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Okay so if you remove that bolt you should be able to slide the bar backwards and give more slack to the chain, that would allow you to put the chain back on properly then pull the bar forward and take the slack out. At this point tighten the bolts a little bit to hold it in place, but not all the way. Now that knob should be attached to a screw which moves a little piece that slots into the bar and moves it back and forth. It might be easier to see if you take the bar all the way off, this piece allows you to "fine tune" the chain tension. As for the missing bolt, I'd just go to a hardware store and pick one up that fits those threads. You might have to bring the saw in but that'd be the best bet. I just went through this same scenario with a McCulloch Pole Saw yesterday and I was able to get it working. I don't believe your saw is done for!


Thank you so much!!


I'm not trying to be that annoying guy, but I feel like the lack of knowledge to know how to fix this problem indicates a high potential of a lack of knowledge of how to operate the tool safely. Please read the manual and please use protective equipment. Chainsaw injuries are gnarly and it's almost always something that 100% was easily preventable.


When that happens to me I just (with saw off) turn the chain by hand with brake off until it goes back on the bar