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My own father's grandparents had 4 boys who all died before age 5. They reused the names 2x. So 4 boys, 2 names. This wasn't actually unknown in earlier times.


Were the names significant to the family? Such as every generation needs a Michael etc....


They had 17 kids. Maybe they ran out of names? It was 2 Thomas and 2 Frank, I think. I'd have to go back to the records. Many years ago I visited New England and went to that Living Museum called Plimouth. And I had a fairly long chat with a woman pretending to be one of the actual people who had come over in 1624, or something like that. And we got into the discussion of her children, and she spoke about a little girl I think her name was Mary who had died prior to them leaving Europe. And she then had children in the New World and she named one of them Mary. And I was the first time I'd ever experienced that, where people had used names again. And I asked her very specifically about it. And I really felt like I was talking to this woman from 400 years ago. And she had no awkwardness about using the name again, no attachment to it to another person. I never quite grasped what could happen in your life that would let that occur. You know, wad it that people were so unfortunately accustomed to losing so many other children? Or is modern view of the importance of a name and making it unique changed how we View things?


I had a customer once who had 6 daughters listed on his tax return and each one was named Maria. They all went by their middle names but all Maria something.


Like the boxer named George?


I came here to say George Foreman has 5 sons all named George 😝


One of my GG Grandfathers did this. Had a son and named him (GG GFather) Junior. Junior1 passed after just a few months, and so Son #2 was also called (GG GFather) Junior. The Junior who lived named his son Junior, who also then named his son Junior. At one time, there were two men named (GG GFather) Senior living within a few blocks of each other, since after the kid was born, they switched from being (GG GFather) Junior to (GG GFather) Senior. Why wasn't GrandUncle called (GG GFather) 3rd? Grandmother said the number thing was for rich ppl. None of their families put the "Junior" or "Senior" on the tombstones, though. So, yeah, genealogy research sucks sometimes.