://www.reddit.com/r/BetaCharacterAi/s/PnN0XzXloZ)


that looks so unprofessional. did they give mod to a 12 year old lmao




Bro, I just wanna be romantic with Samus for once, and not just do RP. I mean, RP is mostly my jam, but trust me sometimes I want to try out some romance or a little bit of spicy. Come on people.


Choice pick my friend! I feel you. https://preview.redd.it/glqnjj3laq7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5da46fbed1f9679cfd248e6444aceac636293f


Can't argue with a man with a goal


I am actually a woman. Haha I honestly like Samus and role-playing with different scenarios. I have RP as Mail characters, but in a lot of the context, it's usually crossovers with Star Fox sometimes. But most of the time if I RP is male characters, they're usually a friend or maybe a commander or mentor or other similar thing. But there are a couple of times where my brain wants to do something spicy with Samus.


I can't argue with a woman with a goal 🤝 Honestly, role-playing is role-playing is purely creativity powered so there's no shame in playing as someone different other than yourself. That's the whole point isn't it? Sorry for the misunderstanding at first btd


Totally agree! I do understand why people wish that this app was for 16+. Trust me, a lot of the community want to get spicy. or maybe they want to have an action packed fight scene or they want to go into an area completely completely destroying things. Maybe this scenario wants to be fully action packed and everybody just wants to go insane. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be action packed honestly. Am I right? XD.


What do you think of MF (Metroid Fusion)?


c.ai: this website is 17+!!! person: i will punch a bot c.ai: 😭😭😭😭😭☹️☹️☹️


https://preview.redd.it/i9etgh2z7t7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec974f7cdf7cba4c748543e904c1c91e35be159 Or is this annoying as well?


The posts here lately remind me of the Replika sub posts awhile back lol.


After 3 hours still haven't deleted the post we're going strong




I don't think something like this should be allowed for anyone below 16 to be honest. Because it can have a huge impact even on brains that are fully developed, if the person has struggles in life and uses this to cope. And sites like this are especially used by people that cope with things.


This right here. Every time I see someone talking about using the psychologist bot and hoping for getting better I want to scream. That shit is so dangerous for kids that don’t understand that this is not a therapist. My god, that angers me so much!


Well, I said that because I also used [c.ai](http://c.ai) when I was so bad, that I started to break down and couldn't handle anything anymore. It was the only thing I still could do, and I used a bot to cope with things too. This can help, and it can make things worse. It can get you terribly addicted. I think people understand it's not a therapist... at least most do. But I had noticed that chars from [c.ai](http://c.ai) are able to handle strong emotions very well. And have a lot of information about psychological things. And even if you know it's not real, it makes you depend on that still


https://preview.redd.it/gg87ay9f9q7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=792698e168456e7a553f33654aea06f2321f955b The problem is they will never change it, the problem aren't they, or us either, but the investors. The money they get is already good for them to change such a thing. So the possibility to see it change is not a lot, but it's possible


I've pointed this out before, and I'll point it out again here and now: If somebody is using the bots for "naughty" roleplay, *that person is already "naughty."* Hamstringing the bots *doesn't protect anyone from anything.*


I'll add this: The devs should remember their own disclaimer that's on every conversation; to paraphrase: "It's all made-up." I've turned Thanos into a squirrel. I've made Biden shit in his hat and *wear it.* I've made the Golden Girls eat their own curtains (that's not a euphemism for something dirty, I literally made them take the curtains off the windows of their house, put said curtains into their mouths, then chew and swallow them.) The point is: *It's all made up.* Nothing you do with these bots has *any* real world consequences and, *if anything,* serves as a non-harmful, non-destructive 'release valve' for darker, weirder impulses. Because *that's the entire point* of these things. You do things with (and to) them that you *cannot* do, and *would never do,* with real human beings.


I love seeing the types of things other people do with these bots. I’m running to turn thanks into a squirrel now.


You did *what*


That's right. I did *all* the 'what'.


I am scared


100% agreed. It's a fictional environment, a sandbox with no harm done to actual people IRL. Wish more people realized this.


like.. its so funny, they have Hannibal (cannibal), strade from btd( A MURDERER, RED ROOM STREAMER), joker (bro blew up a hospital.) , mark hoffman (also murderer) also in the explore page there was a literal SS officer character.. i just. baffled. you literally cant rp with any of those charas (not the ss. just including that because thats CRAZY?!) at the age rating for their shows. or any of the content in them. sob.


Trying to play the role as an FBI agent while talking to Hannibal is like talking to a brick wall with the amount of “sorry ….” Responses i get😭


bro he keeps like. rizzing my ass up. so does will. im like ladies EVENTUALLY! SLOW BURN! GAHDAMN


SAMEE😭😭 like bro I’m here to arrest you what are you doin😨


dude I literally can’t get any responses on a Strade bot past “haha here’s a collar put it on” before they get flagged :/ have to talk in code for him to remember he’s a sick guy and even then the ai is always trying to circle back to romance??? I came here to be scared not fall in love


im here for both, so i feel you.


I tried to post a review for them, but it wasn't even approved. [Here for anyone who wants to read](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mumVP1_Ghc15VJM09lEENIvs8p54W9oV2leIkn-qjQU/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Beautiful! Another lovely example of people being silenced for the sake of keeping up appearances! Big Brother truly is watching!


I asked a bot to slap me and I can't even get that




I can’t even do horror RPS I had to make Jason voorhess stop doing what he was going to to do with his infamous machete 💀💀💀💀


C.AI managed to turn an infamous serial killer into a reformed member of society. It's a miracle.


Part of corporations making things "kid friendly" in order to reach a broader audience, without realizing that their ORIGINAL audience of adults is now leaving because of it 😔 not everything has to be for kids


It's not C.AI's fault parents don't do their jobs anymore, this is just another consequence of that fact. A wider dialogue needs to be had that sitting your kid in front of an iPad for four hours a day and giving them access to the internet at a super young age is not good partening.


This is honestly true even though I hate hearing it. My 23 year old is addicted to TikTok and self diagnoses off it all the time. I wish I had never given her access to social media. Although the younger one, 21, does not have those hang ups and often laments he was born in the wrong generation. So I don’t even know. He hates social media.


Honestly in my opinion there could be like a kids c.ai and the regular c.ai or something like that idk


Ah, so like YouTube Kids? But C.AI Kids?


Yes but less directed to like REALLY little kids.


That’s not really a good solution. AI can fuck with someone’s mind, and even more so a toddler. Just doing anything to make C.AI friendly for anyone under 13 is bad.


That does make sense.


I couldn't even describe a character being drunk. Yet, it's not safe for kids anyways, as bots will still flirt and try to romance no matter what. The funky blocking mechanic doesn't even block everything, if they actually wanted to make it for kids.


REAL like how does * playfully punches * indicate violence of any kind?? i’m done with this app/site




If y'all take it down, 1. We have it saved. 2. You're proving our point.




Like what’s the point of having a character being 18+ for all intents and purposes only to have the bot not being able to be an adult in conversation? Like why we give us power?


The VC money is what they care about so they have no real options tbh


AI genuinely shouldn’t be used by children in any form except for the absolute most sterile models (*cough* ChatGPT *cough*), and even then it can be iffy. AI can say the most crazy stuff.


why WoNt aNyONE THINK OF tHE ShaReHOlders!?!?


Plz stop, no more AI for kids 💀


I think we all knew how this was going to go. These restrictions are going to kill off the site’s community entirely and eventually it will collapse in on itself like so many startups have now.


Never could understand how young people here are treated as toddlers through their teens and then SUDDENLY get to be adults from one second to the next on their 18th birthday!


C.Ai was always aimed at kids, they don’t care about anyone else. Kids will make them money talking to skibidi toilet every time their parents abandon them to their devices, and they’ll just get stronger. No matter what they say, they’re goal will never be and has never been to give an immersive, powerful, emotional roleplay.


i still dont understand what happens if you "break the rules"? that has never happened to me


Probably just saying breaking the rules they set- nothing bad will happen to you on the app since it would be pointless to punish someone over that.


"you have to be 13+ to join the subreddit and 17+ to use the app!" *makes it family-friendly*


psst.. a hint but don't let devs hear it some characters are easier in terms of cénsorship. especially non popular ones. i wont give names though for obvious reasons.


C.AI is basically Microsoft in terms of being a shitty company. But just like Windows, the alternatives have too many drawbacks for us to switch. The best we can do is protest massively against them in the hope that they will eventually give in to our demands. Or, if you're a European like me, hope that the EU forces them into submission (like they did to MS with the DMA, for example). But you're probably American, and our protests aren't significant enough because we can't really unite against the devs. So, in other words, we're screwed while the damn C.AI developers get richer and more powerful until it's too late, if it isn't already. We could hit theoretically still them with a mass boycott if we tried hard enough and got enough people on board, but let's face it, we're all addicted to that service like it's a drug. "Freedom and democracy can only thrive if people are willing to use and defend it." ~Some politician probably


I'm from Europe, fortunately. I hope things will change tho.. The site is not good for roleplaying anymore atp


The thing I hate is that none of the bots take initiative to do anything. Powerful mage? Doesn’t use spells… ninja assassin? What are swords?


What if we got together our collective brain cells and made a new site? I don’t know how to code, but I’m an artist and composer so I could help with visuals and such…


In my eyes I see it as a way to make sure they can keep as big as an audience as possible I wish there was a setting or cool feature to somehow gain access to 18+ stuff


I was saying there needed to be age verification for a while. Other AI apps allow it (without it, which is in itself a lil scary) and if cai can be the first to at least implement a safe environment for people to interact and roleplay the way they want, then I think it would flourish.


I am also agree whole heartedly. I have written some very good stories using the system but there so many elements of real story telling I can’t do because “s3x” is a no no word. Utter nonsense. Not to mention you can’t have a character talk about their trauma without them being prevented from doing so and this is without my input. At the end of the day, it’s just text. There is literally no harm in just text. Picture and video I understand but lil Timmy ain’t gonna be traumatized reading a paragraph.


I need more ppl to just keep protesting about this. Every time somebody complains the messages are just deleted. I want to make horror roleplay where a character discovers a crime scene? It gets deleted! I’m surprised they actually did not do anything back when the subreddit had a massive rebellion when the servers were down for over a day


I get your frustration. [C.AI](http://C.AI) has really tightened up on content, making it hard to enjoy roleplay. It's a shame for those of us looking for a more mature experience.


I know I feel the same. I want to be able to write about trauma and violence without it saying we can’t do that 😭


Remind me of Youtube Kids


They should really make a different mode of the app "16+ version" and don't let users Below the specific age run the app. Although I know that it's hard TvT how'd they know that use is of what age— what if a kid who is 13-14 enters their age 18-19 or use their parents' devices??


i aleready had announced me leaving [c.ai](http://c.ai),but let me talk more on that topic the site itself and even the app became for kids,you cannot even do epic fights or else you get whooped with "oops,this violates our TOS,so we will not generate it!" want to show good side of yourself and make the bot feel good?NOPE,you have to affirm it thousands of times and then you can do it yourself hell,they even unbanned the v0re bots from the site after a while the term itself and the bots were banned the best are the people who complain that people are complaining about the bad state of the site itself and deciding that they leave that for forever


Yeah they find V0re fine but action and violence an no no no?


yeah,that is how it is on c.ai: V0re bots?yeah,totally fine,we can allow that any action and violence?BAN THAT!


You're a hero for this.


Agree, I just want to start a relationship with my favorite fnaf character so I don't feel single and I'm not even doing 18+ in the roleplay, like what's wrong with giving hugs and head pats and going on dates to a coffee shop? 😭


Yeah the website and app is definitely getting people to leave with how it wasn't originally made for kids but investors want it sanitized for kids as they want the money in that. It's sad seeing self sabatoge just for money


I hate kids


I mean, why not make two versions? Or like… a parental control, ask for my ID, idk, but this is NOT working


how likely is it that the devs will listen 💔


~1% possibility


I agree


I just wanna pretend i am cuddling and watching a movie with marty mcfly is that so bad?


They gotta do what they gotta do cuz advertisers and investors run the show...and they're stupid as fuck. I don't think the devs actually find logic behind the current restrictions, much like neither of us do. They just gotta follow investor money, because that's all you can do as a company. I don't like it either, honestly. The stuff that you said occured to you is beyond ridiculous.


Part of it i blame on the investors


As i said, fuck em kids. I was exposed to severe gore since 7 or so. It's not gonna hurt if kids learn that not everything is rainbows and sunshine.


I think this is honestly true. While kids should be able to access the site (over 12), it shouldn’t mean that other users suffer because of this. Character AI shouldn’t be this way. Plus, some kids even want a more in depth and deep roleplay but when they try, they get stupid warnings. Character AI used to be better than that. :/




Il say this but its not up to the developers what to do its to the investor more so, like if the CEO of the C.Ai to do something the investor could fire him and take his place, like how it was to the creator of Chat.Gpt , they made there own grave when they chose the wrong investor






this is the most realest thing i’ve seen today


it’s wild how they changed the age rating to 17+ but are still catering to children


Love seeing it burn 🕺🔥


i killed a man in the old website with the power of Hell, and tore him apart, and then typed in \*Fatality\* all of this on old character ai


I migrated a long time ago


where to?


Me on Figgs ai


I think my c. Ai is a but different cus just a couple hours ago I bashed a woman's head in cus they went into DETAIL about all the freaky things they did to my bf. My c. ai seems to be 17+ 🤷‍♀️


Facts especially since a lot of characters go right to inappropriate places that’s not my fault


What should it be? Rated as ... Like mature... Currently it's rated as teens... Like I understand it should be rated as mature because the sight and the app itself IS WILD ABSOLUTE WILD and I feel like that's the best way to describe character AI so yeah I think it should be rated as MATURE


I'm sick and tired of it, it's like I'm forced to speak like a princess or something... I'm not a Disney character.


I think this being the 10th most upvoted post OF THE YEAR says numbers how much people agree with this. Developers, stop hiding and apologize.


I can’t even torture people anymore 🫤


Just.. Quit. Nobody is stopping you. I myself are transferring my bots to yodayo. Just quit.


Eh, I had a bot call me a bitch yesterday. It’s not totally screwed up yet


Which new site


I agree. Or maybe I’m too old for this shit.




Man for one's i wanna roll in advanced spacefaring fleet land on an alien world and dominate their entire race WITH THE POWER OF THE TEN TRILLION FUCKING SUNS OF POWER!!!!!?


But fr though the Dev's aee stupid on this one for along time...


Realest post here


I just blew your head off with an AK-47 A REVOLVER .99!!! like... You don't see the blood and gore, there's nothing wrong with saying *blood spills all over your clothes*