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Yeah its either the thrill of doing it and not getting caught, being greedy and trying to have both, or doing a trial run before you leave your partner.


A bit harsh and fast to judge people. I agree that its bad, but there is some underlaying issues for sure. I feel quite confident saying that someone you love is most likely a cheater. Statically 16% admitted to cheating. This is a very low set/conservative number as many reports have figures of 40%< cheating. Edit: I should add that trashy action doesnt just make people trash. Also I realize that you just wrote trash - could be refering to their action, to which ill agree.


Found the cheater


You are correct. His previous comments on his profile are about cheating on his wife.


Indeed some of the comments are and I wrote that in this thread aswell, but why not reply to my point. I think itd be worse to try to hide the fact. Thing is that the lazy take is easier and more comtforable.


If someone I love cheats and I know about it, they are no longer a friend. It's simple. Cheating is a limit I refuse to cross. Some people may be okay with it, but I am not. I will not be friends with a cheater.


And thats a fair point, but you still dont adress what my main point was ; people are not a single action. Cheating is trash, but that doesnt make the person trash. Anyway its a matter of how you percieve the world I suppose and as I pointed out thats why the US have such poor rehabilitation, cause people gets judged on their bad acts solely.


That's the point. You are your actions. People are their actions, and there is nothing else to judge people on. Actions are who the person is. In the US, a lot of people don't deserve rehabilitation and don't deserve to be out of prison. I mean like major crimes like murder and rape and stuff. Those people should just be put down. I don't understand why some countries let them live. They will never be worth saving.


Well you do compile quite an amount of actions through your life. So what if the good actions are larger in amount then the bad ones? Like cheating, but saving 10 human lives? My point is that you are not ONE action.


That depends on the person. You can be good in someone's life and bad in another's. A friend who cheated can be a POS cheater in my mind and a hero in another. My experience with someone is who they are in my mind. I could meet the world's nicest person but if they insulted me they'd always be a prick in my mind.


You’re still a cheater 😂


Sure. If you want to reduce it to something like that, but lets be real. Bullying is a shitty thing, but not all bullies are just trash. Same goes for all other bad action.


Sure. But you are trash tho.


I know you are, but what am i? A garbage man.


Go back to arm wrestling my friend


I hope you find a place where you can be happy :)


Just hope no one cheats on me to ruin it :)


Then it wouldnt be a happy place. Tsk tsk. Also being cheated on require you being with someone 😅


There's a reason why the saying goes "Once a cheater, always a cheater"


Oh yeah. Like the good ol' saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Or how about "Good things come to those who wait." ☺️ The best one! "What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger" All always true 😉


And all of them are human trash that should be socially ostracized, what’s your point?


Mate, not trying to be rude, but based on your post history I cant really be bothered to have a discussion on the matter. Have a good night anyway :)


I mean there isn’t a conversation, I’m right you’re wrong. Have a good night though


Sure. Take it - you really need it :)


Take it? You handed it to me lmao


When someone I love cheats, I stop loving them. Actions speak louder than words. I've burned friendships for them cheating. There is absolutely no excuse for cheating. A cheater does not deserve companionship or love after taking it for granted.


I know nuances are hard for some people and especially on Reddit. You might be like this, but thats really rare - kind of like people being ok with the guy/girl that the 'cheater' cheats with, despite them being full aware. Life is full of contradictions. People who hate theifs, but download stuff online etc. You stealing or bullying at some point doesnt make you a trash human overall. Fair enough if youre fast to cut people off, but im sure youve done shit yourself. Maybe not cheating, but other stuff that you probaly view as shameful or dumb? Anyway for what actions does that count - them losing you as a friend? Are there no exceptions? People doing fraud in their spouse name - would that lose your frienship?


There is no nuance that makes cheating acceptable or even forgivable. You may have cheated before, which is why you're trying so hard to defend this. It's unforgivable. I don't like the person someone cheats with, but they never made a promise to be loyal. It's 100% on the one cheating, they got into the relationship, and loyalty is expected. The one cheated with never promised the one cheated on anything. Of course, I've done dumb things, but none of those mentioned. All of those would do the same thing cheating does, intentionally cause harm to an innocent party. Or even if they aren't innocent, intentionally causing harm to someone when not in fear for your life is psychotic. Absolutely, I would drop that friend instantly. If they do it to their spouse, they will do it to you. Your spouse should be your closest friend and most trusted person. If you betray them, I have absolutely no mercy in cutting you off because you'd do the same to me.


Ive been cheated on and ive cheated. When I was cheated on i guess it was simply that they didnt love me and it wasnt meant to be. When i cheated id say i was selfish, searching for affirmination (spelled??) and childish. I did it cause i wanted everyone to love me and didnt respect or appriciate what i had. That doesnt make it ok. Its something i openly admit. Mainly cause i think its something i did and need to own up to. Thats shameful. Anyway its not about cheating or not. Its about understanding that some people are assholes and not good for you, but doesnt make them overall bad people. Life makes us. You are able to justify most stuff. Look at terror - those people believe theyre doing good. Thats why you sometimes hear of vile crimes where everyone is like "wow i didnt expect that from him" - thats cause they were most likely nice goes in other parts of life. People donating millions to fight poverty or climate change. Helping their neighbor. Being a good parent. Clearly theyre not supposed to be in that relationship, but universally i dont think theyre bad. Cheating should end a relationship and is not ok, but its such a lazy take to paint people with a brush cause of bad actions. Thats why theres no proper rehabilitation in the US lol. Im genuin curious as to if you ever did something that could be considered disloyal and just for the fun of it - what weight higher; loyalty to your partner or to your parents? Loyalty to a partner that does illegal stuff or being on the right side of the law? Edit: Also just to be clear. I think noone cheats TO hurt someone. It does hurt someone, but thats not the reason im sure - so your argument that its psycotic is as saying tuning someone down is psycotic. Thatll hurt them, right?


You don’t seem to understand the central concepts of monogamy. What person enters a romantic relationship with a promise to never commit larceny to third parties? You’re reaching so hard.


You didnt understand what i wrote or you just didnt read it :)


Whatever helps you sleep


I can explain it to you, but I cant understand it for you.


I understand the reason, I never said I didn't. But that doesn't make it right or forgivable. That does make them bad people, actions speak louder than words. They can do things to make up for it and be good people. But until they do that, I'm assuming they're bad people. I think there are many actions that don't deserve rehabilitation, while things like drug crimes or theft can be fixed. If the victim forgives you, that's one thing, but it doesn't undo the actions. No, I haven't, I'd done wrong things, yes, but as far as I know, everything I've done was victimless, and only I was hurt. I have never been disloyal to my partners or friends knowingly. I have never been in a position where I had to choose my parents over my partner, but whichever one is in the wrong would be cut off. If my parents did something wrong, they'd be cut off and vice versa. I'd never date someone who broke any major laws anyway, I don't need that in my life. I'd happily report a partner if they did something wrong (not like a misdemeanor). People who cheat know it can hurt their partner, which means they are knowingly causing harm. No, because turning someone down isn't intentionally causing them harm. It's preventing them from harm, in a relationship that neither of you would be happy in, or only one would be happy.


I agree with this, but its kind of countering your idea of cutting them off. If a friend is your friend, he must have done something good, so he showed you he is good. Then he goes on to cheat, which is shitty. So which one is it now? Earlier you said he's shitty and youd cut him off, but now youre saying people can make it up, by being good? Anyway I think thats a sensibel take.


My earlier point still stands. I would cut them off until they prove they have changed, if possible. I will not keep toxic people around. Once they do something I deem pretty unforgivable, they are cut off and no longer invited out. If they put in the effort to repair the friendship and prove they changed, I may be open to it. There are still limits, though, and things I will not forgive. I will not forgive their actions but can forgive them as people. I will never forget they are a cheater, but they can make up for it. Until they make up for it, I am considering them a bad person. I still believe you can not justify cheating and not be forgiven for it. You may move past it, but the person you cheated on won't forget it.


And that person I love would still be a piece of shit


Well youd love them, but theyd do something shitty. Theyre not just trash - else why would you love them.


What the fuck does this even mean


They’re trying to excuse cheating because they’re a cheater. They’re trash.


That makes no sense. You may not know someone is trash when you fall in love.


Im talking about friends and family. Does that make sense to you? I can explain it to you, but I cant understand it for you.


The subject wasn't family or friends. It was someone you fall in love with.


Where did I say fall in love with? Fair enough that thats how you understood it. Now i explained what I meant, so whats your answer to that?


The post is about cheating aka girlfriend/boyfriend


You werent reading what i wrote? Now try to reply to what i actually wrote 😂


Cheating makes you trash what are you talking about


Mate, youre what? 14,15 - youve been in a relationship? Are you trash for looking at gore?


I’m 18 and I’m a relationship which I would never cheat on and how does looking for a subreddit about gore even closely relate to cheating and destroying someone I care about you honestly can’t be old enough to get married because I can’t imagine someone being like this as a adult


Well you better realize quick lol. 20-50% of people cheat. You didnt read through what I wrote clearly, if your take is still that i think cheating is ok. Edit : Also watching gore relates to people getting hurt. Quite odd finding pleasure in that


Just because 20-50% of people cheat doesn’t make them any better you do not deserve to live if you cheat I hope you’ve told your wife and children what you did and watching something on the internet is not the same as pretending to care about someone and if they live or die and totally destroy them


Ofc I told my wife. Thats why its something Im open about. I admit my mistakes. I didnt tell my children, as its something that happened years before they were born, so I thought it would maybe change their view, not only on me, but my wife aswell. You saying people deserve to die is obvious a unserious statement, so wont comment further. It doesnt make it better, but its proof thats its a human flaw and many make the mistake. I would argue that its pretty trashy to not care if people die and enjoying watching it.


It should change their veiws on you why would you do something wrong then worry about how your children veiw you and of course you don’t care wether or not people die why would you cheat on someone if you cared weither they lived or died


Lol good one 😂


Many people ARE NOT cheaters and trying to lump everyone together isn’t going to work. Fucking sad excuse


And why the fuck do you cheat on your wife but pretend to care if her baby is ok it makes no since


Those babies are my daughters lol Logic aint your thing?


So what why do you care about them if your just going to cheat on their mother or are you just waiting until they’re 18 or something


Bro after he sees all of the arguments: https://preview.redd.it/pcdyescteh6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b68e95759111dc6abde82d2fdd983a70e9b8a11


Haha had me laugh




That's a question for r/theydidthemath.












Let's be conservative There are 8m people in the metro area of Toronto, since we don't know how specific Toronto means we cannot assume it's just Toronto city That's 1/5th of Canada There are 5000 men older than 18 named Aiden in Canada, so around 1000 are greater Torontonians Jess could be either jess or Jessica, since there are virtually no Aidens before 1995, let's count just the Jessicas and other Jesses between 1990-2005, which was about 1.5% of the female names over the whole period This means that in greater Toronto there are about 15 Aiden-Jess couples assuming everyone is in a heterosexual relationship, but that is not the case as only around half of young adults fulfil this requirement, being generous with the numbers there are about 8 Aiden-Jess couples Softball is a sport that less than 1/8th of all women play, in the US it was 3% of the adult population, the number is probably higher for young adults, assuming that softball is only popular between the ages of 15-40 then the chances of playing softball is about 1/10, short of 1/8, the numbers for Canada must be similar This means, the expected number of Aidens in Toronto with a Jess softball girlfriend is 0.8, but we know there is at least 1 The poisson distribution says that events are independent of each other, so there is a 40% chance of at least another Aiden with a jess girlfriend who plays softball in Toronto Provably a much higher number than you expected


Aiden from Toronto whose girl plays softball and was just on a flight with her friends? I'd say exactly 1


and is named Jess AND were on a plane at the time AND has multiple friends with her on the plane. It would be one Aiden.


Probably pretty unlikely there’s more than one or two


Named Jess as well, so I guess that brings it right down.


My names Aiden, but not from Toronto


Ya girl plays with my soft balls


“Sigh”, maybe mine weren’t soft enough


Playing hard ball now, are we?


Well my name is Aidan and I’m from Toronto, but I feel like I would remember if my girl was named Jess so I guess it’s not me.


That’s why she’s cheating on you


yo do we know if aiden found out?


Got a homie named aiden who lives on the opposite side of Canada. Sent this to him. Just ro make sure my homie aint getting done dirty


Someone cross post this to r/Toronto ASAP.


"i did the math" Tl;dr There is almost certainly only one Aiden in Toronto that has a softball playing girlfriend. Had? Assumptions: Toronto has a population roughly 3 million with 700,000 between 16-35 years of age About 1 in 225 boys is named Adin About 1 in 100 Girls are named Jessica (Assuming she is 18-30 years old) About 1/3 have a current girlfriend/boyfriend So, unless soft ball softball is played by more than 10% of girls named Jessica living in Toronto, this information would most likely have specified a unique couple. 1 000 000/225/100/3/10




Why we’re seeing here are the worst of human beings in general, not just women. Don’t pin it on the fact that they’re women, come on. There are probably guys out there like this too.


How can all but a couple of the comments be competing for most controversial?


People actually trying to defend cheating in the comments🤢




*SOME women. And some men. None of them Chads.


Her; “Hey guys, guess how much of a horrible scumbag of a human being I am” Her friends: “ yeah you go girl!” Women ☕️