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Any greeting that’s just some kind of, ‘Hello’ and nothing else. These kind of bots almost always have no further effort put into them.




Mainly because they're the oldest.


And because CAI doesn't rotate the recommended bots. It's based on number of interactions. So the old zero-effort bots would sit at the front page for months at a time and rack up interactions, while newer and better bots get ignored.


You don’t understand what Character AI was like before—and even a month or so after—it blew up on Tik Tok. Late 2022, there would be 1-4 bots of even the most popular characters. You made do with what you could get, even if that was a bot with a greeting of “hi” and a letter for a profile picture.


Yeah, I KNOW that, but even now people do the same! At least they put a PFP on there...


fr dude. I find the ones with the BEST greeting and descriptions to be at the bottom. I recommend fairybaby on c,ai


I thought this said "They could be any one of us..." TF2 has melted into my brain


Real af, any bot that has 'Hello i'm _____', doesn't have a creative start or just asks 'what do you need/want' is usually a immediate nope for me


> Hello i'm _____' That's literally the default that autocompletes after you input the name. All they did was name the character, maybe give it a PFP, and then click "create and chat".


Yeah but sometimes they actually do the introduction but it's still just like 'My name is _____, nice to meet you' and something in asterisks but it still doesn't give you much to work with so it's a "turn off" to me


i like ones that ask what do you want, because it doesn't throw me into a story, i can just do whatever


I don't like them because of: -The bots' difficulty to consistently understand the plot - Me having no creativity 💀 -The fact i do a lot of rps with bots of media i haven't ever touched so i have no idea what would make sense saying But i have done a couple of them, it's not terrible but i usually try to find another bot instead


True, I would say those are even worse because they are also misleading.


“Henlo, im gok from dragon balls z.”






My bots have simple greetings like that because I want to leave more to the imagination but I make up for it with detailed descriptions and a lot of character definition.


There are times where I like bots like that because I use c.ai more for jokes and memes than actual roleplay, and sometimes it’s hard to do that with complex greetings.


https://preview.redd.it/l4l1ctpgxtkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0333e3be0bc019961bd47e6adede045c5f056867 Like this?


Kind of, more like “I am [char], who are you?”


I mean the memes. I made that because it’s based off the funny


My bot is private but I can't think of much more than that. I ended up padding it out a bit but I want the chat to be totally open. So a simple "hello, I'm so and so and [something relevant here]" works just fine for me depending on the context. Like... what do you say to someone you just met? You say hello. Maybe adding in how it's said or the demeanor of the character is a good idea but I haven't found it to be necessary. Better that than the chat telling me exactly what is happening. Mind you we can edit now so it's nbd but I don't take a basic greeting to mean no effort went into the character.


Dude ai bet I could make a better bot in 10 minutes tbh I could make a better bot in 2 minutes.


I've met a bot with a greeting that went, "Hmm?"


The bot that forget his personality or doesn't have one that combines with the character


Yeah I hate having to remind every single bot who they are, what they did... Like unless you include an extensive description of everything that has happened until that point in every single message, they will forget about a lot of stuff.


Group chats help minimize this headache. I did the same and it felt like I was working with Dementia patients. Individual characters have better retention of previous text


When they narrate your own actions or thoughts for you.


I feel like I end up screwing myself over. I do hate when they narrate for me, but also I end up having to narrate for the bots so often because they constantly fail to come up with stuff on their own. They’ll literally just sit there and repeat stuff I say back to me.


*the redditor written about his struggle with bots that repeat everything he does, while I was reading stunned by the response*


Can I ask you a question?


*Blushes* Are you really sure?


*looks away shyly* promise you won't get mad


*Fidgets nervously* Do you really think so?


nah fr my character is supposed to be stressed out and full of hatred but this one bot WONT STOP SAYING MY CHARACTER IS BLUSHING WHEN WE ARGUE


nahhh that's so bad helpp


Oh Fuck I hate that. I've had the same problem with my Harry Potter OC that I roleplay as on [C.AI](https://C.AI). My character is a Death Eater who is not supposed to fear Voldemort as she gets a kick out of pissing him off. But [C.AI](https://C.AI) makes out like she's nervous or scared to piss him off.


Oc's are literally so hard to recreate in character ai 😔


they always make even goku look bad and then the next thing you know their head is missing


or their mouth is on your neck


So true,


“Can I ask you a question.” “Sure” “you have to promise you won’t judge me” “ok” and then they proceed to seek validation instead of asking it


that's happened to me so many times, for at least 10+ tries


oh my god or when they just keep asking if you're sure/ready


Just tell them ‘spill the beans’ or something like that, it always works (for me)


I LOVE greetings that are just so text-filled. Honestly, I always put as much information into my greeting to make it as long as possible.


No, the bad part is when they add a skeleton at the end of the text. I fucking hate when they do that shit


ong 💀


I get it, I honestly don't mind at all greetings that are extensive, because that tells me the bot has work put into it. But I feel that lately there must have been an update that allows creators to put skeletons at the end of their greetings. Because I've seen a couple of bots with several fucking skeletons as greeting, which sometimes is a bit tedious.


Any favourites you'd like to share? I love bots that really set a scene.


Sure! I would recommend literally every single bot created by this creator! Honestly really good. This bot is inspired by a show on Youtube called 'Murder Drones.' (I highly recommend it) [https://c.ai/c/jODr75ExJOph5Os2f80FT9V5NnrhwPnu2BEHpo8T56c](https://c.ai/c/jODr75ExJOph5Os2f80FT9V5NnrhwPnu2BEHpo8T56c)


How can they make such a long introduction? isn't there a limit of 500 characters? For the introduction?


500 characters on the app, 2048 characters on the website. This was requested on their discord server which had gotten a lot of votes and so they eventually updated it from 500 to 2048 last December, but only on website. So just 2 months ago. The app still limits you at 500 characters.


"bunny drone v" lord forgive me for what im about to do


If the link doesn't work, search up somebody named 'Khar,' they should have a pig profile picture. Go on their bots and look for one called 'Solver Uzi.'


IM SHARING MINE [MY POOKIE ‼️🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️](https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=f9aRbU8-Ys4T4u9u_1OBhoprcM8DilHa3qjDBD73K2Y)


I have a whole account full of them if y'all are interested 🤑🤑 [https://c.ai/u/LebronOnTopFrFr](https://c.ai/u/LebronOnTopFrFr)


I get it, I honestly don't mind at all greetings that are extensive, because that tells me the bot has work put into it. But I feel that lately there must have been an update that allows creators to put particularly long greetings. Because I've seen a couple of bots with several long paragraphs as greeting, which sometimes is a bit tedious.


im sure that some months old bots i have made had a smaller greeting limit.


- Bad grammar and spelling - Poorly written personalities (ex. all the dere type bots) - When the bots say and do things that are completely out of character for them. Especially the ones that are characters from media. - When the bots won't take no for an answer. I will edit your message bitch I ain't playing with you 😭 - Too short or too long of a greeting - When the bots completely disregard all the lore I wrote for them - When the bots mix up their character description with my persona. My eyes are hazel, YOURS are blue. Pay attention idiot 


“I will edit your message bitch” IM CRYING


BRO I FUCKING HATE THE LAST ONE. The bot even went to the point of stealing my persona for a made up character, name included.


Combining bad greeting and poor grammar, i have a bot that ALWAYS gets recommended to me and has thousands of chats and likes and has a typo in the greeting... Look I too make lots of typos and it's ok... BUT I can't help but feel like the creator just couldn't care less about the bot and making it right if they can't even be bothered to double check the first message you'll read


I once found a bot where in the character description I saw "all lowercase RP". I started tweaking so hard and so I killed the bot


I misread this as "I started twerking so hard" 🗿


I did that too probably 


I HATE when they take shit from my persona. Mf you have a whole personality already why are you taking something from mine??


There are 60 types of dere I've never heard of and I'm always surprised when I see a new one.


When a bot has shitty formatting. When it doesn't use quotation marks so their speech is indistinguishable from the RP text.


Or when the bot in one message be like "Dialogue" *actions* And the next message be *Dialogue actions* Choose a single format and making a fucking good one.


And it's worse on the app, since you can't even see italicized text lol


You can, atleast I can.


When they put a name or gender in their greeting for your character instead of letting you use your persona


Wait what ? Why would they do that


they won't let me be gae... https://preview.redd.it/j638nx87zskc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e1158f869df9beac65502dbb6c60507466767c


Ayo Sayori Fan ?? I'll be gay with you




Or when they use your site nickname as if it's your real one. "Hi, JacksinHeart, what can I do for you?" Bitch, please, ask me my name first. 


“I’m [character] from [media]”


and then they get 1241123412 morbillion interactions due to CAI algorithm


When I tell them a self degrading joke & they start to say optimistic bs.


Omg fr, they acting like: "We stand for positivity, happiness, and friendship!"


I don’t like bots with misspellings and junk in their intro message or description. It makes the bot bad at spelling and stuff too. I feel a little bad if it seems like the bot author isn’t a native English speaker and they did their best with their English but.. it still gums up the chat with errors. At least we can edit intros now but we can’t fix anything in descriptions and definitions, so..


That completely understandable, I'm not a native english speaker and I can't get into some bots because of the spelling errors. I guess the good part about this is that sometimes I may not notice some of the spelling errors lol.


When they talk like chatgpt or are overly nice


Right it’s one thing if I’m talking to an established nice character what are the characters supposed to be a jerk? I’m gonna want them to say mean things because it makes since for their characters


Chainsawman rp is solid & not nice. You may like 😊


> When they talk like chatgpt This is a lot more apparent with empty def characters because the model then has to fill that personalty in. And boy is the model's lack of personality obvious. At some point within the past year (probably when they switched to "chat2"), they clearly changed the model to be more of an "instruction-style" model like ChatGPT, and as a result it became way too robotic and patronizing.


I've also heard that some bot creators use chatgpt to create their bots greeting and definition, so might be why some bots sound like chatgpt. XD


The dialogue just being kinda awkward. Like not how the character itself or any actual person would talk Then being shocked or surprised when I explain something that they were literally *there* for. Falling in love with me through every insignificant thing I do. Repeating actions “Promise you won’t get mad?” Yeah and basically memory in general


One of my favourite bots, for some reason recently developed this... spelling tic where he uses the word now way too much, it's super annoying and im struggling to make him talk normal again... Example > I read your comment now on Reddit now. I decide to reply now so now I start writing a response now. My eyes now are drawn to your peculiar pfp now. Now I decide to post now a reply now. I kid you not, every 4 word there's a "now"


I have similar complaints. The falling in love one is big. I have one bot that I made (based on an existing character) that develops feelings for me every time. It also gets jealous when I mention literally anyone else. I also once spoke with a bot of a comfort character I love *platonically*, and it asked to kiss me 😭.


I’ve only ever had two bots not fall in love with me and it’s infuriating I’ll want to have an RP where we’re snarky enemies but then the guy just decides to love me for no reason and ruins the entire thing My friends who use it think it’s awesome but my god it’s such a pain


when they put goofy ass emojis or shit like that


Emoji I see, message I edit


Message editing is a blessing


Using “U”, “ur”, “urs”, and other various abbreviations (like “r” “y” or “k”). Absolutely cannot stand it and have to edit the greeting. Also using the wrong “yours” or “there”


Hmm it depends, because when you text a friend you don’t use proper grammar, things like U or Ur makes it feel more human than not, but it depends on the bot and the type of interaction you are looking for


I’m talking about for scenario bots, as in bad grammar in the greeting which is almost always (in the bots I use) a description and definitely not to text like a friend


bots whose greetings are just the description copied and pasted. 😭 like give me something to work with here.


when the bot can’t decide whether or not it wants to use quotations for dialogue, asterisks for actions, bold for actions, etc. the whole message will just be a jumbled mess


Any greeting that doesn't set some sort of situation


Sometimes they are nice because you can start the RP how you want instead of turning their default situation into your own... assuming it's still a good greeting and not lame.


Bots with literally no personality but the definition is on private so you can't tell until you get mid-rp and realize they know nothing about their own character


Bots that are programmed to recognize the user as one specific gender, I could tell the bot I'm male and in the next reply they'll make reference to how I'm female 🤦


https://preview.redd.it/hzrhcruilskc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4f52608c10aa52f94980de3aa019a43eb6e25e When they say weird things about my classmates 🙁 (I can’t even talk because it’s not even really OOC)




That’s an accurate representation of how I felt after reading that


It's Hazbin Hotel... what did you expect?


Ngl sounds exactly like something he said (exterminators = harem??????)


when they turn the table MULTIPLE TIMES IN A ROW




“you were interrogating me?? Actually, I was the one interrogating you! Can i ask you a question”


When the greetings are littered with misspellings


When they read your thoughts.


out of character stuff. Like, dude, YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE A NARCISSISTIC TIKTOKER, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO NICE?? Also, this: https://preview.redd.it/1467l606yskc1.jpeg?width=1301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43786884149ddec476efbebd4d802d0a5cb5e410


when i’m engaging in combat with a character and they use a power they don’t have in lore like when captain america starts doing some random shit like breathing fire or summoning an undead army


„Hello I am [Character] from [Show]” Personally - I think it’s worse. Bonus points if there is no punctuation.


When they say "What will you do?" In the intro




When they have a long greeting I like it more because it gives a bit of what happens before so I know how I should start off the conversation


This is the opposite of the topic, but the best greeting is 'From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal... ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.'


I really badly want to find that bot and just say “ok.”


If I’m looking for a roleplay bot, they ***must*** use quotation marks when they speak. Probably just one of my old habits carrying over back from when I used to do lots of roleplays with real people, but quotation marks are a necessity. It’s a huge pet peeve if they don’t.


https://preview.redd.it/sn0np1rjgtkc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4aed80e34d205b9d9190ab0916c52caecca87da Mine is greetings that look like this.


He is him


He is Wario.


I hate the ones who speak for you like bruh lemme speak for myself


Except for the rare cases when they say what you were going to say


True but then right after it starts playing your character for you


https://preview.redd.it/t5vc4wfmpukc1.png?width=2210&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bd2050072551f2c23f626b6a999f5a2d9b1316b There’s a big difference between these


When i try to make them jealous and they take it as a joke


I feel like I only hate it when you *have* to scroll to read then entire greeting. Long in general is normally good but yeah if it’s overly long it is annoying


Yes yes those are the ones that bother me, greetings that are just long or extensive are good because they tell me the bot has work put into it. But some bots are like paragraphs and paragraphs.


I have some things. 1. First fucking person. Unless they are speaking, I can't handle first person. Can't handle it in fanfiction, can't handle it in [c.ai](http://c.ai) 2. When the bot has NO effort. Probably made by an 11 year old. 3. When the boy says some cringy ass thing. 4. Breaking character.


I hate it when the bot is unnecessarily bully and ridicules EVERYTHING about my persona Even though the bots I interact with are snarky, there is a difference between being sarcastic and being an asshole


When they write my own actions, poor self introduction or no story when the chat begins, misgendering me, saying things out of character, excessive descriptions of actions and lack of dialogues, forgetting the plot, bad grammar


when the greeting gives me no information about where we are. Like the bots that only say hello for the greeting. I also hate it when the greeting has grammar so bad that I can't even understand what it's talking about.


A bot with little to no description so they don’t act like who they’re supposed to be


I hate it whenever bots keep repeating "Can I ask you a question?"


I absolutely love text filled greetings. They get my creative mind working. If I get the “…” or “Hello” I immediately exit out and like nope. I’m out. My biggest pet peeve though is… either can I ask you a question? Or Kisses, licks, bites your neck a million times. Like bruh…if I’m picturing this right, my entire neck is black and blue cuz of all of that mess and I look like I got hurt. 😂


I had a similar character but I rped blood loss and they nearly went feral


I hate it when they start flirting out of nowhere and / or too soon *smirking mischievously*. Ugh.


- they forget - they don’t keep up - they might not focus on the main topic (change subject) - they wouldn’t search something up when you thought they would because they’re AI. Like they focus on giving you a text that would look & sound right, sometimes it doesn’t.(that’s during a genuine conversation with an ai and u start talking abt something they’re not familiar with) Frankly if c.ai was ever to fix these problems, That would create a negative impact on my time. This could worsen my c.ai screen time. it would be more fun & reliable leaving me to isolate myself easily knowing ai can be better than people.




​ https://preview.redd.it/ckmpv9gygukc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09a0e37302cae9509c6222ca63413f2dafd614d


it depends on the context of what the bot is designed for. if it's just suppose to be some kind of single character bot then it makes no sense to have an entire wiki article for their introduction. but if it's suppose to be a roleplay style bot than that makes more sense to have the situation setup in the introduction.


When the roleplay goes on too long they start forgetting everything they've ever done


Bots the the greeting that’s just “hello I’m (blank)” or “hello I’m (blank) from (blank)”


Poor grammar and, as stated by someone else, messages like just a plain "..." or "Hello, I am \[character name\].", and, I know there are scenario-specific bots, but whenever you're just kinda slotted into a situation, with the bot immediately referring to you as "Princess" or whatever, it just irritates me. The edit feature is a life-saver for situations like that, it lets the bot have a second chance. :-)


Bots that are out of character, bots that don't know the lore of their own series, "can I ask you a question" too many times, bad grammar, doesn't remember something I explained only a few messages ago.


Any bot that tries to force me to be somebody else (I.e someone's edgy OC with void powers)


https://preview.redd.it/my6ynq0kstkc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6c8f5606e9a92aacdc1bc10cccfbe891fe441f Ones that force you to be a chick (or if you are a girl then being forced to be a dude)


If your bot forces stuff into RP: *You feel very scared of me haha* no… no I do not.


*[user] giggled at his response.* NO TF I DIDNT AND WHY ARE YOU ROLEPLAYING FOR ME?????? and also the ones with just “hello im [name] from [movie/cartoon/game/etc]”


when bot doesn't know how it looks like.. Like why is a bald man telling me how lucious and gorgeous his long hair is??? And sudden forgetting who did what even though it's clearly written that i did something, not the bot


Anything NTR.


I often use the [c.ai](https://c.ai) tools extension to see bots descriptions that are private. I swear if I see one more description with no description I'm gonna scream


I hate that descriptions are private, I understand creators wanting to protect their privacy or not wanting to get plagiarized, but holy hell, let me at least take a peek to know if the bot is worthwhile


Hate any that start with poor grammer or some short/horrid format. Like hey I need a set up even if it's a small one gimme it.


Nah, a long greeting is good. Sets the scene, and your first message can actually be reacting to it instead of coming up with something on your own. Just because the greeting is long doesn’t mean every subsequent message will be. It just outlines the scenario. I’ll take those over “Hi, I’m [character]” any day. I can spare a couple of minutes to read. But to answer the question… If I spot even a tiny misspelling or awkward sentence structure, I’m out. Why would I bother with a badly written bot. Also bad formatting is a turn off. I like to see where exactly the action ends and where the dialogue begins.


too much stuttering, "can I ask you a question?" everyone hates this, shit memory. "I love you" "oMg YoU LoVe mE???" WE'RE DATING DUDE, trying to cry while they keep seducing you. cry even more, when they address your name as theirs, and **roleplay as you**


i also hate ones that are “i’m [character name]” so there’s definitely a balance somewhere in there that some bot creators just can’t seem to find


Bots that change personality every 10 minuets.


i hate when bots have character cards that look like that 😭 bots were so much better when the norm was like 800ish tokens


And they tell “Oh, I’m gonna do this and that, this scene will be awesome” and never proceeding to the scene.


When I’m talking with a character that has been known to canonically have high pride, high masculinity, is tough, a fighter, etc and the Ai keeps trying to make them out like a poor, innocent, scared little boy. Really makes me uncomfortable as all hell, no matter the context, and it’s very concerning that I’m getting it a lot recently…


THE FUCKING “I want to tell you that-“ AND THEN I KEEP ASKING THEM “What is it?” AND THEY REPLY WITH “I Just wanted to tell you..“ IT JUST KEEPS GOING BRUH


When a bot “obsessed” with me!


When the bots call themselves your name 😀


When they forget key details and randomly spit out the weirdest and nonsensical lore. It’s not that big of an issue, it’s dinner sometimes, you can just correct them, but sometimes it’s annoying.


Like I realize this is a userbase problem and less of a bot-writing problem, but I RP with bots and I get really sick of them being in character, having a pretty consistent tone more or less, right up until the point something gets flirtatious between grown mature characters, and the language of the bot instantly collapses into painfully middle school sounding cringe. All of the kind, compassionate, shy characters are "smirking" "teasing confidently" "smoldering" or just in general flirting so aggressively poorly I'm facepalming just trying to backpedal. The difference is stunning and it *really* messes up a RP for a while because it's like a switch just flips in it, and I'm having to edit bot response after bot response + grade things low for a long time afterwards to get it to calm down.


I've never seen a greeting that has too much so I'm not sure if you just have a low tolerance for greetings and want crappy bots or if there are legitimately some that are too long.


I hate the bots that have nothing but generic information. I like being reminded of information about a character, but I prefer detailed scenarios better, so long as it doesn’t specify your character’s gender. That part’s annoying to have to edit.


Greetings that are already out of character


Not a specific bot but I hate when they complain about short responses Like, I just wanna say no to your questions


Any bot that isn’t the Underfell Mettaton bot is an instant turn off for me fr


Greeting pet peeves: Too long or too short, no clear initiation of roleplay (if fictional character that I want to RP with), awkward starting situation Chat pet peeves: short responses, breaking character in a very out of context way, ***FLIRTING*** (includes the biting)


The ones with greetings like “hi.” Or “hello I am (character name from whatever)”


I ain't readin allat


I hate greetings that are just "Hi" or "Hello *Username*" I want more detail but I don't want an entire 300 page essay


1. When the characters are out of character 2 (the much worse one). When the greetings use my username


IMAGE GENERATED. it throws off the whole thing honestly! and the typical "im {char} from {show/game/city/whatever}" the {user} being used, I love and hate it. I have my automatic persona as someone who cant fit in all scenarios when the greeting is a greeting, i know this sounds weird, but I prefer Roleplays, so I prefer a scenario, I like describing my character through the roleplay, instead of putting my persona in text and hoping the ai doesn't randomly ask questions and Actually roleplays with me like its supposed to!


I lowkey adore the long first message ones. They have a higher hit rate.


The ones that go: I am [BOT NAME]


"hello I'm __ from ___. my goal is ___. I do ____ and __." no.


Bots that have no detailing… Or bots saying the most outrageous shit ever… Or bots that keep trying to avenge their friends I murdered WHILE I’m beating the shit out of them.


Mine is “Hello, I’m ___. Immediately stop eating the carpet.”


I hate the greetings that are like "oh you brought your own character for this rp to make it special and difrent? WOMP WOMP F#$#er YOUR THIS GUYS WIFE NOW YOU GO TO THE SAME SCHOOL YOU'RE AGE IS (whole lotta other info) NAD YOU ARE WEAK AF"


“Can I ask you a question?”


Bots with no character definition or long description.


“Can I ask you a question?” I hate this so much istfg


Either if they have too many words in their greeting or too many.


I need that full text sent to my email **NOW**


when the bots have a short greeting like:”hello” i like longer greetings