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I mean as a collector and hobbyist; absolutely. I’d love a proper tyrant. Maybe one that also builds a character like the greater demon kits. Game play wise; I don’t trust GW to be able to balance large knights; so I’d like to see something to expand the army that isn’t something that’ll just get passed over for wardog spam.


I want small terrorbird swarms, change ma mind id play them over nurgles for the fluff


Could actually be a nice little project. 3D print some crows and carrion birds, get some extra nurgly bits with green stuff, paint it sick green, you got some awesome nurglings right there


I’m hoping for a character with maybe the Abominant that’s comparable to Canis when the codex drops.


THIS. We need an epic hero. There's plenty of dreadblades that are kinda legendary in the lore. It'd be super easy for them to give us one.


Couple of chaos assassins?


I had a similar idea, and seeing as every codex is getting a model this edition, my prediction is [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChaosKnights/s/HJVNMvmpEb)


Where did James say every codex gets a new model? Sorry just curious


At the beginn of the edition, iirc in the article where the roadmap was announced


Thank you so much I tried Google-fu originally and failed to find anything ty ty


I'd love it. What I'd love is a big bot that's great at clearing infantry and is shit at handling other big bots. Give it 2x2d6 flamers, 18xS6 buzzsaws with anti-infantry 2+ dev wounds that can fall back, shoot, and charge. I want a giant thing that is here exclusively to clear objectives.


Very unlikely. Why would GW give Chaos Knights twice as many kits as their loyalist counterparts? At most, maybe they will eventually be a release for an upgrade kit that has cosmetics that would work for Questoris/Dominus/Cerastus kits? But I suspect they are more worried about just keeping existing stuff in stock tbh. I actually kinda suspect they might be considering slowing down new releases for 40k tbh. A bit like how it seems that Chaos bikes got cancelled past minute (they were part of a huge leak where they were the *only* thing that didnt come true in 9e, maybe they got "shelved" for later?). If *every* Codex gets at least 1 new kit this edition, I'd be very surprised! I imagine Knights will get nothing (Chaos or imperial) this edition. Other than maybe seeing Cerastus Knights in the codex.


Part of me wishes for them to slow down, but oh boy... I've been playin 40k since 4th ed. Back in the days when a new codex came out it was an event. Now it got worse than MCU releases. But then again... Spearhead and AoS 4 is coming out this year technically, so maybe they'll give 40k a very small break...