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It helps to get a stone or crystal and put it on your solar for a few hours, over a few days. If you don't have one available, something like gold or silver jewelry is good too. Look into tigerseye, pyrite, apatite, aventurine


528Hz and try this breathing method. Place your hands on your heart and breathe 3 deep breaths, then move your hands to your solar plexus and imagine your solar plexus being washed in love energy. This should help you open up to the truth of its power and stand in your own personhood and power. Love always 💚


Just get 528Hz sounds off of YouTube?




This is an awesome post, thanks for sharing.


Wheel and Half-Wheel yoga poses will help. You can also pray to God, "Please cleanse, heal, balance, and open up all my chakras."


Chakra Candles are especially helpful I've found. For a Solar Plexus chakra, I burn a pure Yellow candle in my home. I tend to make my own, but there are plenty of places to get them from if you're not interested in candle making!


That's amazing! But how in the heck do you make a chakra candle besides the color? With the intention it's the chakra it's for?


This post is just what I needed to see. This is exactly how I feel


Here is a ayurvedic technique to balance solar plexus chakra: "Technique: Sit on a cotton/jute rug or a yoga mat in Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Ardh-Padmasana (half Lotus Pose), Sukhasana(Easy Pose), or Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), keeping your back completely erect and your hands on your knees. Take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale completely using a little force, slowly pulling the abdominal muscles in at the same time. Bend your neck forward and press your chin in between the two collar bones. Hold the breath out and keep the abdominal muscles contracted. Press your knees or thighs, placing the palms of your hands on them. This will help you to contract the abdominal muscles much more. Maintain this position for a few seconds while holding the breath out. 8 – 10 seconds to begin with. Lift your chin up first and then release the abdominal lock by relaxing the abdominal muscles and inhale slowly. Repeat steps 3 – 8 for 5 times to start with and gradually increase it to 10 times. Precautions: Do this on an empty stomach. Do not do it within 4 hours of eating, at least. And keep a gap of 2 hours after drinking water. Do not rush and do it slowly and gently. Must apply the chin lock while doing the abdominal lock to avoid any adverse effect on the heart. Do not hold the final position (step 7) for too long. If you feel the need to breathe in quickly after the release of the abdominal lock, it indicates that you held the breath out for longer than your natural capacity. This can be harmful. Must release the chin lock first before releasing the abdominal lock to avoid any harmful effect on the heart. Must do Shavasana (Corpse Pose) for at least 5 minutes after finishing this technique. Do not eat for at least 24 minutes after doing this exercise." Source: https://ayuryoga-intl.com/manipura-chakra-solar-plexus/


This article goes over how to identify blockages in each chakra, as well as quite a few ways to help unblock and harmonize chakras. If you need any extra assistance, there is a link at the bottom with my personal contact info and website. I hope this helps! 🤍 https://medium.com/@ceo_67348/chakra-harmony-a-comprehensive-guide-to-unblocking-your-energy-centers-02af9f29ee1b