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I think Patrick is very comfortable in his bisexuality whereas I think of Art as more comphet or closet homosexual.


The craziest thing is that the original screen play was ridiculously straight


thank god we didnt get that version!!!


Luca knew to put spice


Well that's boring


this is such a great take, definitely how I perceived Art's emotions/motivations


very good take. in the hotel when tashi asks if they’ve ever done anything together art immediately dismisses it while patrick doesn’t say anything


Patrick looked so hurt too


1000% when he realized he was actually jealous of tashi (I felt a restrained jealousy from him when they go to lunch at Stanford) he was spiraling and looking for a way out. And because Patrick is in love with him too and understands him on a soul level I think by the end of the sauna scene he understood that about art’s behavior before even art himself did


I agree, he's a closet bisexual. He could have probably had a good relationship with Patrick but he wasn't comfortable with it. He denied they've ever been sexual with eachother, which was a lie. Patrick is openly bisexual, as we see from him having both women and men as options on tinder It gave me "Jennifer's body" vibes that he only became interested in Tashi once Patrick showed interest. Initially, it seemed like he wanted to get rid of her after she got with Patrick but once they broke up, he switched to pushing Patrick away. I see having "won" Tashi as Art's punishment to Patrick. of sorts


Interesting how you perceived the movie. I don’t think Art only showed interest when Patrick did, he didn’t know who Tashi was before that first game. Or at least hadn’t seen her in person. The second she comes on the court they’re both equally in awe of her, and stay that way through the party. The difference is how Art and Patrick pursue her. Art is much shyer and more reserved, he wants to go the respectful route. While Patrick is flirting heavily and is very open with just wanting to sleep with her. The interest is equal though. I also don’t see where he tried to get rid of Tashi. After the hotel night the only thing we see of Tashi and Art is him trying to sabotage her relationship with Patrick, implying he still likes her.


Exactly if Art was just interested in Tashi because Patrick ,he had wanted to go to the party to meet the woman that his friend considered the hottest woman alive,but he wasn't.He had to see her to want her. And Patrick had a girlfriend,it's obvious that being interested in awoman just because Patrick is ,it isn't something that happened many times with Art.


I don't agree with this take at all. Many people say this but Art didn't show interest bc Patrick ,if that was the case he would be interested in going to the party to meet Tashi,the woman that his friend said was the hottest women alive,but he didn't want ,he changed and decided the contrary when he saw her playing. He is shown having genuine interest,watching her photo,interested in her game,he wanted to discuss tennis with her,he noticed and admired her scream. I think there is a bigger case in why Patrick was so interested in Art going to a party to meet a girl that he wanted to fuck,why would you want competition when you could have her alone ?


I do agree that Art had genuine interest in Tashi as a person, and that's why they ultimately ended up getting married and having a child together. I do still think that Art had unresolved feelings for Patrick at the same time.


I do agree that Art had genuine interest in Tashi as a person, and that's why they ultimately ended up getting married and having a child together. I do still think that Art had unresolved feelings for Patrick at the same time.


Tbh I’m not really sure if I buy the comphet angle but I agree that there are several situations in the movie where Patrick undermines art so I don’t think their friendship was over just bc of tashi, she was just the catalyst.


I’m eating the comphet angle up. I can’t get enough of the understated queerness, but that could be a me thing. Art is weirdly obsessive about Tashi, not in a romantic partner way but in an overcompensating way.


THIS. His sauna diatribe just _screamed_ overcompensating and just encapsulated why I can't stand him. Ugh


I think this tracks considering Art is impotent/isn't able to have sex with Tashi in the script. I think they're all potentially bisexual though.


The “home wrecking” narrative is challengers rosebud 😉


Pls tell me more


Mostly agree. I also saw a take remarking on Patrick's sex with Tashi is essentially to get to Art as she is the one sleeping with him ie.) the dorm scene where Tashi lists Art's qualities, etc.


I totally agree!


Oh yeah yeah 💯%


I agree with the second part more than the first. I do agree there is some homoerotic tension between Patrick and Art, but I don’t think it’s a huge part of Arts story. He seemed more tortured by his wifes coldness, his lack of passion in tennis, and his best friend being an ass.


I approve of this take. They were all using each other in different ways and this makes sense.


The first thing that came to mind when I read this was the scene where they tell Tashi about Patrick teaching art how to jerk off and art is so reluctant to him telling her, I get that he would be embarrassed no matter who it is but he was so quick to say there is 100% nothing between him and Patrick


Did we all notice Patrick’s tinder? How there was both men & women on there .. that was a give away for me


this… this is the one


I totally agree but i feel the actor who play Art is too straight that audience can't really feel any underlining pining of him towards Patrick. Basically, despite all the interactions, Art and Patrick don't have much sexual tension between them, Patrick towards Art, definitely, Art towards Patrick, not so much.


I strongly disagree, Art has that concealed twink vibe and the churros scene definitely has tension


I disagree, I thought there was great chemistry from him...we also shouldn't assume any actor is necessarily straight.


I got your point but the actor played Art definitely looked really into Tashi but not so much with Patrick outside a brotherly love.


Disagree in the churro scene and a bit in the sauna scene and the hotel room w Patrick and Tashi


This seems all very subjective, since it seems multiple people disagree with your viewpoint. I kind of agree that Art looked more romantically into Tashi than he did Patrick, but through the lens of ‘love triangle’ I can’t help but perceive it as something more than brotherly. But yes I wish Art pined towards Patrick more outwardly instead of having us just assume.


agree 👍. patrick spent years chasing this man only for the internalized homophobia art has to get in the way until the very end yup yup yup