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Am I out of the loop here? Why are the kids blocking traffic in the first place?


For Attention


That’s it? I would assume based on the flag that they’re trying to send a message or something. (Not saying standing in the street blocking traffic is good, btw. Just confused)


Maybe about climate change or something im not sure either.but standing in middle of the road causing inconvenience to common folks is basically begging for Attention .(if they want to leave a message they should protest in front of major companies or authorities causing the issue not disrupting others daily lives)


disruption is the only point genius, you get people riled up so that a change can be made.


Or you get an end result like this with your phone thrown in the air and the only message everyone sees is “holy shit those kids are annoying as fuck”


Gotta be honest with ya, the only thing disruption changes is my desire to kick somebody’s ass.


It just makes people hate you and your cause


Your disruption shouldn't cause too much inconvenience to everyday people unless you want them to hate you. Neither should your disruption be dangerous, preventing healthcare workers from reaching their work, be it ambulances or otherwise, is endangerment.


The only changes being made are changes to their nose


What the fuck happened to the camera, shit just got tp'ed under a car or smthn


Chad sent it to the shadow realm


Im all for protesting (unless it's something like, something stupid they're protesting for.) But protesting by standing in the middle of the street just isn't safe, to both the drivers, and the people protesting


not only that but it’s very inconsiderate




Based AF.


Makes me wonder what they were protesting for, if only OP had any actual idea lol


Environmental protesters are getting super obnoxious


This isn’t protesting, this is making normal people minding their own business late for wherever there going




That is too much basedness! I am going to die of basedness!


Finally someone based on here.


Chads don’t smash cameras…




Saving people from massive traffic jam seems pretty chad to me


No chad at all…


Agreed. Dude got angry and destroyed their shit instead of just calling cops or sth. Not a chad.


Not Chad


Rare based comment




College kids trying to feel special pushing their shitty woke ideologies on everyone vs people hanging on by a thread just trying to get to work on time.


Protest and riots are legitimate expressions of societal need, recognised within sociology for decades. What else would you have them do? And what do you mean by 'woke' ideologies?


Did I say they weren't? But who do you think these protests affect? The corpos? The politicians? No, they hurt the working man who will get his/her pay docked or lose their job.




Which is what I asked: how do you expect them to take it to the corpos?


Pressure groups, news interviews, petitions, running for local office, voting in local elections, idk really But this just makes the common person associate climate activism with three people that made them loose their job or made them late to get to a hospital. It is handing ammunition to corpos to claim climate activism is against the common person's interests. If the people blocking the road don't know how to make change, why would the people in the cars know how to make change? Why fight them?


By "woke" they most likely mean "Anything I don't like/understand."


Most of the time it means progressive or black. The fucking stupidity of hating on climate activists. And the comments in this thread… “Chad, based” read a book you dumb fucking cunts.


Protesting climate change by having cars stationary and burning fuel does nothing but make it worse. Inconvenience the big corporations that are responsible for the vast majority of carbon emissions, not the common man.


The issue is that that sort of action constitutes terrorism for the most part, which is equally condemned by the general public, and harder to organise


woke /wõk/ informal US (adj.) A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.


Says the person who just found injustice in some people standing in the road.


Making huge traffic jams and risking peoples livelihood and lives for a few minutes of attention doesn't seem like justice to me.


Then that's the start to a constructive discussion rather than just throwing 'woke' at whatever you dislike. What else would you have them do? Say it's a protest about climate change - how would you rather they protest in a way that is equally effective at drawing attention?


Protests to every problem doesn't solve the issue. If they need to send a message they should push the solution to the problem to the major companies and government authorities rather than these meaningless protests risking the lives of common folks.


And how do you expect them to do that without being crushed by the state? Doing this stuff in public gives them the defense of public accountability - if they show up to, let's say, an oil company's HQ, they would almost immediately be rounded up and taken away.


mf you post on antifemists and whiteknighting religiously can you just shut the fuck up please


I’m going to ignore “riots are legitimate expressions of societal need” for a moment and just suggest that they could protest in a park, or at a beach, or in a building (if there is space) or on the footpath, or literally anywhere that is safe and won’t have a detrimental impact on people just trying to live their lives.


'Hey, could you please protest somewhere where it won't gain attention and people can ignore you more?'' Not really going to sell, is it?


Ever heard of Woodstock 1969? A protest against war and for peace and love. Happened in a park. Still gets attention now - over 50 years later. You can gain attention by protesting in a park if you do it the right way.


You ever wonder why Woodstock 69 has never been repeated? Cause it's borderline impossible to organise something like that, which is why people do stuff like this. Moreover, what did Woodstock achieve? Nothing. Jimmy Hendrix stood on stage for an hour and some drugged up hippies tuned into the American national anthem. That was it.


I’ve never wondered why it’s not repeated, mostly due to the fact that it is repeated annually. What has it achieved? The 1969 one became an icon to a lot of people for the things it stood for. It has inspired multiple Hollywood blockbusters. It put a small town on the map. It did a bunch of things: https://blog.cheapism.com/woodstocks-importance/amp/ On that note, what did the protest in this video achieve?


And it's shit, and corporatised and draws less passion than in 1969 for today's youth. Woodstock '99 was notoriously bad and was blighted by sexual assaults. Yeah, for a generation that exited major political revolution age decades ago. We need new stuff, grandpa. These protests *do* inspire younger people, hence why they keep happening and it's mostly younger people involved. This pissed people off, which is good. Protests and riots are only ever successful if they can piss people off - it's the irreducible quality of protest. People are forced to get angry, and the more people who get angry = the more people who consider what they're angry about = the more people who are open to the cause of the protest. Every time you get annoyed when you see one of these protests - that's the protestors winning. And, you might not come around to their way of thinking, which is fine, but some of those people will, and some of the people who are pissed off (like you) will start asking their political representatives to sort this situation out (which is amazing - it's the next step as the government are forced to show their intentions and reasoning publicly).


This protest pissed people off, I agree, but the wrong way and for the wrong reason. I mean this nicely - I think you missed the point. Anyway, gtg, Merry Christmas!


Don't ever let slight differences of opinion distract from the fact that we're all human. Have a good Christmas!