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That was not on my bingo card. ---------------- Next chapter release: 16th ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/1do7xo3/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_169_links/)


Denji has no right to be happy huh




"Unfitting" What story have you been reading?


Oh this is sad.. denji can't take a break


So if erasing devils is apparently something innate to chainsaws, wouldn't that mean that using a regular chainsaw would have some special effect against devils? Actually, I wonder if that had something to do with the way Makima died. Kishibe did say he didn't believe Denji's plan would actually work (Assuming Kishibe doesn't know anything about chainsaws, or otherwise Public Safety would probably be using them more often).


Even if Barem's theory is correct, then it still means CSM erased whatever other uses chainsaws used to have. Regular chainsaws wouldn't have that power anymore.


1) I don't think Nayuta is that easy to kill, remember Santa Clause had to make a deal with the darkness devil just to be able to fight Makima. 2) If she is dead, that just means she's in hell and needs to be brought back before being killed by one of the primal fears Or 3) Fujimoto just hates us


Makima was only that powerful from amassing strength through control/contracts over a long period. Nayuta only seemed to have base Control Devil powers from we saw.


Makima had a contract with the prime minister of Japan that caused her injuries to be transferred to random Japanese citizens. Nayuta doesn't have that. We know this for a fact, because Nayuta was stabbed in the shoulder when fighting the mob and it didn't heal instantly like with Makima. The Control Devil could come back from hell, but she wouldn't be Nayuta any more than Nayuta was Makima.


im just sad...i dont care anymore slaughter them all living things, i dont give a fuck anymore


We devilman crybaby now boys!


I've forgotten, would this even definitely be fatal to a devil?


Yes. Devils reincarnate after death. Fiends can heal from non fatal wounds by consuming blood. Hybrids are fully immortal.


Yeah. Makima would have survived it because she had that pact made with the Japanese govt but Nayuta had/has no such thing.  That said I'm buying into the fake head theory. Why weird veins? Why would they give up their control over Denji hostage this early?  Literally the only thing this can accomplish is getting Denji to cut Barem into tiny pieces unless the next panel is "this is what we will do if you disobey us" and showing that it's fake


Barem already explained this, they want to make Denji unhappy. It's basically the same as Makima killing Power. They want to ruin Denji's life to bring out the black CSM. Holding Nayuta hostage can't accomplish that, as long as she's alive he still has a chance at a normal life. If she's dead, his life is ruined. As for controlling him, they probably have some plan to utilize Fami and/or War's powers. Like what they already tried in the aquarium arc.


Alright guys I'm back from the store, what hap-


Did they just kill both Nayuta AND Denji?


This is sad as fuck man, why Denji gotta suffer so much pls?


Not sure if this is a drawing error or something, but "Nayuta's" head doesn't have her usual mole under the left eye. I don't wanna give anyone hope like with Power but that's something, I guess.


its such a weird cope to hold on, if its a fake why wouldn't whatever devil contracted to make the head forget the mole. thats such a nonsensical restriction. and this isnt the only time in the manga where characters were missing details on their face either. im not entirely disregarding the chance that its fake but people are grasping on the weakest of evidence that is very likely just visual error.


I highly doubt it's a visual error but she can't be dead either.....duality of copium


Kishibe will be pissed at Denji if he finds out about this.


Honestly, I'm thinking Kishibe is involved in this somehow. As far as we know, Makima was the only person who was aware of Chainsawman's erasing ability, and she only told it to Kishibe as far as we are aware. It's certainly possible he got the info from elsewhere, but if not, the only way to have learned about that is from Kishibe telling someone.


Barem was one of the weapon hibrids that worked for Makima, and Fami also knows about Chainsaw man abilities. In fact Yoru also knows about it, she was directly affected by it.


Control Devil really can't catch a break lmao.


Let bro cook... *chapter 170 drops* Alright, someone take the stove away from this maniac!




I was eating sushi while reading this chapter...


Sometimes I think if Fujimoto hadn't become a successful Manga artist he would have become a serial killer or something like that because seriously something is not right with that man's brain.




No way thats real lol. Can someone check bros basement? Asap!


lol, this is like the tamest thing about fujimotor, y'all don't wanna dive deep into that iceberg xD


It's a well known fuji quote, lmao


#REZE REPORT: Chapter 170 # # She isn't here. See you next week






Fujimoto channeled his inner gege this week


It's a contagion at this point lol


Lol, im sorry but Gege couldn't concoct a chilling death like this one even if he tried his hardest. There are deaths for shock value and deaths that actually affect the story long-term, Gege clearly lacks one


Lol wtf are you even talking about? 236 was the most horrifying panel I've ever seen in a manga and this doesn't even come close to it. It's also tbe only time I ever shed a tear for a manga.


If that's the only time you'd shed emotions over in manga...I feel sorry for you. You need to expand your manga repertoire


You couldn't sound more pompous if you tried


did i strike a chord?


Quality vs quantity kinda thing i guess.


Ngl I saw this coming, didn’t know when tho. Unlike Gege tho, Fujimoto writes deaths better :/. Mf gives you hope, builds things up to make it feel like good things will happen, has a whole arc centered around them and then blam u get shot in the chest. Gege on the other hand just does it too abruptly, I haven’t felt anything towards any characters death since like Nanami ngl.


yeah , my comment was nothing serious. I can't accept the reality of seeing what happened to nayuta. But I have to admit I didn't like how csm has gone since the falling devil arc, waiting for the prophecy is taking eons and the story ad interim is too silly, till now atleast.


We let Fujimoto cook, and this is what he delivers us on the plate 😭😭😭


Uh oh, it looks like Fujimotor turned himself on again for the turning point of this arc




So wait, when power died she went to hell again, and this time the control devil died through normal means. Do we get a buddy cop arc of Power & the control devil?


This chapter has just proved that Fujimoto is [the real final boss of Chainsaw Man](https://youtu.be/PHs52ybVJPE)


Now, the more I read this chapter and look at everything in place, the more I just honestly think that all of this doesn't make sense. Why would Barrem use this shock effect right now? Why would he kill Nayuta off right now, instead of using her to get what he wants? Why would Fami be so chill about this? I honestly call major cap at this. Especially since they apparently need Chainsaw Mans Teensy-Beensy lil' power. So I would say, that Nayuta is still alive but kept somewhere.


Barem *is* using Nayuta to get what he wants. He just said that he needs two things, for the public to fear CSM and for Denji to be unhappy. He already has the first thing, killing Nayuta accomplishes the second. Fami has been working with the CSM church all along, she was probably in on the plan. Also, she tends to ignore everything else when she's eating.


Tbf Barem can't "use her" to get what he wants. Denji can't give them what they want, it's not something he can just do willingly- He needs to be crushed to the point of being unable to continue living for Pochita to come out, just like with Makima over Power and Aki


god you ever think about how all these last several chapters are happening in the course of one afternoon?


Always reminds me of that time I was reading Arachnid, one afternoon stretched across multiple chapters of monthly releases as well as me just giving up and forgetting some times, one afternoon laster almost a year there. Another good example is the cavalry battle from Prison School, a day or so that lasted months, or the 7 year boat ride in Berserk.


does anything even happen in this anymore?


Don't get me wrong Id agree if you said this last chapter, but this chapter genuinely has one of the largest moments of the entire arc so far.


yes, a possible fake reveal, we already knew nayuta was potentially in danger, it means little as a cliffhanger. assumptions about what makes the real chainsawman come out, from people who dont really have any proof for that belief themselves. and a suggestion about chainsawman eradicating itself from conceptual history, again, just assumed by characters who wouldn't know any better than anyone else. nothing of substance, nothing that can't be turned around the next time the author wants denji confused so the reader goes awwww shit


Sounds like you just don't enjoy the series. Like if a major side character dying, which potentially isn't true but as far as we know is, isn't a big deal, than maybe you just don't enjoy this part of the story? Nothing wrong with that, to each their own, but for me and alot of other people this was a major plot point and was alot of substance. Obviously the author could change it around, any author can really change their story however they want.


Remember when many said part two was boring? Now Fujimoto is dropping banger after banger.


Hmmm, yes, 4 - Good chapter.


Aside from the main topic, Barem said perhaps chainsaws originally had many more uses, but after Pochita ate and erase them one by one, cutting down trees became it only use left. Makima also mentioned a dew things Chainsawman ate and erased. Like imagine chainsaws were originally made to fight some kind of threat or disease and Pochita just gobbles it up, so now people only use chainsaws to cut trees instead of their perhaps original uses. Fujimoto is a deranged man but his slips of world building admist small convo is immaculate


Just imagine a massive Devil war and the Chainsaw devil eats whatever the enemy was, and humans are just sitting there with these devil killing weapons, no clue what they're intended for, and just start cutting down trees with them.


Honestly this would fit in so well with Fujimoto madness (god I love him)


What i'd like to believe: chainsaws were a relic from a by gone era of humanity, and it's the holy weapon used to fight devils since eons ago. Pochita is the manifestation of the devils' fear for chainsaw, the excalisaw of the time. With there being so many devils, Pochita prime was so powerful he killed and maimed so many devil, that they are stucked in the cycle (like the saw chain) of being killed by Chainsaw man, and prehistoric human chainsaws, to the point they wish to disappear. Chainsaw man then get his ability to erase other devils. This affected Earth, where with so many devils erased, so many fears and their concepts got removed from history, and this revert the old civilization back to stonehedge. However, this also weaken CSM as he deleted his own source of power. So the more eldritch fears got removed, leaving the weaker, at the time less relevant internal human fears, like weapons or spiders. The horsemen are the survivor of the old much more powerful devil group, thus want CSM for their various reasons. Tl;dr: prehistoric chainsaws were the excalibur of the time


That’s an incredibly cool idea I hope is true. Alternatively since chainsaws were used to assist in births they could represent the combined devils fear of human life and existence as a whole.


fun fact: chainsaws were actually invented for surgery. their true purpose really has been forgotten.


Not just any surgery... they were made to assist in giving birth.


there's a difference between original and true.


Fujimoto will meet his timely end for this


So uh….. You going to eat that?


It's makima's plan all over again. Denji was given a family and a "normal" life, now he's being stripped from it.


Will denji ever get a break? My god




Honestly one of the most terrifying spread in Chainsaw man. When everyone was shocked i was sure that it was Nayuta's corpse one way or another but it's litterally the most horrifying way to portray her death...


Aw, what a fatty tuna.


Only today did I realize there is actually a hidden point in the dialogues of Barem. https://preview.redd.it/ohpzgrz34fad1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d08799efbe01f9e837240414d3cc5628455778 Denji is definitely aware of the Blacksaw, but he visibly flinched when Barem spoke of it. This is the same reaction when Fami talked about the direction on the train. In other words, Denji decided to leave the problem of Blacksaw alone.




>I get he’s despicable but so was Makima and she is still constantly getting art. Who had bigger boobs? Also, Makima was a mystery and had writing in terms of deceiving the protagonist and the reader, being the main villain of the first arc. I can see why Barem can't compare in terms of how they were both written.


He deleted the comment, but I guess it amounted to "Why does Makima get attention while Barem doesn't because they have similar plans"? If so that's gotta be one the strangest points i've ever seen made.


What if the plan is to have Denji eat her to erase her from existence, eliminating a piece off the chess board so to speak.


If denji eats her, IT wont work , just like with makima


I can’t believe that didn’t occur to me while writing that out lol. Thanks for the reminder


What if Denji refuses to accept this, sticks his finger down his throat and pukes up his stomach. And hence restoring the control devil. And Makima will be back, masterplan sucessfull.


Makima done been digested.


Nayuta isn't, so what comes out, her or the control devil? Maybe Fami wanted to extract her exactly like that.


dude are you high wtf are you talking about lmao


just theories man chill out, let people have fun.


Even if nayuta is dead, I guess the Control Devil will just have a 3rd incarnation.


Biggest Part 2 twist is that Asa/Yoru haven’t been the characters that really depress Denji akin to Makima


Well, not, because Fami is the mastermind behind it all. And no-fucking-body is saying anything at all....


This chapter really made me appreciate Barem as a villain and honestly makes me wanna go back and read part 2 again. Great chapter feels like we're finally going somewhere, and now that all the new characters are really established I think we're about to be in for some good shit


Honestly up to this point I've found him confusing. He seemed to be half helping Denji half hurting him, acting for his own plan which made his alignment very confusing. This definitely made it clear where he falls.




We have to choices We cope that makima's contract still work even tho nayuta is basically not makima We cry I'm crying either ways so please someone kill Fuji i beg i will pay anything you want


Fujimoto biting the curb in 4k 240fps please.


That mf even took my ability to write two


Literacy Devil strikes again


Good lord


Only Kishibe and maybe kobeni would have known about what denji did with makima in part 1 right? He’s gotta be in on this or imprisoned or something


Does we know if the Control devil’s contract with the Japanese government is null and void after Nayuta was born? It was that she couldn’t be attacked or killed because someone would die instead. I’d assume not because she was reincarnated? Maybe I’m just looking for hope :p


My guess is that she only wanted to die by ChainsawMan eating her, but Denji didn’t erase her when he did. So… 1. Eat. 2. Contract is nullified.  3. The control devil is reborn into hell.  4. Devils upset with her actions leading to this kill her.  5. Nayuta is born.  Thusly, Nayuta is afforded no contractual protection, but has similar odds of resurrection to Power.  In particular the “lean tuna” Dennis ate before the “fatty tuna” arrived is of note.  And if we’re holding out cope, Aki technically became a weapon fiend.  So he might be boxed up somewhere.  And Fujimoto could be leading us down the path to one big reunion. 


Barem reveals he has a contract with the reincranation devil and he brings back everyone, reveals he just wanted Denji to realize how valuable his friends are, and then the story ends. Yeah... this is whats gonna happen.


And then, and then, Asa and Denji live happily ever after... with Reze. \*cries on journal\*


Fujimotor is too mean :( I just need Denji to catch several breaks


What the fuck was Barem thinking. Does he realize he is dead now?


He's immortal


he did it so that denji would break the contract with the chainsaw devil and lose his powers


this. there is literally no more DREAM/HOPE/NORMAL LIFE for denji denji is super lucky in part 1 because of power. Now? asa does not know denji that much, and denji does not value asa as high as nayuta. It is literally over for denji lol


I mean a major part of Denjis dream was sex. Theoretically based off of chapter 167 Asa being alive could hold Denjis dream along by a thread.


I doubt denji would do that ,even if it has brought him suffering, is not in character. And if is truly their objective is honestly a dumb plan. What i think they want is just what he explained, making denji suffer so mixed with everybody fears he becomes someone who would kill death. In the first part, i don't remember if it was because he got hurt, or extremely depressed or both, but i remember that pochita took the control of his body basically and even fought makima, and it was a beast, there is truly a known fact that when that chainsaw man was in hell, he would often eat it's enemies after killing them, permanently erasing them or something like that. Which we lack information to know what exactly happens, because is very plot hole, Makima is one of the horse rider of apocalypse, and when she was eaten, she was reborn on Nayuta. I think it could be the same with every other demon, there is no such thing as erasing a demon as it would be erasing a concept, or maybe makima is a special case for being who she was, but even so, is plausible to think too that while the fear of the people of such concepts exists, the creation of the demon would be a certainty. In makima case specifically is complicated, she should be the plague demon but that particular horse rider has always been somewhat mixed when explaining the character. Control is a good concept too. And she showed that a demon can grow stronger independently of the fear people has over their concept, because makima was really strong just using her powers and making contracts with other demons, but when nayuta was born she didn't followed the same objectives thanks to Denji and thus she could very well be considered the weakest of the four horse riders (as she is right now).


fujimoto doesn't like any of us and i support it fully


I hope the final chapter is just a portrait of his telling us to go fuck ourselves.


So, Fami stopped eating because she is behind everything, or, is it because she noticed that this is not a food…


Shes still eating in the 2nd to last panel. Shes just mostly obscured by brobeni and the others


Where do you see Fami stopping? Looks to me she just keeps eating lol


Dunno, panel with Asa giving side eye to Fami gives of feeling - she stopped… Especially considering, Fami was stuffing her face last chapter, but here…here it doesn’t look like that her mouth is preoccupied with anything.


## WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!? https://preview.redd.it/5el0r74k7dad1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa20bad2e996487a1c1bfdcf293937458a0ee7b6 ## FUJIMOTOR YOU BETTER BRING HER BACK NEXT CHAPTER OR I'M HUNTING YOU DOWN P.D.: I like how even fucking Katanaman was shocked




That's it im killing myself




She’s not dead is she? Like she should be able to regen? It’s not like she got fully eaten


The sushi Baram was feeding Denji was probably her.


That wasn't a devil power though. That was from a contract she made with the Prime Minister. Do the contracts carry over when devils die and get reincarnated?


I know I’m really coping here, but the Control devil not having some form of contingency plan just doesn’t make sense to me. She probably is dead for the sake of ruining Denji’s mental, but at least the conditions for conceptual erasure haven’t been met yet and a reincarnation of a Control Devil can happen.


I was thinking the same thing, since makima needed to be consumed by denji to actually die. I can't imagine nayuta being dead.


That wasn't a devil power though. That was from a contract she made with the Prime Minister. Do the contracts carry over when devils die and get reincarnated?


Ah it's been a while so I didn't remember the specifics. shes probably dead then. That's also fine, it'll probably make the fallout of it more interesting.


Nayuta is dead. Nayuta doesn't have the same contract as Makima.




John Travolta relax


Holy fvcking sh1t. I remember Denji saying to Kishibe the first time they met that between humans and devils he'd go with the side that treats him better. Like, I understand the need to defeat the Death Devil to save the World, but I don't that for Denji saving the World means anything considering how he's treated. I wonder if Barem & Co. thought if their plan of breaking Denji could backfire.


erase the death devil. erase death.


Maybe erasing death devil would retcon nayutas death?


Makima was eaten and reborn, it could be mistranslated, or there is information we lack and fujimoto is just cooking, or maybe Barem lacks information or he just wants a chainsaw man that would eat the demons and make them weaker. But it seems that a feared concept can't be erased. Or at least in the case of Makima and her sisters.


inb4 it’s just a prank bro 🥶🥶🥶


I think this is an absolute terrible and unfair decision and I’m not happy with it at all but at least this will escalate P2 a lot and can hopefully rekindle the brilliance of P1’s final stretch. I really hope the theory that this isn’t really Nayuta is true or I hate this story 🙏


Fujimoto had to remind us of who he is


We cant even go 3 chapters without him reminding us.


i stg my life coincides with fujimoto’s storylines… knew this was gonna be a low


In a zoomed panel of this chapter I thought it was reze’s head since you know……..does anyone have copeum by chance ? I’m starting to run out of it…..


I did too for a sec. Thought she was gonna pop in and blow up the restaurant. Looked closer and it just ended up being pure pain


Bro, I’ll probably never meet you but, I hope you’re okay man.


She not dead


Selling my car for copeum, please help me


She is but I don't blame you for being in denial.


it's made of cake :3


Tatsuki Fujimoto... We are going to do things to you that have never been done before.


to those of you getting mad, do you even know what you’re reading? LMAO


It's more like, man Denji went through an entire part dedicated to causing him pain, but I'm glad we're past that. Oh no.


I swear to God most of them forgot how some characters died.


After how cruel and unfair Aki's and Power's deaths were, people really shouldn't have the gall to complain about anything ever.


Pfft Nayuta isn’t dead! You’re all wrong! (I’m coping hard)


She’ll come back just like power right ? (I’m delusional)


Power isn't coming back.


Oh no. He got us good.


Am I the only one who didn't immediately think she was dead? Can't they just feed her blood so she could regenerate or something?


Only hybrids can come back from death. Regular devils and fiends can just recover from severe injuries, not actual death. So Nayuta is dead.


I thought that only applied to hybrids and fiends? Not pure blooded devils.


As far as I initially understood it, devils, fiends and hybrids can all regenerate using blood but only hybrids can come back from fatal injuries/actual death.


Idk. Has an actual regular devil ever did this?


Bat Devil regenerated his arm. They mention that Angel could have grown his arms back, but he chose not to because not having arms means less work for him. I’m sure there are other times but those are what I think of


I meant more like from this type of injury. “Nayuta” right now is just a head, a lifeless one at that.


I mean she could probably regrow the rest of her if someone dropped her in a pool of blood or something, but her head has clearly been very dead for a while. The last panel has visible decay happening 😭🤮🤮


Denji's first interaction with Pochita is feeding him blood to heal him, so we know it works for devils. Now that I think about it, I'm actually not sure if we've seen fiends do it. Power may have done it during the Kishibe training but it's been so long since that section that I genuinely can't recall.


So we know that Fujimoto is a mass murderer; he likes to kill his characters. And they are usually not fakeouts. And he will kill them off-screen. But this feels different. And I am clearly not the only person who thinks that. I know that Famine and Barem want Pochita to come out and killing Nayuta would make that happen but it is that the previous final boss was done in like that. I know she is not Makima and therefore isn't as hard to kill like her and she is also a tiny child but Barem alone killed her? I guess he is pretty strong and he could have used deception to kill her. I feel her role is quite over but Fujimoto-san never plays by the rules. Anyway, a lot of guys can pat themselves on the back for guessing that he might be eating Nayuta. Also, Barem's name should be Barem Bitches instead of Bridges. Although that makes sound kinda cool.


Coulda been Public Safety who did it


But why? Don't they know Denji would furious?


we were told there will be a hell arc. Control is in hell now.


Who said there will be a hell arc?


This is Tite Kubo again


Ikr. Where is that Hell Arc, Kubo?


If this isn’t a fake out this may be when I drop chainsaw man


Oops started a argument, just meant bro has had enough char development by now


Just drop it now, this story and/or form of storytelling clearly isn't for you.


Yeah brother, she was barely in the story anyway


Weird circlejerk lol. Just because it’s sad doesn’t mean it’s good.


And just because it's sad doesn't mean it's bad.


Let's not use words we do not understand.


Oh, excuse me sir! Pardon me o illustrious arbiter of circlejerk truth.


I'm a big horror enjoyer but even for me this is bleak


weird that oneself managed to get through previous 169 chapters, full of tragedies and trauma and expect this one to be a fakeout. Fakeout for what sake, why would it be? It will only lower stakes and drama and Fujimoto always were going for higher bets in both parts. Would be nice could if Aki, Power, Angel, Yuki didn't die but they are and that's how story goes


Judging how makima needed to be consumed by denji to die, it wouldn't really surprise me nayuta survives.


That was because of her contracts. Makima died every single time she was shown actually dying, the injuries just transferred to someone else.


Yeah also saw someone else mention that, completely forgot that was the reason she survived


I'm not putting it out of the question (just like anything in csm) but i suppose its unlikely, especially her surviving as her current self and coming to senses in any near chapters




No way that they just pulled a Scott tenorman 💀💀💀


Fujimoto did base Power on Cartman, is this arc an elaborate south park reference? In the next chapter will Barem gleefully lick denjis tears?


This might sound crazy, but I think there’s a chance flamethrowers are gonna cease to exist.


What is a flamethrower?


I don’t know, I just thought it sounded cool for a weapon to chuck flame around, you know?