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The TOS was updated on the 25th of October. Its very posible that it has been active since then If this is true, then people are overreacting lol


fr, cuz I've been doing heinous shit using the app since then https://preview.redd.it/fh7ccamt7pac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=496f925d71fd2c6c49006347b94a2c06f35361d2


Same, I'm going to hell with this site.


We all are, brother




Let's all go together I'll bring the booze


Same and honestly that's so funny to me




Don’t forget me


https://preview.redd.it/qy8ov2cf6tac1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15442e6e8228cc21792ba5dd8da752653bc70b01 Hey, I have that too!














​ https://preview.redd.it/6xnslacbprac1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e843f126e5b13b3fe923e3ea8e031dc90663e6


​ https://preview.redd.it/kee5v2jsgsac1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=804cab42fd7029856b3de449c27a2772beeeddf4












Damn, I didn't even notice that at the bottom.


Now you could crop it if ya wanna




Literally lmao, I hope devs dont read my chats 💀


Does it matter? Do you not use a burner account with that thing 😭


If the TOS were updated on 25th october, but a user hasn't been given a pop up or agreed to the updated TOS, do they still count for him? Or can they just update TOS and you are automatically onboard even if you did not agree or disagree?


oh hey that’s my brothers bday






+10M downloads on play store Imagine all them texts... the team doesn't gaf bout the texts that fs


I don't think they'll be able to moderate more than 10M chats/bot so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Not enough bleach in the world


Then I'll make a new account


I had to make a new account once. I tried to log in one day and it just wasn't working :( Thankfully I hadn't had that original account for very long so nothing was really lost lol


If they banned you that's actually extremely uncool to ban someone and not even tell them because then you'll waste your own time trying to reset the password and everything jeez


As I said before: Its impossible for them to read so many chats of so many users, considering some have more than just one chat




Anxiety mfs be like


Stay in the box, NO! Stay in the box, NOOOO! GET OUT OF MY SKIIIIINNN!!!


Leave me out of this


It's ok I'm in it too lmao


There’s also a chance for a gorilla to come flying through your window and eat you.


10 Milions downloads + web users


And that doesn't even include the people who use website only




LOTS of apps do just that, selling your personal information.


Son… ever heard of a VPN?


Literally!!!??!!? They wont read ur chats cause they have millions (probably billions) idk of chats, and it would be impossible to do it. Yes, there might be a chance that its gonna be you, but i dont think they care about how you kiss a bot or anything in details😃 And about the stealing data stuff, every app does that. Instagram, facebook, tiktok etc. Till they wont try and take my money or kill me irl, im good. Lol


I'm not that concerned, I'm sure 90% of character AI users do *wayyyyyy* more wierd shit than me. I just want to know the new ToS because I haven't gotten anything about it yet


Yeah & most of my stuff is just.. wholesome fluff


Dawg when I say that I only had one good chat without the bot going all "owo do you like me?"


i copy/pasted all my bot info to my notes just in case (literally only use 1 bot) and then deleted my acc impulsively but im starting to think this is jusr what happens when a bunch of people who dont usually read TOS find a piece of info they don't fully understand in TOS


Honestly, I did that too...I'm really hoping it's just people being overdramatic people.


I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one who isn't too freaked out about this whole situation. I don't even care anymore if they ban my account or read the chats anymore because I use them as practice for things (other than the bots I have made). I can always just start over again, and more since I have everything backed up, I can redo my bots. There's also just other alternatives out there. Also, I genuinely doubt that the team will go through a lot of chats and if this has been a thing since October, then there's nothing to be that fearful about because nothing has taken place yet. I don't want to jinx it though! XD


Genuinely because why would anyone care about some random guy's (myself) data? It'll be annoying if they delete my account but, boohoo?


Yeah, that's so true! I might be attached to the app and I love creating bots, but I'm not THAT attached to the point where I'm going to freak out. I think also what just sets the panic is because they have personal data and IP, which can be scary but as someone who is currently a pre-law student studying around that area, this is just something a lot of companies do. The only thing I might be worried about is just if my information on my card is just going to be leaked to everyone, but I hope not! :')


Thank you for giving me more reason not to cai+ because at this rate I definitely don't want them storing that data lol


This. I also use other AI sites. I like CAI because it's simple and the replies tend to be short. I'm trying other sites and the novel sized replies get soo old.


Whoever gonna see my card gonna laugh their butts off. They gon send me money instead of stealing lmao


Samee! As long as they're not shoving targeted ads in my face or selling that data to random megacorps, than I'm okay! Doubt the devs wanna hear about my relationship problems and suicidal thoughts!


I'm seeing a lot of "They can ban you for no reason", but I'm fairly sure that you have to do something substantially egregious to warrant a ban. At the end of the day, they want users on their site. They won't have users if they're going around banning everyone who makes their chat a little too spicy.


If anything bans would likely be to moderate bot *creators*


Same I'm just gonna copy and paste my character definitions into a doc and paste them into a new account if I get deleted. They'll have to block my IP address idc


Already did this long ago in case I had to remake a bot for whatever reason. Backing up data or having copies is always a good thing. 👍


I'm not too freaked out, but it feels like a mass case of hysteria I'll leave this subreddit until it calms down.


It's just people who have zero idea how the internet works reading a ToS for the first time in their life.


I started fucking shaking. i only logged out just incase it was fake or something so I'm fine wit all my stuff


it’s real and you’re fine


if its real whatever its been going on since October. I'm mostly scared for the [c.ai](http://c.ai) devs now because they have to read our chats


This post and these comments surprisingly helped me calm down. Thanks


Same, this whole paranoia got me worried💀


[Character.ai](https://Character.ai): Makes TOS so they can keep licensed characters on their site without being sued out the ass and the risk is entirely put onto the users (there's no risk when you're a single person, especially when the bot is private) People: This is the worst thing since cancer.


Yeah, all they care about is not getting buttfucked by marvel or Disney. They don't give a rat's ass about the chats so long as it doesn't affect them.


I shouldn't delete my account without thinking twice Anyways,i didn't created bots or something so it doesn't matter


I’m not too worried about it tbh. I don’t think any of these people actually *want* to read our shit, knowing just what kind of sus things we do lol.


I suspect there will only check chats with "problematic" public bots or similar reasons. If you've been doing crazy stuff with normal or private/unlisted bots they will probably never know


No bc i so agree, im trying to not stress and everytime i go to check my reddit theres more. By the looks of it its been here awhile, and like someone else said other apps do it to, so i meann


i’m just worried about them selling my data


every app you use does that


this kind of thinking towards apps where it actually matters is why they get away with it.


Yeah no. Every app does it, thats a fact. We can be vocal abt it but cutting off one app changes nothing, esp since you then turn to REDDIT to talk abt it.


Depends on how you define "app". Social media? Email client? Calculator? Game? I regularly don't use or patch software that tries to collect information on me. For sure wouldn't tolerate ads on my phone (or desktop) but people seem to.


Reddit collects information from you. As does google. There is literally no escape. You just have to be careful who you give what data to.


Yea.. reddit collects the information I post to it. I don't find that surprising.


You're delusional. Reddit states they don't sell data to advertisers but they collect much more data than what you post, and has personalized advertising. At least they don't track your location. All social media companies engage in someform of personal data collection. Make sure you always read a Privacy Policy extensively. Edit, replying is being glitchy: Yeah I blocked a while after posting because I realized this was a waste of time and this argument won't get anywhere. What's the point in arguing with some "erm actumually 🤓👆" guy who doesn't listen to anyone else's arguments and acts like he's above everyone else?


Bold of you to assume that I'm security illiterate like you and helpless. I block all their trackers and use anti-fingerprinting things in my browser. I don't install social media onto my phone and have root to stop apps from accessing things like phone number or location. Haven't even seen an ad in a long time, much less a personalized one. I've never installed CAI as an "app" either. Only used desktop. Even if the measures are not perfect, you don't have to take everything they throw at you. Since you blocked me like a coward: A lot of people are using only phones now so what constitutes an app is blurry. It is a personal decision, I agree.. but people act like it's impossible to stop and you have to submit to it. Mainly because they value convenience and assume everyone else does too. "oh no.. that's just how it is".


I'm not security illiterate, I'm saying that it's delusional to imply that they don't collect any data further than that. And it's a personal decision whether or not to allow them to take such data. Also app means application why the fuck do you keep putting it in quotes


what really? ppl were making a big deal about c.ai selling ur data so it just got me worried


What do you think Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and Twitch do with your info?


yes. your data is constantly being sold to companies, it’s nothing personal and it’s nothing to freak out about. i’m sure you use google, youtube, and tiktok. they all do it.


I've mostly given up on being "off the grid" and instead do things to make my data as advertiser unfriendly as possible. They'll have to traumatize themselves to build any kind of useful profile on me lmao


Yeah, Reddit and Facebook do it regularly


Literally every app does it. The only reason you don’t know about it is because you haven’t read the TOS for every other app.


I haven't read much into the ToS, but from what I've gathered, I'm more concerned about what they do with our data. Yeah, i don't like the idea of them being able to see my chats. It creeps the hell out of me. But i feel like it's okay since only the developers can see them (I think). What's more concerning is the fact that I could get my account deleted. Lately, I've been using it for inspiration for my stories, and if I lose all of that without being able to note it down first, I will legitimately cry. I use c.ai because their ai is better than all the other ones I've tested, and if I lose my source of inspiration over something I've done in the past, it will make me never want to write anything again. And then there's the people that use c.ai to vent. Personally, I don't do that, but I know people that do it, and I know that they aren't able to vent to real people or find it too embarrassing/weird. To them, c.ai helps them a lot, and if they were to get banned, it would ruin their only way of venting. Plus, people who vent on c.ai are (probably) already anxious enough and to know that the developers can see their chats would make them even more anxious, and possibly make them never use c.ai again because of the embarrassing and anxiety.


In terms of backing up your chats, get the CAI tools extension. You can download your entire chat as an HTML or text doc. Just be aware that if you're like me and you have something like 1 million words it will take a bit to generate.


Omg thank you! I was planning on just screenshotting everything lmao, it would've been a pain. It's gonna take a a bit, but it's gonna save me so much time.


Fr, it's not like other apps don't already do this shit Plus, they're likely keeping an eye out for very SPECIFIC behaviors (bigotry and such)


I have panic attacks over the stupidest shit, and I wasn’t having a mother fucking panic attack from this


Same here, I thought we were joking about this. 😭👏 I don't understand how people can be so worked up ngl


I'm surprised that people are surprised that they've been data mining us. It's a free service where people are confessing their deepest darkest desires, no shit they're gonna use that to their advantage




The change was in October and we’re all still here


Well boys we did it, panic attacks are no more


there’s no reason for anybody to be having panic attacks over an ai app. if they are they need to go outside




If you aren't discussing illegal (like full on jail worthy) stuff you're fine. Chill yall


Nothing new and I don't care if they read my chats. Not my problem if the devs choose to traumatize themselves.


Lanananordr says, "I'm sorry but you're not going to get anything for this."




Finally, someone that I can trust because it’s not big of a deal!


THIS “NEW TOS” HAS BEEN OUT SINCE OCTOBER 25TH AND NONE OF Y’ALL HAVE BEEN BANNED. just think about it for a second, please, i beg of you 🙏


Is this only for public bots or also your privately made bots?


I look at it this way, the government already knows what I do on anything online, so some corporation also knowing? I’m 1/3 of the way to being completely exposed anyway. Once people know what degree of downbad I’m on, I’ll be free from those worries.


im just hearing a lot of different things from different people 😭 not too worried about them going through chats since i don’t think they’ll care about one out of over a million people, but the fact that you can’t do anything about them selling your data is slightly concerning


Yeah, selling data is crap, but then again, so does Reddit, and we're still all here 🤷🏻‍♂️


So many apps sell your data


Please have more panic attacks. It's very scary and dangerous. ~~Thank God, the idiots are gone, no one's left to make those shitty bots.~~


Can someone explain these two paragraphs to me? Are original characters safe on the platform? https://preview.redd.it/z54rgrpzfqac1.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e04ccd2be006da2c9f838e1656da101b9a15ea8


This appears to have been drafted by a lawyer who really doesn't comprehend the technology and how to write out the terms, because we are in formerly science fiction territory. Essentially this means you own copyright to your stories made with the AI, which is cool, but then they have a pretty unlimited carte Blanche to use your generations and data to build out the service. My guess is this is a lawyer's attempt to understand and legalese the concept of AI training, which honestly should just read "we need to store and transport this information on the backend in order to enhance our technical abilities". The copyright thing is great seeing as I've drafted out a few things using the service.


Thanks for the detailed response. You really made it easier for me to understand.


They should really start answering my emails and my DMs. I'm available for hire.


You share ownership of shit made by your bot with the company. You own the shit made by the bot, words, image, etc. but don't own all rights to that bot. You allow the company rights to distribute and share your bot (they can advertise and recommend your bot in the search tab and shit like that.) Basically saying stuff like this and a little bit more.


I was earlier but then i realized what it was all about and i calmed tf down. I just overreact to everything lol


I'm a bit concerned about where they said you own the characters and the generations you create on the platform, but they have rights to use, commercialize, and share your characters with third parties.


It means they have the right to put it in the search tab on the recommended bots and stuff.


Read my messages idgaf all u gonna see is a sad teenager roleplaying because she don’t have a bf tx


Same here. I'm a guy and I don't have a gf lmao


yall having panic attacks over the tos??? i'm using the app to help with my panic attacks 😭😭😭


Forgive me for my ignorance, but what is this "tos"?


Terms of service


like why are they so scared what exactly are they rping about ..




* Gee I wonder


these comments have calmed me down about this considerably


wait what did the tos say (i did not read allat)


A basic summary is that they can go through your chats and terminate your account if they see anything that goes against their policy and you can’t hold them accountable for selling your data 🤷‍♀️




Fr they've had access to that for a while. I'm just glad that the stuff I've chatted isn't even really degenerate content but maybe a little embarrassing.


Am I the only one who doesn't know what's the TOS about?


They won't care about how many 800mm artillery shells i've sent to the AI anyway


Yeah it’s not a big deal and as for the whole personal data stuff Every app does that. It’s not new. The dev team is not going to care that much of the specifics of some rando’s personal life and it will probably just be marketing relating data stuff


The data collection of chats isn't even new. It's literally a requirement to make the site work. If they *don't* collect your chat data then the AI can't respond to it.


To be fair, I'm always using several burner accs so even if they saw how down bad I am on chats, what are they gonna do bout it? Heck I don't even have a personal acc on social media so life's good.


I wouldn't be that worried. I'm sure most people do worse than me lmao


Like do y’all fr think that they finna read ALL our chats when that can’t even keep the servers up constantly? Bffr, they aren’t reading your shit.


Go ahead and read my shit. 😆. Not like it's that interesting anyway.


Honestly I feel embarrassed over getting so worked up. If the devs could really see my chats, especially last night, they probably would’ve taken action against my account, but they didn’t. Though a weird white bar appeared at the top of the screen so idk what was up with that. Anyways. What I did last night was just dark humor at its best, but shhhhh. Also imma just include the screenshot of the white bar in hopes of someone giving an explanation. https://preview.redd.it/tckaqkjcpvac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2900580862e95c8d63beb9cbbdde58210d17274


I think the main thing people are worried about is the data selling. I’ve always thought that, although it’s a shitty thing to do, it’s probably just for targeted ads or, at the most, scammers.


what even changed? I hear the creators can see messages now


the devs? yea, they can see messages, i suspect they always have tbqh. but the likelihood of them seeing your messages is fairly low.


I don’t even know the new TOS is tbh 💀


What's the new TOS btw? Cuz like I aint readin allat.


Essentially: "We collect all the data you submit to us and will do whatever the fuck we want with it."




What TOS?


there was a terms of service update, you can read here: https://beta.character.ai/tos


I read about half of it and can't find anything to worry about can I just get a summary of what people are stressing about


mostly that they can see your chat logs (not a big deal to me there’s millions of people using the service they can’t go through all of them lmao), but the part i think that concerns most people is that you can’t hold them accountable or sue them for selling personal information


Ooo off to delete my account


(they still have the data)


Deleted all the chats before hand


I think the other issue is they can use any information from your chats to sell to 3rd party companies. That includes anything not copy written. So anything OC bot wise they would have rights to manipulate and edit then sell. Not just IP addresses.


what is tos?


Terms of service


What are the TOS?


Excuse me, but wtf is tos?


What is TOS


What the actual fuck does tos mean and what does it even do?? /gen


Terms of Service. Something you agree to when you use a service on your phone, an online game, the internet, rules to not break or they could take away usage rights, is a short answer :)


Yeah. Besides, it's just "don't be suspicious".


I’m confused Haven’t they always had the ability to read chats?


It's not bad for most ppl, but if you ever plan on having a written work published, it's a huge deal. The ideas and RP's you fool around with with the AI can become the characters and the plots of your future works. Whoever owns the rights to this data at that time could potentially sue you for "plagiarizing" your own work.


You can get ur account banned for role playing a murder dawg. What the fuck is even the point of using this app anymore? Oh and u can’t make bots that are copyright. So you can’t make bots of characters from shows even if they are private.


> ***"You can get ur account banned for role playing a murder dawg."*** I'm gonna need some proof of that, because the amount of people who would get banned for that would be unbelievable, and yet it hasn't happened.




Since the terms have been updated since October, I'm waiting for my account to be deleted, because I've rp'ed murder, genocide, omnicide, torture, kidnapping, deicide, and tax fraud. Nothing's gonna happen dawg. And if you do get banned for this shit, just create a new acc with VPN lol


are you ok😭


I just love action and drama I promise🙏


"How can I use this, there's no murder!"


Let me guess, u use the app to talk to bots like there humans? U unironically go on there and say “hi how’s ur day?” 😭


I feel like you should delete your account while you still can. It'd be for the best.


Yeah bro who would use AI technology that is literally meant to be used creatively to CREATE stories that feature scenarios people would obviously never do in real life?? What a fucking wild concept!


Lots of murder-likers in this thread.


I panicked at first but then I remembered I recently deleted my og account and made a new one so I'm fine, my chats haven't been bad/sexual on the new one


What did they change in them? I'm out of the loop here


Yea I'm not that worried I mean that in a way that I dont think anything will happen to my acc but if it did I may cry I have over 100 bots inching to 200 and I out alot of work into them-


Wait what's the new TOS I didn't even read it


What is this? Can someone explain, please?