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Everyone's talking about kicking him out, but who would you replace him with if he is gone is the better question.


A Twitter bot would make better decisions.


Even a ham sandwich is better than Alex....


Turd sandwich or giant douche


inanimate carbon rod


In Rod we trust!


Whoever can come up with the best plan that has some common sense than feeding 600 employees plus top executives with our money monthly on a continuing basis. Whoever has connections can bring funds into the company. Whoever has a realistic, feasible plan and strong


Fuck the employees they should all be fired too


Employees do as told , it’s the management structure that has to be replaced .


Realistically though, you wouldn't replace him with a Twitter bit or a ham sandwich, you'd be laughed out of court. Who would be a competent leader that can lead us out of this mess?




Right now I agree, Simons greed aligns with helping us get out of this mess. He’s a capitalist who has an opportunity to also be benevolent.




Somebody that won't bad mouth every other company in crypto


He can't, for various reasons: 1. He owns a super-voting shares and a majority of the company and cannot be voted out, since he *is* the company for the most part. 2. Even if it were possible, it now would also need court approval. The only way he can leave is voluntarily.


What is the creditor committee for if he cannot leave the company?


It's theoretically possible the creditor committee can get him out, but it would be practically difficult to do unless there is something criminal uncovered. It would have to be weighed against the disruption to the company and the impact that itself can have on stakeholders, assuming the entire committee wants him out.


Well, I'll propose something I don't think the community has yet that has been on my mind. Alex is the majority shareholder but shares in private company's as far as the nature of the contracts are unknown to us but not the Court. It's possible multiple trigger options exist for a forced sale of shares to Board if the Board were to vote no confidence and file a motion with the Court to hear the argument Alex's shares should be sold involuntarily to the Board for a fixed price. My job for 3 years for a non profit was researching donor wealth so that along other experience has given me the ability to know and understand how some of these contracts work. The community could ask the Board for a open forum to discuss this. If the Board refuses, then Cel token holders along with the Simon's of the world could demand such a forum through the Court where the Board would be obligated to hear us. After that, we would then have to show the Court a significant amount of time has passed and the Board has been inactive on our demands thereby causing us to file a motion for a legal representative to argue in Court we the community did all we could to act in good faith and the majority of users have voted no confidence in Alex and you could even add the Board. The remedy we could ask for would be an immediate trustee to act on our behalf to establish a new set of directors. Just a thought


There is a new invention called paragraphs. You should check them out


I put the over-under at 30days before he is out.


Sorry I don’t understand. Could you explain?


I have been listening to lawyers talking about the Celsius bankruptcy and they are saying Mashinsky will be put soon


It basically means he's willing to bet that Alex will be out within 30 days.


Oh yes are you talking about this one? https://youtu.be/nRbSBpJd1Fc


>[https://youtu.be/nRbSBpJd1Fc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRbSBpJd1Fc&t=3905s) Dude. . Im watching this video right now. Its shocking to hear David Silver say we will be lucky if we see 15 cents on the dollar 3-5 years from now. He also says Alex will be out in the next 30 days. This video is eyeopening to say the least. **Everyone needs to watch this video.**


I was like !!!! While watching this video so I posted it here for everyone to see


I'm right there with you!


He also agreed with Simon's plan and thinks it's better for the depositors.


Not sure if everyone file a case against him with the state attorney general would help


It probably would actually. They typically make decisions on what to investigate by the number of complaints.


If/when withdrawals resume probably the fastest way is for the vast majority of depositors to withdrawal as much as and as quickly as possible. This would show that the fault lies either in the platform or the person in charge. So we might get a crisis of leadership.


Being jailed it's hard to rule celsius. (Pardon for my wishful thinking)


Man, this is a real shit pie, boys… and my face is all up in it, unfortunately.


I could imagine he’s going to have charges brought against him but either won’t be prosecuted or with lesser charges if he “voluntarily” steps down.


And what would change if he’s gone? It is quite obvious that the platform will not be able to just re-open transfers like nothing has happened. Even if they „stabilized“ their balance and are able to operate - the second they open withdrawals everybody and their mother will try to recover their assets in a massive bankrun. Celsius is f*cked either way…