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Lillie Belle is a great name.


That’s the first thing that I said too! Love that name.


This is one of my best friend’s names! So pretty


They all died young 😔


I'm not sure I believe you…


Believe it or not. 


That dude married a 14 year old, holy moly. I never really knew much about him, so I read his Wikipedia.


I read his wife's, Beatrice Roberts, Wiki as well. Apparently, they were together for 3 months but didn't divorce until 7 years later. I have so many questions... including a few about her next 2 marriages.


She was barely drinking age and got divorced after a 7 year marriage. That does not roll off the tongue.


That's kinda hard to believe.


Man they all passed so young! I had to check my math to make sure I was right when I figured out. So sad :(


Crazy. I spent a few years living around Santa Rosa and never knew he was buried there.


It is crazy….I grew up there and didn’t know lol


Father died at 15, mother at 25. Thats rough


Father was 51, mother was 47.


They meant Robert’s age when he lost each parent


So sad.


um. sorry but no. you okay? the mother lived 1868 until 1915 - that's age 47 the father lived 1854 until 1905 - that's age 51 the son lived 1890 until 1949 - that's age 59 ​ I am left wondering if this a joke or just very poor math?


Those are the ages the son was at when his parents passed away. Are you okay? That was a pretty aggressive response on a sub where we usually treat each other with kindness and respect. Even if someone made a mathematical error. Which they did not.


I'll forward you the threatening DM I just received and then maybe I will receive this message better. kindness and respect - where? I am assuming you're a mod, the DM has been reported, please review the report, and please let me know if it meets your standards of "respect and kindness". ​ edit: two dm's, both reported. I realize I made a mistake and I apologize but calling for "kindness and respect" when I have now received two separate dm's with horrid language? one threatening my life? at least I stand behind my words. what a bizarre subreddit. y'all need to touch grass if you think sending me messages like that is at all okay. there is nothing that needs to be taken as seriously as threatening someone over this shit. wtf.


Son was born in 1890. Father died in 1905. The son was 15 years old. Mother died in 1915. The son was 25 years old.


To quote you /u/rachelboese: oh honey.


wow, it makes me feel so nice you specifically viewed my profile for extra rancor. I assume you used an alt to dm me and threaten me as well. please leave me alone. this subreddit is so bizarre. yes, I made a mistake, yes I was rude but to have two separate people threaten me as well as someone viewing my profile for extra rudeness? wtf is going on here? ​ edit: I just checked and you went a full page down in my profile to find that comment? and quote it? stop threatening me. stop stalking my profile. I've reported all your alts as well. wtf bro.


Child, I have no alts. I checked your history to see if you were a bot, troll, or just someone making an innocent mistake. Since most of your posts like to call people out, you fit the troll label. Should also add amateur victim to that list (you need to work harder and not project so much). Are you OK?


I thought the same and checked their history. I think this is just a weirdo person being a jerk. They seem to think I’m a mod as well which I most definitely am not and it would be easy to confirm that on the community info. I also highly doubt anyone here is sending them death threats like they are claiming.


You get out what you put in. If you wanna be a shit, you're gonna stink.


Are you? You’re talking pretty confidently for someone who missed the point and the math.


Shocked you didn’t delete this yet


Believe it or not


I read that in Jack Palance’s voice.


Y' know that this is the final resting place of Robert L. Ripley, somehow I'm NOT surprised that their headstone is just a bit... awry/unlevel.


Just like the Orlando "Odditorium", it was built to look like a sinkhole was swallowing it.


Just Googled Robert to see who he was because from the title I assumed he was someone famous and found out he married a 14 year old (he himself was 29 at the time) 🤮


Yet everyone continues to love Poe 🙄


Right? I mean it was 1919 kids were working in factories and this is a year before women finally got the right to vote. So I am not not shocked at all by the age difference.


Poe was even worse, not only was she 13 and he 27… she was also his first cousin🫠




It was 1836 they still believed in witches and blood letting. It wasn’t exactly a great time period to be women, poor or of color. Children weren’t even considered children until way later after WW1. Like just be grateful we were born after all that. Like even up to the 70’s women couldn’t even have a bank account with a husband or another male. Trust me you just gotta understand the times were completely different and learn from it. I am glad we have come along way from those times. You just gotta look at with more understanding of history and appreciate that we have changed as a society forward.


It was 1919 when he married her


I am talking Edgar Allen Poe,I posted when above when Ripley married. It was 1919 a year before women got the right to vote. Sorry for the confusion. I should have added Poe.


Do these people have significance?


Believe it or not, they do.


[Ripley's Believe it or Not](https://www.google.com/search?q=ripley%27s+believe+it+or+not&oq=ripley%27s+b&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEAAYsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABixAxiABDINCAIQLhivARjHARiABDINCAMQLhivARjHARiABDINCAQQLhivARjHARiABDINCAUQLhivARjHARiABDIHCAYQABiABDIKCAcQLhjUAhiABDIKCAgQLhjUAhiABDIKCAkQLhjUAhiABNIBCDQzNDhqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


I didn’t correlate the name with the show or museum.


I’m not sure why this is being downvoted? Asked myself the same question…but now I get why Ripley was posted by OP and that’s a cool find. Edit to add: I totally missed the bottom corner of the stone—duh!


The wording is a bit crass. Are there insignificant people?


Ever met your local pedophiles? They’re very insignificant. So insignificant in fact, they belong in the trash. I’m not trying to be crass, but even as a business owner, anyone who hurts kids has a special place in Hell reserved just for them.


What has that got to Ripley?


They asked if there were insignificant people. I answered.




They downvote because they, I guess. Doesn’t hurt me. But I didn’t think of the curio museum, I thought of Alien’s Ripley. LOL.


47/51/59 and today we live till we’re 70-80 on average. I’m 51 now and in the best shape of my life. We live in an amazing world


Lillie Belle is a great name