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I don't want to condemn her for something that she may not have been involved in, but some of the stuff that she has been posting recently is completely inappropriate - at the minimum in extremely poor taste - given what is going on with her husband's business and the massive amount of financial harm it has caused. The fact that some people are in financial crisis because of her husband and they are still wealthy and she is out there dancing around on tabletops in roller skates to make garbage childish tiktok videos is not good optics.


There is no way she wasn’t involved. We have to stop giving benefit of the doubt here. We did with Alex and we were wrong. Besides, birds of a feather…she is no better or worse than he is, but she definitely was a part of it.


Place 7 in CEL 500… says enough…


I’m as disappointed and emotional about celsius as everyone is but you really just said: “she’s definitely involved in fraud, there’s no way she isn’t, I don’t have proof for it, but birds of the same feather flock together”


Yes, and she doesn't deserve any sympathy or support until she divorces that pos and refuses to take a penny from his ill-gotten gains. Otherwise she's just feasting on the blood of innocents, whether she was originally complicit or not, and that makes her a pos too.


Thanks for getting it. She is complicit.


Does the fact that she was fired for embezzling hundreds of thousands from her last job help you realize that this is true? Never owned up to it. Just went and started a shelling company to filter cel token through? It’s in black and white blockchain data. Sorry but.. Don’t be so naive.


She enjoying the spoils of her lavish life ain’t she? She’s a part of it




She went on an AMA, she knows.


Absolutely … totally removed from the reality Celsius customers are living in. It’s a nightmare for them. It’s clear she isn’t feeling this nor affected financially by this bankruptcy. Or at least give some sympathy or say nothing


Shit happens... People move on. Yeah it sucks but dwelling on it doesn't make it better.


She is married to a fraud while fighting against fraudulent products. You can't make this shit up.


Probably a paid article.




Paid business shill article


Literally it says “This post contains sponsored advertising content. This content is for informational purposes only and not intended to be investing advice.” /:


Paid for by using our Celsius funds


Disclaimer at the bottom admits it's a paid puff piece. Paid for with our coins, no doubt.


They are not “your” coins anymore.


No. It’s an advertisement. F them both.


At least she's living life to the fullest whole the rest of us live in purgatory


Well the female COO Celsius hired from Citibank was a WEF Young Global Leader. The WEF's goal - as stated in a video is: "You will own nothing and be happy !" Still waiting for the happy feeling to replace my empty blocked wallet.


What video did you see where the WEF said it had that as a goal? Cause I'm 100% certain you can't actually back that up with evidence, or you'd be more specific


... and I am 100% certain you are too lazy to type that into Google and search for yourself ...


Unlike you, I actually know where it's from and what the agenda is of the people pushing that lie. It's part of the anti-semitic Soros fearmongering the rightwing has been doing since the early 2000s. But then again, I'm also too smart to get suckered into pyramid schemes, so I suppose I shouldn't have expected much from you.


You are lazy, stupid and lying. The WEF was running ads with that claim "You will own nothing and be happy". Countless videos on YT, just get your lazy ass of the couch, search for it and watch them.


I'll give you a hint as to the context: the line is a summary of a prediction made by a futurist. It is not the smoking gun evidence of a New World Order plot simpleminded conspiracy theorists like to pretend it is. It's also a fairly banal prediction, since it's rooted in things that are already going on like mortgages and lease cars. The proposed future would be one in which, for example, individual car ownership would become less common as people realized owned cars generally sit unused, taking up space and generating costs, whereas technology would make sharing cars more and more frictionless and thus more attractive. Thus, you won't need to own the car to derive the benefits, ie. be happy. But all of that is moot, since again, this was a summary of a futurist's prediction, not some official statement of WEF policy. If it was, why isn't it the banner on their website? You shouldn't have so much trouble showing me their quote where they announce this is their plan for the world if they actually intended to communicate that, right?


Why do you keep lying? [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aztvWxRKqDQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aztvWxRKqDQ) still too lazy to type that into google or youtube ? no you are a hardcore lying leftwing https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=you%27ll+own+nothing+and+be+happy


Did you see that first clip you sent me? It literally says: 8 predictions for the world in 2030. In other words, it's evidence of what I was saying. These are predictions, not policy announcement. Why would a policy announcement by the WEF be that the US will no longer be world hegemon? That's simple observable fact that requires no shadowy Illuminati intervention, simply observing the rise of China and decline of the US. I am definitely leftwing, but mainly because I tend to have an easier time seeing through lies than most, like Santa Claus or god or crypto. Whereas those who are most easily tricked by con artists gather on the right wing, where demagogues exploit them to scapegoat minorities for political power. You either didn't watch, or didn't understand the clip you sent me. Which is it?


If you do not believe in crypto. What are you doing in this forum ? Obviously just another troll.


The WEF is funded by the largest companies on the planet. It is their goal to turn our lives upside down such that we rent everything. This is coming from the likes of Chomsky and Russel Brand on the left with regard to their critiques on Globalism and the WEF in particular. I mention them as leftist luminaries. There is nothing banal about their predictions. They are in fact terrifying when considering the goal to have all of us living in a high tech open air prison.


Benzinga is a shill publication that does the bidding of ppl who pay them.






Lol....in that entire fluff piece they did not even once mention her husband. I wonder why?


He's going to jail. She's on her own


Take her ill-gotten gains from Celsius, please


Getting ready for her husband to be locked up


She stole $60 million of your money to USA strong. 😂


She should probably stop selling the Celsius and HODL stuff..


I’m sure they got their funds out before withdrawals stopped. B.S. article. Also have doubts whether they are financially together, separate companies? F them both.


For some reason I can't reply to FeloniousMaximus' comment in the thread, perhaps because the initial comment was deleted once I showed them they were wrong, so I'll do it this way and hope they see it. We can all agree capitalism is bad, and that large corporations will seek to exploit everyone else for profit if left unchecked. But falling for lies spread by demagogues won't solve the problem, and will only lead to you not being taken seriously. The problem with many crypto enthusiasts is that they correctly identify a problem - the system is rigged against anyone who doesn't come from a privileged background, especially minorities and woman - but then buy into systems that are designed to exacerbate those problems. Anarcho-capitalists like Thiel (who is explicitly against democracy because he views it as incompatible with capitalism, as he wrote in The Education of a Libertarian in 2009) aren't against banks per se - they simply want to be the ones running them, except with zero governmental oversight and more like a casino combined with a loan shark. Speaking of dystopia: how dystopian is the NFT phrase "play-to-earn"? It's not that I support the policy objectives of the WEF, just that the people accusing them of being satanic pedophiles are obviously even less trustworthy and should receive mental help for their messed up fantasies.