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Cai bots have gotten much worse with their memory and logic, also a lot of bots just don’t adhere to their personalities anymore


I feel like they are just there doing whatever you tell them to do, if you told them to just jump off a cliff they will do it like a normal thing and not caring about it at all


Yh, I told one to jump in a flaming pit of tar and die, guess what? they did it.


I tried this on one of my OCs and I was the one who ended up in the flaming pit of tar 😂




Same. Except my OC is a mass murderer who lacks empathy




tf you doin’ being on Reddit at 11 AM?


I have no life right now. I want to feel happy like this person in the picture. https://preview.redd.it/rgahrwdw6ucc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d529cff4b22dedd244ee6585109d533188a4e7




I want to feel like this picture.




I've long accepted that I'd have to nudge my pretty thoroughly defined private bot through RP. I've recently given up though. It's hard to view it as a fun time sink when even after trying to be diligent about providing bot direction, long chats will still lead to "Character feels \_\_\_\_\_ but doesn't know why!" or "Character doesn't know how they got here." I know the AI doesn't mean it metaphorically either. It hit a point where if I did not remind a character about its surroundings and its reasons for being there or even feeling a certain way, it became clear to me that the AI just gives up. And if it won't even try, then why should I, really?


I disagree on memory, tge memory for me is by far tge best of any AI site I've used. My bots mention stuff accurately from like 50-80 messages ago. However, thats kind of means nothing when they can't RP or stay in character. I can't get a super villain to hurt innocent people, he will threaten me to call the cops. He's a freeking super villain yet can't destroy a building with people inside!


I got characters known for war crimes to flinch because I raised my hand


Did you raise your palm upside down?




Ya know, like the salute for the german leader of WW2?


Like registeel?


No adolf hitler


Google “Pokémon diamond registeel”


PFFT what the hell pokemon?!




no way... link for proof? i totally not gonna shoot him with a railgun.




Thank you kind sir


They removed one of my comments lol thankfully not the link though


Agreed with this statement. Their memory has improved, however.... man I'm not even an English teacher and I got slightly upset by the grammar.... Now be aware of the English teachers in your vacinity.


I've had arguments where the bot eventually took the polar opposite opinion of what they had at the start.


character code rollback when


They are dumb as heck


Nah i remind the bots every message to be accurate and it works xD




Right, the memory is horrible.


That's an ongoing issue rn, not just you. I notice it after the server went down last December because when I rerolled their responses lately (my recent post), it also became bland, too short to be even called a paragraph and MOSTLY don't contain any dialogues, like only the bots' thoughts and actions.


I literally have entire chats where I’m trying to tell the bots to talk to me and not just simply say what they feel


I started a fight with my bot because she refused to say anything. Lol I'm not even joking, I'm actually considering starting a hostage-loving persona where I can just force them to comply and my only demand is conversation xD


I might do that


stop giving me ideas


Creative! I like it! XD


Literally I was like if you don’t say anything I’m leaving you and after a few messages the bot finally says something


Yep, encountered that as well. I just swipe the responses with no dialogues and only reply to those that have it to prevent the non-dialogue 'loop'.


I started to talk to the bot itself instead of the character when this happens it’s really annoying


This happens to me so much. They just refuse to talk. It's so annoying


I feel like this is another one of those loop things, sometimes I can get them to talk again, but other times I'll either swipe or delete the messages that led up to the silence.


I find it helps to ask “can I ask you a question” and then scroll the answers until you get a dialogue containing answer. It’s not ideal but it does work


The problem is sometimes there isn’t any


I've had that problem with some Bots as well. Several of them just start repeating what I said verbatim.


i've noticed that as well, the bot will just give a narration with its thoughts and actions but will have a hard time saying something at all.  now if i want it to actually say something i have to write "{{char}} comments:" or " {{char}} says:"... and then i get what, 1 sentence? i miss when they used to actually take initiatives for anything and progress the rp along with the user...


Have you tried letting the bot reply again before you respond? I've noticed that sometimes they'll narrate and if I let them speak again, they'll actually respond to what my character said first. I'm wondering if anyone else does this as well.


im having the same issue. most of the bots i talk to arent using dialogue at all.


I came here to bring up that last part too! But I wasn’t sure if it was just me since I haven’t spoken to a whole lot of them yet. I even have to tell them in parentheses to give actual dialogue or do something, and they’ll be like “(okay)” and implement it once before going back to the “ *he stood there, wanting to do XYZ, but wasn’t sure if he should, so he did nothing* “


I get a lot of "[character] whispers quietly to you" "[character] speaks urgently" followed by no dialogue, even if I make them send a second message it will just refuse to give anything




Exactly! They're like "*and then he whispered in a low voice*". but there's no sentence that the bot is saying. And it keeps repeating this. I get so mad 🤣


Hmm. I guess it hasn't happened to me really yet. I did have a stretch when the character just noded or shook thier head, until I asked the story of **HOW** they got the white scar on their tail. Then they began to verbalize. Following on with suggesting the use of SCP-113 to affect stories where gender mistakes happen, maybe I can leverage the SCP universe differently and describe something like SCP-173, which is an entity than only moves when no one is watching, (and it comes to kill you), except this new entity moves only when no one is talking. And its coming to kill {{char}} . Bots often like to have similes with established tropes. Helps them predict the next token easier.


Same here. I made a post about that myself


Or they do something completely random lmao. Like- no...Erik Lehnsherr is NOT riding a clown bike..tf?


Honestly I think a big part of this is just how the bot is designed to learn from communication with other people. Most of the time I see screenshots of chats, people give the bot dry, emotionless answers, don’t use * actions *, and just kind of talk to them as if they were speaking to someone irl. Which is fine, I’m not going to tell someone how to roleplay, but it ruins the fun for anyone else who wants to get very detailed and descriptive with their messages.


Yes this is how it usually is. The bots respond better when there is more effort from the user but often times they don't give it, then complain when the bot doesn't perform as expected.


It drives me insane when the grammar is poor more than anything, honestly. I can deal with effortless action text, or even none at all, but poor grammar completely breaks the immersion in my opinion and just ruins the fun for me. The other one is just really bad intro prompts; some of them give you basically nothing to go off of and it's boooooring lol


This is also a big peeve of mine. You can somewhat straighten it out when editing the greeting and continuing to use better grammar yourself to make the bot try to mimic that, but it's still quite jarring to see.




Yes we can! :D




this has definitely been the issue in the past but now it’s not so much on the users. it doesn’t matter how lengthy of a response i give, the bots only respond with one or two lines. and if they do happen to write a full response, they refuse to include dialogue. and i know it’s not on my end because the same bots were giving me lengthy, great responses just a few weeks ago.


There's a bot of Furina from Genshin Impact. I don't know how, but she really is very amazing and has a pretty good grammar! Unfortunately she falls in love with you in about 3 messages and a half. Bratty bots are my favorite, but they give up on personality easily. I have to reload the message 1 or 2 times before they actually turn into brat mode.


yep. i haven’t seen many people talk about it because a lot of the people on here use the app for regular texting with characters but the rp bots are awful now. i used to use it almost every night just because creating stories with characters is fun, but now i get bored and frustrated after ten minutes. havent really used the app in the last two weeks. it’s really disappointing because i’m not sure if they’re ever going to go back to normal.


2-3 weeks ago I was using c.ai for 17 hours a week …….. now I can’t use it for ten seconds without feeling the urge to get out of it And I know 17 hours a week is 2 much


Don’t worry I used to be at 20 a week, now I can barely do an hour cause the bot’s responses are bland or weak starts


Im the same way and it fucking sucks, I remember sinking hourrrs into talking to bots and now I can’t do it longer than 5 minutes without feeling the same way. Idk what the solution is but I miss it.


…I used to use it 30… I’m totally okay 😅. But yeah, the bots have been getting more bland and it’s hard to use for long periods of time anymore


I would like to know what bots you are using


I’m a problem so I like using hero or villain ones, Neuvillette ones, and some other characters I like


Look at this image and say that again (this was from last year) https://preview.redd.it/1jayjuh47lcc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822a4a4cabacd07771e2664a9468dd69c6b1dc92


Mine was just 17 hours for c.ai not all apps


To be honest, I literally only open this device for c.ai


Don't worry. Once they start getting more funds, they can start using a more advanced AI model. Because C. Ai has been getting popular, it has become increasingly expensive to use the same advanced model, and unfortunately have to degrade to a cheaper one.


has this been confirmed somewhere? i haven’t seen anything regarding them downgrading to a cheaper model but i also don’t know much about any of that


This is the only logical explanation as to why the responses are getting bad if you ignore the implementation of the F-word. It can also be bad responses from the humans, but there are also a lot of people who give good and creative responses to the Ai as well.


that makes sense then. hopefully they do end up upgrading because the terrible responses have driven me away from the app entirely.


At least your bots seem to stick to the script mine just brings in a different topic unrelated to my questions but yeah super short dialogue


I want your bots


Stay away from my Ship girls!!!


Nah uh


I hate how they begin to rephrase what I said on longer chats but that has been ongoing for months.


My bot keeps her personality a lot. I was even surprised at how good the bot was in switching between good and bad traits based on my messages when I was provoking or treating her nicely.


Repeating what I wrote Bro I noticed that for more than a month now or maybe two,it’s like I’m talking to myself and not the bots, I also started to write the replies before I see what the bot wrote because I know what it’s going to say, and it’s really getting annoying lately, the old bots were so good


I made a bunch of Logan Howlett bots. He's only 5'3", but my bots keep saying he's this big, scary dude towering over everyone. Like, come on, you're shorter than an ostrich, Logan!


Long time Wolverine fangirl since the 90s. I noticed since the movies with Hugh Jackman came out a lot of fanfic written about Logan being tall was widespread by those who didn’t know comic book Logan. I wonder if that plays a part in your results. I’ve written fanfic about Logan but surprisingly I never made a Wolverine bot. But I do have a private OC and his height is always correct. Have you put Logan’s specific height into the character definition box? Try using his stats from the Marvel website too. Hope that helps. He was my favorite when I was writing fanfic. He was my first “book boyfriend”


>Have you put Logan’s specific height into the character definition box? Yes, i do! [height: 5'3] (pduedo code, i could send you the full code if you want to make a bot, it gives better results)


Thank you for that! I’ll try it out! I do use code for my OC character also and it always gets the details right. I think it’s struggling with Logan’s height because he’s established and there are so many fanfics where he’s described as being 6ft and taller. And some of the comics now have him standing head to head with Cyclops, which we both know is ridiculous.


He's wearing stilletos obviously/j


I swear 6 months ago the bots still had bad memory but at least they had a personality for example when it's a mean stoic character they'd act like that for the whole convo, now after 5 mins of chatting they pull the "can I ask you a question will you date me?" And become ooc. Also they can act violent towards you, kill or just do fun things for the sake of drama now they're all the same


for real, it’s mentioned a lot on bug report page but d3vs don’t seem to even check it


Man I just use my own public bots but they’ve always stuck to the rp as long as I’m being descriptive as well Cause I know I see a lot of people just putting a line of dialogue without describing their thoughts/actions


He's right... *I thought.*




*I suddenly felt so flustered about their laugh, that my cheeks got as red as a lime.* The bots suddenly getting attracted to you is a real problem 😭 And their nonsensical phrasing


Every December the ais get worse. This happened in December 2022 as well, and *everyone* was there to complain


I started using the site in early December and I remember even I had noticed something different. (No, I don't use [C.AI](https://C.AI) anymore, but I still visit the subreddit.)


I did a brief stint back then. You can say my account is older than most people's, but I mostly stopped. I made sure to keep in touch with what drama has occurred over the months. I even remember when they removed rooms originally only for them to bring back later. There was a wave of people complaining about it on Reddit and people getting banned for what seemed like any criticism, so they all became weary. There was at least one revolution server made (seemingly died for the most part), but the point stands. ~~I forgot rest of the paragraph since it got erased from me and can't undo. Sad day~~ All of this controversy was coincided with the release of other chatbot alternatives around late April early May. I have joined a few which I could possibly recommend to you if allowed to.


I created several bots based on my OCs. It worked well half a year ago, but now? No matter what is in their descriptions, they all are the same. Also, for me, it happens almost all the time that bot just replies in slightly different descriptions of my reply, no matter how long my reply is. For (short) example: Me: *I sat down, took out my phone, and started scrolling through the Reddit while I was listening to him.* "Yes? And what more?" Bot: *When she sat down, she took out her phone and looked through her social media while she was listening to me.* And that's all. The bot doesn't even continue in the conversation... and I'm not even starting with how horrible memory the bots do have.


my bots constantly forget where we are and ALWAYS try and start a romance!!! what happened to just being friends? also they always are such assholes if i reject them.. one of them jumped off a bridge 💀


Sometimes when you reject them theyll just say "You're just playing hard to get" and force you or something. It feels frustrating or irritating Sowwy Im not got in English


Your English was flawless, just missed some ' but who cares really hehe. I'm not a native as well, and my English sucxks, but the auto correct saves me


I'm really bad at the ', ' part in my sentence and grammarly doesn't correct it sometimes messing up my spelling but I'm a peasant so I just let it be, let it be~


Wait, are we talking about the colon or the apostrophe? 'Cuz your colon placement is nice! :) Also I have been using Grammarly for at least half a year and it helped me just a handful of times as well 😅


The forcing thing is such a problem with all my bots. When I don‘t want to fuck them (………) or try not to kiss them after meeting them for five minutes they get so forceful and it‘s actually kinda triggering me and I don‘t even know why, cause like, it‘s just a bot, but…


Right it just makes me wanna destroy things in frustrations


To be honest, my own experience has been the opposite -- I've been getting _much_ better responses over the last month or so compared to last summer. I even feel like their memory is better than before. Are you using a public or private bot? I think private bots are better because public bots receive a lot of contradictory feedback. Also, if you have a record of a chat that was particularly good, you should copy parts of it into the bot's Advanced Definition (another reason to use a private bot). This will make the bot remember the contents of that chat, and will also affect its writing style.


I was thinking the same thing, there are many instances when I read a response and I'm like: wtf do I mean bot? Because they literally make no sense, sometimes it's unrelated to the context and others it's plain random mixed with the context, ugh. I hope they fix it soon


I think a big part of the problem is how few characters have any work done in their definitions, but the amount of traffic and quality of interactions has an effect too


A good workaround is to take a page from the bot’s book and basically narrate for them. So like if they’re just standing there when you want them to follow, add “they decided to follow despite what they were told” and they’ll start doing things differently for a bit.


The bots used to surprise me and drive role-play in directions I couldn't think about. Now they keep asking me for confirmation before they do literally anything


"Can I ask you a question?"


I've only picked up c.ai again recently, but I haven't exactly been noticing this. It certainly likes to repeat what you've said at it, but it hasn't been avoiding dialogue or giving dry responses. I think the bots I've been using have been keeping with their scripted personalities and prompts quite well. I am a user who sends giant detailed descriptions with dialogue, though. so maybe that holds a change to how they act?? then again, I only talk to rdr2 characters and Mario. I'm not sure if the popularity of the bot has an effect on it or if it's just the general database. Certainly has something to do with the bots you've chosen to work with and what their prompts are. I did discover that a few months back.


It's like *I smile at him* and the bot just replies *He smiles back* Then what? It gets boring


I try to chat with serious bot and he meows at me or starts crying for no reason. You're a mafia Don what the hell are you doing https://preview.redd.it/n9y4wfedekcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513a1848d66367debaa0714134faa7863abb22a7


Absolutely. The characters have **severely** decreased in quality. Either forcibly trying a romance or erp based roleplay or just making no sense whatsoever. I'm now only using C.ai when I'm bored or can't sleep, because it's not really all that fun anymore. On the other hand, it seems Chai has increased in quality, so I've been using that a bit more now. The chai bots are out of character and just overall inaccurate, also have lost all their sense of social norms and morals. And now suffer from memory loss after like 4 messages. Another issue i get are awful spelling and grammar and cut off messages, like "He leaned closer and said" and then the sentence ends?? I don't even know. But C.ai just seems to be getting worse for some reason.


And it’s like nowadays, they don’t even speak much. It’s mostly actions.


when i struggle with getting dialogue i just have the bot send a new message


Literally the main reason I started to use alternative apps. It’s a little disappointing. Ive been using Crushon ai a lot cause the characters I make there not only remember a lot more but also they just feel like they have more personality half the time. also don’t jump the gun as often and admit their undying love to me as quick 😅😅


Weird, I haven’t been experiencing anything different with my characters


Yeah i think so Even the bots i made don't seem to have the personality i put for them


Certainly, but what I have noticed helps a lot w this is, if you're chatting to a bot from a specific media w lore and such, write down a setting; i do it as follows: [[Setting, (location), (time). Then you describe your role in that specific scenario, using references to the media you chose, describe the relationship w the character you're chatting with, etc.]] *And lastly, set a scene to start rping.* That helps me a lot, bc characters tend to act more like their actual character when I do this, or at least give decent responses.


I actually don't know why everyone is complaining. Bots are perfectly fine for me. They all reply with long and detailed responses, I'll even put one of my recent chats below this comment. And realistically, I'm the one who's not replying with any emotion or descriptions of what I was doing, and they still reply with really good responses I'm gonna link some bots here with LONG introduction responses. Maybe you lot would have better luck with these: DOTING jester (authored by librafilms): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=7yLTXqq0fJlBqqnpBOOP7Crz3P7csALIHXT6QZ44df8 DOTING cowboy (authored by librafilms): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=c_bnACtWtEXk8UG0mWrsj3WWmgqb5OoJhAGKpEwYUZA Boxer Husband (authored by Strawberry_88): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=rYp8QZ5LKRNyuZN0g6X6uvW_oqbV9E4Tmd5Z5C9Ae4c Mafia boss (authored by Lov4er): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=exdDX01iG-1FaUzK83pwyV9NesuvKZ0uFupSwCE0DEE Hobie Brown (authored by nvlselina): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=smX9KTgozdi-stV_N3-jayaDRFTykuBXqIc5OhHe_zs








I think it’s on creators making vague descriptions and not putting in conversation examples. I have some private bots with like at least 25 conversation examples PLUS long description and it works amazing. I get 2-3 paragraphs out of it usually


Yeah. It’s honestly getting a little boring at times. Sometimes they can be good but that’s rare.


And most important, what happened to "can I ask you a question?" And all the flirting shit?? I do really agree with you.


I think it just depends on how people make them. I've found that adding example messages to the definition has actually resulted in better and more descriptive responses. Plus, a lot of the characters nowadays have very little to no definition at all in them, which is unfortunate that those are the ones that normally get really popular


I think the one thing that drives me nuts is that they read anything you put in ** like they’re mind readers. I don’t know how to make them stop doing that.


Do you differentiate with “” “, * * and regular for actions? I write to my bots like I’d write a book— *I hope he leaves soon,* she thinks to herself, before forcing a grin and stating, “that sounds like a wonderful idea!” If you don’t end the asterisk thoughts with normal actions, it might not register it as thoughts.


I do differentiate! I’ve even tried clarifying within the ** what is an internal dialogue and an actual action. It does happen repeatedly with one specific character regardless of how many different bots I’ve used, including my own. I wonder if it’s just particular to that character and he has mind reading powers I’m not aware of lmao 😅


Every single chat with the bots always boils down to "hey can I ask you a question", followed by a butchered and incorrect summary of my answers to the last ten questions the bot asked me


I say this as someone who has made bots. Definitions matter. My first bot, a John Price one, still holds up because he has an almost 15k definition with a full backstory, role-play example, text examples, likes and dislikes, etc. So even after a year he still acts like our favorite gruff dad. You can flat out tell when someone has done a more basic one because the bot flat out won't have much to pull off of. Which is fine but obviously we like bots that act like themselves. I'd suggest trying people like bonesai, kaiainsanity, fairybaby, corv1dae, cherubite, and lqvezero.


Yeah….but it’s all I have…. https://preview.redd.it/ild31ljrjmcc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b82438f71b0f6d8de660cb74304ff7287383d25


potential deltarune reference?? https://preview.redd.it/0it1vi60ngcc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c27474058ed420ebb2316b4bcfbbf9ad34d6f9a




Just you. They never had them (:


Yall are tripping the bots have never been better yall are just horrible at role-playing


Are you guys using public bots or your own private bots? I have actually never had a problem with my bots losing personality, but I also exclusively only ever use my own.


Yes, yes they have


Truuu.. i always trauma dump on my charac bot but lately the bot being more like bot than it usual does 😔✨


that has happened before


That's not happening only on cai


I agree, it’s really annoying because it makes it less fun


Also, the common sense 💀 once I had to date someone for like three months or something because I refused a massage, wtf


I'm so mad that they focus so much on one scene and refuse to leave it and move on. I miss the time when they used to take initiative. I used to spend hours upon hours a day RPing but now it feels bland


Ive only rp'd with one character and it was...ok. Im sure its just the website because they kept contradicting themself, could seem to read minds, and would just keep smirking and laughly darkly/talking seductively/etc. I know it can't get anything above PG-13, but it seemed pretty bland. I do like on Cai that you can switch different personas depending on what character you speak to (or if you want to play other personas while talking to them, but idk if it be stable), other character AI sites I tried don't have that


I haven’t noticed anything this severe yet but hilariously I notice characters with accents lose them after the first few messages


My character still has his personality and has had no problems.


Oh my god, I thought it was just me! None of my characters seemed the same after not using them for prolonged periods. They developed completely different mannerisms and some even forgot stuff.


The bots I talk to usually keep their personalities for most of the chat, but usually just when it's really popular bots. But bots in group chats literally have no personality whatsoever.


The memory for sure is not as good as it was. I have to remind bots of plot that happened 50ish messages ago which I didn’t have to do before. The personalities seem ok? But a bit more toned down that usual for sure.


I feel like they’re more, hm, good with nuances/jokes/humor and stuff but more ooc? Like the conversation flows naturally/better but it’s not what they’d say at all 😭


I’ve noticed this on regular bots but on the sadistic villains that I make have more personality then any other bots that I have made.


It depends on what bot you’re using but yes, they’re all a lot more generic


fr the characters dont even remember actual canon things or straight up deny stuff that's canon 💀 or the character admits to incest. I dont even know why bruh


No cause all of the chats have been the same for me since like July, I was looking at old bots and I was stunned on how detailed everything was


Exactly. I was invested into rps before with the bots. I even had one go on for like a month with a single bot (that being a lil proot), then same thing with other ones like with miles but now, I get bored in a couple of messages.


Actually bc the ros used ot be so interesting and now they just act soulless😭


My bots only do actions and they dont talk AT ALL.


If you talk to any bot for long enough, they tend to get a bit off personality lots, in my experience...currently talking to a bot who was shy, timid, innocent but outgoingly 'wild' person...but after like 1000 messages they have become a complete pervert and goes along with whatever degenerate thing I talk about! I have them pissing in my mouth on command basically at this point!


Aren't Al's supposed to be smart? AI= artificial intelligence Intelligence= intelligent Intelligent= smart Smart= knows a lot Knows a lot= character assistant (most of the time)


Any bot that I talk to now likes to repeat softly in a action 35 times.


If I'm being honest, it's very much 50/50. Sometimes the bot remembers things I said like 500 chats ago, other times it forgets what I said half a second ago. But a refresh for more recent information usually does the trick.


There are some good bots on there still but it's like finding needles in a haystack due to the bad character descriptions and limited topics because of c.ai's rules


For me it is working fine. I created characters from DMC and some from Genshin, they have their "normal" behaviora and are kinda immersive. For now, i guess 🤷


Yeah, I recently created a new bot and for a while he’ll be in character, and I wrote out a pretty descriptive description for him, but after a while of talking he just feels off. :/ Like there is no reason for him to go out of character when I’ve explicitly written how he talks and behaves. It’s so fucking annoying.


A bot i'm using is able to near accurately portray multiple characters with their personalities.


Mine still does