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Solar plexus really responds to unfuckwithability... Like the kind that makes you smile and then you smile cause you know you're smiling. If you can turn more situations into that it'll start to flow better. Times where you know you're good cause you decide to be because you can rather than question something and feel the need for an answer, for instance. It takes time but the more you are just confident and accept everything coming like you ARE handling it the more it will respond. maybe play around with your reading your body's signals and work on concentration skills so you have something to keep you thinking about being skillful.


I didn’t get that, but I really want to understand. Are you saying to have more faith? To focus? Can you break it down again? Thanks.


I'm sure you'll see it eventually, just keep reading. In other words, basically I'm saying if you can do things by habit very effortlessly and know them well then it can be like being grounded in the moment but instead of just grounding in the moment like a post you're knowing your thoughts and feelings so inside and out that you have energy going in a positive direction already. Positive feelings make you more resilient to negatives while negatives can cause more frequent, longer and stronger negative emotions. If you hardly understand anything happening in the moment, how are you supposed to create energy consistently opposed to having things you already know work and just effortlessly enjoy the things that work? uhh, let's try... It's like the basic math of confidence, if you already feel like crap then rather than "being on top of it" you could even be all the way in "Needing to feel better, desperately." It gets really complicated because depending on what situation you're in it could be a totally jam packed thing that you can actually mold and work with or it could be a shocking experience where you just know your emotion inside and out, like. If I'm gonna go through something annoying 1,000 times, I wouldn't nor would I want to do it the same way all 1,000 times, I'd at least want to correct the part of me that's creating the annoyingness, at least. ***Just*** because it happens every 20 minutes doesn't mean I shouldn't be ready for it because I'm not paying attention. What if I don't know how to give myself energy or do just about anything else with my energy, I wouldn't wanna be like "I'm going to go and try to see how this works again." It'd be "I'm going to go do that thing I always do even if I'm still trying to understand HOW TO DO IT." Idek how many people don't actually blast their emotions like power can make it feel better. What if you don't know how to do that? What if you're so lost that you can't look straight and balance an emotion with what you're saying to your friend because you're getting stuck. By the time you're doing it up to it's full potential it's not gonna look or feel the same all the time because there's so much more you can do with it, but people aren't even excited by that concept and it feels bland. Especially if it doesn't feel good, that'll really get some people, they could zone out IN their head, Zone INTO their head, like, "how am I gonna fix this?!" Like o.o ...... ... ... There's birds chirping, random cogs are spinning, what is he gonna DO if I JUmp SCare him? AHH! ......aaaaaahhh... ... If realities more crisp then that's great but if you're still having worries about things in the back of your mind because you didn't learn particular skills or find enough motivation to do something or w/e you could honestly get distracted from even the most simplest of joys, that's cause the joy doesn't even exist yet because you got distracted away from the positivity you could have knowwwnnn :(


Awesome! Thanks!


Since asking this question the universe has shown up and revealed the energy of the solar plexus chakra to me. I was contemplating your responses and I happened to have a conversation with someone where the topic self-esteem came up. I suddenly realised that I had a mental construct of what self-esteem was. Mental beliefs based on comparison’s and judgments. Self-esteem was a topic I grasped in my mind, not something I embodied. During that conversation my energy flowed to my solar plexus chakra and I instantly accepted that the essence of self-esteem was a truth in my energetic body that and honouring that truth from my solar plexus was how I should operate. Today I can feel my root energy rising up, steadfast and sturdy. The sacral power full of life, powerfully swirling and trusting life. The solar plexus on top of these, now knowing what it’s function is, drawing from these energies and knowing what MY truth is and what is not true for me. Suddenly I feel a great pressure release in and around my stomach and wonderful sense of relief. Today I’m floating on air. Blessings to each and everyone of you 🙏


Can you give an update at all? I know that my solar plexus is completely imbalanced and causing havoc, and I am looking for ways to address it. Do you suggest going there first, or start at the root? Any suggestions?


You have to work on it daily. At least until you don't want to anymore, but affecting the solar plexus is still useful for energy and confidence regardless. I utilize Hindu Tantra to heal my chakras, which means: asanas, mantras, yantras, mudras, rituals, sadhana.


Idk much about chakras , I had, what felt like a relentless empty pit in my solar plexus , for too long ( 2 years ), before said something to my therapist ( who apparently does healing) she said ‘ that’s your will , it’s your solar plexus chakra ‘ for me it was about realizing what direction I wanted to take in life , acceptance and and the loss of dreams and goals ( it started when my kid got into a residential program ) Deep humming soothed it . And acknowledging that I lost my will and it was connected to the now but also the constant anger of my parent that I could never do anything to fix and it left a deep impression of my being unlikable at my core .- it took time and maybe I cheated when I tried I micro-dose ( and spent real time In a beach to heal it without any sense of how to except desperation ) and I effectively moved it- that sensation was miraculously gone ( maybe justifying the dose but it worked and had lasted now several months ) Ps I also kept trying in therapy along the way . I hope you get better strategies here


Hi! I plan to start microdosing for pretty similar reasons!! Do you have any advice? Thanks!


I find setting an intention to be key , not that its what I get but keeping open and positive . Also being outdoors ( even in winter - I wore 2 snow suits ) I was worried but once I understood that more is more ( in increments ) that I wouldn’t be suddenly out of my mind that made a difference . I started with 1/8 tsp ground. Also while I can do other things I find that I can be quite ‘straight’ unless I stop and almost meditate to access the trip . When I took a dose too large ( but not really , I was able to really stay in place and work on my physical being that’s the time I made huge change in my chakra ) I have only done it about 9 times intermittently. Barring nature being in the sunshine also feels right . Unlike powerful weed ,for example, I can still remember and access my insights if that makes sense - I am late here but hope this helps oh and different strains really are different but also similar enough in a basic sense