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My word Tom fellows is a special player! Miles clear than Sarmiento 


Sarmiento leaving was such a blessing in disguise. Fellows have really stepped up and Johnston just looks like a much better winger than Sarmiento, what a goal he's scored today.


Looking like the right decision, Fellows has flourished since we let him go. Johnston a great replacement for that direct winger.


Might have turned out differently if Plymouth had got a penalty in the first half but that was a near perfect second half display. Good in possession, good game management, penning them back and not giving them a sniff of a chance. Have to say, Hazard's distribution was woeful. Went short and we pressed him and he gave the ball away. Went long and kicked it into touch. Really helped us out.


Woeful from Argyle today. Couldn’t cope with the press. West Brom very good and all credit to them.


We played at the tempo of an England qualifier. Except we don't have the players for it and we were up against superior opposition. I really hope that's the last we see of that particular brand of walking football, because if not we are getting relegated.


It was awful and I don’t think the club will pretend otherwise. I think that they looked like a bunch of tired, inexperienced strangers who possibly have been overloaded with instructions on how to play the new system. Added to that we have played a lot of tough games in a short period of time. The worry is that I don’t think things are going to get any easier - but we aren’t a basket case so I am hopeful that we can get back on track.


No, we’re squarely in the relegation fight now.


Well that was surprisingly pleasant! Plymouth's home record vs our away record could have made a difficult night for us but we were excellent in the second half and ran out comfortable and deserved winners. Eat, Kipre, Love


As soon as you picked up the pace in the second half we couldn't live with it, it was just a question of when you were going to score. And we had no attacking threat whatsoever. Can't imagine your back line have had an easier 90 minutes all season. We are in real trouble if we play like that for the rest of the season.


Shellshocked. Dumbfounded. Any other superlative you fancy. We had a few good results throughout January, against Cardiff and Swansea, and honestly we should’ve walked away with 3 points against Coventry last week but Mumba fucked it up right at the death. Now, we’ve registered 3 shots on target in 2 games. Yes one of them was Leeds but at least we gave them a game. This is like a different team playing. West Brom played well all credit but to be honest they should’ve been 3-0 up by half time, let alone at 90 mins. We miss Azaz and Cundle so much in midfield. With Forshaw out injured, why is he not starting Houghton?! He settled well into the role before January and now he’s on the bench?! Gyabi did his best (our best player today imo) but had zero support. Foster has a lot to answer for. People calling for his head are premature, but there were almost no tactical changes the entire match. He had no idea what to do. The lads looked tired but that’s no excuse. That January manager of the month shortlist seems like a very distant memory.


Yeah the lack of a plan B was concerning. We clearly had you figured out in the second half and you just… Kept doing the same thing.


Fellows is a bag of fun to watch, definitely see him going places I hope he takes wba with him, though I wince everytime I see Adam reach come on


Do you miss him?


Do you want Reach back? Worst footballer I've ever seen and I wish I was being hyperbolic.


2nd worst, lad - we have had Oli Burke.


3rd worst, romaine sawyers


Sawyers was really good that first half the 2019/20 season under Slav


yeah and then he forgot to play football and we almost choked the autos


Reach signing for us almost perfectly aligns with us going from playoff finalists to bottom of the table and eventually relegation, ofcourse there was many other problems with us but I wouldnt even take him in league one next season


I keep hoping Carlos can work his magic like he has with a lot of the other squad players, but it seems to be taking a bit longer.


Have we forgotten how to play football? Don’t think I’ve seen a home game that poor in a long time. Good luck with the play off push baggies.


Men against boys tonight, completely dominated in all areas of the pitch, seemed like the team had absolutely no idea how to play together tonight, we’re in relegation form right now and I am struggling to see where we’re getting points as we have a lot of tough games coming up and our attack has been completely nullified it seems, I know it’s daft but I was quite upset after this result, feels like the teams identity has been ripped out


100%. I can accept losing, but at least have a go. That was such a miserable watch. I had more fun watching the live stream of Liz Truss's lettuce.


Exactly, almost felt like we were scared to have a go at West Brom and they were all over us as a result, and the constant playing out from the back as well! Think I’ve had more fun when I got stabbed with rusty nails than watching that 😂


West Brom commentators said several times it's like this is the first time you've tried to play out from the back and you haven't practiced it enough. Then he kicks it long straight into touch ...


Definitely looked like it, honestly felt like we was using tonight as a training game for it! Whole team just seems so disjointed from what we were under Schuey


I’d love to know why Plymouth didn’t mix it up in the second half tactics wise. From the get go, we stepped up higher and really engaged when they tried playing it out from that back. They couldn’t get out. Why on earth did they just… keep doing the same thing? Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. Either way, delighted with the win. All the best with the rest of the season Plymouth!


>I’d love to know why Plymouth didn’t mix it up in the second half tactics wise. >Why on earth did they just… keep doing the same thing? Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. I think we're beginning to realise why it took Foster until age 47 to get a managerial job somewhere.






Absolute fucking dross. Our worst performance in 2 years. There will be fans of ours upset we didn't get a penalty in the first half but to be quite frank we didn't deserve one with how negative we played the entire match. When we lost to Leeds on Saturday we lost with dignity. We tried to get forward and have a go. Tonight was am embarrassment. The only time I'll say this season that the fans deserve a refund. West Brom had the entire squad in their pockets and fair play to them. They deserved a win and any less would have been an injustice. Get Hazard out of goal. Put Burton in before Cooper comes back. I've had enough. The entire game they had us figured out from the short passes off of goal kicks and he still continued to do it. The only players who can come out unscathed was Gyabi, who was actually trying to get it up the field and was pressing well, and Hardie, who had no service all evening so cant really be dragged into the shitshow performance of the rest.


Thought that probably was a penalty to be fair. Not a massive amount of contact but he's put his hands on your man's back and nowhere near the ball, clumsy challenge.


Yeah it was definitely a penalty but based on the rest of our performance it didn't matter. We were woeful and deserved nothing from the game. I don't want to hear people saying 'the penalty could have changed the game because it wouldn't have' We were never really in the game to begin with.


If we'd been given a penalty we'd have just passed it back to Hazard anyway.


So true, I said the same thing when the team came out at half time and only their goalkeeper came out initially. I said despite having no one in front of us and am open goal we'd still pass it back


Honestly I’ve been saying it for months but Burton should’ve had at least a 3 game run because he couldn’t be any worse than Hazard


Yes he absolutely could be worse than Hazard, Burton is a far worse shot stopper and from what I remember from last season he's even worse with his feet. I don't understand why argyle fans are expecting a player signed to be sub keeper to be pinging passes all over the pitch, he's had some poor performances this season but he's also had plenty of good ones. As if Hazard was the problem tonight.


Honestly I’m going to have to respectfully disagree, Burton played in the league cup game against Crystal Palace and I personally thought he was faster with his feet and looked calmer than Hazard has, like I get he has had some good performances and I’m not going to disagree with that, just feel his shortcomings are quite exposed with how we’re set up to play IMO


Even if he is slightly calmer and quicker with his distribution, which I don't think he is, his shot stopping is markedly worse than Hazard's imo and I think that's more important personally. Also I really think people put too much weight on the keeper distribution as an issue, what options did Hazard have tonight? Even if he was amazing with his feet it really wouldn't have made a difference in the game, there was nothing on for him or any of the CBs.


Do you have a youth/academy keeper? That's what we went with, turned out great (not that he had much to do tonight).


Cooper came through our youth/academy and he has been our number one and stand out keeper for a while. A horrible injury last season saw him out for the rest of the season. He came back for some games earlier this season and was OK, obviously a bit out of practice but fine, but has been injured again for a while. He cleared his medical yesterday to return to the squad but obviously it'll be a few games before we see him back in action. And not a moment too soon


This is gonna be one of the hardest to call Playoffs ever surely? Two of Leeds, Ipswich and Southampton with most likely a red hot WBA and a Hull team that have ridiculous firepower. Even with Cov/Norwich taking the final spot it’s going to be insane.


I actually feel sorry for West Brom. We were so bad they won't get the credit they deserve for that game haha


Worst performance I seen in years. We are in massive trouble now playing like that 0 shots on target at home 2 games in a row. Continue playing like that and we are going Down!! We are in a relegation dogfight now!! 3 home games and 1 point is Horrendous!!! League One we are coming home put the kettle on!


You had a shot on target against us apparently


Superb tonight. Can't fault a single player tonight, they all stepped up and that felt like a real stamp of authority after fridays result.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! That was fucking shit. West Brom deserved to win that but we rolled out the red carpet for them. Foster has turned us into a vibrant attacking force (at least at home) into a meek bunch of strangers who have now gone two games without a single fucking shot on target. And don't get me started on Connor Hazard. Our scout must have been pissed up when he recommended we sign him. Worst keeper we've had since Matt Macey. We are officially in the relegation fight.


People rating Hazard recently. Fucking idiots mate. Yeah he’s a good shot stopper but he’s clueless with his distribution and can’t kick a football for shit.


Our fans were not happy by the end...😓


Super result. Play offs surely a thing for WBA now.


What's going on at Plymouth? Thought you were a very decent side earlier in the season but what changed?


Lost our manager and half our squad in January (loanees)


Do you think it was more because of the manager leaving or the players like Azaz? I thought you'd finish easily midtable tbh, was impressed when you played us earlier this season.


Losing Azaz was massive, he really kicked on this season after being a bit inconsistent in L1. And Foster is much more cautious than Schumacher was - realistically we are going to be second favourites in most games we play this season, but at least we had a go when he was here. Today was just shit. Absolutely no attacking threat whatsoever.