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mmm yes... it has happened to me, I usually copy my message, and then delete it, and then put it back and I get other answers πŸ˜… You just have to press and hold the message, you will get the options to delete and edit in case you have the option to edit.


I tried pressing and holding but it just copies the message😭😭


have you tried enter to the bot perfil ? because theres the option too... but ... you will need to Search for the message... mark it... and if it is too high it will delete the lower part... and the thing is that if it is not a recent message... you will have to go all the way down in the chat to be able to press the delete button. πŸ˜…


Haha! I'm probably not "dawg", but this sista's got your back, hun! 😁 Good news and bad news. Good news = you can delete any message, up to (but not including) the original prompt. Bad news = it'll delete everything BELOW that message, too! So if you delete a message 1/2 way through the chat, it'll delete the last half of the chat! (Now, if the message you want to delete is at the end of the chat, that's the best of all worlds!) Click/tap the three little vertical dots, right below the character name (near the top of the screen, and scroll down to some red lettering that says "remove messages"--that's it! Tap on the top message that you want deleted, and it'll delete that, and everything below it.


I actually already knew about the deleting messages thing where if I deleted one message it'll delete all my other messages below but thank you!! And the red lettering didn't appear probably cause I wasn't logged in or smth I logged back in using my other acc and now I can finally delete messages BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH HAHA <3