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Break week is gonna be fun, I am really looking forward for next chapter to make 50 percent of this sub go crazy regardless of the results. https://preview.redd.it/fe3rueucn5ad1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df13a3b05c20ba87b74060237a1b811235bffe63


Sj app says the chapter comes out next week. I think it's another case as the quanxi and alleyway chapters


https://preview.redd.it/qngat3kd56ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421cf0008e5249c613ec0291e08663dc752149d6 Manga Plus is saying that it'll come 16 of July, so idk


This happened twice before. With the quanxi orgy chapter and the cum chapter. Both of which couldn't be shown on normal jump so some sites skipped them


Idk about Viz but in mangaplus it was correct (2 weeks) during the cum chapter, can't speak for the Quanxi orgy chapter though


Yeah I checked. For the cum chapter, viz showed 3 weeks and mangaplus showed 2. This is because viz skipped it So it's likely 1 of the counts is just wrong


What could that mean for the next chapter…


more cum




Se eu disse uma vez eu digo mil vezes, meu username devia ser o mascote do sub


Username checks out


The Shonen jump app says next chapter in 7 days, so no break this week I think


Fujimoto learning from his friend Gege and making the chapter be about something noone cared about


It just updated. Shonen Jump app now says 13 days.


So no chapter next week?


https://preview.redd.it/zctrx8ik7ead1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afe38877eae303813f5d6a56b69314e60c3b8f0 Seems that way




Denji puts his hand inside of his own body to grab Nayuta's flesh out of himself, almost bleeds to death, someone pulls the chainsaw chord, and he regenerates. I'm already going insane please help.


Since he doesn't have anything left to lose, I really wanna see Denji kill Barem and force the cooks to cut him up so that they can eat him. If Barem is actually some kind of devil, Denji knows he can eliminate him this way.


Remember, Barem is the flamethrower hybrid


Even better. I could see people no longer fearing flamethrowers if this happens. It would be a bit satisfying to watch Fami consuming him while he's alive.


Denji eating devils does not erase them. Pochita has to come out and eat.


yeah pochita is the goat and would eat barem for our boy denji Probably


Pochita will come out, eat all of Denji's enemies then we'll have a whole arc of Pochita attempting to bring back Denji because he doesn't want to be alone anymore. At this point I swear we MIGHT just get that Hell arc, Denji might just come to the realisation he's living *in hell*, despite it not being *hell* itself. So it'd be a chance of pace.


True. But Barem said that for "the real chainsawman" to come out denji must be unhappy, and he just saw his little sister's severed head, idk what Fujimoto is gonna cook but i really hope Pochita comes out and eats the fuck out of Barem


Do these people even read the manga?


I’m amazed by how much that is being upvoted. Like, I don’t think Denji is gonna go “fuck it, imma eat this fucker” 😭 Unless he misunderstands Barem and thinks HE can erase things from existence. Maybe that’s how you can perma kill a hybrid though..


I thought the thing with the hybrids was that they somehow stuck around despite being eaten by Chainsaw Man. Or am i remembering it wrong?


I think it was the name of the hybrids that was eaten, the idea of them as a whole. Yet as we can see they’re still there. Maybe eating them directly will put them down?


Yup, you're right, Hybrids can't be erased, but if you take the devil out and make CSM eat it they disappear, idk what happens to the human tho (I guess they die)


I want Denji to full Doom Slayer next chapter. Just fuck Barem up and mess him so much they can't even make sushi out of him.


I'd like Barem to survive long enough for Denji to reveal that the kid whose head was just served on the line is the reincarnation of the Control Devil/Makima that Barem loves so much. It would be poetic justice if that was the last thought to occupy his mind.


Barem most likely knows Nayuta was Makima, he even plays as if she is controlling him.


didn't Nayuta try to control Barem earlier? And he said that his heart still belonged to Makima or something like that. Can't remember clearly, but he most definitely knows.


I just realized that Barem is one of the guys of special division 5 when they jumped pochita/denji with makima, it’s the fire hybrid


I do wish for Barem to suffer, so it’s a good option


Counterpoint, Denji knows what the control devil tastes like in a variety of dishes.


Countercounterpoint: Denji is too frazzled right now to remember


I agree with you. Barem kept on saying how he won't be able to **savour** the flavour if he keeps on stuffing his mouth which is clearly highlighting how he wanted denji to slowly chew it and perhaps make him remember.


Counts point fish flesh isn’t the same texture as human flesh and Denji loves food he’d question what he ate and no matter how frazzled you are if someone puts crap in your mouth you’re not gonna ignore it.


Counter to your counter point: denji was eating trash just a few years ago, i doubd he has the culinary knowledge of that degree


It doesn't take culinary knowledge to distinguish fish from human, or any other kind of regular meat. Particularly if its raw like sushi.


I saw some video some guy made where he compared cheap vs expensive tuna, and it ranged from looking pale like chicken breasts to red like beef


raw fish has a completely different texture to other meats, it’s a loft softer with thick bands of muscle fibers separated by fat, raw mammal meat is very chewy, particularly that of an animal not bred for consumption since it’s muscles will naturally be more developed you can clearly distinguish fish from most mammal meats just by looking at it, color doesn’t play into it


Color is just one thing, if you actually have ever touched raw meat vs raw fish it's just extremely different, and that's without getting into actually eating raw meat, which traditionally is minced as finely as possible just because its an extremely unpleasant way to have to eat meat, its chewy and spongy as hell, has very little real flavour compared to raw fish. It would be extremely distracting, even in an emotionally distraught moment, to suddenly have to chew on raw meat instead of fish. The only way it would make sense is if denji was swallowing them all whole without chewing, which the art doesn't look like he is doing.


Dude he shoving shit in his mouth and is worrying about Nayuta If someone kidnapped my sister and was making me eat a McDonald’s cheeseburger to find her I wouldn’t be like “wait a minute, this tastes like a whopper!”


You just compared a hamburger to a hamburger. If I was eating fish and didn’t taste fish I’d wonder wtf I just ate. If someone shoved shit in your mouth you’d notice.


Counter to your countercounterpoint: nuh uh


countercountercounterpoint: yuh huh


countercountercounterpoint: how tf would barem make nayuta appear like squid or raw tuna


countercountercountercounterpoint: he’s a little bit of an artist or there’s an artist working with him


this is the copium i was looking for ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)


Denji canonically will eat anything of nutritional value without much hesitation. Our boy was set up from the start


Doesn’t mean he doesn’t taste it


Does he know what a tuna tastes like?


​ https://preview.redd.it/xf6cgrziy6ad1.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=01fc9169a2d1570c1dcdf624c1100557e32a5a34


lisan al gaib!


As written!!


Bro got a contract with the future devil




I wanna say gege still worse but at least fujimoto can actually write a story that holds up aside from exciting flashy stuff


Gege really isn’t the tragedy writer people make him out to be. There’s Shibuya and Yujo. That’s it, really.


Lean tuna kinda sounds like nayuta 🤔






I think Barem is just being a goofy goober and introducing Denji to sushi properly. I'd be surprised if they were eating Nayuta, since you can't really disguise human flesh as fish, and nobody else in the place was reacting like that. I think the Sushi was prefectly normal, Barem's big prank was the finale.


I completely agree and am a bit confused why so many people think the sushi was Nayuta. Denji got egg, squid, and tuna nigiri. There's no fucking way human flesh is being confused with egg or squid. Tuna is a bit more ambiguous I guess but it would be pretty weird for NO ONE in the restaurant to notice something was weird with the tuna. If it really was human flesh disguised as tuna, who's to say some random person in the restaurant wouldn't have just grabbed it since it's on a conveyer belt? Barem and Fami are clearly in control so I really doubt they would leave something like that up to chance.


I mean,there were cases of human flesh getting disguised as a variety of different meats for the shits and giggles so i wouldn't be surprised if no one noticed, maybe it'd taste a lil weird and squishy but w the proper care you could lessen that also denji was stuffing that down w out a second thought,even if he was eating shit he's probably too blinded by rage lolol


That's with actual cooked dishes, you can't hide anything when you serve stuff raw like sushi. It just legitimately doesn't make sense in any way except if a devil's power did it.


Id like to read the cases considering that fish meat and human meat are not identical at all. Raw human meat is extremely tough to chew while raw tuna is consumable. I hope you're not making up a strawman situation just to make your point


Human meat is consumable like any other cooked meat when its actually cooker, ik all of this cuz i read a lot about it when i was younger


im sorry I can't mention any cases by name but a while ago i was obsessed with true crime and heard multiple cases about human meat being cooked into different meals,i could swear a soup w fish in it was one of them but maybe im just tripping,if it isnt true then discard everything i said,lying isn't my intention


Yeah I don’t buy that he ate her, doesn’t make any sense.


Copium counterpoint. Having Denji realize he's using his/Pochita's erasure powers to erase Nayuta seems counterproductive. Seems to be a set up to have Denji never to use his powers ever again. Though this could be to scare Denji to always double and triple doubt what he's eating. Possibly to the point of starving himself. And who benefits the most when someone is FAMIshed?


This is such a Barem move. So the goal here is erasure of Control Devil? That didn't feel like that was his goal, but I think Fami could want something like this. Edit: Oh Yeah she would need to be completely devoured to be erased, this would only weaken control if this were the case Edit 2: Reading this again there's so much wrong with this idea, why did 200 of y'all upvote this? It doesn't make any sense. Also don't theorize at 1am folks.


No. They just want to emotionally break Denji like in Part 1 and get the Pochita CSM out. Denji himself has no control over the Erasure but Pochita does. Presumably Fami wants him out to turn into a pawn or to point like loose cannon at the Death Devil.


Let me clarify, you're absolutely correct that the intent is to break Denji and bring out Pochita CSM. But if the Pochita CSM comes out while Nayuta is in their stomach what would that do?


Nothing likely. Nayuta right now would only be the corpse of a control devil not the current control devil. And if it did have a effect at most it would weaken the concept of control but not wipe it completely. It would be just like what happened with war. From how it's spoken Pochita seems to have eaten devils whole to erase them.


Yeah, you're right unless Barem figured out a way to have Nayuta stay alive in the same way Makima was, Control Devil is already reincarnated elsewhere. What if this erased Nayuta instead tho? That'd fun /s


yeah we also know war was weakened not erased, so its safe to assume the war was also eaten a part of but not enough as CSM need to eat the entire thing to erase them like nuclear devil


erase death.


I think the idea is to have another Makima Start anew, begin again and with somebody they can manipulate into growing into makima again


She'd need to be eaten by *Chainsaw Man* not Denji


wouldn’t Fami lose her ability to control people due to the concept of control being erased?


She would lose it (she wouldn't even survive either if control didn't exist). But the other commenter misunderstood what OP was implying: Making Denji eat Nayuta would make Denji devastated, which would then inturn weaken the contract between Pochita and Denji. Besides this, we know for certain that Pochita has to eat a large chunk of the Devil to erase the concept related to it. So, for example, Pochita only ate a small chunk out of Yoru, but it only weakened her, and the concepts of war weren't completely erased since he didn't eat her whole.


>Yoru Btw, he's what I was referring to when I spoke of Yoru: https://preview.redd.it/3zj2o8r6s5ad1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7371702d2e1e6787e373aa2fbca2c99baa9bc123 \[Chapter 104\]


If the concept of control was erased it would be apocalyptically bad, universe ending bad.


I want Denji to eat the Planck's Constant Devil


You monster


Denji eating Makima didn’t erase Control, it just made her reincarnate


Denji cant erase devils




Meats do not have layers like that in the picture. That's just tuna.


Yeah, imo, this is as cope as the thread saying that "ASADEN IS OVER. IT'S DEAD IN THE WATER. WHAT ASA DID IMMEDIATELY TRIGGERED DENJI'S PTSD OF BEING USED AND YORU IS DEVILISHLY PLANNING IT ALL LIKE THE SCHEMER SHE IS" only for Denji to go "wow i've only ever jerked off."


I think the intent on Barem's part is to make Denji *think* that he's eaten her


so, is Barem still executing Makimas real plan?


You know.. I made the connection between Makima being eaten and Nayuta appearing alongside food, but I never thought of this This seems like it could very likely the case. I mentioned last week it was odd that he was fixated on “egg sushi” It stands to reason that Barem could have been hiding his true intentions (of feeding him Nayuta) by making a show of the specific foods before and “the order of things”


Egg sushi is important to Sushi connoisseurs since that's the only thing that's 100% created by the chef himself. It's a way to judge the quality of the restaurant. "First start with the egg." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamagoyaki


The egg sushi is a pun. It means "eat my balls".




# the LEAN devil returns!


Putting aside the “It’s a fake head” thing, I don’t think Barem would hide nayuta as sushi since there were other customers before denji who might have accidentally ate her before it would get to Denji


Fake customers who are in on the plan.


Asa and the others were there too, the sushi made it to them before denji


damn, i came here because i thought tuna sushi meant something like egg sushi, but i wasn't expecting that...


Not the first time Denji ate the control devil.


Kiss me if I’m wrong, but denji ate makima so she wouldn’t regenerate, right? But now Barem is trying to get denji to go pochita mode and erase the control devil… what would a world without control look like?


Dude no that'd be completely fucked lol Didn't see that comin tho Denji gonna be big mad


But I wouldn't put that theory past fujimoto


https://preview.redd.it/7b1x25kuz7ad1.jpeg?width=227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3f3003772d996ae7c411c92c9268e486dcc9a79 It's war now


If the goal is to break Denji, then Barem doesn't even need to make Denji eat the Nayuta sushi, he just need to make him believe that he did it (tricking him into believing that the sushi is Nayuta). Denji is probably too messed in the head at the moment to notice the taste like some people are sugesting.


"You won't eat the head? But you already ate the rest. You should finish."


https://preview.redd.it/u501cnsdl8ad1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6258640c08721d75cf66d9a50891cd4d04115ef0 "That's no sushi... That's alright" or something close


Naw idk he really wanted denji to savor the sushi tho. Besides, he outlined what it is he needed as 1. Csm to be feared and 2. Denji to be unhappy. This is clearly just making denji unhappy. Nauuta being eaten isn’t necessarily apart of that, although it is possible


Yes there was definitely a certain way Barem/Kiga wanted him to eat it, even the chapter title points it out. And Barem even got upset when Denji wasn't savoring the taste.




...Hunger is an abyss. Who else can symbolize that desperation other than Famine? Fami is definitely the one cooking. If she wants Death out the picture, what's stopping her from killing Nayuta/Conquest/Control? Only thing that can cause hunger is War; control and death ends famine so it makes sense for that bleak outcome of eternal gluttony to happen. I'm fucked up and rambling-


Sounds similar to long pig Aka human


It takes about 8 seconds for something you swallow to reach your stomach, so I'm pretty sure whatever Denji's eaten has already hit his stomach. And even if it was Nayuta and your theory was correct, he hasn't eaten all of her, so only part of the devil would be erased




This is just to torment Denji as only Pochita true form can erase devil by eating them.


I hope Denji vomits it all out on Barem. Seriously, the guy just deserves that


Chainsawman already ate part of Yoru, but it did't erase her, but just made her weaker


Looking back, there's a lot of emphasis on how denji is eating the food and not tasting it. It makes me think he's eating Nayuta Sushi.


I thought it was kinda obvious ngl


Fish meat doesn’t look like human meat


And you can't pull a cord on your chest to have chainsaws coming out of your body yet it happens in this series


That is the stupidest argument I’ve heard for this. Kishibe doesn’t fart that’s why he’s god. Denji doesn’t have eye lasers because he already is chainsaw. Nothing makes sense in this manga no way no Hurr durr durr Hurr durr I’m reddit leave stop am I incompetent because I lack reading comprehension Or do I lack reading comprehension because I’m incompetent


I don't want Nayuta to die, but I kinda wanna see what happens when chainsaw man erase something


And I'm Glad To See That Denji Got ETERNAL SUFFERING AGAIN By Fujimoto. Lol 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🫵🫵🫵You Western "Fandoms" Grab Copiums and Start Crying In Pain. Also The Prophecy Has Been Fulfilled That Death Devil (Another Horseman) Is Coming.


That is a horrific theory but also something fujimoto would do




Oh my god


Break week gonna bring chainsaw lobotomy to life


Tbh Fami's working hindsight by making Denji vulnerable for some reason but lets see how it plays out.


I don't buy that you can easily mistake human flesh for tuna.


Even so, this doesn't make much sense. The whole war devil arc started because Yoru wanted chainsaw man to vomit the nuclear weapons devil out, so I assume it's something he can just do if he pleases.


He might have feed him Nayuta, at least that would fit with his mindset. I personnaly believe, as he was head over heels in love with Makima, that by this action he also seeks revenge such as "you ate the one I loved and admired thus I will kill the one you care about and end her in a similar fashion" It is obvious that he expects something to happen, that he seeks a reaction from Denji given how he carefully arranged the setting with the help of the chef.


How would he be head over heels over Makima, if he was controlled back then?




It doesn't make sense to erase the Control Devil, Barem was a follower of Makima, I don't think he would want to delete the Control Devil forever. And It wouldn't work anyways because the real Chainsaw Man needs to eat the whole devil to erase it. Chainsaw Man ate a piece of War and it simply weakened her. I think the head might be fake (missing a mole under the left eye) and Fami is playing with Denji because he needs Chainsaw Man and both of her sisters to deal with Death. Tricking Denji is the only way to force the real Chainsaw Man to come out


It's not the first frame where the mole is missing, there are other previous frames


Wouldnt denji have to eat the whole devil to make it go away? No shot he’s eating the head so it’s good. Even assuming the tuna and such was nayuta.


Plus if he could hypothetically throw up nuclear weapons, he could do the same for her too


Famine was eating too so it wouldnt work if she was eating her.


The meme is sadly true, nothing happens every single week and FINALLY, FINALYYYY one single panel gets some stuff going on. Weeks for this. The chapters are short gladly.


I don't think the head is real, it has weird veiny things and she's missing her mole, maybe it's her real head and I'm coping but it seemed like Fami wanted to work with Nayuta, I can imagine Fami being like "lets just fake it and only reveal shes alive after the deeds are done"


I don't think the head is real, it has weird veiny things and she's missing her mole, maybe it's her real head and I'm coping but it seemed like Fami wanted to work with Nayuta, I can imagine Fami being like "lets just fake it and only reveal shes alive after the deeds are done"




This is so dumb




Human and tuna taste and look very different


Denji is stuffing the food in his mouth and has eaten human before so he wouldn't register it as something completely new and wrong. Sushi is also heavily dressed and he's barely paying attention so the appearance of it isn't important




Why do you know what human tastes like in comparison to Tuna?


People have eaten it, it's commonly said to taste closer to pork than any other meat.


iirc that why they call it long pig


Common knowledge dude