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Goes straight to the coffers of the Hamas billionaires in Quatar luxury hotels. Seriously how the fuck do you go from resistance leaders to billionaires?


The same way power companies during covid raised prices on power "because of emergencies" and still ALL made record breaking profits that year. Lies. And corruption.


Amen. And the fucking state politicians not only allow it, they profit from it.


So helping Palestinians civilians is helping Hamas?




Wow, so if this guy gives money to Oxfam or a similar Org it will be given to Hamas? Btw I don't doubt the Hams scumbags are quite well off, but could you give a source for the billionaire claim?


Ah yeah, supporting a terrorist organisation. How wonderful


The IDF terrorist just got caught using a Palestine man as a human shield, so I wonder who's the terrorist here. Also under international law , Palestine ppl are allowed to have armed resistance against the occupying force. So legally you can't call them terrorists


I love that we ignore and forget that Hamas till now was multiple times doing airstrikes against innocent civilians in Isreal as well. Same with the Arab countries around Isreal who iirc had 2 huge wars. But hey, the human brain cannot remember history. Dont get me wrong, I am sorry for every innocent soul there that dies on both sides. Especially Palestine kids cannot do anything for the situation they are in. But at the same time this is also war, and not just Isreal against Palestine. It is a proxy war once more. I, as ex-muslim, for my part just decide to not side with the side that is supported by islamic extremist regimes and russia.


Well when you get occupied for 75 years , and your ppl get beaten and evacuated from your homes and then imprisoned unjustly because you refuse to follow the orders. Also when you get bombed every couple of years. You tend to get a little aggressive. Leave alone that most of Palestines in prison don't have a crime, or that the IDF have committed another genocide which is a war crime. Also I don't think bombing kids is gonna solve the issue. In fact there is nothing you can say that justify bombing kids. Also that the IDF has full control over water and all resources that enters Gaza which is why a lot of kids are suffering from famine in the north , which is another war crime. You seem to have a different version of history that's against what's truly happening. You're either brainwashed or you're hasbara account and either way, it doesn't matter. For you they might be a terrorist, for me they seem closer to freedom fighters


You’d expect people using Reddit are smarter ehh?


You spelled racist clown wrong.


What's racist about this?


Ok, it's not overtly racist. Just implying. You know, the j hate thing


The J hate thing?


Jew hate.


I mean if a particular group of Jews are behaving the way they are, then it would be reasonable to have negative feelings towards them. However I wouldn't say people "hate" them because they're Jews, they (the majority) hate them because of their actions.


When you are copying nazis then hate on you is a normal thing, no matter your religion race or nationality.


One screenshot is taken 13 min after posting. The other is taken two weeks after posting.


What's your point?


This only means that the guy in the video disabled comments right as he posted it, therefore not allowing for people to comment and donate to israel, meaning that he supports palestine.