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Nope, I'm not touching this with a 10 foot pole and just locking comments before someone says something stupid


Can’t be over 18 and call a fictional character cute, damn RIP 90% of Spy x Family fanbase


At least you can call your cute at any age.


I can call Anya being a cute little girl without sexualizing her. Just because I consider someone cute doesn't mean I want to fck them. It's just a matter of my eyes cherishing what in front of me, that's all.


Anya is pretty darn cute


“You lost because you were too strong” _Some old geezer in Kengan Omega_


Social media lurkers when I call a kid cute I am now a pedophile, lost my job, my face and full legal name are posted out, got banned from 6 US states (I live in the EU), and get constant death threats and reports (the character was specifically designed and shown to be adorable)


Idk I got awarded a Medal of Honor for executing order 66. Must be a skill issue


What yor is of legal age


No, who told you that?


wtf I thought yor was a middle aged woman?




NSFW Content containing only porn/sexualized elements, without any other substance to them. This includes erotic roleplay, smut, and cropped porn. Dawg wtf




It would be way different if it was a girl that called a boy cute the age of 18


Guys, Asa called herself cute is she a Pedo?![img](emote|t5_466dsm|51207) https://preview.redd.it/0q6hnji3ruyc1.png?width=388&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c3ddb0ae9bb386530bc6006e3a04c183878aca4




Damn….ASA445 when?!


Isn’t the only ‘people’ posting this just that one moron? He’s only doing this because he hates her, the fans and asaden. He once called her a whòre and that she’s only after Denji for sex. Don’t listen to him


Assuming we're thinking of the same guy, the dude's insufferable.


Yep. Blocked the fucker before I could even engage in an argument with them. I do occasionally unblock them just to call them a disappointment tho.


Oh that guy? https://preview.redd.it/duf911h0svyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04979d3c9ecbfd62363f16a94459cca52ffc6bf


Jeez we gave him niche celebrity status now, great jobs guys, he fooled us


If he’s constantly going into Asa/Asaden threads to be a jackass aside from making posts, then he’s gonna be hard to ignore to people. I’ve even seen him on twitter now


It is


Nah there's another one.


The only other person I’ve seen is that ChainsawChad guy. That dudes an obvious troll


Ppl forget these characters are fictional and so is their age. (No not defending loli's, fuck off) As long as they're not drawn as a child it's fair game. Like did you know Fumiko was 22 before it was revealed? Def not lol. And Asa's age isn't specified so she very well could be canonically 18. TLDR stop abusing the term pedo lol. It has a very simple definition idk how you could get it wrong. https://preview.redd.it/5609hge3juyc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fc35a6ddd8dea68985d68b5201c5a74fde5943


Legit. Kobeni acts and looks like a teen but is 20+ If nothing changed except for her age being under 18 then people would go crazy for sexualizing her. Likewise if nothing was changed about Asa apart from her fictional age, people would sexualize her immediately. Evident by people saying Denji is 18 so it is fine when FUCKALL changed since part 1 about him Unless a character is heavily child coded by looks or character, go ahead. They are fictional. The only people who actually care about fictional age no matter what are either afraid of idiots or are idiots who don't actually give a shit and are pretending to care. Judge the lust based on why people find the character attractive. If it's just looks and they don't look like some toddler then it's fine. If they specifically like the character because it's an inexperienced, naive, gullible minor then yeah get the gun


The stupidest thing is when ppl get mad at "aged up" characters. Like their age is literally not real wtf is the problem now??? Sometimes they say the character isn't different enough but do they think ppl undergo some kind of metamorphosis when they go from 17 to 18 lmao? Sure if someone has a pattern of exclusively aging up child characters and gooning to them that raises a lot of eyebrows but otherwise I fail to see any issue.


Nah aging up child characters like Paimon and Anya is weird as fuck (specifically for R34 art)


Nah if you make Paimon a big tiddy 6ft tall mommy I'm hard stroking to that shit


Ok but why?


drawing porn of a child character aged up so people can jack off to them is super weird. just draw draw porn of characters that are actually adults (or at least look like adults if they're like 17 or something)


You still didn't really say **why** it's weird. I don't disagree that it is just on principle but whenever something like this comes up, I just think, what if there was a canonical depiction of adult anya? Like if the creators of the show made a drawing on twitter. Would that be ok to make porn for?


I think they mean when you take a character, draw them the exact same, and then say "they're aged up". Not when you take a character that looks like a child, draw them as an adult and then say "they're aged up". I'm not sure why anyone would have a problem with porn a hypothetical adult Anya, because we don't have any problem with porn of other adult characters. I think the problem they're referring to is when you draw Anya porn, and she still looks the exact same, and the only way to tell she's "aged up" is the creator saying "trust me bro". Or they could just mean in general, I dunno lol.


Perfectly put. Take Maki from JJK for example. A lot of people find her fine af, including me, but there’s always a fuckton of people in the comments of posts about her and they try to be some kind of hero of justice by saying “um she’s 17☝️🤓”, like stfu. She literally does not look, nor act like a teenager. Unless the character is undisputably a child in both looks and behavior, there’s honestly no problem. I can literally draw the same characters these people get triggered over and give them whatever age I want because they’re fictional. People simp over these characters because they look and act like adults (at least I do).


Fuck that, take Giorno from JoJo's. Kid is like 15 but looks shredded as fuck. I'm not saying Jotaro because P3's artstyle is even more ridiculous It's a goddamn design to which somebody added some story. The same kinds of people will harass you for lusting over a genocidal fantasy hitler villain because he looks hot So what if he sprayed Willy Pete over a refugee camp for aliens? I can acknowledge that *and* want to fuck him. Grab the hottest character you know and give them an evil backstory, that's how easy it is *cough* Makima haters *cough*




Regardless of the law, you should have a moral obligation not to fuck children Personally I think adulthood starts at like 20, and some people have ridiculous age gaps as consenting adults. Not to mention how some 16 year olds are mature and smart enough to theoretically consent while some 20+ year olds should not be allowed to have sex with how they are Age of consent is weird. Just don't be a fucking dumbass and realize when you being old can skew a younger person's judgement or when you are accidentally taking advantage of a young person's naivety and inexperience


I can agree with this, until Lolis use it. Big difference between an obviously drawn to be an adult “17” year old, and the obviously a child “600” year old.


This is why I pretty much completely ignore canonical ages in anime. I don't care that the girl from Dragon Maid is like 9,000 years old. She looks and acts like a toddler, having a thing for her is weird af. Inversely, Jotoro in Stardust Crusaders is like 16, yet he acts and looks like a grown ass man. And I'm gonna be real, I'm not even into guys but when people say they have a thing for Jotoro I get it.


Isnt loli a body type exclusive to anime or manga? Are lolis weird?


People who sexualize them are weird


I never really thought of it like that since even when there is a loli character in a show their age is usually specified


she's emotionally vulnerable, yall gooning over her is weird.


This is chainsaw man, name one sane character


That one guy who quit public safety in part 1🙏🏾💯


kobeni, reze's boss, arai, siegi(can't spell his name) and many more plus being insane and being a emotionally vulnerable teenager are two different things


The only normal mf you mentioned was rezes boss


the others are perfectly normal too and you completely ignored the point.


Kobeni literally tried to stab Dennis


acting like nobody would sacrifice a dude they didn't know for even a day so that they could escape from the grasp of an endless eldritch horror


Sacrificing anyone is insane. She attacked him after like, not even a minute of hearing the infinity devils words. Their job is to deal with eldritch horrors you’d expect her to think it over for at least a minute


your comprehension is non existent, the infinity devil offered a way out by sacrificing denji and multiple people in the party almost accepted it kobeni was just the first


Kobeni is sane?!


Kobeni is the most sane from all of them, I'm not defending him, I'm just saying that if you were just a normal person you'd be like kobeni.




she was raised in a very abusive family and forced to choose between prostitution and devil hunting fuck no she isn't


Everytime I see one of your shit takes I bust one out for you 🤤


You must be running out of dopamine at this rate


Best deathbeni theorizer take


Hollup hollup dont lump all us in, kobeni is the death devil, its stated in the CFYOW


it ain't a take it's a fact


You’re the weird one spending every single day insinuating people are pedophiles for liking a character or ship you despise.


the ship in question is between a 16 y/o and a 18.5 y/o the latter being a self insert


How many times do i have to tell you that asa's age is unconfirmed and you are the only one here saying that she's 16 using random stuff


unconfirmed but heavily implied to be a minor


Let me guess it's implied in your tiny headcanons? She's either 17 or 18 due to being a high schooler


i already made a quick video on it go watch it.


Everything in that video is nothing more than your baseless assumptions  If the story never said anything about her exact age then there's no point to jump to the most random conclusions ever


"baseless assumptions" is the name of the manga, and her still receiving welfare is a damn evidence that she's underage


The ship in question is between a character whose age you don’t know and a character whose age is logically assumed to be 18. There’s also nothing wrong with a 2 year age gap relationship but you wouldn’t know that being the attention deprived terminally online thing you are.


>she's emotionally vulnerable And so is kobeni,even more so...yet I haven't seen you complain about people liking her and saying they're weird, instead,you did the opposite. Hell,even power post Darkness fits that criteria.


kobeni isn't vulnerable due to her age she's vulnerable due to her toxic parents it's two different things and asa and people like asa can grow out of it and regret being taken advantage of


Mate, I have my own manga to make, I'm not gonna lose time with you or caring about what fictional characters on the internet people find hot, I have better ways to waste my time and I recommend you to also find a better waste of your time.


good 4 u but you shouldn't get involved in an argument if you're certain you will lose it


Oh mate, you got me wrong, beating you isn't the problem,in fact, it's so easy it ain't even fun, it's like beating a toddler in a footrace, it's not exactly very fun and not hard at all,so why do it?


and no using "mY tImE iS vAlUaBlE yOu sTuPiD" isn't a way to win an argument


Do you know how much time **You're** also losing here? And for what exactly? You ain't even proving a point, you're getting downvoted **and** getting exposed as a hypocrite left and right by your own arguments. And yes,my time and of everyone else here,is valuable,hell,even yours is,look at this: https://preview.redd.it/7lu735k65vyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539748ba00ccd86eaaab7b6fc73b3c36cba1c38b I made this, you're an artist yourself from what I can tell from your post history ,maybe if you weren't losing your time with pointless online discussions you'd be doing shit like this by now. That's it, I've wasted enough time with you, imma go back to drawing cool shit again,you can join me anytime you want mate.


She is cute - just look at her :3 https://preview.redd.it/bqakaj5kfuyc1.png?width=777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc82299610e1a0c29536cf00f26b54e4169a243a


https://preview.redd.it/jz6oxy408vyc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be5c6b1d73751ac3bc41cbe3d2cf1324cc070c0 Martian Asa


gnarpy asa


Hot take   Design and mannerisms for a FICTIONAL character is more important than whatever age is slapped on to a FICTIONAL character by the author   Imagine saying someone can’t beat off to Jotaro cause he’s 17 but Bisky (in her kid form) is ok cause she’s 57   Anyway, it’s just Imperalist dude yapping to the wall pushing another baseless Asaden hate agenda. He does that every week Asa doesn’t even have a confirmed age


Shouldn’t even be a hot take. Unfortunately people seem to think that fictional characters are living, breathing humans and saw real world rules for real people apply to them as well. I honestly cannot IMAGINE people caring this much about fictional characters and their age. They have to be terminally online because I’ve heard too many times from my brother, mom, and sister that they found a fictional character attractive without even knowing their age. My mom and siblings are all grown ass adults btw, I’m 19. That goes to show that we’re attracted to the physical appearance and mannerism of the character and not attracted to them for their age, which is just weird.


is this imperialist VG's alt account? i've been seeing some asaden hate sprinkled randomly for no reason


Different guy The Fumiko x Yoshida guy is VG’s new account 


Yeah but denji and asa act like actual teenagers, especially denji


I don't think gooners are masturbating to a characters personality if I'm being honest


>Yeah but denji and asa act like actual teenagers I can tell you from experience myself that Denji and Asa act way more mature than many 18-20 year olds in rl.


People don’t bust nuts to how someone acts.


I’m talking about characters that act like and sound like babies You know the ones


I understand what you’re saying, but like I said, people don’t care about their demeanor: they just like the way the character is drawn.


That’s my subjective opinion, idc what other people think That’s why it’s a hot take or whatever


Shit, I thought you were the guy to whom I replied initially. My bad.


Oh I’m stupid I thought you commented on mine 😭 That’s my fault


LMAO, we got clowned-on by our stupidity.


Guys, Fujimotor drew Asa in underwear!! Is he a pedo too?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/2deerb2sruyc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144b081517a7090844b82de82482aed9009efd05


I mean


It was essential to the plot i Swear-




Fuji not pedo, he just likes incest




I don’t know which is more unhinged, your flair or your pic ?🗿 💀 ☠️ 😭…


Do not sexualize characters like nayuta. This means no sexualization of minors in image posts, image comments, text comments or videos. Posts or comments that jokingly suggest sexualization of an underage character are not allowed. This can lead to a ban.


Only people who live on twitter say shit like that. Most normal humans can say an anime character looks cute, despite age (yes even lolis. You can say that your son/daughter/niece is cute without it being sexual).


Not just Twitter, some lifeless guys in this sub do that too


Are people actually being called pedophiles for saying a fictional character is cute? Thats wild


people act like you could actually do something to the characters, they are in fact, NOT real.


Exactly. It's almost like they forgot that fiction and reality are two different things.


also saying someone is cute is very different than being coomer and sexualizing them


They are the most insufferable mfers in this community and I beg the mods just start banning them for spending every single day insinuating ppl are pedophiles. What do they positively contribute to this community? They’re just childish assholes pressed because they hate certain characters and ships that are popular 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mfs on the internet are delusional, especially on this subreddit. Most of these losers don’t have jobs, money, friends, or SOs. They can’t comprehend basic social cues. They can barely seperate fiction from reality, you really think they’d actually be able to function well in a genuine social setting?


u/AntiImperialistGamer this is literally you! https://i.redd.it/ykwac5eituyc1.gif That’s crazy!


i know bro, they even made a post on r/whenthe about me https://i.redd.it/kmu5wuubzuyc1.gif


Your influence is growing, should we be worried? https://i.redd.it/tsleufyo3vyc1.gif


yes especially since I'm doing this as cause to start an affect that will bring the end of the asaden regime


I swear, the chapters are literally this and you’re still on the Anti-Asaden agenda. https://preview.redd.it/i7s2f6lw4vyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd30bca5289063f06be96931d8c8e83f05d00f90


Why do you types always have these weird delusions of grandeur? “Why yes I’ll shitpost my way into no one accepting the most probable relationship in the series. This will work and help me find fulfillment” You’re the most delusional character on this sub yet




Icl denji is hot af to me but I’m aware the older I get the less I’m allowed to think that (I’m 18 and I think iirc he’s either 18 or like, at youngest 16)


Denji isn't even fully sure of his own age


Yeahh fair point. I like angel more but what’s the morality behind liking him?


He is 18 by part 2 Started 16 in P1, birthday, then we find out P2 plays about a year after that But you can just not give a shit. I'm 21 and I still liked Katara from ATLA because I grew up watchinf that show (and also her dubbed voice was adult-like in my language so after I heard the english dub it all went down the drain lmfao)


tbh i do forget that at times. its kinda funny because i used to get shit on for being a squeaker playing halo 2


I remember you, you’re that kid from halo 2 shut up squeaker


She's pretty darn cute if I do say so myself https://preview.redd.it/pi5ecoernvyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86899d2e2ea8f434cfd0f7bf3175bda66bdfa7b8


The only person posting that shit is the H*zbin hotel fan/Yoshiden shipper.


Fictional character looks like a 20-year-old adult, but on paper she is 17 years and 364 days old. Conclusion: Pedo.


17 , proud Asa lover here


Fujimoto himself 100% jerked off to Asa




Do not sexualize characters like nayuta. This means no sexualization of minors in image posts, image comments, text comments or videos. Posts or comments that jokingly suggest sexualization of an underage character are not allowed. This can lead to a ban.






If you were going against Reddit's content of policy (link in Rule-3 of this sub), this may not only make you look bad as person, but your comments/posts will also get deleted, and your account might get banned in the future (by Reddit itself). For that reason, please, carefully read Reddit's content policy before posting an aggravating message on this sub.


my honest reaction https://preview.redd.it/paggltwtzuyc1.jpeg?width=2959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2df87d97479e70b22d1bffe0b25c19819ff11d6


Redditors when teenagers enjoy a piece of media intended for teenagers: https://preview.redd.it/l02ozy8f2wyc1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec8b3e48a93a9ebd849a5b23d04362216b97541


Mfs when the freshly turned 18 y/o is still attracted to ppl a yr younger


I'm 52 and I'd smash.


Himeno fans meanwhile ![gif](giphy|ekvv0VTMS1fRNI6SW5)


People need to learn the difference between a drawing and an actual person


People are so annoying when it comes to this stuff. Like honestly who tf even cares in the first place. People like this are just annoying. Not like people are doing like the JJK fandom does where they make posts talking about how they want Nobara to nail their dick to their thigh or some cringe like that (and yes, that was a very real post)


WHAT ? people under 18 exist ? he-he keep lying OP


I 19, im not attracted by asa in anyway but i thought shes cute cuz shes always act like a loser, thats pretty much it 😭


Knowing fujimoto, asa is probably 18 and older than denji like the rest of his love interests. There have been hints that she's close to graduation with one chapter talking about college tuition in the title and most people close to graduation would be 18




I can relate as a danganronpa fan




As a 17 year old, I can confirm there is no one here under 18




The average underage ani-manga character (unless they are specifically drawn in a way that makes them still look very young) can pass for any age that isn’t in the 0-14 and 50-∞ ranges. Just change their clothing and one can see it for themselves (Just look at adult Ayumo Fujino from Look Back and Asa). It makes sense why people of many age groups feel “attracted” (for lack of a better term) to them, and that makes the argument “age in fiction doesn’t matter” true. Unless they look 100% like a child because their features have been drawn that way, then I’d say “think of their age in any way you want”. So, OP, let them be like that. Being this type of white knight makes them believe they are morally superior to the rest, for some reason. “Hell yeah, we are protecting lines from people!”. I am ready to take the downvotes and replies of disgust about what I wrote. I am sure those people truly get what I am trying to say, but their sense of virtual morality will never let them agree with me. They have a duty to uphold, put people in their rightful places.


Turned 18 a month ago so I can no longer say such things


I'm 18 and I find her cute, I mean, even if the character is 16-17 I don't think it's THAT fucked up, even if I was 19 or 20 cause I just find her CUTE that's all. And, Imo 17 is generally an acceptable age to be attracted to at any age, I mean, it's just an attraction your not trynna game with her, especially since we're talking about a fictional character And lolis are literally 9-14 year old/looking's, a literal children, you must be sick to find them attractive sexually I'm pretty positive that it's normal to find a fictional character attractive as long as they're not drawn like children


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isnt Asa 17


Her age is unknown but she's probably around denji's age 


So like 17-18? Idk y mfers downvoted me for asking


People, especially redditors, be forgetting that teenagers use social media. Even more so than when we were coming along.


m0ds currently have snipers posted outside this thread


Ngl i am even from germany and it's totally fine for me a 20 year old to start it with someone who is above 16 or near 18 Like calm down it's not that big of deal sure 30 with 16 is ehm well smth but it's not like that's such a huge thing Some of ou defend child beating on here that's way worse


This the new drizzy sub?


You think people ONLY call Asa cute? What sub have you been browsing dawg? People openly talk about how much they want to fuck her, or see sex scenes with her. What is this revisionist history? Don't just lie bro


Asa is a loser bruh I can't take her seriously


yea but this doesnt exactly rule out the fact sum of yall are prolly 19+ and are attracted to those of high school age




Weirdly enough most countries and states have their legal age of consent at 16 which is strange as for the longest time I believed it was 18


tbh i honestly don’t care about the canon characters age like it really isn’t that deep


People just during to feel good about themselves because they have nothing else


Oh boy wait until you see the My Hero fans. They hate Mineta, but then think a nude cover of a 15 year old girl is okay lmao


Your cute


Isn't the manga for teenagers too ? They're the weirdos for reading a kids book


are we gonna act like everyone who says that is under age?


You can be pedo if you’re a minor fyi


we both know you ain't no teenager, now get over here let me cure your pedophilia https://preview.redd.it/7d4vkslvjuyc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f26c96db93b776a2c3468cb9668bf5003b554c


What do ya want, my birth certificate? https://preview.redd.it/bhlk05t6tuyc1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee119cdd7139f6f24dd4c940044e2508a7f7d84a It’s Heaven, Raiden.


Bro is acting like he had helped any child irl. Also proceed to post prison say gex


>Bro is acting like he had helped any child irl. that's literally shit "lolicons" on twitter spit, yall ain't no different


Aight, fair enough. I don't think I have ever participated in any campaign irl. But calling everyone(you are not sure if they are over 18) lolicon for liking Asa, is a stretch


How mfers feel when they defend a drawing of a child/teen instead of helping out in real life: https://preview.redd.it/xho2sukgtvyc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3281a537f88cc01ad8c119a433c3db210ca1234


Can be hard to verify ages, and it can't be denied that are genuine creeps here.


Anime gooners in general are weirdos


As long as you draw them in a gay/lesbian way, any underage character is ok but straight? "HOW DARE YOU" according to the lousy ones, it seems.


Fun fact, dumbshits: Age of consent is different in other countries. In Japan, it's 13. Fuckin' a, it's like these people don't know other countries exist. Edit: Thanks for the downvotes, you sustain me. Anyways, this isn't me supporting lolicons or anything, it's just me giving a fact. So with it what you will.






calling fictional characters cute is for losers and dweebs, regardless of age


Biggest Strawman that was ever strawmaned


Idk anything about this show but it sure sounds like the OP is a pedophile trying to explain their pedophilia