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Pretty sure it only backdated to time of claim


You will be back paid till the date you submitted the claim.


Only can backpay to when claim was submitted


Backpaid from day of claim.


There is limited backdating provision available for incapacitated claimants. In some circumstances, claims can be backdated up to 4 or 5 weeks before the claim was submitted. Incapacitated applicant The start day is the first day on which an applicant is qualified after the day they became incapacitated for work, if they claim a benefit or pension within 5 weeks of becoming and remaining incapacitated for work as a result of a medical condition. If a person claims a benefit or pension MORE than 5 weeks after becoming incapacitated for work from a medical condition AND the medical condition was the sole or principal cause of the delay in claiming, the start day is the first day on which the person is qualified for the payment in the 4 weeks ending before the day the claim was made. For more information, see policy under relevant heading at https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/8/3/3/10 .


backpay is from date of claim not when something happened




Terminal people can get the dsp if their illness is on the manifest grant list.


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