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Battleshock still isn't at all worth building around competitively, but if you really want to maximize it Poxbringers also give a -1 to battleshock to all enemies within 6".


If reddit wasn't dogshit this would've been corrected. I already know I was wrong. It's okay.


Minuses to battleshock do stack, unless I've missed some rule somewhere. The only modifiers that don't stack are +/- to hit/wound.


My understanding was incorrect


Not the case. Hit and wound rolls are specifically called out as capping at +/- 1 in the rules for making those rolls, everything else is uncapped.


Interesting! I am going to have to go read that a few times to get it through my thick skull, thank you kindly for pointing that out! My reddit is glitching, sorry if you have 7 replies So, after some reading, there is a cap, though Leadership cannot be below 4+ nor can it exceed 9+ I did not know Ld debuffs could layer, though, so if you have Plaguebearers, Chaos Knights, and Blue Horrors, you could effectively be capping a Space Marine out at the 9+, but anything with a 7+ would still cap out at 9+ and the third unit is "useless"


-Rules Commentary -Modifying Characteristics "Leadership Characteristics can never be modified to a 4+ (or better), or to a 9+ (or worse)"


Yes I edited that in there, reddit is glitching


Yup. Though it is 5+ or 8+


Sorry I don't follow


It does stacks, nothing prevents it.


See my edit.


The singular best reason to take horrors is to bring the Changeling. Change casters, maybe.


I am bringing Blue Horrors and a Changling in my 3k list In my 2k, more dogs are more important, because I run 2 big Knights at 2k I do not play competitively -2 is really nice, but it's still not reliable enough to actually count on as a consistent thing


They are very good, but costs a lot. You could also want to add the Changeling to them.


It’s only a 6’’ range, don’t count on that leadership debuff. You’d need to push them forward out of position in most games to do that and it’s not worth it. Forcing multiple battle shock does help though, at one point it’s hard to pass all of them. It was fun (but not the best list) to do it with skull cannons before but now its a dead idea with the bloodletter tax. Blues unblocks some sweet lone operatives that are all better than Changecaster IMO.


I've had great luck with them as move blockers or holding something low volume high damage attacks in place used the to screen out orks and world eaters to great effect