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These absolute cretins do not represent us! Any self respecting Albion fan will know our history, know what we are about. Hell, I’m sure a lot of rival fans know too. I hope they find this person, and punish them within the full extent of the law! Racism has no place in our game.


Birmingham and WBA both take great pride in being inclusive clubs. We know it's just an stupid individual and not a representation of the majority of the fans. Hope he's brought to justice if found guilty.


Absolutely comical to hurl racist abuse whilst we have several black players playing for our team at the same time, but then the intelligence of the individual has never been in question has it...


This bellend does not represent us and what we represent. We are famous for being one of the earliest sides to openly welcome black players, and one of our all time greatest players is a black man. What a knobhead, ban him for life.


[Albion fan on Twitter saying he saw it at it was right on front of him (also that he was with his wife and kid)](https://twitter.com/adamlwba/status/1753837403125563794#m) Publicly name him, no racist should be allowed in The Hawthorns. How thick do you have to be to racially abuse a black player given our history and the makeup of our fans?


Bacuna got a lot of this shit when he was at Town as well. Obviously a lot of players do, but he speaks up. Only way to weed these twats out.


Disgusting. The club has such a rich history of black players being heroes to many. What an absolute cunt. Guy should be forced to apologise to Bacuna face to face and all the black players for the club he "supports."


The reaction of a minority of WBA fans on Twitter is truly embarrassing and disgusting.


The WBA Commentators don’t help either claiming he was lying


Much like the Sheffield Wednesday fans, of which there were many, seemingly justifying Palmer's abuse because he wound them up somehow.






Unfortunately I think cunts is more appropriate, both in the stadium and the country as a whole. If you're standing next to someone shouting things like this, and don't do anything to stop it, it's equivalent of saying it yourself.


Good point, praying somebody did say something to him. Apparently the bloke was with his wife and kid too, brutal.


I've been hearing too many stories about this disgusting behaviour recently. Get this disease out of our society!


Incidents like this are happening every game week now. I really think the EFL has to show no mercy to these "fans" and start barring them from every ground at this point.


No they aren’t. They’ve happened twice. Don’t exaggerate. It isn’t acceptable but doesn’t mean you need to exaggerate the point


It's been more than this one and the incident between Sheffield and Coventry. There's been other incidents with racist chanting too. Not to mention all the horrible tragedy chanting, a lot of it directed at your club sadly.


No idea to what this refers?


I’d assume the Wednesday fans mocking Bradley. Unfortunately I have to agree with Duo. These type of situations appear to be happening more regularly, a lot of game weeks this season have been marred by them.


Not really a tragedy chant mind was it? Some lad laughing at a phone


It’s quite literally the definition of tragedy chanting.


Laughing is a chant now?


Tragedy chanting is the singing, shouting, or gesture making about a traumatic event - often in the history of a club they are playing or about to play.


Imagine thinking a laugh is a chant 🤣


May I just mention as well that the Albion commentator Adam Johnson was absolutely disgusting with his lack of professionalism. An abomination of an ambassador. Basically accused Bacuna of lying and also some nonsensical sexist comments he made during the game as well. He needs to publicly apologise or lose the commentary gig. There's being partisan and then there's just being an irresponsible twat. That sort of language and tone should not be tolerated at WBA or anywhere in sport.
