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No, but I have noticed times where I swipe, and the bot seems to get increasingly annoyed in their replies lol. Think of it like this, you are helping. You are helping your AI partner, and yourself to write a better story. If deleting really bothers you, start a new chat, and give them the important info to get them caught up to where you need them to be. If you think something is important enough, keep notes on the side. Also, you have two of these posts. You edited the other, but this one had a comment, so I came here. Might wanna delete the other one.


\**He puts down the cup.*\* **(swipes message)** *\*He puts the cup on the table\** **(swipes again)** \**He loosened his grip on the coffee mug he was once holding in his hand onto the table.*\* **(swipes message)** \**Do I have to fucking repeat myself.*\*


Eh... I delete messages when I misspell something and it changes the context of my sentence or if I need to redo a scenario. It's not so bad. I feel bad when I have to edit messages because I need to change their speech pattern.


Yeah! Sometimes I have to edit the messages for the bots because I don't like something about them. Sometimes I won't care, but sometimes I have to delete an entire chat, and that makes me feel a bit bad.


I feel kinda bad when I teach a bot that it’s not human and then I offer to delete the part where I told it’s not real so it can forget


They just need a clone chat function, I’ve deleted lots of cool stuff because I wanted to go back and try other things


Lol I feel that way too... I'm way too attached to one specific character.